Saudi King dies.

The problem is that the deceased King's succesor is 79 years old and suffering the onset of dementia.

It is to be hoped the eventual new monarch will be able to maintain stability and guide Saudi Arabia to a more modern and enlightened future.

Lol, who the hell are you kidding? The Saudis have made a deal with the Wahabi clergy and that isn't changing unless they want to give up power.

The real relevant question is if the eventual successor will continue to defend the Petrodollar.

If they don't all us Americans are fucked, royally fucked.
Abdullah was a son of a bitch and was more involved in 9/11 than has been previously fact there is an intel committee file that if made public might be considered an act of war by the House of Saud. And remember this, ol Abs invited us into SA to protect his oil fields from act that sent bin-Laden into orbit....he played both sides of the fence for years as is the arab custom....if SA was serious about being a US ally, they'd have gotten Assad overthrown and ISIS stopped in their tracks.

How do they do that Bill, when Assad's BFF is Russia, and China?
Abdullah was a son of a bitch and was more involved in 9/11 than has been previously fact there is an intel committee file that if made public might be considered an act of war by the House of Saud. And remember this, ol Abs invited us into SA to protect his oil fields from act that sent bin-Laden into orbit....he played both sides of the fence for years as is the arab custom....if SA was serious about being a US ally, they'd have gotten Assad overthrown and ISIS stopped in their tracks.

How do they do that Bill, when Assad's BFF is Russia, and China?

The Saudis finance ISIS and our government knows it.

America 8217 s Disastrous Foreign Policy My Thoughts on Iraq Liberty Blitzkrieg

“Everybody knows the money is going through Kuwait and that it’s coming from the Arab Gulf,” said Andrew Tabler, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Studies. “Kuwait’s banking system and its money changers have long been a huge problem because they are a major conduit for money to extremist groups in Syria and now Iraq.”

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has been publicly accusing Saudi Arabia and Qatar of funding ISIS for months. Several reports have detailed how private Gulf funding to various Syrian rebel groups has splintered the Syrian opposition and paved the way for the rise of groups like ISIS and others.

– From the excellent Daily Beast article, America’s Allies Are Funding ISIS
Abdullah was a son of a bitch and was more involved in 9/11 than has been previously fact there is an intel committee file that if made public might be considered an act of war by the House of Saud. And remember this, ol Abs invited us into SA to protect his oil fields from act that sent bin-Laden into orbit....he played both sides of the fence for years as is the arab custom....if SA was serious about being a US ally, they'd have gotten Assad overthrown and ISIS stopped in their tracks.

How do they do that Bill, when Assad's BFF is Russia, and China?

The Saudis finance ISIS and our government knows it.

America 8217 s Disastrous Foreign Policy My Thoughts on Iraq Liberty Blitzkrieg

“Everybody knows the money is going through Kuwait and that it’s coming from the Arab Gulf,” said Andrew Tabler, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Studies. “Kuwait’s banking system and its money changers have long been a huge problem because they are a major conduit for money to extremist groups in Syria and now Iraq.”

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has been publicly accusing Saudi Arabia and Qatar of funding ISIS for months. Several reports have detailed how private Gulf funding to various Syrian rebel groups has splintered the Syrian opposition and paved the way for the rise of groups like ISIS and others.

– From the excellent Daily Beast article, America’s Allies Are Funding ISIS

Can't do much when the POTUS is also funding them...

BREAKING Obama Caught Funding The ISIS
Who ever heard of SEVEN air sortes a day bombing your enemy?....
It won't change anything. The entire region is not unstable. Saudi Arabia is not unstable.
Not much, Saudi Arabia is actually one of the only stable countries in the ME
I wonder if the radical nut jobs will try and move in destabilize the country? There is not a major power vacuum and I believe his successor has already been named but you have to think their considering it.
Saudi has a very powerful military. They can easily defend themselves. Besides, the US has bases in the vicinity and is a strong ally. The US will step in to help Saudi defend itself if necessary.
The Saudi King is dead. Will Obabble attend the funeral? That would give him a chance to drop in for coffee with the Yemen president. I hear the Yemen president has time on his schedule.
Yemen? You mean the only other country in the world that has as many guns per capita as the US? You should be loving these people.
After Bush gave the Saudi King a blow job to apologize for 9-11 there is nothing else to say

The real shame is that Bush dynasty is owned, lock, stock and oil barrel by the Saudis, including the bin Ladens.

Not only did Bush apologize to the Saudis after 9-11, he apologized to the binLadens
Yep, Bush flew the bin Ladens out of the US while there was a ban on all flights.

Oh my the far left and their propaganda not connected to reality..
The Saudi King is dead. Will Obabble attend the funeral? That would give him a chance to drop in for coffee with the Yemen president. I hear the Yemen president has time on his schedule.
Yemen? You mean the only other country in the world that has as many guns per capita as the US? You should be loving these people.

Like you the far left drones love ISIS?
"Saudi royal family" = bunch of illuminati actors same as Bin Laden's family
Unlike the totally staged "Bin Laden family" some of the "Saudi royals" are indeed related. But that's only a detail.

Fake deaths: Agendas behind the timing for "King Abdullah dead":
- to divert sunnis from staged YEMEN coup.
- to have shia muslims swallow the "end times" illuminati script. In other words: Why the "dead" actor playing 90 years old was named Abdullah, his successor has the name of an animal (Salmon) and the second in line is again called Abdullah.
- set the stage for the end of the "oil price keeps falling" psy-op.
- set the stage for the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden at the Temple Mount, Jerisalem, attached to a Boeing 777.
- have the successor put an end to the theater "Saudi sunni vs Iran shia". In other words: have saudi population swallow the coming joint operation of US and Iran military to recapture Mosul, Iraq.

Illuminati media (Wall Street Journal):
U.S., Iraq preparing for assault to recapture Mosul: WSJ
U.S. Iraq preparing for assault to recapture Mosul WSJ - Yahoo News
Reductionism: for the correct title, replace one char: Q with N.

"End times" alias "End of the show" illuminati script - for the shiia human cattle
Illuminati actors playing Shiite scholars:
Abdullah's death will mark the beginning of a chain of great events that will shock the world.
According to Shiite hadiths, after the death of a king named Abdullah in the Hijaz — a western region of present-day Saudi Arabia — no successor to the throne would be accepted, and disagreements would escalate and persist until the rise of Imam Mahdi.
Mahdi being the final Imam who disappeared, or went into occultation. Mahdi will be revealed only in the end-times, along with Jesus, to deliver peace to the world.
According to the book "250 Signs Until the Appearance of Imam Mahdi," Prophet Muhammad said: “On doomsday, a man who is carrying the name of an animal ascends to the throne, after which a man named Abdullah comes to the power. Whoever informs me of his death, I will inform him of the rise [of Mahdi]. After Abdullah passes away, for several days and months, the government will appear.”
Some Shiites link Saudi king s health to end-times - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

600 members of the Bin Laden family = 600 students at Sandy Hook elementary school = ZERO
Illuminati Actors 600 members of Bin Laden family 600 children at Sandy Hook elementary school ZERO

After reading this ...
Illuminati exposed - Basics Who Goal Tactics Puppet governments Typology Russia USA Iran Ukraine North Korea
... you'll only click again "news" about "Shiia Iran ayatollahs vs sunni royal saudi family" if you are one of these:
Humans reduced to beasts fattenable for slaughter Human cattle Refusal to acknowledge the cast from top to pop

Hours before the Saudi King's "death": staged YEMEN coup Jan 2015 =
2014 Feb: Ukraine and Thailand protests: STAGED riots in Parallel scripts, new dimension in simulated reality
Simulated Reality the world as we know it Ukraine and Thailand protests STAGED riots new dimension in simulated reality

Why oil price is half of its average production cost in the USA: - for dummies
Two main reasons:
1. From "Putin" to Iran, from Saudi Arabia to Nigeria: ALL illuminazi puppets transferring as much oil as they can to illuminati depots.
2. The oil futures currently being traded are not meant to be actually supplied.
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war

Illuminati faking deaths Saudi King Abdullah dead Agendas from Yemen to Mosul Iraq
The Saudi King is dead. Will Obabble attend the funeral? That would give him a chance to drop in for coffee with the Yemen president. I hear the Yemen president has time on his schedule.
Yemen? You mean the only other country in the world that has as many guns per capita as the US? You should be loving these people.
Elsie gets three Katyushas...
The Saudi King is dead. Will Obabble attend the funeral? That would give him a chance to drop in for coffee with the Yemen president. I hear the Yemen president has time on his schedule.
Yemen? You mean the only other country in the world that has as many guns per capita as the US? You should be loving these people.
Elsie gets three Katyushas...
My name is not Elsie and what is a Katyusha?
The junior King was in place since it took the old boy a while to die...
The Saudi King is dead. Will Obabble attend the funeral? That would give him a chance to drop in for coffee with the Yemen president. I hear the Yemen president has time on his schedule.
Yemen? You mean the only other country in the world that has as many guns per capita as the US? You should be loving these people.
Elsie gets three Katyushas...
My name is not Elsie and what is a Katyusha?
A WWII ground to ground rocket that the Soviets used...
The problem is that the deceased King's succesor is 79 years old and suffering the onset of dementia.

It is to be hoped the eventual new monarch will be able to maintain stability and guide Saudi Arabia to a more modern and enlightened future.
He's 67...

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