Saudi Arabia Says US lied to Them, Will Strike Out on Their Own




See, dimocrap scum have an advantage over people like us.

scumbags like dimocraps can only take advantage of, can only intimidate, can only use, can only fool people who are more decent than they are.

They do it every day in this Country. But when they run into people who are just as scummy as they are, that are just as dishonest, just as back-stabbing and just as corrupt and lying and low-life pieces of shit.....

They lose that advantage and shit like Syria and this happens.

Time for us to wake up. dimocrap scum want to get down and dirty? I say it's WAY past time we give what we get.

And then some.

The days of gentlemanly politics passed when this scumbag took office.

A complete and utter piece of fucking shit. Just like the people who voted for him

Why do you single out the US when five other world powers were involved in the deal? The Chief Negotiator was British!
Will this plan work? We'll find out when the IAEA wants to make the inspections that were agreed on. If they are in any way rebuffed/detoured, reinstate sanctions that are tougher than the ones before.
Talk about an over-drama-arama!:eek:

It won't work.

obama is a scumbag and he's being taken advantage of by people who are just scummy as he is.

Well, almost as scummy as he is. At least they have some morals. Stupid ones, but morals nonetheless.

dimocraps are amateurs. They're liars, incompetent and completely devoid of real world experience. They are NOT liberals like in Europe or even Down Under.

They're dimocraps, truly the scum of the Earth.

And BTW, the real objection from the Sauds isn't the deal, it's the WAY the deal was done. Just like my real objection to obamacare.

The Sauds, Iraq, Israel and much of the rest of the ME have discovered that dimocraps are gutless, back-stabbing scum. Just like I've always said they are.

They may go to the Russians for protection. The Russians have a better reputation than we do right now.

What does that mean in the short run? Not much. In the long run, you could be in a bad situation.

Nobody trusts the United States anymore. Nobody. And the reason is because of dimocrap scum.

You might think I'm being partisan but I'm not. dimocraps are truly scumbags.

The Iranians aren't stupid people, they know that obama is a dimocrap scumbag and dimocraps ALWAYS do things for their own, parochial interests. Not the interests of the Country, not the interests of another Country... Only their own interests.

For that reason, Iran will simply use the scumbag-in-chief until they get tired of using him.

And the scumbag-in-chief will only use Iran until he gets tired of using Iran.

Meanwhile, Iran is not kidding when they say they want to destroy Israel.

If they destroy Israel with a sudden, massive nuclear attack, they will become the leading power in the ME and one of the leading powers in the World overnight.

Remember something, Iranians are Persians not Arabs. Big difference.

And don't shit yourself, we can't hit them back. We even fart in their direction and they nuke Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Persian Gulf Region, closing down most of the World's oil supply for Months.... Maybe longer.

It gets complicated and is, quite frankly, above your level of understanding but trust me when I tell you.....

This is a bad deal and it isn't going to work.

Saying it's just the Dems shows that you certainly are a partisan.
Having troops in the ME in the 80s, having troops on Islamic Holy Lands, using BS logic to invade Iraq and Obama's confusing ever-changing ME policies today. That's four decades and both political parties. That's the real world, not a partisan version of a different world.

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