Saudis now admit to journalists death......18 arrested...........

The way i hear things this 'kasoogy' was against everything that the new and young top Saudi is trying to arrange in Saudi . The new top Saudi wants to moderate 'islam' and to get rid of the 'wahibi' influence while pursuing investment so the Saudi can get away from just having oil as a source of income Yios .

BINGO! :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Who said he was an American Citizen?

He was a pal of Bin Ladins.
-------------------------------------------- also heard the same , this 'kasoogy' was a pal and went to school with 'bin laden' ColAngus .

Yea, sorry if I don’t care about someone who admitting crying when Bin Ladin died.

Dimms are trying to get political hay from this because they are panicking about the midterms.
------------------------------ and the 'dems' are trying to get TRUMP off track on his plans for the Saudis .
Who said he was an American Citizen?

He was a pal of Bin Ladins.
-------------------------------------------- also heard the same , this 'kasoogy' was a pal and went to school with 'bin laden' ColAngus .

Yea, sorry if I don’t care about someone who admitting crying when Bin Ladin died.

Dimms are trying to get political hay from this because they are panicking about the midterms.
------------------------------ and the 'dems' are trying to get TRUMP off track on his plans for the Saudis .

It won’t work. the Trump train is going downhill.

Dimms are shitting all over themselves and making very poor political decisions.
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After doing some research on Khashoggi's citizenship, he was applying for a green card at the time of his murder. Three of his children were already citizens.

Khashoggi wasn't an American citizen. He had what was known as an "O" Visa, which allowed him to be in the US temporarily (up to three years).

Now my viewpoint has changed...

What are we legally obligated to do about this? This would seem to be a UN matter. We shouldn't be involved.

I rescind my earlier comments.

However, someone should correct me if I'm wrong.
thankyou but also , feck the 'un' as gratuitous comment . The 'un' only spreads disease like 'cholera' and rapes widdle native girls and maybe boys , camels , yada , yada . -------------------- just saying !!
It shows how blatantly Republicans are willing to trade off cherished family values as long as their is a dollar to be made

Reagan talked about a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world strived for

Today’s Republicans only care about profits for the wealthy

I don't think this is political, the Democrats also lick Saudi buttocks Obama did and so did Bill Clinton.
True that....

But how the fuk could George Bush suck up to the Saudis after 9-11?

That was disgusting
-------------------------------------- heard it explained today on El Rushbo . THERE was conversation between Rush and another Conservative Gent named Willian F. Buckley that is now dead and the Conversation was about Saudi complicity in 9 -11 . Anyway the reasoning went that the Saudi --- 'FAMILY' --- did not do anything concerning 9 -11 . It may have been Saudi citizens involved in 9 -11 but it was not the Saudi --- 'Royal FAMILY' --- that was involved . This is the reasoning that allowed 'gwb' to embrace the Saudis according to Rush in a conversation with William F. Buckley that they had years ago RWinger .

Well IRAQ had NOTHING to do with September 11 at all but GWB and Dick Cheney and Co. were out there linking 911 and Saddam Hussein in the SAME sentence to brainwash the gullible idiots into supporting bombing Iraq and getting rid of Saddam because of September 11.

Show me a link showing Bush or Cheney saying any such thing! You bought into the media lies I see.

Yes I thought you were one of those arrogant Know It All Quasi-Leftist Teachers who know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING yet you cannot use Google to find the answer to my ACCURATE comment of:

"Well IRAQ had NOTHING to do with September 11 at all but GWB and Dick Cheney and Co. were out there linking 911 and Saddam Hussein in the SAME sentence to brainwash the gullible idiots into supporting bombing Iraq and getting rid of Saddam because of September 11."

It is not black and white as Saddam Hussein planned September 11, it is more nuanced than that and subliminal, the message right AFTER 9/11 and the lead up to the invasion of Iraq that those watching what GWB, Cheney etc were commenting were not in general taking in the in-between sections they would ONLY be hearing:

9/11, Saddam Hussein, September 11, Saddam Hussein, 9/11, Iraq, September 11, Iraq and THIS would connect in enough gullible minds Saddam Hussein with September 11.

Well Ben Carson agrees with me re. GWB linking Saddam with 9/11 as the final desperate basis to launch the POINTLESS invasion of Iraq:

Here's Donald Trump The Candidate attacking GWB on September 11 and the Iraq War and The Donald is correct the Iraq War WAS a mistake but it was a deliberate mistake, Trump also said that GWB LIED, that there were NO WMD and that GWB should have been Impeached and then Jeb Bush babbles the usual crap that your type probably still think that GWB did a GREAT thing invading Iraq etc.

With this it could have you in a dilemma because in order to DEFEND GWB and the invasion of Iraq and the handling of 9/11 then you will have to ATTACK Donald Trump:

Dick Cheney from his OWN mouth linking 9/11 to Saddam Hussein so he can push the invasion of Iraq and Regime Change thing:

"In the post 9/11 era, certain risks are unacceptable. The United States made our position clear - we could not accept the grave danger of Saddam Hussein and his terrorist allies turning weapons of mass destruction against us or our friends and allies. And gradually we are learning the details of this hidden weapons programme."

"Some claim we should not have acted because the threat from Saddam Hussein was not imminent. Yet as the president has said, since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike. I would remind the critics of the fundamental case the president made since September 11th. Terrorist enemies of our country hope to strike us with the most lethal weapons known to man, and it would be reckless in the extreme to rule out action and save our worries until the day they strike."

Better not forget this gem Donald Rumsfeld in 1983 shaking hands and having a nice meeting with Saddam Hussein when he was America's Friend before he outlived his usefulness as an American Puppet and then had to be Regime Changed:

I don't think this is political, the Democrats also lick Saudi buttocks Obama did and so did Bill Clinton.
True that....

But how the fuk could George Bush suck up to the Saudis after 9-11?

That was disgusting
-------------------------------------- heard it explained today on El Rushbo . THERE was conversation between Rush and another Conservative Gent named Willian F. Buckley that is now dead and the Conversation was about Saudi complicity in 9 -11 . Anyway the reasoning went that the Saudi --- 'FAMILY' --- did not do anything concerning 9 -11 . It may have been Saudi citizens involved in 9 -11 but it was not the Saudi --- 'Royal FAMILY' --- that was involved . This is the reasoning that allowed 'gwb' to embrace the Saudis according to Rush in a conversation with William F. Buckley that they had years ago RWinger .

Well IRAQ had NOTHING to do with September 11 at all but GWB and Dick Cheney and Co. were out there linking 911 and Saddam Hussein in the SAME sentence to brainwash the gullible idiots into supporting bombing Iraq and getting rid of Saddam because of September 11.

Show me a link showing Bush or Cheney saying any such thing! You bought into the media lies I see.

Yes I thought you were one of those arrogant Know It All Quasi-Leftist Teachers who know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING yet you cannot use Google to find the answer to my ACCURATE comment of:

"Well IRAQ had NOTHING to do with September 11 at all but GWB and Dick Cheney and Co. were out there linking 911 and Saddam Hussein in the SAME sentence to brainwash the gullible idiots into supporting bombing Iraq and getting rid of Saddam because of September 11."

It is not black and white as Saddam Hussein planned September 11, it is more nuanced than that and subliminal, the message right AFTER 9/11 and the lead up to the invasion of Iraq that those watching what GWB, Cheney etc were commenting were not in general taking in the in-between sections they would ONLY be hearing:

9/11, Saddam Hussein, September 11, Saddam Hussein, 9/11, Iraq, September 11, Iraq and THIS would connect in enough gullible minds Saddam Hussein with September 11.

Well Ben Carson agrees with me re. GWB linking Saddam with 9/11 as the final desperate basis to launch the POINTLESS invasion of Iraq:

Here's Donald Trump The Candidate attacking GWB on September 11 and the Iraq War and The Donald is correct the Iraq War WAS a mistake but it was a deliberate mistake, Trump also said that GWB LIED, that there were NO WMD and that GWB should have been Impeached and then Jeb Bush babbles the usual crap that your type probably still think that GWB did a GREAT thing invading Iraq etc.

With this it could have you in a dilemma because in order to DEFEND GWB and the invasion of Iraq and the handling of 9/11 then you will have to ATTACK Donald Trump:

Dick Cheney from his OWN mouth linking 9/11 to Saddam Hussein so he can push the invasion of Iraq and Regime Change thing:

"In the post 9/11 era, certain risks are unacceptable. The United States made our position clear - we could not accept the grave danger of Saddam Hussein and his terrorist allies turning weapons of mass destruction against us or our friends and allies. And gradually we are learning the details of this hidden weapons programme."

"Some claim we should not have acted because the threat from Saddam Hussein was not imminent. Yet as the president has said, since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike. I would remind the critics of the fundamental case the president made since September 11th. Terrorist enemies of our country hope to strike us with the most lethal weapons known to man, and it would be reckless in the extreme to rule out action and save our worries until the day they strike."

Better not forget this gem Donald Rumsfeld in 1983 shaking hands and having a nice meeting with Saddam Hussein when he was America's Friend before he outlived his usefulness as an American Puppet and then had to be Regime Changed:

Bush and Cheney did everything possible to infer that Iraq was closely tied to AlQaeda and 9-11
i can't stand any of the 'bush' familia but i do like 'cheney' for his attitude and style .-------------------------- just a comment !!
hey --- Biker Sailor --- , was that YOU that was all veiled up and covered and taken captive in your 'widdle' rubber raft a few years ago by the 'iranians' somewhere in the 'ocean' that is owned by the 'iranians' eh ??
So we sanction Saudi Arabia cut ties with them then they ally themselves with Russia who in turn supports Iran and Assad in Syria which gives them more power and influence in the region and us less hardly seems like a good thing for us the region or the world in general. It's a shitty situation with no good options doing nothing or just a slap on the wrist can have serious negative long term implications but so can going way to far the other way everyone should take a breath and think about all of this before flying off the handle one way or the other.
Condemn them, sanction them, break off ties... do whatever needs to be done to teach them that they can't get away with killing American citizens. Period.

The Saudis must pay for this.
-------------------------------------- he is not a CITIZEN from what i hear , he was an 'arab muslim' and member of the 'muslim' brotherhood from what i hear TKormac . He was a resident in the the USA like millions of illegal aliens that are RESIDENTS in the USA from what i hear TKormac .

Yo...............PissMoron..............he was in this country LEGALLY on a visa, meaning he wasn't an illegal. Ya gotta get out of the conservative bubble once in a while dude.
-------------------------- i didn't say he was ILLEGAL , i said he was simply a RESIDENT like millions of illegal aliens in the USA . Resident of USA confers no Special status BSailor .
Yet another Trump foreign policy failure, yet more dishonesty and lies from Trump.

Trump is more concerned about protecting a corrupt and barbaric Saudi regime than defending journalists from attack, consistent with Trump’s contempt for the important work journalists do and the role of a free press.
True that....

But how the fuk could George Bush suck up to the Saudis after 9-11?

That was disgusting
-------------------------------------- heard it explained today on El Rushbo . THERE was conversation between Rush and another Conservative Gent named Willian F. Buckley that is now dead and the Conversation was about Saudi complicity in 9 -11 . Anyway the reasoning went that the Saudi --- 'FAMILY' --- did not do anything concerning 9 -11 . It may have been Saudi citizens involved in 9 -11 but it was not the Saudi --- 'Royal FAMILY' --- that was involved . This is the reasoning that allowed 'gwb' to embrace the Saudis according to Rush in a conversation with William F. Buckley that they had years ago RWinger .

Well IRAQ had NOTHING to do with September 11 at all but GWB and Dick Cheney and Co. were out there linking 911 and Saddam Hussein in the SAME sentence to brainwash the gullible idiots into supporting bombing Iraq and getting rid of Saddam because of September 11.

Show me a link showing Bush or Cheney saying any such thing! You bought into the media lies I see.

Yes I thought you were one of those arrogant Know It All Quasi-Leftist Teachers who know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING yet you cannot use Google to find the answer to my ACCURATE comment of:

"Well IRAQ had NOTHING to do with September 11 at all but GWB and Dick Cheney and Co. were out there linking 911 and Saddam Hussein in the SAME sentence to brainwash the gullible idiots into supporting bombing Iraq and getting rid of Saddam because of September 11."

It is not black and white as Saddam Hussein planned September 11, it is more nuanced than that and subliminal, the message right AFTER 9/11 and the lead up to the invasion of Iraq that those watching what GWB, Cheney etc were commenting were not in general taking in the in-between sections they would ONLY be hearing:

9/11, Saddam Hussein, September 11, Saddam Hussein, 9/11, Iraq, September 11, Iraq and THIS would connect in enough gullible minds Saddam Hussein with September 11.

Well Ben Carson agrees with me re. GWB linking Saddam with 9/11 as the final desperate basis to launch the POINTLESS invasion of Iraq:

Here's Donald Trump The Candidate attacking GWB on September 11 and the Iraq War and The Donald is correct the Iraq War WAS a mistake but it was a deliberate mistake, Trump also said that GWB LIED, that there were NO WMD and that GWB should have been Impeached and then Jeb Bush babbles the usual crap that your type probably still think that GWB did a GREAT thing invading Iraq etc.

With this it could have you in a dilemma because in order to DEFEND GWB and the invasion of Iraq and the handling of 9/11 then you will have to ATTACK Donald Trump:

Dick Cheney from his OWN mouth linking 9/11 to Saddam Hussein so he can push the invasion of Iraq and Regime Change thing:

"In the post 9/11 era, certain risks are unacceptable. The United States made our position clear - we could not accept the grave danger of Saddam Hussein and his terrorist allies turning weapons of mass destruction against us or our friends and allies. And gradually we are learning the details of this hidden weapons programme."

"Some claim we should not have acted because the threat from Saddam Hussein was not imminent. Yet as the president has said, since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike. I would remind the critics of the fundamental case the president made since September 11th. Terrorist enemies of our country hope to strike us with the most lethal weapons known to man, and it would be reckless in the extreme to rule out action and save our worries until the day they strike."

Better not forget this gem Donald Rumsfeld in 1983 shaking hands and having a nice meeting with Saddam Hussein when he was America's Friend before he outlived his usefulness as an American Puppet and then had to be Regime Changed:

Bush and Cheney did everything possible to infer that Iraq was closely tied to AlQaeda and 9-11

Not only Bush and Cheney but Condi Rice and others also mentioned Saddam Hussein and 9/11 and Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda in the same sentence, there are videos of it if you Google and are prepared to search through things.

We are going to disagree here but you know that Donald Trump is the first American President for decades that has not devoted a lot of his time to bombing and/or invading multiple nations, he has of date dropped that one off set of bombs in Syria and that's it.

The list of the nations that Obama was bombing:

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia.

Countries bombed by the U.S. under Obama administration - CNNPolitics

In 2016 alone Obama ordered 26,171 bombs be dropped, they were dropping an average of 72 bombs a day every day:

The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

It's okay dropping bombs IF you are achieving something, but considering the situation in for example Afghanistan has been going on since 2001 and Afghanistan is still full of Radical Islamic extremism with The Taliban regrouped and running half of that nation and suicide bombs still occuring and the poppy fields growing more Opium than ever before, I would consider the whole Afghanistan situation as a failure and a very expensive failure in terms of both lives lost and the financial cost in the tens of billions.

It seems that for a long time and across the political spectrum of Republican and Democrat that the majority of American Presidents have been brought into the Addicted To War and Bombing crowd by The Military Industrial Complex that President Dwight Eisenhower in one of his last public comments warned America and the World about what would occur IF what he called The Military Industrial Complex ever gained control of the American Government.
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Arabs are blade-happy sadists. They love chopping people up with their beloved swords, daggers and knives. All they had to do was send a professional assassin to Turkey to shoot Kashogi; but no, they had to satisfy their burning lust for blade-torture. What a pack of savages.....
feck journalists ,'they ain't special , they begged for their jobs and looks like they or some of them got their jobs Clayton .
Condemn them, sanction them, break off ties... do whatever needs to be done to teach them that they can't get away with killing American citizens. Period.

The Saudis must pay for this.

Only trouble is, Trump won't say boo to them. He's desperate for his arms deal to go through.
Link? Proof? ...

Trump points to dubious arms deal to excuse Saudi Arabia

It appears to have been a brazen murder, which has resulted in a backlash against Riyadh. What’s been far less clear is what Donald Trump intends to do about it. Earlier this week, the American president said he hoped the situation would “sort itself out.” Yesterday, in a Q&A with reporters, Trump added that his administration is “looking at it very strongly.”

The Republican went on to say, however, that Khashoggi is not an American citizen and his apparent murder happened abroad – which seemed to signal Trump’s lack of interest in what transpired. It was soon followed by this exchange:

Q: Will Jamal Khashoggi’s case affect the way you deal with MBS or other Saudi officials?

TRUMP: We’ll have to see what happens. A lot of work is being done on that, and we’re going to have to see what happens. I don’t like stopping massive amounts of money that’s being poured into our country on – I know they’re talking about different kinds of sanctions, but they’re spending $110 billion on military equipment and on things that create jobs, like jobs and others, for this country.

I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of $110 billion into the United States…. I will tell you, upfront, right now, and I’ll say it in front of senators: They’re spending $110 billion purchasing military equipment and other things…. I would not be in favor of stopping a country from spending $110 billion – which is an all-time record.

There are a few important angles to this, from corruption to confusion.

At face value, Trump’s message signaled a degree of indifference toward the apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi. To hear the president tell it, he’s not pleased about the slaying of an American resident, but he’s not eager to take significant action, either.
Trump the clueless idiot – and as usual he misses the point.

The issue isn’t the citizenship of a slain journalist, the issue is the unwarranted attack of a journalist and the ongoing war against journalists by brutal authoritarian regimes, such as Saudi Arabia, and Trump’s willingness to ignore those attacks in support of brutal authoritarian regimes.
So we sanction Saudi Arabia cut ties with them then they ally themselves with Russia who in turn supports Iran and Assad in Syria which gives them more power and influence in the region and us less hardly seems like a good thing for us the region or the world in general. It's a shitty situation with no good options doing nothing or just a slap on the wrist can have serious negative long term implications but so can going way to far the other way everyone should take a breath and think about all of this before flying off the handle one way or the other.

One thing is that this situation illustrates how amateur the Saudi's are. IF you were going to do an operation like this you would have more covert options:

Shoot or stab whoever make it look like a robbery/shooting or stabbing and just do it on a street that is very out of the way, in Istanbul you could do that in the old section which is full of very very narrow streets, you would do this at night.

Knock whoever out and then throw them in a river, result drowning, the knock not that devastating because you do not want the coroner noticing they have blunt force trauma before they go into the water, also they have to still be breathing before you throw them into the water because you need the coroner to find water in their lungs before they have died.

What you would NOT do is get the person to go into your Consulate that is surrounded by CCTV 24/7 and then a few hours later have a ton of black vehicles all appear at your Consulate with approx 15 men then all going into the Consulate and also NOT having the victim then be seen by the same CCTV leaving the Consulate. If ANYTHING they should have disabled ALL CCTV but they did not.
Condemn them, sanction them, break off ties... do whatever needs to be done to teach them that they can't get away with killing American citizens. Period.

The Saudis must pay for this.

We need the Saudis. President Donald Trump has acted with discretion and force. We shall now see how the Saudis handle these eighteen alleged killers.

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