Saudi clerics: Isis terrorism a 'heinous crime' under sharia law

because mohammad was king and he had power and force

but jesus was looser and he hadnt any power and force.

not all kings are rapist pigs-----not all kings are murdering dogs and not all kings are thieves. It is very unfortunate that the pile of shit, muhummad, had power----so did the other Shiite KING-----Adolf Hitler

Dani laughed -----he----like his fellow Shiite Nazis of iran-------giggle over the dead bodies of children they murder------no matter where in the world-----every time a Shiite slut slips a bomb on her stinking ass and BLOWS UP A SUNNI mosque---the other Shiite sluts giggle
wahabi/salafi isnt islam.just fake branch
Just to correct, Wahabism is a school of reform who call to fight superstitions, they are hanbalite.
The Chief saudi cleric is disciple of this school however it doesn't mean that it can't be criticized by those clerics or doing revision.
all isis book writen by suidi cleric.
isis and al qaede.all of them ideology coming from suidi cleric wahabism ideology.

Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism
Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism | News | DW.COM | 21.11.2015
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium?
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium? | Kristof Clerix

suidi arabia cleric funding brussels mosque .........
all imam and all book supported by suidi cleric in brussels mosque...

this basterd

right DANI------sunnis support sunni filth ------and Shiites support SHIITE FILTH
wahabi/salafi isnt islam.just fake branch
Just to correct, Wahabism is a school of reform who call to fight superstitions, they are hanbalite.
The Chief saudi cleric is disciple of this school however it doesn't mean that it can't be criticized by those clerics or doing revision.
all isis book writen by suidi cleric.
isis and al qaede.all of them ideology coming from suidi cleric wahabism ideology.

Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism
Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism | News | DW.COM | 21.11.2015
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium?
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium? | Kristof Clerix

suidi arabia cleric funding brussels mosque .........
all imam and all book supported by suidi cleric in brussels mosque...

this basterd

right DANI------sunnis support sunni filth ------and Shiites support SHIITE FILTH
shia dont kill european or american .
shia just killing basterds wahabi and ............

+ wahabi isnt sunni.
we have good kurd or turk

because mohammad was king and he had power and force

but jesus was looser and he hadnt any power and force.

not all kings are rapist pigs-----not all kings are murdering dogs and not all kings are thieves. It is very unfortunate that the pile of shit, muhummad, had power----so did the other Shiite KING-----Adolf Hitler

are you talking about ibraham or moses ?

I was referring to the pile of shit that dropped from the womb of whore amina
in mecca-------she named the pile of shit MUHAMMED------do you know what
Muhammed means? I have worked with and socialized with many Iranians----
MORE muslims than jews. Some Iranian muslims imagined that I know Arabic,.
I never knew an Iranian muslim that knew any Arabic at all------and most giggled when I asked if they ever read the koran -----even in translation?-----like "WHY WOULD I"? I know more Arabic than do you just because I know a tiny bit
of Hebrew--------what does MUHUMMAD MEAN-----that is, from what semitic
root word is it derived?
wahabi/salafi isnt islam.just fake branch
Just to correct, Wahabism is a school of reform who call to fight superstitions, they are hanbalite.
The Chief saudi cleric is disciple of this school however it doesn't mean that it can't be criticized by those clerics or doing revision.
all isis book writen by suidi cleric.
isis and al qaede.all of them ideology coming from suidi cleric wahabism ideology.

Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism
Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism | News | DW.COM | 21.11.2015
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium?
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium? | Kristof Clerix

suidi arabia cleric funding brussels mosque .........
all imam and all book supported by suidi cleric in brussels mosque...

this basterd

right DANI------sunnis support sunni filth ------and Shiites support SHIITE FILTH
shia dont kill european or american .
shia just killing basterds wahabi and ............

+ wahabi isnt sunni.
we have good kurd or turk

at the moment----IN GENERAL-----Shiite shit are murdering non Shiite muslims and-----people like Christians and Bahai and Zoroastrians in Iran. Shiite shit in the form of HEZBOLLAH are also murdering non Shiites thruout the middle east. The very first muslim I knew VERY WELL-----was a Shiite from INDIA-------he hated hindus so much that he commented "SOME DAY WE WILL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"--------of course I have no interest in drinking anyone's blood-----but I was polite and did not criticize------I did ask----"if you hate hindus so much----why did your family not migrate to PAKISTAN in 1948'? (it was a long time ago----I did
not know about the Shiite shit vs the sunni shit at that time-----way back before
1970) The young surgeon GOT ANGRY and would not answer------I figured
it out LATER ON when I knew more. ----Now my hubby is mildly chummy with a YEMENI MUSLIM ------here in the USA-------he gets all the news from Yemen----
and the filth that the SHIITE SHIT are fomenting in that country. -------nice to know
people who know.
wahabi/salafi isnt islam.just fake branch
Just to correct, Wahabism is a school of reform who call to fight superstitions, they are hanbalite.
The Chief saudi cleric is disciple of this school however it doesn't mean that it can't be criticized by those clerics or doing revision.
all isis book writen by suidi cleric.
isis and al qaede.all of them ideology coming from suidi cleric wahabism ideology.

Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism
Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism | News | DW.COM | 21.11.2015
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium?
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium? | Kristof Clerix

suidi arabia cleric funding brussels mosque .........
all imam and all book supported by suidi cleric in brussels mosque...

this basterd

right DANI------sunnis support sunni filth ------and Shiites support SHIITE FILTH
shia dont kill european or american .
shia just killing basterds wahabi and ............

+ wahabi isnt sunni.
we have good kurd or turk

at the moment----IN GENERAL-----Shiite shit are murdering non Shiite muslims and-----people like Christians and Bahai and Zoroastrians in Iran. Shiite shit in the form of HEZBOLLAH are also murdering non Shiites thruout the middle east. The very first muslim I knew VERY WELL-----was a Shiite from INDIA-------he hated hindus so much that he commented "SOME DAY WE WILL DRINK THEIR BLOOD"--------of course I have no interest in drinking anyone's blood-----but I was polite and did not criticize------I did ask----"if you hate hindus so much----why did your family not migrate to PAKISTAN in 1948'? (it was a long time ago----I did
not know about the Shiite shit vs the sunni shit at that time-----way back before
1970) The young surgeon GOT ANGRY and would not answer------I figured
it out LATER ON when I knew more. ----Now my hubby is mildly chummy with a YEMENI MUSLIM ------here in the USA-------he gets all the news from Yemen----
and the filth that the SHIITE SHIT are fomenting in that country. -------nice to know
people who know.

we dont care india shia.they arent our bussiness.
indian and pakistani isnt normal .they arent civilized.
problem isnt religion .problem is bad culture

because mohammad was king and he had power and force

but jesus was looser and he hadnt any power and force.

not all kings are rapist pigs-----not all kings are murdering dogs and not all kings are thieves. It is very unfortunate that the pile of shit, muhummad, had power----so did the other Shiite KING-----Adolf Hitler

are you talking about ibraham or moses ?

I was referring to the pile of shit that dropped from the womb of whore amina
in mecca-------she named the pile of shit MUHAMMED
------do you know what
Muhammed means? I have worked with and socialized with many Iranians----
MORE muslims than jews. Some Iranian muslims imagined that I know Arabic,.
I never knew an Iranian muslim that knew any Arabic at all------and most giggled when I asked if they ever read the koran -----even in translation?-----like "WHY WOULD I"? I know more Arabic than do you just because I know a tiny bit
of Hebrew--------what does MUHUMMAD MEAN-----that is, from what semitic
root word is it derived?


yes its true.most iran cleric advise people to read koran arabic(no translate)
because they know iranian will have problem with some soorah
Where is it said in the journal text?

I commented on the reality of islam which I learned from muslims
over the course of almost 50 years and I have followed the careers
of the ILLUSTRIOUS ----Osama bin Laden and I have followed the
more recent development of SUNNI ISIS. For those who do not know---
OSAMA had an ambition which included INVASION of Saudi arabia and
replacement of the Monarchy with ----JIHADIST MUSLIMS consistent
witth his AGENDA of CALIPHATE. Isis is not much different
from al queida in its ambition------also ----replacement of the Saudi
Monarchy with CALIPHATISTS of their own stripe. Saudi clerics
are very anti-isis since Isis is enemy of the present Saudi establishment

You make contradictions here:
from one part you said that the Saudi clerics are backing ISIS attacks against others and other part you said that ISIS in enemy of Saudi Arabia.

Does the big rabbi approve murder of civilians?

try again, islamo Nazi dog. There is NO CONTRADITION in my post-------You made mention of some SAUDI CLERICS that hate ISIS------so? Isis seeks to
over throw the Saudi establishment-------the ONLY LEGAL position a clergy man
in Saudi CAN have without losing his head is "ISIS IS SHIT" I did not say Saudi
clerics support ISIS. (unless they so do quietly as do many Saudis ---cleric
or not.

You are absurd!
Who his the Saudi cleric who approved ISIS?
Even some Alqaeda leaders have condemned ISIS in the region.

I did not say I KNOW which Saudi cleric APPROVES Isis-------I said that there are SAUDIS---
support isis (financially) just as they supported AL QAEIDA----financially and they support Islamic terrorism world wide Bin Laden was a Saudi------from where do you IMAGINE he had money? You call ME absurd? I will ---with assurance state----that there are some Saudi clerics who support ISIS just as there are some Shiite lumps of shit clerics who support the filth of Iranian imperialism and DESIGNS on Saudi Arabia-------Saudi arabia recently beheaded one-------You know nothing about Islamic "culture"

Just your wild suppositions!

I know that the former chief Rabbi approve terrorism, I don't know one chief mufti who approved terrorism. Bin Landen was not mufti.

The rabbis bearded crows are feed with talmud commands.
wahabi/salafi isnt islam.just fake branch
Just to correct, Wahabism is a school of reform who call to fight superstitions, they are hanbalite.
The Chief saudi cleric is disciple of this school however it doesn't mean that it can't be criticized by those clerics or doing revision.
all isis book writen by suidi cleric.
isis and al qaede.all of them ideology coming from suidi cleric wahabism ideology.

Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism
Brussels' Great Mosque and ties with Salafism | News | DW.COM | 21.11.2015
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium?
Why are terrorists drawn to Belgium? | Kristof Clerix

suidi arabia cleric funding brussels mosque .........
all imam and all book supported by suidi cleric in brussels mosque...

this basterd

It was him the mufti of Saudi Arabia who condemned ISIS in the region.

Saudi Grand Mufti calls ISIS “part of the Israeli army”
The House of Saud is just afraid that ISIS is coming for their balls next. Buncha losers.
you know nothing about islam------it is possible that you have been reading some
Islamic propaganda. BTW----there are a LOT more than "3 types" of female circumcision. Female circumcision is another topic about which you know nothing. Female circumcision is an EXTENSIVE TOPIC------with lots of information in the medical literature------stuff you never have and never will read
-----nor would you understand it if you did. I do not believe that you ever read
the koran-------I have. I do not believe that you have interacted with a whole lot
of muslims-----I have... You don't have a "position" You might have picked
something up from a propaganda rant.
Bullshit rosie.
I hate the religion of islam probably more than you. Thing is, I don't resort to emotional outcries filled with bullshit.
There are PLENTY of legit things to demonize islam over. Why manufacture bullshit?
Maybe you can prove your allegations? Ill wait

what "allegation" do you want me TO PROVE?-------this is a message board----you cannot even PROVE that you did not murder a six year old this morning.
As to CIRCUMCISION-----I state the facts------not propaganda. I do not give a damn whether muslims circumcise their girls or not. The trivialization of
female circumcision is PROPAGANDA-------it varies from "we don't really do that"--------to "other people made us do it"-----------I have responded to false
information about circumcision provided by APOLOGISTS FOR ALL THINGS
MUSLIM, but have never USED that issue as a propaganda tool against islam
Only facts you stated where some clerics support it. Doesn't prove shit. Im not arguing some muslims are barbaric savages.
PROVE to me where islam supports female circumcision. This shouldn't be hard since you are right and I am soooooo wrong.

Islamic scholars are the people who DECIDE that which islam supports. ISLAM---does not support anything-------it is the name of an ideology which has been elaborated over centuries and is BASED on the purported actions and words of the
person Muhummad. Your statement is about as logical as saying 'COMMUNISM' SUPPORTS SPUTNIK. In the world TODAY the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are enacted by MUSLIMS for
RELIGIOUS reasons-------and variously adovocated or DEMANDED by the
recognized scholars of islam
Isnt that what this thread is about? Doing shit against Islam?
I don't even disagree with a lot of what you said. But you cant seem to grasp the simple concept "it is against islam".
I have seen several respected imams on tv quoting the quran and hadith in support of their assertion that fgm is obligatory in islam. Others say it isn't. A great many Muslims practice it and seem to believe it's obligatory. Without finding the verses it's hard to say.
Last edited:
Bullshit rosie.
I hate the religion of islam probably more than you. Thing is, I don't resort to emotional outcries filled with bullshit.
There are PLENTY of legit things to demonize islam over. Why manufacture bullshit?
Maybe you can prove your allegations? Ill wait

what "allegation" do you want me TO PROVE?-------this is a message board----you cannot even PROVE that you did not murder a six year old this morning.
As to CIRCUMCISION-----I state the facts------not propaganda. I do not give a damn whether muslims circumcise their girls or not. The trivialization of
female circumcision is PROPAGANDA-------it varies from "we don't really do that"--------to "other people made us do it"-----------I have responded to false
information about circumcision provided by APOLOGISTS FOR ALL THINGS
MUSLIM, but have never USED that issue as a propaganda tool against islam
Only facts you stated where some clerics support it. Doesn't prove shit. Im not arguing some muslims are barbaric savages.
PROVE to me where islam supports female circumcision. This shouldn't be hard since you are right and I am soooooo wrong.

Islamic scholars are the people who DECIDE that which islam supports. ISLAM---does not support anything-------it is the name of an ideology which has been elaborated over centuries and is BASED on the purported actions and words of the
person Muhummad. Your statement is about as logical as saying 'COMMUNISM' SUPPORTS SPUTNIK. In the world TODAY the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are enacted by MUSLIMS for
RELIGIOUS reasons-------and variously adovocated or DEMANDED by the
recognized scholars of islam
Isnt that what this thread is about? Doing shit against Islam?
I don't even disagree with a lot of what you said. But you cant seem to grasp the simple concept "it is against islam".
I have seen several respected imams on to quoting the quran and hadith in support of their assertion that fgm is obligatory in islam. Others say it isn't. A great many Muslims practice it and seem to believe it's obligatory. Without finding the verse ps it's hard to say.
There isn't a verse in the Quran.
The hadith says "Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women."
The Quran talks about female equality as far as sexual appreciation. If the women got involuntarily circumcised, their enjoyment could be tarnished.
your post is incoherent. Muslims never needed the consent of girls to CIRCUMCIZE them --------age was never an issue. What does "they aren't
supposed to...." mean in your post. Muslim clerics have advocated it for centuries
and most still do. There has been some action amongst a minority to ---get rid of
the idea. What does "dhim" mean in your post---------you seem very confused--even more so than is usual
caused them*
I am going by interpretations centuries old. Islam protects a womans right to sexual enjoyment.
BTW, there are 3 types of female circumcision. 2 are considered harmful to the body... which is where my position comes from..
Also, the fact remains, the Quran supports neither position..

you know nothing about islam------it is possible that you have been reading some
Islamic propaganda. BTW----there are a LOT more than "3 types" of female circumcision. Female circumcision is another topic about which you know nothing. Female circumcision is an EXTENSIVE TOPIC------with lots of information in the medical literature------stuff you never have and never will read
-----nor would you understand it if you did. I do not believe that you ever read
the koran-------I have. I do not believe that you have interacted with a whole lot
of muslims-----I have... You don't have a "position" You might have picked
something up from a propaganda rant.
Bullshit rosie.
I hate the religion of islam probably more than you. Thing is, I don't resort to emotional outcries filled with bullshit.
There are PLENTY of legit things to demonize islam over. Why manufacture bullshit?
Maybe you can prove your allegations? Ill wait

what "allegation" do you want me TO PROVE?-------this is a message board----you cannot even PROVE that you did not murder a six year old this morning.
As to CIRCUMCISION-----I state the facts------not propaganda. I do not give a damn whether muslims circumcise their girls or not. The trivialization of
female circumcision is PROPAGANDA-------it varies from "we don't really do that"--------to "other people made us do it"-----------I have responded to false
information about circumcision provided by APOLOGISTS FOR ALL THINGS
MUSLIM, but have never USED that issue as a propaganda tool against islam
Only facts you stated where some clerics support it. Doesn't prove shit. Im not arguing some muslims are barbaric savages.
PROVE to me where islam supports female circumcision. This shouldn't be hard since you are right and I am soooooo wrong.

It's wiki but there are references.
The historical religious view of Islam, on FGM; regarding the partial cutting of the clitoris, also known as type one, varies with the school of Islamic jurisprudence:[20]

  • The Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence considers female circumcision to be wajib (obligatory).[21]
  • The Hanbali school of Islamic jurisprudence considers female circumcision to be makrumah (honorable) and strongly encouraged, to obligatory.[22]
  • The Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence considers female circumcision to be sunnah (optional) and preferred.[22]
  • The Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence considers female circumcision to be sunnah (preferred).[22]
Religious views on female genital mutilation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bullshit rosie.
I hate the religion of islam probably more than you. Thing is, I don't resort to emotional outcries filled with bullshit.
There are PLENTY of legit things to demonize islam over. Why manufacture bullshit?
Maybe you can prove your allegations? Ill wait

what "allegation" do you want me TO PROVE?-------this is a message board----you cannot even PROVE that you did not murder a six year old this morning.
As to CIRCUMCISION-----I state the facts------not propaganda. I do not give a damn whether muslims circumcise their girls or not. The trivialization of
female circumcision is PROPAGANDA-------it varies from "we don't really do that"--------to "other people made us do it"-----------I have responded to false
information about circumcision provided by APOLOGISTS FOR ALL THINGS
MUSLIM, but have never USED that issue as a propaganda tool against islam
Only facts you stated where some clerics support it. Doesn't prove shit. Im not arguing some muslims are barbaric savages.
PROVE to me where islam supports female circumcision. This shouldn't be hard since you are right and I am soooooo wrong.

Islamic scholars are the people who DECIDE that which islam supports. ISLAM---does not support anything-------it is the name of an ideology which has been elaborated over centuries and is BASED on the purported actions and words of the
person Muhummad. Your statement is about as logical as saying 'COMMUNISM' SUPPORTS SPUTNIK. In the world TODAY the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are enacted by MUSLIMS for
RELIGIOUS reasons-------and variously adovocated or DEMANDED by the
recognized scholars of islam
Isnt that what this thread is about? Doing shit against Islam?
I don't even disagree with a lot of what you said. But you cant seem to grasp the simple concept "it is against islam".
I have seen several respected imams on to quoting the quran and hadith in support of their assertion that fgm is obligatory in islam. Others say it isn't. A great many Muslims practice it and seem to believe it's obligatory. Without finding the verse ps it's hard to say.

you are in luck, tilly. I did read the koran LONG LONG ago but have an UNCANNY ability to REMEMBER that which I read. I remember stuff I read
60 years ago. First understand the KORAN is not entirely the same as HADITH----but in the KORAN that I read-----they kinda showed up together. HADITH is stuff Muhummad himself is said to have SAID ----but putatively not the stuff DICTATED
by JIBRIL (Gabriel) the archangel in the bat cave. I remember it ALL as KORAN------Muhummad said something about a "moderate" circumcision is best.
A moderate circumcision is removal of the PREPUCE OF THE CLITORUS----that is the bit of tissue analogous to the FORESKIN on a male----it is a minimal circumcision-----not the kind done in places like sudan where the whole clitoris is obliterated. Some muslims might JUMP and say "NOT KORAN" -----ie it is HADITH. Now for reality------female circumcision has been consider ISLAMICALLY mandated by muslims so much so that islam spread the practice
to places that before islam NEVER PRACTICED IT-------like Indonesia and Pakistan. Today female circumcision is virtually EXCLUSIVELY an Islamic practice. -------expect islamo Nazi propagandaist do deny that fact. It is well
documented in the medical literature WORLD WIDE
The Messenger of Allah said: When anyone sits amidst four parts (of the woman) and the circumcised parts touch each other a bath becomes obligatory.

— Sahih Muslim, 3:684
what "allegation" do you want me TO PROVE?-------this is a message board----you cannot even PROVE that you did not murder a six year old this morning.
As to CIRCUMCISION-----I state the facts------not propaganda. I do not give a damn whether muslims circumcise their girls or not. The trivialization of
female circumcision is PROPAGANDA-------it varies from "we don't really do that"--------to "other people made us do it"-----------I have responded to false
information about circumcision provided by APOLOGISTS FOR ALL THINGS
MUSLIM, but have never USED that issue as a propaganda tool against islam
Only facts you stated where some clerics support it. Doesn't prove shit. Im not arguing some muslims are barbaric savages.
PROVE to me where islam supports female circumcision. This shouldn't be hard since you are right and I am soooooo wrong.

Islamic scholars are the people who DECIDE that which islam supports. ISLAM---does not support anything-------it is the name of an ideology which has been elaborated over centuries and is BASED on the purported actions and words of the
person Muhummad. Your statement is about as logical as saying 'COMMUNISM' SUPPORTS SPUTNIK. In the world TODAY the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are enacted by MUSLIMS for
RELIGIOUS reasons-------and variously adovocated or DEMANDED by the
recognized scholars of islam
Isnt that what this thread is about? Doing shit against Islam?
I don't even disagree with a lot of what you said. But you cant seem to grasp the simple concept "it is against islam".
I have seen several respected imams on to quoting the quran and hadith in support of their assertion that fgm is obligatory in islam. Others say it isn't. A great many Muslims practice it and seem to believe it's obligatory. Without finding the verse ps it's hard to say.
There isn't a verse in the Quran.
The hadith says "Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women."
The Quran talks about female equality as far as sexual appreciation. If the women got involuntarily circumcised, their enjoyment could be tarnished.

Bullshit-----there is NOTHING voluntary about either male or female circumcision. Women in islam have NO CHOICE in sexual activity----
it is the RIGHT of their "wali" -----their GUARDIAN by either virtue of marriage
(ie husband) or owner by virtue of slavery-----ie the owner of the female slave---by purchase or by capture in war or by virtue of the DHIMMIS ORPHAN LAW. Try to be honest FOR A CHANGE
The Messenger of Allah said: When anyone sits amidst four parts (of the woman) and the circumcised parts touch each other a bath becomes obligatory.

— Sahih Muslim, 3:684

washing ---(such as it is) is a big issue in islam-------yes---after sex, A kind of ritual thing. Impetigo is rampant in Islamic populations (skin disease related to poor hygiene)
what "allegation" do you want me TO PROVE?-------this is a message board----you cannot even PROVE that you did not murder a six year old this morning.
As to CIRCUMCISION-----I state the facts------not propaganda. I do not give a damn whether muslims circumcise their girls or not. The trivialization of
female circumcision is PROPAGANDA-------it varies from "we don't really do that"--------to "other people made us do it"-----------I have responded to false
information about circumcision provided by APOLOGISTS FOR ALL THINGS
MUSLIM, but have never USED that issue as a propaganda tool against islam
Only facts you stated where some clerics support it. Doesn't prove shit. Im not arguing some muslims are barbaric savages.
PROVE to me where islam supports female circumcision. This shouldn't be hard since you are right and I am soooooo wrong.

Islamic scholars are the people who DECIDE that which islam supports. ISLAM---does not support anything-------it is the name of an ideology which has been elaborated over centuries and is BASED on the purported actions and words of the
person Muhummad. Your statement is about as logical as saying 'COMMUNISM' SUPPORTS SPUTNIK. In the world TODAY the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are enacted by MUSLIMS for
RELIGIOUS reasons-------and variously adovocated or DEMANDED by the
recognized scholars of islam
Isnt that what this thread is about? Doing shit against Islam?
I don't even disagree with a lot of what you said. But you cant seem to grasp the simple concept "it is against islam".
I have seen several respected imams on to quoting the quran and hadith in support of their assertion that fgm is obligatory in islam. Others say it isn't. A great many Muslims practice it and seem to believe it's obligatory. Without finding the verse ps it's hard to say.
There isn't a verse in the Quran.
The hadith says "Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women."
The Quran talks about female equality as far as sexual appreciation. If the women got involuntarily circumcised, their enjoyment could be tarnished.

so? what is your point? There is no question that a woman's enjoyment of sex is tarnished by circumcision-------but it is done not only "anyway" but because that lack of enjoyment is a PROTECTION against---------YOU KNOW WHAT

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