Saudi clerics call for jihad against Russia in Syria – to back ISIS?

You support the Sunni Islamists who want to eliminate all the non-Sunnis, Christians included. You don't give a shit about Christians, you worship Jews and don't give a crap if Christians in Syria are all eliminated.

"The morale of the Syrian Army is still high. It is the only pluralistic fighting force on the ground which draws from the Sunni, Christian, Druze and Allawi sections of the society. The resources are severely depleted but time and again they have fought back from several setbacks over the last five years to regain their lost ground. No Army can fight a war without the support of its people and lands it operates in. For the Syrian Arab Army to operate for as long as it has, it has relied on its own people no matter how many foreign advisers there might be, there can be no substitute to your own people’s backing. The main problem is the supply line, and the international allies are helping the Army keep their supply lines well fed. At the same time people forget that Syria has always been the bread basket for the region. The Syrian Army is very resourceful given its experience in the Lebanese Civil War and de facto involvement in the war in Iraq since 2003. Lebanon was stabilized thanks to the Syrian Army in the 1970s and 1980s. People have a short memory and forget the Arab League and the United Nations mandated Syria to end the fighting in Lebanon. Now it is the time for the Lebanese to repay the favour to their Syrian brothers. The greatest factor in the cohesion of the Syrian Army is its multi-faith background.

Syrian Army – Levant Report

to whom are you addressing your typical islamo Nazi shit rant, Monte?
You are the propagandist and Sunni Islamic pro-terrorist liar:

Here are Assyrians in Syria fighting against your Sunni terrorist friends:

You are the propagandist and Sunni Islamic pro-terrorist liar:

Here are Assyrians in Syria fighting against your Sunni terrorist friends:

I do not have sunni terrorist friends------I have worked with and in some cases
socialized with lots of muslims--------most sunni ----some Shiite-------your pimp is
calling you
the left in Israel is scum...the Jewish left in New York is scum too

scum ...that's all

they don't do any favors to Israel

shame on them
Because if it was not for Israel , we'd be find with Assad. Leave Iran deal out of this, Syria started in 2011, shortly after Libya and Egypt.

Let Israel fend for themselves since they are so high an mighty. Also Sally, learn the difference between Jew and Zionist.

Listen, Ms. Skinhead, you are very naive if you think that you are fooling anyone about your hatred of the Jews. Anyone with a head on their shoulder realize that it isn't "Zionists" that you have a problem with but the Jews in general. For your own sake, I wish you would forget about running around the various forums to drag in Israel and make friends with some women around your own age. It is almost like you are on these forums as a regular job for some hate group.

Meanwhile, you are clearly overlooking the people in Syria who wanted some change to their government, just like the other Arabs in their uprisings around the Middle East. Because people want some change, especially when a dictator or tyrant is ruling them, doesn't mean that Israel was involved, even though you try to drag in Israel into everything you post.

Try to remember on thing, Ms. Skinhead, that this thread is actually about radical Saudi clerics; and should you happen be wandering in an area where extremists take heed of what these clerics are calling for, there is a good possibility that your throat would be slit in a New York minute since you would be an Infidel to them.. And it wouldn't be any "Zionists" who would be responsible for this act.
The US should have bombed Assad's forces after the chemical weapons were dropped. The US had the approval of the Arab world and the international community. But like everything else with this president, he's an empty suit there to shove his radical ideological agenda down the throats of an unwilling American people. Congress voted against it because of the way the president had formulated the bill. The bigger thing about Ben Ghazi in my opinion was the way the president and Hillary lied to the face of the American people. He should have been impeached for that, but unfortunately the Democrats will even stand by a traitor and put party allegiance above national security.

The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Saddam did have WMD's-----he just did not have fission bombs. You have been
"hearing things" again-------to you actually converse with your auditory
hallucinations?. Saddam had biologicals and nitrogen mustard gas and the PROOF OF THE PUDDING is that he did KILL MASSIVELY------the will to,
combined with the ability to MURDER MASSIVELY is THE ULTIMATE
WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION---------having a million stinking sluts
to support such actions with ULULATING JOY is also a weapon of mass
destruction. Isis now has weapons of mass destruction ------the sluts
are going there

"CIA's Final report: No WMD found in Iraq

WASHINGTON — In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.

After more than 18 months, the WMD investigation and debriefing of the WMD-related detainees has been exhausted,” wrote Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, in an addendum to the final report he issued last fall."

CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq

Hmm, wonder what was responsible for the thousands and thousands of people whose bodies were found buried.

25 Years After Worst Chemical-Weapon Massacre In History, Saddam Hussein's Attack On Halabja in Iraq, The City Is Reborn [PHOTOS]

And as a high ranking official in Saddam's Air Force said where these WMDs made their way to.

Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says - The New York Sun
left in Israel is scum ...we like Bibi

what is "left" in Israel? "yamina" is right-----I think "smolla" is left------something
like that -------my language skills are rusty
the "left right" dichotomy that seems to impress miniminds-----is idiotic-----
wattsamatta slut? someone told you not to play with democrats when
you were in kindergarten? how about Hispanics? were they ok?
left in Israel is scum

that's all


you have a problem with that?

you Sally or you irosie91? etc.../

If you are left you don' belong in Israel.

how you do dare ...SCUM
The U.S. should have bombed Israel when they dropped white phosphorous on the Palestinians in Gaza.

Use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime, nor is it a WMD you dipshit, the US used it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US should have bombed the Palestinians while they were celebrating 9-11.

Gee, then why so much pretense that Saddam had WMD, as a need for the war in Iraq, which by the way, we were in a cold war with them since 1990.

I hear PM Bibi was delighted as well.

Saddam did have WMD's-----he just did not have fission bombs. You have been
"hearing things" again-------to you actually converse with your auditory
hallucinations?. Saddam had biologicals and nitrogen mustard gas and the PROOF OF THE PUDDING is that he did KILL MASSIVELY------the will to,
combined with the ability to MURDER MASSIVELY is THE ULTIMATE
WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION---------having a million stinking sluts
to support such actions with ULULATING JOY is also a weapon of mass
destruction. Isis now has weapons of mass destruction ------the sluts
are going there

"CIA's Final report: No WMD found in Iraq

WASHINGTON — In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.

After more than 18 months, the WMD investigation and debriefing of the WMD-related detainees has been exhausted,” wrote Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, in an addendum to the final report he issued last fall."

CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq

Hmm, wonder what was responsible for the thousands and thousands of people whose bodies were found buried.

25 Years After Worst Chemical-Weapon Massacre In History, Saddam Hussein's Attack On Halabja in Iraq, The City Is Reborn [PHOTOS]

And as a high ranking official in Saddam's Air Force said where these WMDs made their way to.

Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says - The New York Sun

sally ------baasthist scum are the only people known to have utilized
Nitrogen mustard gas since world war I
left in Israel is scum

that's all


you have a problem with that?

you Sally or you irosie91? etc.../

If you are left you don' belong in Israel.

how you do dare ...SCUM

Left belongs in Israel? Russia thinks it is "left"-----
in fact------Russia thinks that BAASHIST SHIT is left
left in Israel is scum

that's all


you have a problem with that?

you Sally or you irosie91? etc.../

If you are left you don' belong in Israel.

how you do dare ...SCUM

Left belongs in Israel? Russia thinks it is "left"-----
in fact------Russia thinks that BAASHIST SHIT is left

if you are to the left of politics in Israel

I despise you

you mean nothing to me

left in Israel is scum

that's all


you have a problem with that?

you Sally or you irosie91? etc.../

If you are left you don' belong in Israel.

how you do dare ...SCUM

Left belongs in Israel? Russia thinks it is "left"-----
in fact------Russia thinks that BAASHIST SHIT is left

if you are to the left of politics in Israel

I despise you

you mean nothing to me


of course it is ok with me------I do not wonder about the opinion of dog shit in
the gutter. I do not live in Israel nor am I a citizen of that country----thus I
do not vote in its elections. I do not consider the characterizations of politics
as "left" or "right" to be valid------BAATHISM is considered a left wing ideology----
I considering it fascist-----which is usually called "right"
left in Israel is scum

that's all


you have a problem with that?

you Sally or you irosie91? etc.../

If you are left you don' belong in Israel.

how you do dare ...SCUM

Left belongs in Israel? Russia thinks it is "left"-----
in fact------Russia thinks that BAASHIST SHIT is left

if you are to the left of politics in Israel

I despise you

you mean nothing to me


of course it is ok with me------I do not wonder about the opinion of dog shit in
the gutter. I do not live in Israel nor am I a citizen of that country----thus I
do not vote in its elections. I do not consider the characterizations of politics
as "left" or "right" to be valid------BAATHISM is considered a left wing ideology----
I considering it fascist-----which is usually called "right"

then shut your mouth ok?

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