Saudi clerics call for jihad against Russia in Syria – to back ISIS?

ISIS is excrement too dear!

yes it is, darling-------Have I ever denied that fact?. You have redflagged the
stupidity of out leaders-------playing one bag of shit islamicist group against the
other-------it never works

then be with Russia.


forget Obama

"be with Russia"????--------I have no intention of "being with" any of the pimps
you adore


It's only that I hate Obama and the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Go Vlad

Vlad the impaler?

do not pull shit on me dear
like they say
between gypsies we don't read our to speak know what I say
More nonsense. I still hear the calls from your bunch. "Why are the Russians not fighting terror in Syria?"
Now they do and you foam at the mouth like a mad Al-Qeada leader.

The only reason Russia is there is to bolster its lapdog Assad. They are seeing an imminent collapse of the a regime
No imminent collapse. But a invasion of Latakia from both the east and the north could endanger Russian installations.

Don't kid yourself. The Russians don't think Assad can hold it together much longer. All you need is a few hi level
Read here. It is agreed on the fact that Assad is able to at least hold the current ground.
How strong is the Syrian army today? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

that's the best you can do, captain Blei ?? The current murderous
dictator might be able to continue to control by brute force?

The murderers are the Sunni Islamists. If your Islamist friends win, Christians and other non-Sunnis will be eliminated.
The Syrian government is not Islamist. Its enemies are.

"History – The State of Christian Persecution in Syria
  • Many in the Christian community, which comprises approximately 6 percent of Syria’s population (1.5 million, including Christian refugees from Iraq), have fallen into severe financial hardship since the Arab Spring uprising, primarily because they are too afraid to leave their homes to go to work. Because of the violence, a shortage of basic supplies such as gas, electricity, and many supermarket products has contributed even further to the desperate situation.
  • Although the Syrian church has historically enjoyed peace and religious freedom under the Assad regime, the Arab Spring has destabilized that peace, as Christians are now typically perceived as supporters of the existing government. With help from fellow Muslims in Saudi Arabia, many Islamic fundamentalists are taking advantage of the opportunity to pursue their agenda in Syria, which has significantly increased the persecution of Christians.
  • Faced with the threat of a full scale civil war and intervention by the international community — factors which may bring about even greater persecution — many Christians are preparing to leave Syria altogether. This possibility could create a crisis similar to the exodus in Iraq, where thousands of Christians have fled intense persecution for safer regions, leaving the Iraqi church practically nonexistent."
Persecution In Syria

yeah ? so? that's what persecuted minorities which have no place to go
and not enough resources to do it---------act-------they stick around until the
situation become unbearable--------you made no point. Black people stayed
in Dixie sitting at the back of the bus because they LIKED IT--------I grew up with
people like you in the 1960s-------"da slaves were lucky"
yes it is, darling-------Have I ever denied that fact?. You have redflagged the
stupidity of out leaders-------playing one bag of shit islamicist group against the
other-------it never works

then be with Russia.


forget Obama

"be with Russia"????--------I have no intention of "being with" any of the pimps
you adore


It's only that I hate Obama and the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Go Vlad

Vlad the impaler?

do not pull shit on me dear
like they say
between gypsies we don't read our to speak know what I say

I am not a gypsy
Nah, Russia's mission is to simply keep its puppet Assad in power. "Help fight terror" ha ha ha, what a moron, Syria doesn't even border Russia.
More nonsense. I still hear the calls from your bunch. "Why are the Russians not fighting terror in Syria?"
Now they do and you foam at the mouth like a mad Al-Qeada leader.

The only reason Russia is there is to bolster its lapdog Assad. They are seeing an imminent collapse of the a regime
No imminent collapse. But a invasion of Latakia from both the east and the north could endanger Russian installations.

Don't kid yourself. The Russians don't think Assad can hold it together much longer, and that's why they're there. All you need is a few high level generals defecting. Remember, Assad is new at this he inherited the throne from his dad, another genocidal brutal madman. The Apple didn't fall from the tree.
Russia don't really care about Assad that much. He is in of the part of the country that controls Tartus. Crimea was about the port and so is Syria. When the situation occurs that demands Assad leave, Russia will make a deal with the new landlord and Assad will be gone. Putin wants a 99 year lease on Tartus and he is going to get one. Russia's Guantanamo on the Med.
Nonsense. Russia is not the US. Russia never threw allies away.
then be with Russia.


forget Obama

"be with Russia"????--------I have no intention of "being with" any of the pimps
you adore


It's only that I hate Obama and the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Go Vlad

Vlad the impaler?

do not pull shit on me dear
like they say
between gypsies we don't read our to speak know what I say

I am not a gypsy

you are not Einstein either

The Syrian government is not Islamist. Its enemies are.

"History – The State of Christian Persecution in Syria
  • Many in the Christian community, which comprises approximately 6 percent of Syria’s population (1.5 million, including Christian refugees from Iraq), have fallen into severe financial hardship since the Arab Spring uprising, primarily because they are too afraid to leave their homes to go to work. Because of the violence, a shortage of basic supplies such as gas, electricity, and many supermarket products has contributed even further to the desperate situation.
  • Although the Syrian church has historically enjoyed peace and religious freedom under the Assad regime, the Arab Spring has destabilized that peace, as Christians are now typically perceived as supporters of the existing government. With help from fellow Muslims in Saudi Arabia, many Islamic fundamentalists are taking advantage of the opportunity to pursue their agenda in Syria, which has significantly increased the persecution of Christians.
  • Faced with the threat of a full scale civil war and intervention by the international community — factors which may bring about even greater persecution — many Christians are preparing to leave Syria altogether. This possibility could create a crisis similar to the exodus in Iraq, where thousands of Christians have fled intense persecution for safer regions, leaving the Iraqi church practically nonexistent."
Persecution In Syria

And what of the 150,000 Lebanese Christians your beloved Palestinian animals killed in Lebanon? They don't count? Such a great protector of Christians you are, Achmed, pretending to be one.
More nonsense. I still hear the calls from your bunch. "Why are the Russians not fighting terror in Syria?"
Now they do and you foam at the mouth like a mad Al-Qeada leader.

The only reason Russia is there is to bolster its lapdog Assad. They are seeing an imminent collapse of the a regime
No imminent collapse. But a invasion of Latakia from both the east and the north could endanger Russian installations.

Don't kid yourself. The Russians don't think Assad can hold it together much longer, and that's why they're there. All you need is a few high level generals defecting. Remember, Assad is new at this he inherited the throne from his dad, another genocidal brutal madman. The Apple didn't fall from the tree.
Russia don't really care about Assad that much. He is in of the part of the country that controls Tartus. Crimea was about the port and so is Syria. When the situation occurs that demands Assad leave, Russia will make a deal with the new landlord and Assad will be gone. Putin wants a 99 year lease on Tartus and he is going to get one. Russia's Guantanamo on the Med.
Nonsense. Russia is not the US. Russia never threw allies away.

I'll let you in on a well known secret dipshit, the biggest ISIS supporter out there is ASSAD HIMSELF, it's the only reason the West stopped talking about his removal and started focusing on ISIS.

ISIS keeps Assad in power. That's why the Russians are bombing anybody but ISIS.

Wake up.
The only reason Russia is there is to bolster its lapdog Assad. They are seeing an imminent collapse of the a regime
No imminent collapse. But a invasion of Latakia from both the east and the north could endanger Russian installations.

Don't kid yourself. The Russians don't think Assad can hold it together much longer. All you need is a few hi level
Read here. It is agreed on the fact that Assad is able to at least hold the current ground.
How strong is the Syrian army today? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

that's the best you can do, captain Blei ?? The current murderous
dictator might be able to continue to control by brute force?

The murderers are the Sunni Islamists. If your Islamist friends win, Christians and other non-Sunnis will be eliminated.

"the" murderers???? I got news for you -----Shiites murder just as much-----
Hezbollah is Shiite shit------Hezbollah is eager to invade Saudi arabia-------
you predict that the HEZBOLLIANS will play nice? For a better perspective
in Shiites-------talk to a Yemeni-----we got some in the USA---mostly sunni----if
you find a Yemeni----chances are he is sunni
"be with Russia"????--------I have no intention of "being with" any of the pimps
you adore


It's only that I hate Obama and the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Go Vlad

Vlad the impaler?

do not pull shit on me dear
like they say
between gypsies we don't read our to speak know what I say

I am not a gypsy

you are not Einstein either


I got an A in calculus-----the second semester-------not the first
No imminent collapse. But a invasion of Latakia from both the east and the north could endanger Russian installations.

Don't kid yourself. The Russians don't think Assad can hold it together much longer. All you need is a few hi level
Read here. It is agreed on the fact that Assad is able to at least hold the current ground.
How strong is the Syrian army today? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

that's the best you can do, captain Blei ?? The current murderous
dictator might be able to continue to control by brute force?

The murderers are the Sunni Islamists. If your Islamist friends win, Christians and other non-Sunnis will be eliminated.

"the" murderers???? I got news for you -----Shiites murder just as much-----
Hezbollah is Shiite shit------Hezbollah is eager to invade Saudi arabia-------
you predict that the HEZBOLLIANS will play nice? For a better perspective
in Shiites-------talk to a Yemeni-----we got some in the USA---mostly sunni----if
you find a Yemeni----chances are he is sunni

It would be great if Hezbollah invaded and overthrew the Saudi Wahabis. By the way, about 50% of Yemenis are Zaidis, not Sunni.
The Syrian government is not Islamist. Its enemies are.

The Syrian government is -----ARAB SOCIALIST NATIONALIST NAZI SHIT----
it early founders considered this ideology entirely consistent with
in the early 30s ----in fact even in the late thirties (and some still do)
considered the third reich entirely consisten with the first reich (holy roman
empire of Constantine) and second reich----(holy roman empire most famous
for the Inquisition. Baathist shit consider their ideology----complimentary
Don't kid yourself. The Russians don't think Assad can hold it together much longer. All you need is a few hi level
Read here. It is agreed on the fact that Assad is able to at least hold the current ground.
How strong is the Syrian army today? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

that's the best you can do, captain Blei ?? The current murderous
dictator might be able to continue to control by brute force?

The murderers are the Sunni Islamists. If your Islamist friends win, Christians and other non-Sunnis will be eliminated.

"the" murderers???? I got news for you -----Shiites murder just as much-----
Hezbollah is Shiite shit------Hezbollah is eager to invade Saudi arabia-------
you predict that the HEZBOLLIANS will play nice? For a better perspective
in Shiites-------talk to a Yemeni-----we got some in the USA---mostly sunni----if
you find a Yemeni----chances are he is sunni

It would be great if Hezbollah invaded and overthrew the Saudi Wahabis. By the way, about 50% of Yemenis are Zaidis, not Sunni.

very minor issues of Jurisprudence-------hatred for Shiites----THE SAME
You support the Sunni Islamists who want to eliminate all the non-Sunnis, Christians included. You don't give a shit about Christians, you worship Jews and don't give a crap if Christians in Syria are all eliminated.

"The morale of the Syrian Army is still high. It is the only pluralistic fighting force on the ground which draws from the Sunni, Christian, Druze and Allawi sections of the society. The resources are severely depleted but time and again they have fought back from several setbacks over the last five years to regain their lost ground. No Army can fight a war without the support of its people and lands it operates in. For the Syrian Arab Army to operate for as long as it has, it has relied on its own people no matter how many foreign advisers there might be, there can be no substitute to your own people’s backing. The main problem is the supply line, and the international allies are helping the Army keep their supply lines well fed. At the same time people forget that Syria has always been the bread basket for the region. The Syrian Army is very resourceful given its experience in the Lebanese Civil War and de facto involvement in the war in Iraq since 2003. Lebanon was stabilized thanks to the Syrian Army in the 1970s and 1980s. People have a short memory and forget the Arab League and the United Nations mandated Syria to end the fighting in Lebanon. Now it is the time for the Lebanese to repay the favour to their Syrian brothers. The greatest factor in the cohesion of the Syrian Army is its multi-faith background.

Syrian Army – Levant Report
The European people and most of the world's people that aren't Islamist as you are, support the secular Syrian Government. There is a popular song in Europe that supports the Syrian Christian soldiers that are fighting against your Islamist friends, you disgusting person:

You support the Sunni Islamists who want to eliminate all the non-Sunnis, Christians included. You don't give a shit about Christians, you worship Jews and don't give a crap if Christians in Syria are all eliminated.

"The morale of the Syrian Army is still high. It is the only pluralistic fighting force on the ground which draws from the Sunni, Christian, Druze and Allawi sections of the society. The resources are severely depleted but time and again they have fought back from several setbacks over the last five years to regain their lost ground. No Army can fight a war without the support of its people and lands it operates in. For the Syrian Arab Army to operate for as long as it has, it has relied on its own people no matter how many foreign advisers there might be, there can be no substitute to your own people’s backing. The main problem is the supply line, and the international allies are helping the Army keep their supply lines well fed. At the same time people forget that Syria has always been the bread basket for the region. The Syrian Army is very resourceful given its experience in the Lebanese Civil War and de facto involvement in the war in Iraq since 2003. Lebanon was stabilized thanks to the Syrian Army in the 1970s and 1980s. People have a short memory and forget the Arab League and the United Nations mandated Syria to end the fighting in Lebanon. Now it is the time for the Lebanese to repay the favour to their Syrian brothers. The greatest factor in the cohesion of the Syrian Army is its multi-faith background.

Syrian Army – Levant Report

One really has to laugh at Haniyah (or is this her musical chair partner who popped in under her screen name who said his wife comes from Spain?). No one here is rooting for the radical Muslims, whether these Muslims are Shiites or Sunnis. I can't be bothered reading Haniyah's Levant Report, but could she or he tell us how many Syrians of the different religions have deserted the Army or who have left Syria so that they wouldn't be drafted.

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