Saudi clerics call for jihad against Russia in Syria – to back ISIS?

I think that the local supporters of the Islamist terrorists in Syria should read this recent FOIA release. AQI (Al-Qaeda in Iraq) and other Salafists are the people that are attacking the people and Government of Syria.

Gee, ya think after two years of the world standing by while Assad commits genocide and ethnic cleansing on his own people, the Iskamists wouldn't eventually step in and take over. You must be some kinda fookin' genius! Ha ha ha.

It is a DoD SITREP. I wrote none of it. As far as genocide and ethnic cleansing, your Israeli friends are the masters at that.
No, Baathism is agnostic when it comes to religion. Christians, Shiite, Sunni, Druze etc. were welcome as long as they were of Arabic culture.

how long have you been unconscious? Saddam Hussein was a BAATHIST----
---he murdered hundreds of thousands of civilian IRAQI ----Arabic speaking Shiites
------starting sometime ---a bit before the 1980s---and thereafter. Have you ever
met an Iraqi jew?-------they are all Arabic speaking----one of Baathist Hussein's first
acts when he attained political power ------and whilst purging Baghdad of his
opponents by grabbing them and shooting them------was to hang jews in the
public squares-----naked, no less----Nazi pig that he was------for being jews. oh!!!!!-----"of Arabic culture"------to wit,
as I have often and correctly stated----the muslim version of ***ARYAN***.
Lots of copts I have known DO NOT CONSIDER THEMSELVES TO BE
'ARABS" and none of the Arabic speaking jews I have known----born and bred in the Levant----consider themselves to be "ARABS" nor did your baby throat slitting dogs so consider them. My own husband was born in what is today a
100% arab----ethnic and language, country. His jewish community was never
considered "arab"------by anyone and certainly not themselves. You did not have
to explain all of this crap to me ----------I know how Baathist pigs justify their filth.
The very bloody "arab spring"--------was so much an obvious BAATHIST
movement--------filthy and bloody from the outset like it's sisters, the caliphates,
the reichs and the soviets
The Jew hate has driven him insane. Baathism, Islamism, and Arab nationalism all originate when the Mufti of Jerusalem merged the three with Nazism. Baathists are Arab Islamic Nazis, basically.

If it smells like Nazi shit it must be Nazi shit:


Amin Al-Husseini /Tulfah

Pro-nazi coup


Amin Al Husseini in Bagdad with Rashid Al-Qailani, Leader of Pro-Nazi Iraqi Coup 1941

Amin Al Husseini in Bagdad with Rashid Al-Qailani, Leader of Pro-Nazi Iraqi Coup 1941 Amin Al-Husseini declares Fatwa-Jihad against Britain. Amin al Husseini instigates a pro-nazi coup in Baghdad, Iraq. [iv] By his side, Rashid Ali el Gailani, Kharaillah Tulfah and the Golden Square squad of pro-nazi officers. Tulfah is Saddam Hussein’s mentor, uncle [v] and Father-in-Law.


Palestinian Volunteers to the Iraqi Army for 1941 Pro-Nazi Coup in Bagdad.


Arab League

Includes Iraq

Amin Al-Husseini is one of the founders of Arab League. Goal is to reinforce Pan-Islamic unity. Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. Husseini is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab[vii] .



Saddam Hussein with Fellow Iraqis in Exile in Cairo.

Egyptian Refuge

For Saddam

Saddam Hussein finds refuge in Egypt, where he is granted protection and resources. Since 1952, Egypt is run by former head of Young Egypt (Nazi) party Gamal Abdul Nasser. Egyptian government has incorporated thousands of Nazis through the Odessa Network (1949-1952) (see Amin Al Husseini section).


Amin Al Husseini with Abdel Nasser: President of Egypt.


Saddam Hussein Marries Daughter of Pro-Nazi Uncle and Mentor

Saddam marries his first cousin[x] . Sajidah is the daughter of Saddam Hussein’s uncle Kharaillah Tulfah. Tulfah was his mentor. Saddam was a great admirer of his and grew up in his house until 1947. Tulfah was one of the main organizers of Pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in 1941 with Rashid Ali el Gailani.


Saddam Returns to Iraq

Iraqi government toppled by Ba’ath [xi] , where Saddam Hussein is a prominent member. CIA heavily involved in toppling President Qassim because of fear that he would support the Communist Soviet Union. Ba’ath party establishes full dictatorship. Saddam Hussein returns to Iraq and assumes prominent position in Ba’ath Party. In the first month of Ba’ath rule, over 700 political figures assassinated. Saddam Hussein becomes interrogator and torturer at Baghdad’s infamous ‘Palace of the End’, which was a torture chamber under Ba’ath rule. Saddam Hussein becomes head of State Security.
Saddam did have WMD's-----he just did not have fission bombs. You have been
"hearing things" again-------to you actually converse with your auditory
hallucinations?. Saddam had biologicals and nitrogen mustard gas and the PROOF OF THE PUDDING is that he did KILL MASSIVELY------the will to,
combined with the ability to MURDER MASSIVELY is THE ULTIMATE
WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION---------having a million stinking sluts
to support such actions with ULULATING JOY is also a weapon of mass
destruction. Isis now has weapons of mass destruction ------the sluts
are going there

"CIA's Final report: No WMD found in Iraq

WASHINGTON — In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.

After more than 18 months, the WMD investigation and debriefing of the WMD-related detainees has been exhausted,” wrote Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, in an addendum to the final report he issued last fall."

CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq
More bullshit diversionary propaganda:

Iraqi chemical weapons program

In violation of the Geneva Protocol of 1925, the Iraqi Army initiated two failed (1970–1974, 1974–1978) and one successful (1978–1991) offensive chemical weapons (CW) programs.[1] President Saddam Hussein (1937–2006) pursued the most extensive chemical program during the Iran-Iraq War (1980–1988), when he waged chemical warfare against his foe. He also used chemicals in 1988 in the Al-Anfal Campaign against his civilian Kurdish population and during a popular uprising in the south in 1991.

Although efforts to acquire chemical weapons dated back to the early 1960s (pre-dating Hussein's regime), the Iraqis did not have stockpiles at the outbreak of the war with Iran in 1980. But in time, they began to develop an intensive research program to produce and store chemical weapons and used the war fields to test and perfect their chemical warfare prowess. Thus, as the war continued, Iraq’s chemical warfare program expanded rapidly.

According to Iraq, while the majority of its mustard gas was of 90–95% purity, it struggled to consistently produce nerve agents of high purity. The average purity of its tabun was 50–60%; production of it was abandoned in 1986 in favour of concentrating on sarin. Average quality of sarin and related products was in the range of 45–60% - sufficient for battle-field use in the Iran-Iraq war, but not for long-term storage. Efforts after the Iran-Iraq war to develop VX were relatively unsuccessful, with purity of 18–41% considered insufficient for weaponization.[2]

Iraq’s biological warfare development pursued a similar course, but by the time Iraqis were testing biological warheads (containing anthrax and botulinum toxin) in Iraq’s deserts, the war had come to an end

Persian Gulf War
Shortly after the fighting between Iraq and Coalition Forces in the Persian Gulf War ended in February 1991, reports circulated that Saddam was using chemical agents against Kurds and Shiite Muslims. The United States intercepted a message ordering the use of chemical weapons against the cities of Najaf and Karbala. U.S. President George H. W. Bush’s response was that such use of chemical weapons would result in air strikes against the Iraqi military organization using the chemicals.[13][14]

List of known Iraqi CW uses
The Iran-Iraq War ended in August 1988. By that time, according to the Iraq Survey Group Final Report,[15] seven UN specialist missions had documented repeated use of chemicals in the war. According to Iraq itself, it consumed almost 19,500 chemical bombs, over 54,000 chemical artillery shells and 27,000 short-range chemical rockets between 1983 and 1988. Iraq declared it consumed about 1,800 tons of mustard gas, 140 tons of Tabun, and over 600 tons of Sarin. Almost two-thirds of the CW weapons were used in the last 18 months of the war.

Examples of CW use by Iraq include the following from the Final Report. (These are selected uses only. Numerous other smaller scale CW attacks occurred.)

Use in the Iran–Iraq War, 1983–1988
  • August 1983: Haij Umran – Mustard, fewer than 100 Iranian/Kurdish casualties
  • October–November 1983: Panjwin – Mustard, 3,000 Iranian/Kurdish casualties
  • February–March 1984: Majnoon Island – Mustard, 2,500 Iranian casualties
  • March 1984: al-Basrah – Tabun, 50–100 Iranian casualties
  • March 1985: Hawizah Marsh – Mustard and Tabun, 3,000 Iranian casualties
  • February 1986: al-Faw – Mustard and Tabun, 8,000 to 10,000 Iranian casualties
  • December 1986: Um ar-Rasas – Mustard, 1,000s Iranian casualties
  • April 1987: al-Basrah – Mustard and Tabun, 5,000 Iranian casualties
  • October 1987: Sumar/Mehran – Mustard and nerve agent, 3,000 Iranian casualties
  • March 1988: Halabjah and Kurdish area – Mustard and nerve agent, 1,000s Kurdish/Iranian casualties
  • April 1988: al-Faw – Mustard and nerve agent, 1,000s Iranian casualties
  • May 1988: Fish Lake – Mustard and nerve agent, 100s or 1,000s Iranian casualties
  • June 1988: Majnoon Island – Mustard and nerve agent, 100s or 1,000s Iranian casualties
  • July 1988: South-central border – Mustard and nerve agent, 100s or 1,000s Iranian casualties
Use at Halabja, 1988
Main articles: Halabja poison gas attack and Sardasht, West Azerbaijan
On March 16, 1988, the Halabja massacre occurred. The Iraqi army hit residential areas with sarin gas and the roads leading out of the city with mustard gas the day after. Most of the victims died within minutes after bombing and those who survived and tried to leave the city the following day were injured when they passed contaminated roads. Civilians in residential areas in western Iran such as Noodsheh, Ghaleji, and Marivan were bombarded with nerve gas as well. The efforts of local health care centers played a significant role in decreasing the number of mortalities.

Use in Southern Iraq against the Popular Uprising, 1991
  • March 1991: an-Najaf - Karbala area — Nerve agent & CS, Shi’a casualties not known.

The US gave them chemical weapons which they used on Iran.

not exactly------the US sold chemicals to Iraq which Iraq claimed it
needed for industrial purposes-------even "medical research" ----and to
make "fertilizers" You know of some specific "chemical weapon" --
that the US "gave" to Iraq? sarin gas??? nitrogen mustard gas???
What is being called "chemical weapons" ? There is no question that the
USA gave support to Saddam's fight against Iran with munitions-----the
scandal would be if the USA gave him illegal made chemical weapons------
got a link? Some people call agent orange a "chemical weapon"-----
not really-------it is an exfoliant
The US was fully aware of what Iraq was doing in relation to chemical weapons and was therefore complicit. No amount of obfuscation can change this.

Yes, two Muslim nations were carrying out a sectarian blood feud war that last 10 years and has been goes back to Islam's origins 1400 years ago. Over a million people died on both sides, while the two strongest Muslim armies in the ME basically decimated each other to a standstill.

What is the West supposed to do exactly? They did the smart thing. Stay away while selling weapons to both sides in exchange for 12 years of record low oil prices, which fueled the Reagan economic recovery. :clap2:
Our local ISIS supporters must be cheering the Saudis on. Everyone knows the Saudis and the other Sunni states support and finance ISIS. The Saudis are facilitating an ISIS and Al Qaeda takeover in Yemen with their constant bombing. The Saudis consider ISIS "Holy Warriors" and the Russians Christian Crusaders. Why the West, and many of the demented posters here, support these Islamist creeps is a wonder to me.

why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.
why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.

Captain blei------you are getting more addled by the minute
RUSSIA IS IN SYRIA ON A HUMANITARIAN MISSION-----thanks captain blei---for your
why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?

Ya right, the entire international community including fellow Arab Muslim nations is lying about Assad. Damn, what fools roam these boards.
I told you already the the SOHR-figures that you are using are the total casualties of the war according to SOHR.

What figures? It isn't one source you fucking moron. Millions of Syrian refugees are fleeing their homeland because of your beloved butcher of Damascus. You're seeing it happening in front of your eyes and still denying it. Seek help.
Iraq invaded Iran. The U.S. supported Iraq in the invasion. The U.S. did not sell weapons to Iran.
It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?

Ya right, the entire international community including fellow Arab Muslim nations is lying about Assad. Damn, what fools roam these boards.
I told you already the the SOHR-figures that you are using are the total casualties of the war according to SOHR.

What figures? It isn't one source you fucking moron. Millions of Syrian refugees are fleeing their homeland because of your beloved butcher of Damascus. You're seeing it happening in front of your eyes and still denying it. Seek help.
What figures? Don´t you remember you accused Assad of killing 300.000 just some hours ago? Syrians flee the Jordanian camps for Syria. Jordan has issued drastic cuts. The refugees that are now coming to Europe, come from the camps in Turkey. You wind and bend yourself in your nonsense.
why anyone in the world supports islamo-nazi filth like you is a mystery to me and has
been since I began reading your literature at about age 10. It was about at age 16 that I was introduced to BAATHIST shit-----just another sect of the same
islamo Nazi filth. The difference between Baathist islamo-nazism. and stormfront
islamo Nazism is no more than the difference between Stalin and Pol pot. Anyone interested in Yemen-----talk to a Yemeni. We have many in the USA------here escaping the bloodbath Iran has inflicted on that country over the past several years. Islamo Nazi Baathist shit are in the AXIS--------Iran/Russia/Shiite shit/baathist

It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.

Nah, Russia's mission is to simply keep its puppet Assad in power. "Help fight terror" ha ha ha, what a moron, Syria doesn't even border Russia.
It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.

Captain blei------you are getting more addled by the minute
RUSSIA IS IN SYRIA ON A HUMANITARIAN MISSION-----thanks captain blei---for your
Yes, Russia is on a humanitarian mission: clean up the satanic mess that your government has created.
It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?

Ya right, the entire international community including fellow Arab Muslim nations is lying about Assad. Damn, what fools roam these boards.
I told you already the the SOHR-figures that you are using are the total casualties of the war according to SOHR.

What figures? It isn't one source you fucking moron. Millions of Syrian refugees are fleeing their homeland because of your beloved butcher of Damascus. You're seeing it happening in front of your eyes and still denying it. Seek help.

nothing new------I read the islamo Nazi literature as a child------some of the stuff
I read predated world war II-------and was promulgated during world war II------
it was just as idiotic in DENIAL as is blei--
Iraq invaded Iran. The U.S. supported Iraq in the invasion. The U.S. did not sell weapons to Iran.

Wrong again Achmed. U.S. And Israel Supported and played with both Iran and Iraq. Remember the Israeli bombing of Iraq's Osirisk nuclear power plant and Oliver North's Iran Contra affair where he got caught selling weapons to the Ayatollahs? Those were smack in the middle of the Iran Iraq war, you ignoramus.
Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.

Captain blei------you are getting more addled by the minute
RUSSIA IS IN SYRIA ON A HUMANITARIAN MISSION-----thanks captain blei---for your
Yes, Russia is on a humanitarian mission: clean up the satanic mess that your government has created.

Bwahahahahahahah! Russia, on a humanitarian mission. You seriously need to have your head examined.
Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.

Captain blei------you are getting more addled by the minute
RUSSIA IS IN SYRIA ON A HUMANITARIAN MISSION-----thanks captain blei---for your
Yes, Russia is on a humanitarian mission: clean up the satanic mess that your government has created.

My government is the government of the USA-----very naïve people run my
government------they supported the Taliban islamo-pigs and even supported
the Baathist lump of excrement Saddam Hussein-------no one asked me-----
I agree that Carter was remarkably stupid-----he allowed the AYATOILET to
It is you that supports the Islamist ISIS and Al-Nousra/Al-Qaeda. I support the secular Syrian government.

Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.

Nah, Russia's mission is to simply keep its puppet Assad in power. "Help fight terror" ha ha ha, what a moron, Syria doesn't even border Russia.
More nonsense. I still hear the calls from your bunch. "Why are the Russians not fighting terror in Syria?"
Now they do and you foam at the mouth like a mad Al-Qeada leader.
Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?

Ya right, the entire international community including fellow Arab Muslim nations is lying about Assad. Damn, what fools roam these boards.
I told you already the the SOHR-figures that you are using are the total casualties of the war according to SOHR.

What figures? It isn't one source you fucking moron. Millions of Syrian refugees are fleeing their homeland because of your beloved butcher of Damascus. You're seeing it happening in front of your eyes and still denying it. Seek help.

nothing new------I read the islamo Nazi literature as a child------some of the stuff
I read predated world war II-------and was promulgated during world war II------
it was just as idiotic in DENIAL as is blei--

Yup, he thinks these Syrian refugees are fleeing the bad weather in Syria. Ha ha ha. OMG.
Last edited:
the most idiotic policy of the USA has been the fact that some of out
imbecile politicians trusted the Baathist excrement----Nasser,
Saddam and Assad
the most idiotic policy of the USA has been the fact that some of out
imbecile politicians trusted the Baathist excrement----Nasser,
Saddam and Assad

ISIS is excrement too dear!
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.

Captain blei------you are getting more addled by the minute
RUSSIA IS IN SYRIA ON A HUMANITARIAN MISSION-----thanks captain blei---for your
Yes, Russia is on a humanitarian mission: clean up the satanic mess that your government has created.

My government is the government of the USA-----very naïve people run my
government------they supported the Taliban islamo-pigs and even supported
the Baathist lump of excrement Saddam Hussein-------no one asked me-----
I agree that Carter was remarkably stupid-----he allowed the AYATOILET to
You see, Russia is indeed on a humanitarian mission. The US-supported results of Saddam Hussein´s shortsighted removal endanger the entire region and world.
Ha ha ha what a fucking joke you are, you support Palestinian terrorists and a mass murdering dictator thug who replaced his dictator father and so far has slaugtered over 300,000 of his own countrymen by unleashing the army against them. :cuckoo:

Wow, what a surprise, you supported Sadam, another Baathist Nazi who dropped chemical weapons on his own people, just like Assad is doing. I guess they weren't considered WMD's. :rofl:
You stand convicted of dirty lies about the Syrian President in one thread but that doesn´t hinder you from spreading your lies elsewhere, right?
You probably believe the Russians are in Syria to save Assad.
I have read the world power nonsense. Russia is a world power, whether they are active in Syria or not. Russia´s intention is to help Syria fight terror. Russia also helps Kurds and Iraq.

Nah, Russia's mission is to simply keep its puppet Assad in power. "Help fight terror" ha ha ha, what a moron, Syria doesn't even border Russia.
More nonsense. I still hear the calls from your bunch. "Why are the Russians not fighting terror in Syria?"
Now they do and you foam at the mouth like a mad Al-Qeada leader.

The only reason Russia is there is to bolster its lapdog Assad. They are seeing an imminent collapse of the Assad regime. You should be very worried, as a Syrian Assad worshiper living abroad.

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