Saudi Arabia to execute 5 for Khashoggi murder

5 men will be sacrificed in order to appease western governments and the globalist media.

Whether they are actually guilty of the crime is irrelevant. ... :cool:
The person guilty, is the Prince himself. And the Prince is killing the 5, to get himself off the hook. No need to blame western govts.....?
5 men will be sacrificed in order to appease western governments and the globalist media.

Whether they are actually guilty of the crime is irrelevant. ... :cool:

Probably just five random fellers pulled outta the crowd. lol.

We have no way of knowing if the five are actually executed. The Saudis execute a lot of people. Nothing to stop them from showing blurry pictures of five bodies and giving the accused new identities
The western media has elevated journalists to a saint like status. They are portrayed as innocent angels, who unselfishly put themselves in harms way in order to report unbiased news to the public.

When in reality, journalists are for-hire globalist puppets who are paid to further their masters agenda. .. :cool:

In this case, he gave his life for reporting on a corrupt and viscous Saudi Government.

In the end, he won
Nobody will look at the Saudis the same again
Nor should they after their role in 9-11 and last weeks slaughter in Pensacola

Just because Saudi Arabia has rogue officers in their military, doesn't mean they are bad.

America under Obama had the Islamonazi terror attack by one of our soldiers at Ft Hood, if you'll remember. I don't think that Obama knew.
The Prince ordered and authorized the murder, stop pretending he didn't.
The western media has elevated journalists to a saint like status. They are portrayed as innocent angels, who unselfishly put themselves in harms way in order to report unbiased news to the public.

When in reality, journalists are for-hire globalist puppets who are paid to further their masters agenda. .. :cool:

In this case, he gave his life for reporting on a corrupt and viscous Saudi Government.

In the end, he won
Nobody will look at the Saudis the same again
Nor should they after their role in 9-11 and last weeks slaughter in Pensacola

Saudi Arabia, BTW, under the leadership of men like Moe Salman, is doing a lot to reform their country.

Broads are now allowed to drive in the Kingdom. Further, this past summer, at the big card in Riyadh, Neidhardt vs Evans was the first woman's wrestling match ever allowed in Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom is quickly becoming westernized under Salman's progressive leadership.
5 men will be sacrificed in order to appease western governments and the globalist media.

Whether they are actually guilty of the crime is irrelevant. ... :cool:
The person guilty, is the Prince himself. And the Prince is killing the 5, to get himself off the hook. No need to blame western govts.....?
If not for the Western Governments, this would have been put away a year ago. It was Turkey spying on their embassy that brought it all to light

But Saudis reputation as darlings to the west is shot. Even though our governments will declare business as usual, the citizens of the Western Democracies will no longer accept Saudi friendly policies
The western media has elevated journalists to a saint like status. They are portrayed as innocent angels, who unselfishly put themselves in harms way in order to report unbiased news to the public.

When in reality, journalists are for-hire globalist puppets who are paid to further their masters agenda. .. :cool:

In this case, he gave his life for reporting on a corrupt and viscous Saudi Government.

In the end, he won
Nobody will look at the Saudis the same again
Nor should they after their role in 9-11 and last weeks slaughter in Pensacola

Just because Saudi Arabia has rogue officers in their military, doesn't mean they are bad.

America under Obama had the Islamonazi terror attack by one of our soldiers at Ft Hood, if you'll remember. I don't think that Obama knew.
The Prince ordered and authorized the murder, stop pretending he didn't.

Do you really think that the Saudi government and their leader ordered the Pensacola shootings?
I am so amazed at how many people care about the Saudis the last couple yrs. Sumptin tells me if this happened 4 yrs ago the press would barely cover it...Wanna bet??????

Just like so many who CARE about the CONSTITUTION when they usually use it for ass wipe.
I am so amazed at how many people care about the Saudis the last couple yrs. Sumptin tells me if this happened 4 yrs ago the press would barely cover it...Wanna bet??????

Just like so many who CARE about the CONSTITUTION when they usually use it for ass wipe.

Obama would not have stood up for the Saudi Royals and justified it by saying military sales are more important than human rights
The western media has elevated journalists to a saint like status. They are portrayed as innocent angels, who unselfishly put themselves in harms way in order to report unbiased news to the public.

When in reality, journalists are for-hire globalist puppets who are paid to further their masters agenda. .. :cool:

In this case, he gave his life for reporting on a corrupt and viscous Saudi Government.

In the end, he won
Nobody will look at the Saudis the same again
Nor should they after their role in 9-11 and last weeks slaughter in Pensacola

Just because Saudi Arabia has rogue officers in their military, doesn't mean they are bad.

America under Obama had the Islamonazi terror attack by one of our soldiers at Ft Hood, if you'll remember. I don't think that Obama knew.
The Prince ordered and authorized the murder, stop pretending he didn't.

Do you really think that the Saudi government and their leader ordered the Pensacola shootings?
The chose to send a pilot with known anti US sentiments
I am so amazed at how many people care about the Saudis the last couple yrs. Sumptin tells me if this happened 4 yrs ago the press would barely cover it...Wanna bet??????

Just like so many who CARE about the CONSTITUTION when they usually use it for ass wipe.

When Obama ruled America, he groveled to the Saudi kings.

Of course Trump's America is energy self-sufficient.
The western media has elevated journalists to a saint like status. They are portrayed as innocent angels, who unselfishly put themselves in harms way in order to report unbiased news to the public.

When in reality, journalists are for-hire globalist puppets who are paid to further their masters agenda. .. :cool:

In this case, he gave his life for reporting on a corrupt and viscous Saudi Government.

In the end, he won
Nobody will look at the Saudis the same again
Nor should they after their role in 9-11 and last weeks slaughter in Pensacola

Just because Saudi Arabia has rogue officers in their military, doesn't mean they are bad.

America under Obama had the Islamonazi terror attack by one of our soldiers at Ft Hood, if you'll remember. I don't think that Obama knew.
The Prince ordered and authorized the murder, stop pretending he didn't.

Do you really think that the Saudi government and their leader ordered the Pensacola shootings?
The chose to send a pilot with known anti US sentiments

Obama chose to keep an officer with known anti-US sentiments at Ft Hood.
No high level Saudis will be punished

Jamal Khashoggi: Saudi Arabia sentences five to death over journalist's murder - CNN

Saudi Arabia has sentenced five people to death for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the kingdom's public prosecutor said Monday.

Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist and a Washington Post columnist, was critical of Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's policies. He was allegedly killedand dismembered on October 2, 2018, in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul by men with close ties to the highest levels of the Saudi government and bin Salman.
In a press conference reported by state media Monday, the prosecutor also said former royal court adviser Saud al-Qahtani was investigated but "no evidence" was found against him.
Schiff must have handled the investigation
5 men will be sacrificed in order to appease the western governments and globalist media. ... :cuckoo:

The Saudis believe in eye for an eye justice
They just don’t care whose eye it is

So Khashoggi was brutally slaughtered. In return, 5 low level henchmen will give their lives. Khashoggi’s family will be paid off, the families of the executed men will receive a nice payout.
Meanwhile, those who ordered the killing will wash their hands of responsibility and the Saudi Royal Family will be untouched
Sounds like something the Clintons do every day
I wonder how long it takes the Saudis to execute a condemned prisoner, days, weeks months? I think the U.S. Military has had a prisoner on death row since Carter was president. My guess is that he will die of old age.
In this case, he gave his life for reporting on a corrupt and viscous Saudi Government.

In the end, he won
Nobody will look at the Saudis the same again
Nor should they after their role in 9-11 and last weeks slaughter in Pensacola

Just because Saudi Arabia has rogue officers in their military, doesn't mean they are bad.

America under Obama had the Islamonazi terror attack by one of our soldiers at Ft Hood, if you'll remember. I don't think that Obama knew.
The Prince ordered and authorized the murder, stop pretending he didn't.

Do you really think that the Saudi government and their leader ordered the Pensacola shootings?
The chose to send a pilot with known anti US sentiments

Obama chose to keep an officer with known anti-US sentiments at Ft Hood.
No he didn’t
Just because Saudi Arabia has rogue officers in their military, doesn't mean they are bad.

America under Obama had the Islamonazi terror attack by one of our soldiers at Ft Hood, if you'll remember. I don't think that Obama knew.
The Prince ordered and authorized the murder, stop pretending he didn't.

Do you really think that the Saudi government and their leader ordered the Pensacola shootings?
The chose to send a pilot with known anti US sentiments

Obama chose to keep an officer with known anti-US sentiments at Ft Hood.
No he didn’t


Obama was commander in chief in November 2009, he could have expelled the islamonazi officer at any time if he had cared.
The Prince ordered and authorized the murder, stop pretending he didn't.

Do you really think that the Saudi government and their leader ordered the Pensacola shootings?
The chose to send a pilot with known anti US sentiments

Obama chose to keep an officer with known anti-US sentiments at Ft Hood.
No he didn’t


Obama was commander in chief in November 2009, he could have expelled the islamonazi officer at any time if he had cared.
Show where Obama even knew of an obscure Army Major
Do you really think that the Saudi government and their leader ordered the Pensacola shootings?
The chose to send a pilot with known anti US sentiments

Obama chose to keep an officer with known anti-US sentiments at Ft Hood.
No he didn’t


Obama was commander in chief in November 2009, he could have expelled the islamonazi officer at any time if he had cared.
Show where Obama even knew of an obscure Army Major

The point is that he should have known, and established policies to purge anti-american officers from the army.

It was like he could care less.

The fact that Obama didn't even execute the man is a disgrace.
I am so amazed at how many people care about the Saudis the last couple yrs. Sumptin tells me if this happened 4 yrs ago the press would barely cover it...Wanna bet??????

Just like so many who CARE about the CONSTITUTION when they usually use it for ass wipe.

Obama would not have stood up for the Saudi Royals and justified it by saying military sales are more important than human rights
He bowed his head to the Saudis so much he needed a chiropractor.
I am so amazed at how many people care about the Saudis the last couple yrs. Sumptin tells me if this happened 4 yrs ago the press would barely cover it...Wanna bet??????

Just like so many who CARE about the CONSTITUTION when they usually use it for ass wipe.

Obama would not have stood up for the Saudi Royals and justified it by saying military sales are more important than human rights
He bowed his head to the Saudis so much he needed a chiropractor.
Bush kissed them and Trump played a silly sword dance

But it was Trump who justified human rights violations for military sales

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