Saudis now admit to journalists death......18 arrested...........

Well, it went from "he came but he left via a back entrance", to "he was accidentally killed because of a botched interrogation, to now "he died during a fight".

Saudis now admit to killing the journalist, and 18 have been arrested. However, this smacks of the prince throwing people under the bus to save his own ass.

Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead | Daily Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead and blames death on a fight breaking out in the embassy
  • Saudi Arabia has admitted journalist Jamal Khashoggi is dead
  • Saudi attorney general says Khashoggi died after a fight broke out between him and people who met him at the consulate
  • 18 suspects have been held in connection with the case
Thank you, President Trump!

I think behind the scenes The Donald said something because the Saudi's go from Khashoggi is alive and he left the Saudi Consulate by the back door and no he definately is not TWO WEEKS later that Khashoggi is dead and he died two weeks ago after entering the Saudi Consulate, the thing about he died in a fight is horsecrap and only the most Pro-Saudi Arabia Brainwashed Apologists are going to accept that.

Next Up: WHERE is Jamal Khashoggi's body or WHAT remains of it?

I also do not think this is the end of this happening, I do think there are going to be serious consequences for the Saudi Arabian sand rats now.
Saudis have had two freaking weeks and that is the best excuse they can come up with

Now they are lining up sacrificial lambs to take the blame. And coming up with a he started a fight excuse

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans

It shows that no Democrat is fit for the Presidency.
Nice attempt tho at using Khoshaggis death to paint Repubs as immoral just before the mid-terms.
That's a bums rush.

It shows how blatantly Republicans are willing to trade off cherished family values as long as their is a dollar to be made

Reagan talked about a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world strived for

Today’s Republicans only care about profits for the wealthy

I don't think this is political, the Democrats also lick Saudi buttocks Obama did and so did Bill Clinton.
True that....

But how the fuk could George Bush suck up to the Saudis after 9-11?

That was disgusting

How? Because oil and mega arms deals are MORE important than justice for 3,000 dead that's how. During the days after September 11 Saudi Arabia was the elephant in the room and when ALL American and International planes were grounded, the Saudi's were allowed to fly OUT of America back to Saudi Arabia.
Well, it went from "he came but he left via a back entrance", to "he was accidentally killed because of a botched interrogation, to now "he died during a fight".

Saudis now admit to killing the journalist, and 18 have been arrested. However, this smacks of the prince throwing people under the bus to save his own ass.

Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead | Daily Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead and blames death on a fight breaking out in the embassy
  • Saudi Arabia has admitted journalist Jamal Khashoggi is dead
  • Saudi attorney general says Khashoggi died after a fight broke out between him and people who met him at the consulate
  • 18 suspects have been held in connection with the case
Thank you, President Trump!

I think behind the scenes The Donald said something because the Saudi's go from Khashoggi is alive and he left the Saudi Consulate by the back door and no he definately is not TWO WEEKS later that Khashoggi is dead and he died two weeks ago after entering the Saudi Consulate, the thing about he died in a fight is horsecrap and only the most Pro-Saudi Arabia Brainwashed Apologists are going to accept that.

Next Up: WHERE is Jamal Khashoggi's body or WHAT remains of it?

I also do not think this is the end of this happening, I do think there are going to be serious consequences for the Saudi Arabian sand rats now.
Saudis have had two freaking weeks and that is the best excuse they can come up with

Now they are lining up sacrificial lambs to take the blame. And coming up with a he started a fight excuse


I have been listening to the BBC World Service News and one of their correspondents say that this is not the end of this and that rumours are going around that this situation could even end up at the International Criminal Court. I think myself that now Turkey literally have to publicly show that recording they have that they say is the recording of inside the Saudi Consulate on October 2 and on the tape is the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, either they publicly show the tape OR they privately show the tape to Third Parties.
from what i understand TRUMP wants to weaponize the Saudis so that they can fight and kill Americas enemies Gents and Ladies .

And how are Yemen America's enemy? Oh I forgot you DON'T KNOW :rolleyes-41:

America did this before with Saddam Hussein, armed him, built him up....hmmmm yes that didn't work out so well afterall did it?
---------------------------------- ' yemenis ' are allies of iran and so they need killing same as 'iran' needs killing Iif TRUMP Decides Lucy .

This is all very simplistic and babyish reasoning pismoe.
from what i understand TRUMP wants to weaponize the Saudis so that they can fight and kill Americas enemies Gents and Ladies .

And how are Yemen America's enemy? Oh I forgot you DON'T KNOW :rolleyes-41:

America did this before with Saddam Hussein, armed him, built him up....hmmmm yes that didn't work out so well afterall did it?
---------------------------------- ' yemenis ' are allies of iran and so they need killing same as 'iran' needs killing Iif TRUMP Decides Lucy .

Do you even know what is even happening in Yemen? Probably not.

You bomb Syria because of a False Flag that was probably committed by the White Helmets who are also terrorists and yet recently the Saudi's dropped an AMERICAN bomb on a SCHOOL BUS killing 40 Yemeni children ages of 6 to 11 years in age and also 79 wounded that included 56 more young children and NOTHING HAPPENED to Saudi Arabia, you and the British are selling them the bombs to kill children and yet The Gas Baby False Flag in Syria that NO INDEPENDENT analysis was allowed of OMG you went and bombed Syria for that. Hypocrisy.

US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus

Oh but but but the Saudi's say it was a mistake....whatever :rolleyes-41:

Yemen bus attack: Saudi-led coalition admits to 'mistakes' - CNN
In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans

It shows that no Democrat is fit for the Presidency.
Nice attempt tho at using Khoshaggis death to paint Repubs as immoral just before the mid-terms.
That's a bums rush.

It shows how blatantly Republicans are willing to trade off cherished family values as long as their is a dollar to be made

Reagan talked about a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world strived for

Today’s Republicans only care about profits for the wealthy

I don't think this is political, the Democrats also lick Saudi buttocks Obama did and so did Bill Clinton.
True that....

But how the fuk could George Bush suck up to the Saudis after 9-11?

That was disgusting
-------------------------------------- heard it explained today on El Rushbo . THERE was conversation between Rush and another Conservative Gent named Willian F. Buckley that is now dead and the Conversation was about Saudi complicity in 9 -11 . Anyway the reasoning went that the Saudi --- 'FAMILY' --- did not do anything concerning 9 -11 . It may have been Saudi citizens involved in 9 -11 but it was not the Saudi --- 'Royal FAMILY' --- that was involved . This is the reasoning that allowed 'gwb' to embrace the Saudis according to Rush in a conversation with William F. Buckley that they had years ago RWinger .
from what i understand TRUMP wants to weaponize the Saudis so that they can fight and kill Americas enemies Gents and Ladies .

And how are Yemen America's enemy? Oh I forgot you DON'T KNOW :rolleyes-41:

America did this before with Saddam Hussein, armed him, built him up....hmmmm yes that didn't work out so well afterall did it?
---------------------------------- ' yemenis ' are allies of iran and so they need killing same as 'iran' needs killing Iif TRUMP Decides Lucy .

This is all very simplistic and babyish reasoning pismoe.
------------------------------------ hey , if TRUMP wants to kill 'yemenis' its ok with me . After all , i hear that they are allies of 'iran' Lucy . Its up to Trump Lucy !!
It shows the lack of values of Republicans

It shows that no Democrat is fit for the Presidency.
Nice attempt tho at using Khoshaggis death to paint Repubs as immoral just before the mid-terms.
That's a bums rush.

It shows how blatantly Republicans are willing to trade off cherished family values as long as their is a dollar to be made

Reagan talked about a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world strived for

Today’s Republicans only care about profits for the wealthy

I don't think this is political, the Democrats also lick Saudi buttocks Obama did and so did Bill Clinton.
True that....

But how the fuk could George Bush suck up to the Saudis after 9-11?

That was disgusting
-------------------------------------- heard it explained today on El Rushbo . THERE was conversation between Rush and another Conservative Gent named Willian F. Buckley that is now dead and the Conversation was about Saudi complicity in 9 -11 . Anyway the reasoning went that the Saudi --- 'FAMILY' --- did not do anything concerning 9 -11 . It may have been Saudi citizens involved in 9 -11 but it was not the Saudi --- 'Royal FAMILY' --- that was involved . This is the reasoning that allowed 'gwb' to embrace the Saudis according to Rush in a conversation with William F. Buckley that they had years ago RWinger .

Well IRAQ had NOTHING to do with September 11 at all but GWB and Dick Cheney and Co. were out there linking 911 and Saddam Hussein in the SAME sentence to brainwash the gullible idiots into supporting bombing Iraq and getting rid of Saddam because of September 11.
there is a War going on in 'yemen' and i don't care about 'yemini' children any more than i care about 'mexican' and other third world children Lucy in the 'mexican' desert Lucy .
Not a fan of our current president but as an eternal optimist I am hoping something comes of this. And it has been a long time coming...
from what i understand TRUMP wants to weaponize the Saudis so that they can fight and kill Americas enemies Gents and Ladies .

And how are Yemen America's enemy? Oh I forgot you DON'T KNOW :rolleyes-41:

America did this before with Saddam Hussein, armed him, built him up....hmmmm yes that didn't work out so well afterall did it?
---------------------------------- ' yemenis ' are allies of iran and so they need killing same as 'iran' needs killing Iif TRUMP Decides Lucy .

This is all very simplistic and babyish reasoning pismoe.
------------------------------------ hey , if TRUMP wants to kill 'yemenis' its ok with me . After all , i hear that they are allies of 'iran' Lucy . Its up to Trump Lucy !!

What a strange one you are becoming pismoe, very disappointed in you darling.

You support starving up to 12 MILLION Yemeni's then? I suppose you do.


Yemen war: 12 million Yemenis could soon be on the brink of famine

What if that headline was 12 million ISRAELI'S could soon be on the brink of famine? ROFLAO yes we know you would SHIT in your panties, the situation is that the ONLY reason your type want to kill Yemeni's AND Iranian's is because ALL your type give a SHIT about is sucking the micro dicks and being the WHORES of the Saudi's and Israeli's and that IF Saudi Arabia and Israel were NOT in the Middle East then your type would be happy to literally drop tactical nuclear bombs on the ENTIRE region killing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS and turn it to radioactive dust for ever more.
from what i understand TRUMP wants to weaponize the Saudis so that they can fight and kill Americas enemies Gents and Ladies .

And how are Yemen America's enemy? Oh I forgot you DON'T KNOW :rolleyes-41:

America did this before with Saddam Hussein, armed him, built him up....hmmmm yes that didn't work out so well afterall did it?
---------------------------------- ' yemenis ' are allies of iran and so they need killing same as 'iran' needs killing Iif TRUMP Decides Lucy .

This is all very simplistic and babyish reasoning pismoe.
------------------------------------ hey , if TRUMP wants to kill 'yemenis' its ok with me . After all , i hear that they are allies of 'iran' Lucy . Its up to Trump Lucy !!

What a strange one you are becoming pismoe, very disappointed in you darling.

You support starving up to 12 MILLION Yemeni's then? I suppose you do.

View attachment 223627

Yemen war: 12 million Yemenis could soon be on the brink of famine

What if that headline was 12 million ISRAELI'S could soon be on the brink of famine? ROFLAO yes we know you would SHIT in your panties, the situation is that the ONLY reason your type want to kill Yemeni's AND Iranian's is because ALL your type give a SHIT about is sucking the micro dicks and being the WHORES of the Saudi's and Israeli's and that IF Saudi Arabia and Israel were NOT in the Middle East then your type would be happy to literally drop tactical nuclear bombs on the ENTIRE region killing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS and turn it to radioactive dust for ever more.
-------------------------------------------- by extension 'yemenis' and 'iranian' are my enemies and the plan is to have the Saudis fight and kill them Lucy .
from my point of view 'iran' will always be an American enemy because of the hostage taking Lucy .
And how are Yemen America's enemy? Oh I forgot you DON'T KNOW :rolleyes-41:

America did this before with Saddam Hussein, armed him, built him up....hmmmm yes that didn't work out so well afterall did it?
---------------------------------- ' yemenis ' are allies of iran and so they need killing same as 'iran' needs killing Iif TRUMP Decides Lucy .

This is all very simplistic and babyish reasoning pismoe.
------------------------------------ hey , if TRUMP wants to kill 'yemenis' its ok with me . After all , i hear that they are allies of 'iran' Lucy . Its up to Trump Lucy !!

What a strange one you are becoming pismoe, very disappointed in you darling.

You support starving up to 12 MILLION Yemeni's then? I suppose you do.

View attachment 223627

Yemen war: 12 million Yemenis could soon be on the brink of famine

What if that headline was 12 million ISRAELI'S could soon be on the brink of famine? ROFLAO yes we know you would SHIT in your panties, the situation is that the ONLY reason your type want to kill Yemeni's AND Iranian's is because ALL your type give a SHIT about is sucking the micro dicks and being the WHORES of the Saudi's and Israeli's and that IF Saudi Arabia and Israel were NOT in the Middle East then your type would be happy to literally drop tactical nuclear bombs on the ENTIRE region killing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS and turn it to radioactive dust for ever more.
-------------------------------------------- by extension 'yemenis' and 'iranian' are my enemies and the plan is to have the Saudis fight and kill them Lucy .

This is again the babyish reasoning you have illustrated throughout this thread.
see it the way you like but i support Trump and the USA Under Trump Lucy .
from my point of view 'iran' will always be an American enemy because of the hostage taking Lucy .

The hostage taking when in the 1970s? WTF so you hold Iran as an eternal enemy for that hostage taking YET you suck up some idiotic story from Rush Limbaugh and this Buckley whoever about how oh well the Saudi Government knew NOTHING about September 11 so you know we can keep being Saudi Arabia's Whore and taking it up the buttocks from them.
see it the way you like but i support Trump and the USA Under Trump Lucy .

It is not healthy to support 100% of everything, it is healthy to have Independent Thought and be critical about things. To support 100% of everything and not have Independent Thought and not be critical would be more suited to North Korea.
Condemn them, sanction them, break off ties... do whatever needs to be done to teach them that they can't get away with killing American citizens. Period.

The Saudis must pay for this.

Jamal Khashoggi was not American, he was Saudi Arabiam he ONLY worked for The Washington Compost he never became an American citizen.

The House of Saud are POS but also Jamal Khashoggi was a POS he supported The Muslim Brotherhood, that does not mean he deserved to be dismembered alive, but he was NOT a White Hat he was another Black Hat. The Saudi's are just basic sand rats, Saudi Arabia should have been bombed to dust years ago and they should have sanctions put on them and be treated like Pariahs.

So um, what's the difference between an American permanent resident and a citizen? Just curious.

An I-551 "green card" means you are a permanent resident who is a citizen of another country.

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