Saudi Arabia Sends over 5,000 Takfiri Terrorists to Yemen

YEMEN AS THE FOREFRONT OF PROGRESS----thanks for the laugh of the millenium ---Georgie--the most primitive, barbaric, bloody cess pit of illiterate shit ---is
Here's why you feel that way...

Ready for your big SPLASH?

who is that ? you father collecting on the services of your mama and sister?
Military sources disclosed that Saudi Arabia has dispatched thousands of Takfiri terrorists to Yemen to fight against the revolutionary forces in the Arab country.
“Saudi Arabia has sent around 5,000 Takfiri mercenaries to fight against the Yemeni army and revolutionary committees,’ Yemeni Army Commander Colonel Abdel Sattar al-Boushali told FNA on Saturday night.
The Yemeni commander, meantime, disclosed that the Saudi defense minister has asked Turkish officials to pave the grounds for the transfer of more terrorists from Turkish airports to Riyadh.
Saudi Arabia Sends over 5 000 Takfiri Terrorists to Yemen Electronic Resistance
Saudi Arabia finance every known terrorist organization in the world. And it uses them openly in war conflict. Is it the beginning of new world order?


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