Saudi clerics call for jihad against Russia in Syria – to back ISIS?

Had Obama acted earlier, there would not be 300,000 dead Syrians now, and millions of refugees, some of them ISIS plants flooding Europe. Nor would we have Russia humiliating America once again.

At this point however there isnt much the U.S. or anybody can do but to let the two keep killing each other, and let Russia sink into another costly quagmire like they did in Afghanistan.
I am glad we did not confront ISIS with American troops when they showed up. I am glad we got out of Iraq and didn't leave a force behind that would have been trapped into a combat role to protect the Iraqi's who refused to fight for themselves. Those dead Syrians were not our responsibility and not one American should have been sacrificed in that civil war. The only options I support are the ones that don't include boxes of dead US soldiers coming home and refilling our VA hospitals with even more maimed and crippled Americans.

the cancer has now spread and it's too late now. Obama could have assisted the secular resistance forces and conducted some bombing of Assad's forces to prevent Assad from slaughtering his own people, and ISIS stepping into the vacuum.
Obama wanted to bomb Assad after he used chemical weapons. That is what the Red Line was about. Congress decided they did not want Assad's forces bombed. The administration came under pressure to not support the rebels. Accusations are made to this day that Ben Ghazi was related to weapons being supplied to rebel forces. Your suggestion now is that the US should have gone it alone without support from the surrounding countries and waged a new war in Syria without congressional, UN or international legal cause to do so.

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist
Does anyone have an doubt who Isis is really employed by, Saudi Arabia and Israel and the FSA, the US.

Saudi Arabia is the largest backer of terrorism, not Iran.

So tell us, Ms, Skinhead, why did you have to drag Israel into this thread? The radical Muslim clerics are a threat to everyone. How would you like it if they started calling on those Muslims in Russia to start their suicide bombing on innocent Russian people in retaliation for what Russia is doing to ISIS?

It amazes me that in this day and age there are such haters of Jews in America like we see on various message boards and forums. It makes one wonder if they learned this hatred at home, from their friends or other sources. One thing is certain is that many of these haters utilize the hate sites which appear to always growing in number. as you can see from this old article so who knows how many sites have appeared since this article.

Number Hate Sites Increase Online
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

No one here is supporingt these Islamist creeps. It is a figment of your imagination in your demented mind.
Does anyone have an doubt who Isis is really employed by, Saudi Arabia and Israel and the FSA, the US.

Saudi Arabia is the largest backer of terrorism, not Iran.

So tell us, Ms, Skinhead, why did you have to drag Israel into this thread? The radical Muslim clerics are a threat to everyone. How would you like it if they started calling on those Muslims in Russia to start their suicide bombing on innocent Russian people in retaliation for what Russia is doing to ISIS?

It amazes me that in this day and age there are such haters of Jews in America like we see on various message boards and forums. It makes one wonder if they learned this hatred at home, from their friends or other sources. One thing is certain is that many of these haters utilize the hate sites which appear to always growing in number. as you can see from this old article so who knows how many sites have appeared since this article.

Number Hate Sites Increase Online

It does not amaze me, sally--------Penelope is a very typical congenital
islamo-nazi. Anywhere there is white trash-----there is islamo Nazism.
I enjoy her moronic "everyone knows" which almost invariably
precedes the idiotic assertions
Because if it was not for Israel , we'd be find with Assad. Leave Iran deal out of this, Syria started in 2011, shortly after Libya and Egypt.

Let Israel fend for themselves since they are so high an mighty. Also Sally, learn the difference between Jew and Zionist.
I am glad we did not confront ISIS with American troops when they showed up. I am glad we got out of Iraq and didn't leave a force behind that would have been trapped into a combat role to protect the Iraqi's who refused to fight for themselves. Those dead Syrians were not our responsibility and not one American should have been sacrificed in that civil war. The only options I support are the ones that don't include boxes of dead US soldiers coming home and refilling our VA hospitals with even more maimed and crippled Americans.

the cancer has now spread and it's too late now. Obama could have assisted the secular resistance forces and conducted some bombing of Assad's forces to prevent Assad from slaughtering his own people, and ISIS stepping into the vacuum.
Obama wanted to bomb Assad after he used chemical weapons. That is what the Red Line was about. Congress decided they did not want Assad's forces bombed. The administration came under pressure to not support the rebels. Accusations are made to this day that Ben Ghazi was related to weapons being supplied to rebel forces. Your suggestion now is that the US should have gone it alone without support from the surrounding countries and waged a new war in Syria without congressional, UN or international legal cause to do so.

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

"(Jerusalem) - Israel's repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes...."

Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes
I am glad we did not confront ISIS with American troops when they showed up. I am glad we got out of Iraq and didn't leave a force behind that would have been trapped into a combat role to protect the Iraqi's who refused to fight for themselves. Those dead Syrians were not our responsibility and not one American should have been sacrificed in that civil war. The only options I support are the ones that don't include boxes of dead US soldiers coming home and refilling our VA hospitals with even more maimed and crippled Americans.

the cancer has now spread and it's too late now. Obama could have assisted the secular resistance forces and conducted some bombing of Assad's forces to prevent Assad from slaughtering his own people, and ISIS stepping into the vacuum.
Obama wanted to bomb Assad after he used chemical weapons. That is what the Red Line was about. Congress decided they did not want Assad's forces bombed. The administration came under pressure to not support the rebels. Accusations are made to this day that Ben Ghazi was related to weapons being supplied to rebel forces. Your suggestion now is that the US should have gone it alone without support from the surrounding countries and waged a new war in Syria without congressional, UN or international legal cause to do so.

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.
the cancer has now spread and it's too late now. Obama could have assisted the secular resistance forces and conducted some bombing of Assad's forces to prevent Assad from slaughtering his own people, and ISIS stepping into the vacuum.
Obama wanted to bomb Assad after he used chemical weapons. That is what the Red Line was about. Congress decided they did not want Assad's forces bombed. The administration came under pressure to not support the rebels. Accusations are made to this day that Ben Ghazi was related to weapons being supplied to rebel forces. Your suggestion now is that the US should have gone it alone without support from the surrounding countries and waged a new war in Syria without congressional, UN or international legal cause to do so.

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

"(Jerusalem) - Israel's repeated firing of white phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza during its recent military campaign was indiscriminate and is evidence of war crimes...."

Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes

See, as usual you're a piece of Shiite liar. Everything you post is either totally false or propaganda. Now crawl back under that hole that you were hiding:

White phosphorus munitions

White phosphorus is a material made from a common allotrope of the chemical elementphosphorus that is used in smoke, tracer, illumination and incendiary munitions. Other common names include WP, and the slang term "Willie Pete," which is dated from its use in Vietnam, and is still sometimes used in military jargon. As an incendiary weapon, white phosphorus burns fiercely and can ignite cloth, fuel, ammunition and other combustibles.

In addition to its offensive capabilities, white phosphorus is also a highly efficient smoke-producing agent, burning quickly and producing an instant blanket of smoke. As a result, smoke-producing white phosphorus munitions are very common, particularly as smoke grenades for infantry, loaded in grenade launchers on tanks and other armored vehicles, or as part of the ammunition allotment for artillery or mortars. These create smoke screens to mask movement, position, infrared signatures, or the origin of fire from the enemy.


The assumption that white phosphorus is considered a chemical weapon, and thus constitutes a violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, is false. During the testimony of Prof. Michael A. Newton at the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict he said "the law is clear that there are some authorized, perfectly valid uses of white phosphorus munitions". Newton mentions legitimate marking of targets and illumination and shielding of movements as common uses. In urban areas, white phosphorus can prevent incendiary leveling of an area by masking movements in order to avoid snipers or explosive devices.

Colonel Desmond Travers, a UN investigator, has said that while white phosphorus is not a chemical weapon, it is harmful to the environment and dangerous for both victims and the doctors that treat them.

According to Lt. Col. Raymond Lane, the quality of smoke created by white phosphorus is superior to other smoke producing agents such as Hexachloroethane and Titanium Tetrachloride, and thus difficult to match for blanket coverage.
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:
the cancer has now spread and it's too late now. Obama could have assisted the secular resistance forces and conducted some bombing of Assad's forces to prevent Assad from slaughtering his own people, and ISIS stepping into the vacuum.
Obama wanted to bomb Assad after he used chemical weapons. That is what the Red Line was about. Congress decided they did not want Assad's forces bombed. The administration came under pressure to not support the rebels. Accusations are made to this day that Ben Ghazi was related to weapons being supplied to rebel forces. Your suggestion now is that the US should have gone it alone without support from the surrounding countries and waged a new war in Syria without congressional, UN or international legal cause to do so.

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Obama wanted to bomb Assad after he used chemical weapons. That is what the Red Line was about. Congress decided they did not want Assad's forces bombed. The administration came under pressure to not support the rebels. Accusations are made to this day that Ben Ghazi was related to weapons being supplied to rebel forces. Your suggestion now is that the US should have gone it alone without support from the surrounding countries and waged a new war in Syria without congressional, UN or international legal cause to do so.

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

you seem to imagine that the word "secular" ---covers every level of stinking shit.
Pol Pot was secular------so was atom bomb is secular ----the
nitrogen mustard gas that Baathist pig gamal abdel Nasser used was also
secular. Baathism is a totalitarian fascist ideology with strong tendencies
to acts of genocide. Russia traditionally supports Baathist dictatorships----
in the attempt by that country to form a coalition of filth. Baathist and
Islamicist are not mutually exclusive ideologies------in fact that founder of the
filth considered baathism to BE ISLAM
the cancer has now spread and it's too late now. Obama could have assisted the secular resistance forces and conducted some bombing of Assad's forces to prevent Assad from slaughtering his own people, and ISIS stepping into the vacuum.
Obama wanted to bomb Assad after he used chemical weapons. That is what the Red Line was about. Congress decided they did not want Assad's forces bombed. The administration came under pressure to not support the rebels. Accusations are made to this day that Ben Ghazi was related to weapons being supplied to rebel forces. Your suggestion now is that the US should have gone it alone without support from the surrounding countries and waged a new war in Syria without congressional, UN or international legal cause to do so.

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Saddam did have WMD's-----he just did not have fission bombs. You have been
"hearing things" again-------to you actually converse with your auditory
hallucinations?. Saddam had biologicals and nitrogen mustard gas and the PROOF OF THE PUDDING is that he did KILL MASSIVELY------the will to,
combined with the ability to MURDER MASSIVELY is THE ULTIMATE
WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION---------having a million stinking sluts
to support such actions with ULULATING JOY is also a weapon of mass
destruction. Isis now has weapons of mass destruction ------the sluts
are going there
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.

good insight, camp--------FOR NOBLE MOTIVATIONS
One of the three founders of Baathism, Michel Aflaq, was a Christian, and all the founders considered Islam a cause of the backwardness of the Arabs. All were students at La Sorbonne. While I don't like either, I certainly prefer inclusive secular Baathism to exclusivist (Sunni or Shiite Only) Islamist ideologies:

"The original Baath party in Syria conformed to the inclusive pan-Arabist ideal, with room in the ranks for Sunni Arabs, for Christians like Aflaq himself, for members of the heretical Alawi sect of Shiism, for Druzes and Ismailis, and for anyone at all who claimed some kind of Arab background, if only linguistically ...."
One of the three founders of Baathism, Michel Aflaq, was a Christian, and all the founders considered Islam a cause of the backwardness of the Arabs. All were students at La Sorbonne. While I don't like either, I certainly prefer inclusive secular Baathism to exclusivist (Sunni or Shiite Only) Islamist ideologies:

"The original Baath party in Syria conformed to the inclusive pan-Arabist ideal, with room in the ranks for Sunni Arabs, for Christians like Aflaq himself, for members of the heretical Alawi sect of Shiism, for Druzes and Ismailis, and for anyone at all who claimed some kind of Arab background, if only linguistically ...."

So?? Marxism was nice too. Pol Pot and Stalin did not know-----the ideology
EVOLVED. Are you very very very young?. The Essenes ----a group of whom
some people believe Jesus was a member----and John the magical baptizer----
lived a Marxist life in some desert caves------pure and holy. Baathism today and for almost the past 100 years is what its leaders have been----- your fave friend
Baby throat slitter al husseini, mass murderer gamal abdel Nasser, mass murderer Saddam Hussein and mass murderers papa and baby assad
*****ARE BAATHISM*****

(you got that all right----originally baathism was arab
national socialism and as such it appealed to genocidal dogs
and still does)
Obama wanted to bomb Assad after he used chemical weapons. That is what the Red Line was about. Congress decided they did not want Assad's forces bombed. The administration came under pressure to not support the rebels. Accusations are made to this day that Ben Ghazi was related to weapons being supplied to rebel forces. Your suggestion now is that the US should have gone it alone without support from the surrounding countries and waged a new war in Syria without congressional, UN or international legal cause to do so.

The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Saddam did have WMD's-----he just did not have fission bombs. You have been
"hearing things" again-------to you actually converse with your auditory
hallucinations?. Saddam had biologicals and nitrogen mustard gas and the PROOF OF THE PUDDING is that he did KILL MASSIVELY------the will to,
combined with the ability to MURDER MASSIVELY is THE ULTIMATE
WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION---------having a million stinking sluts
to support such actions with ULULATING JOY is also a weapon of mass
destruction. Isis now has weapons of mass destruction ------the sluts
are going there

"CIA's Final report: No WMD found in Iraq

WASHINGTON — In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.

After more than 18 months, the WMD investigation and debriefing of the WMD-related detainees has been exhausted,” wrote Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, in an addendum to the final report he issued last fall."

CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq

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