Saudis now admit to journalists death......18 arrested...........

from what i understand TRUMP wants to weaponize the Saudis so that they can fight and kill Americas enemies Gents and Ladies .
Two weeks and this is the best the Saudis could come up with
It was the victims fault......he started a fight

For crying out loud Saudis.....The Turks have tapes of what was going on in your embassy. He started a fight and you cut his fingers off?

They cut more than his fingers off, they cut his head off.

The tapes seem to cover the torture and screaming by Khasaggi
That torture seemed to include cutting off his fingers while he was alive

Doesn’t seem to fit .....killed during a fight
Condemn them, sanction them, break off ties... do whatever needs to be done to teach them that they can't get away with killing American citizens. Period.

The Saudis must pay for this.

Only trouble is, Trump won't say boo to them. He's desperate for his arms deal to go through.
Link? Proof? ...

Trump points to dubious arms deal to excuse Saudi Arabia

It appears to have been a brazen murder, which has resulted in a backlash against Riyadh. What’s been far less clear is what Donald Trump intends to do about it. Earlier this week, the American president said he hoped the situation would “sort itself out.” Yesterday, in a Q&A with reporters, Trump added that his administration is “looking at it very strongly.”

The Republican went on to say, however, that Khashoggi is not an American citizen and his apparent murder happened abroad – which seemed to signal Trump’s lack of interest in what transpired. It was soon followed by this exchange:

Q: Will Jamal Khashoggi’s case affect the way you deal with MBS or other Saudi officials?

TRUMP: We’ll have to see what happens. A lot of work is being done on that, and we’re going to have to see what happens. I don’t like stopping massive amounts of money that’s being poured into our country on – I know they’re talking about different kinds of sanctions, but they’re spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs, like jobs and others, for this country.

I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States…. I will tell you, upfront, right now, and I’ll say it in front of senators: They’re spending $110 billion purchasing military equipment and other things…. I would not be in favor of stopping a country from spending $110 billion – which is an all-time record.

There are a few important angles to this, from corruption to confusion.

At face value, Trump’s message signaled a degree of indifference toward the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. To hear the president tell it, he’s not pleased about the slaying of an American resident, but he’s not eager to take significant action, either.
What a douchebag our President is

American values can be bought

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans
Only trouble is, Trump won't say boo to them. He's desperate for his arms deal to go through.
Link? Proof? ...

Trump points to dubious arms deal to excuse Saudi Arabia

It appears to have been a brazen murder, which has resulted in a backlash against Riyadh. What’s been far less clear is what Donald Trump intends to do about it. Earlier this week, the American president said he hoped the situation would “sort itself out.” Yesterday, in a Q&A with reporters, Trump added that his administration is “looking at it very strongly.”

The Republican went on to say, however, that Khashoggi is not an American citizen and his apparent murder happened abroad – which seemed to signal Trump’s lack of interest in what transpired. It was soon followed by this exchange:

Q: Will Jamal Khashoggi’s case affect the way you deal with MBS or other Saudi officials?

TRUMP: We’ll have to see what happens. A lot of work is being done on that, and we’re going to have to see what happens. I don’t like stopping massive amounts of money that’s being poured into our country on – I know they’re talking about different kinds of sanctions, but they’re spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs, like jobs and others, for this country.

I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States…. I will tell you, upfront, right now, and I’ll say it in front of senators: They’re spending $110 billion purchasing military equipment and other things…. I would not be in favor of stopping a country from spending $110 billion – which is an all-time record.

There are a few important angles to this, from corruption to confusion.

At face value, Trump’s message signaled a degree of indifference toward the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. To hear the president tell it, he’s not pleased about the slaying of an American resident, but he’s not eager to take significant action, either.
What a douchebag our President is

American values can be bought

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans
Only in the mind of a democrat.
.....these countries are far from being ''normal''/democratic/''civilized''/free/ they lack free press-etc/freedom....
....they discuss and participate in UN/etc meetings/discussions---but that doesn't mean their country is free/etc
...Saddam took over Iraq with a a coup/attempted assassination/etc
...Egypt's Mubarak was leader for 29 years!!!!!!
...Vietnam had 3 head of state changes in less than 3 years--one a murderous coup--with many other attempted coups before and after
...etc etc
Condemn them, sanction them, break off ties... do whatever needs to be done to teach them that they can't get away with killing American citizens. Period.

The Saudis must pay for this.

Only trouble is, Trump won't say boo to them. He's desperate for his arms deal to go through.
----------------------------------- only makes good sense to make sure that the Saudis get arms to fight 'iran' and the 'yemenis' BSailor .

The Yemeni's are a threat to AMERICA how exactly?
---------------------------- not my decision , i think that TRUMP Wants to kill 'yemenis' and 'iranians' and thats ok with me Lucy .

The Yemeni's are a threat to AMERICA how exactly? Your response:

"not my decision , i think that TRUMP Wants to kill 'yemenis' and 'iranians' and thats ok with me Lucy ."

So you are just a Blind Follower? You have no concept of what is happening or why or even if there is justification for anything that is happening. WTF?! I expect this type of thing from the some of the Leftists who are devoid of Independent Thought and just are Blind Followers.

If Trump ordered you to shoot yourself in the head would you? Of COURSE you would.
Condemn them, sanction them, break off ties... do whatever needs to be done to teach them that they can't get away with killing American citizens. Period.

The Saudis must pay for this.

Only trouble is, Trump won't say boo to them. He's desperate for his arms deal to go through.
Link? Proof? ...

Trump points to dubious arms deal to excuse Saudi Arabia

It appears to have been a brazen murder, which has resulted in a backlash against Riyadh. What’s been far less clear is what Donald Trump intends to do about it. Earlier this week, the American president said he hoped the situation would “sort itself out.” Yesterday, in a Q&A with reporters, Trump added that his administration is “looking at it very strongly.”

The Republican went on to say, however, that Khashoggi is not an American citizen and his apparent murder happened abroad – which seemed to signal Trump’s lack of interest in what transpired. It was soon followed by this exchange:

Q: Will Jamal Khashoggi’s case affect the way you deal with MBS or other Saudi officials?

TRUMP: We’ll have to see what happens. A lot of work is being done on that, and we’re going to have to see what happens. I don’t like stopping massive amounts of money that’s being poured into our country on – I know they’re talking about different kinds of sanctions, but they’re spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs, like jobs and others, for this country.

I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States…. I will tell you, upfront, right now, and I’ll say it in front of senators: They’re spending $110 billion purchasing military equipment and other things…. I would not be in favor of stopping a country from spending $110 billion – which is an all-time record.

There are a few important angles to this, from corruption to confusion.

At face value, Trump’s message signaled a degree of indifference toward the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. To hear the president tell it, he’s not pleased about the slaying of an American resident, but he’s not eager to take significant action, either.
What a douchebag our President is

American values can be bought

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

No it isn't, it's more a case of significant hypocrisy.
Only trouble is, Trump won't say boo to them. He's desperate for his arms deal to go through.
Link? Proof? ...

Trump points to dubious arms deal to excuse Saudi Arabia

It appears to have been a brazen murder, which has resulted in a backlash against Riyadh. What’s been far less clear is what Donald Trump intends to do about it. Earlier this week, the American president said he hoped the situation would “sort itself out.” Yesterday, in a Q&A with reporters, Trump added that his administration is “looking at it very strongly.”

The Republican went on to say, however, that Khashoggi is not an American citizen and his apparent murder happened abroad – which seemed to signal Trump’s lack of interest in what transpired. It was soon followed by this exchange:

Q: Will Jamal Khashoggi’s case affect the way you deal with MBS or other Saudi officials?

TRUMP: We’ll have to see what happens. A lot of work is being done on that, and we’re going to have to see what happens. I don’t like stopping massive amounts of money that’s being poured into our country on – I know they’re talking about different kinds of sanctions, but they’re spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs, like jobs and others, for this country.

I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States…. I will tell you, upfront, right now, and I’ll say it in front of senators: They’re spending $110 billion purchasing military equipment and other things…. I would not be in favor of stopping a country from spending $110 billion – which is an all-time record.

There are a few important angles to this, from corruption to confusion.

At face value, Trump’s message signaled a degree of indifference toward the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. To hear the president tell it, he’s not pleased about the slaying of an American resident, but he’s not eager to take significant action, either.
What a douchebag our President is

American values can be bought

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans

It shows that no Democrat is fit for the Presidency.
Nice attempt tho at using Khoshaggis death to paint Repubs as immoral just before the mid-terms.
That's a bums rush.
he is not a CITIZEN from what i hear , he was an 'arab muslim' and member of the 'muslim' brotherhood from what i hear TKormac . He was a resident in the the USA like millions of illegal aliens that are RESIDENTS in the USA from what i hear TKormac .
But you'll comment on subjects you cheerfully admit you know nothing about apart from what Trump tells you.
Two weeks and this is the best the Saudis could come up with
It was the victims fault......he started a fight

For crying out loud Saudis.....The Turks have tapes of what was going on in your embassy. He started a fight and you cut his fingers off?

They cut more than his fingers off, they cut his head off.

The tapes seem to cover the torture and screaming by Khasaggi
That torture seemed to include cutting off his fingers while he was alive

Doesn’t seem to fit .....killed during a fight

Well considering they have now had three different versions of what happened:

I. Saudi's insist Khashoggi is alive and that he left the Saudi Consulate by a back entrance and then walked away wherever.

II. Saudi's insist that they did not murder Khashoggi and that he left the Saudi Consulate alive.

III. Saudi's say TWO WEEKS LATER after TWICE INSISTING Khashoggi was still alive that he died in the Saudi Consulate but it was all an accident during a fight.

Number III is total horsecrap just like II and I. The Saudi's are snakes and basic sand rats, they should not be trusted EVER, they are not friends of The West they never have been and they never will be, they are the worlds biggest sponsor of Radical Islamism and have been for decades and the worst type of Radical Islamism and that's Wahhibism and it's bizarro to me and others how the American Right have this Love-In with the Saudi's when the planet is aware that they have not even faced justice for their financial funding of the September 11 attacks or for funding Al-Qaeda and the Al-Nusra Front.

They see Mohammed bin Salman and they think oh he's GREAT look he wants to open some night clubs in Saudi Arabia and let women drive, so he cannot be a Wahhabi Extremist like ALL the others and also who cares what else the Saudi's do that DAMAGE Western nations, what's more important is that they are sold Western bombs and planes, pretty immoral and hypocritical.
Link? Proof? ...

Trump points to dubious arms deal to excuse Saudi Arabia

It appears to have been a brazen murder, which has resulted in a backlash against Riyadh. What’s been far less clear is what Donald Trump intends to do about it. Earlier this week, the American president said he hoped the situation would “sort itself out.” Yesterday, in a Q&A with reporters, Trump added that his administration is “looking at it very strongly.”

The Republican went on to say, however, that Khashoggi is not an American citizen and his apparent murder happened abroad – which seemed to signal Trump’s lack of interest in what transpired. It was soon followed by this exchange:

Q: Will Jamal Khashoggi’s case affect the way you deal with MBS or other Saudi officials?

TRUMP: We’ll have to see what happens. A lot of work is being done on that, and we’re going to have to see what happens. I don’t like stopping massive amounts of money that’s being poured into our country on – I know they’re talking about different kinds of sanctions, but they’re spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs, like jobs and others, for this country.

I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States…. I will tell you, upfront, right now, and I’ll say it in front of senators: They’re spending $110 billion purchasing military equipment and other things…. I would not be in favor of stopping a country from spending $110 billion – which is an all-time record.

There are a few important angles to this, from corruption to confusion.

At face value, Trump’s message signaled a degree of indifference toward the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. To hear the president tell it, he’s not pleased about the slaying of an American resident, but he’s not eager to take significant action, either.
What a douchebag our President is

American values can be bought

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans

It shows that no Democrat is fit for the Presidency.
Nice attempt tho at using Khoshaggis death to paint Repubs as immoral just before the mid-terms.
That's a bums rush.

It shows how blatantly Republicans are willing to trade off cherished family values as long as their is a dollar to be made

Reagan talked about a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world strived for

Today’s Republicans only care about profits for the wealthy
from what i understand TRUMP wants to weaponize the Saudis so that they can fight and kill Americas enemies Gents and Ladies .

And how are Yemen America's enemy? Oh I forgot you DON'T KNOW :rolleyes-41:

America did this before with Saddam Hussein, armed him, built him up....hmmmm yes that didn't work out so well afterall did it?
Trump points to dubious arms deal to excuse Saudi Arabia

It appears to have been a brazen murder, which has resulted in a backlash against Riyadh. What’s been far less clear is what Donald Trump intends to do about it. Earlier this week, the American president said he hoped the situation would “sort itself out.” Yesterday, in a Q&A with reporters, Trump added that his administration is “looking at it very strongly.”

The Republican went on to say, however, that Khashoggi is not an American citizen and his apparent murder happened abroad – which seemed to signal Trump’s lack of interest in what transpired. It was soon followed by this exchange:

Q: Will Jamal Khashoggi’s case affect the way you deal with MBS or other Saudi officials?

TRUMP: We’ll have to see what happens. A lot of work is being done on that, and we’re going to have to see what happens. I don’t like stopping massive amounts of money that’s being poured into our country on – I know they’re talking about different kinds of sanctions, but they’re spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs, like jobs and others, for this country.

I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States…. I will tell you, upfront, right now, and I’ll say it in front of senators: They’re spending $110 billion purchasing military equipment and other things…. I would not be in favor of stopping a country from spending $110 billion – which is an all-time record.

There are a few important angles to this, from corruption to confusion.

At face value, Trump’s message signaled a degree of indifference toward the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. To hear the president tell it, he’s not pleased about the slaying of an American resident, but he’s not eager to take significant action, either.
What a douchebag our President is

American values can be bought

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans

It shows that no Democrat is fit for the Presidency.
Nice attempt tho at using Khoshaggis death to paint Repubs as immoral just before the mid-terms.
That's a bums rush.

It shows how blatantly Republicans are willing to trade off cherished family values as long as their is a dollar to be made

Reagan talked about a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world strived for

Today’s Republicans only care about profits for the wealthy

I don't think this is political, the Democrats also lick Saudi buttocks Obama did and so did Bill Clinton.
Well, it went from "he came but he left via a back entrance", to "he was accidentally killed because of a botched interrogation, to now "he died during a fight".

Saudis now admit to killing the journalist, and 18 have been arrested. However, this smacks of the prince throwing people under the bus to save his own ass.

Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead | Daily Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead and blames death on a fight breaking out in the embassy
  • Saudi Arabia has admitted journalist Jamal Khashoggi is dead
  • Saudi attorney general says Khashoggi died after a fight broke out between him and people who met him at the consulate
  • 18 suspects have been held in connection with the case
Thank you, President Trump!
What a douchebag our President is

American values can be bought

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans

It shows that no Democrat is fit for the Presidency.
Nice attempt tho at using Khoshaggis death to paint Repubs as immoral just before the mid-terms.
That's a bums rush.

It shows how blatantly Republicans are willing to trade off cherished family values as long as their is a dollar to be made

Reagan talked about a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world strived for

Today’s Republicans only care about profits for the wealthy

I don't think this is political, the Democrats also lick Saudi buttocks Obama did and so did Bill Clinton.
True that....

But how the fuk could George Bush suck up to the Saudis after 9-11?

That was disgusting
Well, it went from "he came but he left via a back entrance", to "he was accidentally killed because of a botched interrogation, to now "he died during a fight".

Saudis now admit to killing the journalist, and 18 have been arrested. However, this smacks of the prince throwing people under the bus to save his own ass.

Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead | Daily Mail Online

BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Arabia ADMITS Jamal Khashoggi is dead and blames death on a fight breaking out in the embassy
  • Saudi Arabia has admitted journalist Jamal Khashoggi is dead
  • Saudi attorney general says Khashoggi died after a fight broke out between him and people who met him at the consulate
  • 18 suspects have been held in connection with the case
Thank you, President Trump!

I think behind the scenes The Donald said something because the Saudi's go from Khashoggi is alive and he left the Saudi Consulate by the back door and no he definately is not TWO WEEKS later that Khashoggi is dead and he died two weeks ago after entering the Saudi Consulate, the thing about he died in a fight is horsecrap and only the most Pro-Saudi Arabia Brainwashed Apologists are going to accept that.

Next Up: WHERE is Jamal Khashoggi's body or WHAT remains of it?

I also do not think this is the end of this happening, I do think there are going to be serious consequences for the Saudi Arabian sand rats now.
Trump points to dubious arms deal to excuse Saudi Arabia

It appears to have been a brazen murder, which has resulted in a backlash against Riyadh. What’s been far less clear is what Donald Trump intends to do about it. Earlier this week, the American president said he hoped the situation would “sort itself out.” Yesterday, in a Q&A with reporters, Trump added that his administration is “looking at it very strongly.”

The Republican went on to say, however, that Khashoggi is not an American citizen and his apparent murder happened abroad – which seemed to signal Trump’s lack of interest in what transpired. It was soon followed by this exchange:

Q: Will Jamal Khashoggi’s case affect the way you deal with MBS or other Saudi officials?

TRUMP: We’ll have to see what happens. A lot of work is being done on that, and we’re going to have to see what happens. I don’t like stopping massive amounts of money that’s being poured into our country on – I know they’re talking about different kinds of sanctions, but they’re spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs, like jobs and others, for this country.

I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States…. I will tell you, upfront, right now, and I’ll say it in front of senators: They’re spending $110 billion purchasing military equipment and other things…. I would not be in favor of stopping a country from spending $110 billion – which is an all-time record.

There are a few important angles to this, from corruption to confusion.

At face value, Trump’s message signaled a degree of indifference toward the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. To hear the president tell it, he’s not pleased about the slaying of an American resident, but he’s not eager to take significant action, either.
What a douchebag our President is

American values can be bought

In the real world, it's more of a case of significant geopolitical concerns outweighing American cultural moral outrage.
That's why a Democrat is not President!

It shows the lack of values of Republicans

It shows that no Democrat is fit for the Presidency.
Nice attempt tho at using Khoshaggis death to paint Repubs as immoral just before the mid-terms.
That's a bums rush.

It shows how blatantly Republicans are willing to trade off cherished family values as long as their is a dollar to be made

Reagan talked about a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world strived for

Today’s Republicans only care about profits for the wealthy
What your lying shows is that like most dims you have no concern for laws where you live. The crime party you belong to.
from what i understand TRUMP wants to weaponize the Saudis so that they can fight and kill Americas enemies Gents and Ladies .

And how are Yemen America's enemy? Oh I forgot you DON'T KNOW :rolleyes-41:

America did this before with Saddam Hussein, armed him, built him up....hmmmm yes that didn't work out so well afterall did it?
---------------------------------- ' yemenis ' are allies of iran and so they need killing same as 'iran' needs killing if TRUMP Decides Lucy .
Last edited:
Only trouble is, Trump won't say boo to them. He's desperate for his arms deal to go through.
Why should the death of one Saudi national killed in another country stop a multi-billion dollar arms deal and the loss of thousands of American jobs.?? .... :cool:
Last edited:

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