Saudis threatens US over 9/11 bill in Congress.

The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news.
Rich Saudi elites funding the 15 Saudi hijackers responsible for 911 is breaking news, regardless of your ideological blinders.
I don't think Donald has a clue about any of this shit going on.

Every other politician running for office, Hillary, Bernie, Cruz.. . . They are all familiar with the inner workings of the Deep State.

But Donald? Who knows? :dunno: He launders their money, but what else does he know?

This is why the establishment is SO against him. They don't have a clue what he will do when he finds out what else is going on.

His backers aren't the Deep State, they are Organized Crime. Globalism hasn't been good for American organized crime any more than it has been good for small business or the poor and middle class. It really is hard to say what will happen if he got elected.

It is neither here nor there there, he doesn't have a chance, the system is rigged in so many ways.

Here is a great article that will tell you the truth about what motivates and explains the roots of how Trump and his backer have been shut out of power for so long. . .

A Mafia Don with a Pompadour
A Mafia Don with a Pompadour | New Eastern Outlook

It's a pretty good bet he knows what's going on since he is running Resorts International. Then again, if he doesn't, is he qualified to be president?

It's sad when it takes a criminal to clean up the corruption in D.C. :lmao:

Exactly....this supposed mastermind of the mafia-riddled Manhattan real estate world gets finagled by a rookie Cruz for the Wyoming delegates? :badgrin: Trump is so far out of his league it's getting painful to watch.
Fuck Saudi Arabia. They're an oppressive backwards country who are only in our good graces because at the end of the day money talks.

they are our allies because----in general----the Saudi government----supports USA
foreign policy

They are completely barbaric and they financially support ISIS. They literally are an Islamic State that executes its citizens for breaking their stupid laws. Yet there is no outcry or boycotts happening.

I have seen NO EVIDENCE that the SAUDI GOVERNMENT supports ISIS-----in fact ISIS is intent on ---INVADING SAUDI ARABIA and attempting to TAKE THE LAND OF THE TWO MOSQUES OVER ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS Try to keep up----Saudi arabia and isis are NOT friends-----but persons IN SAUDI ARABIA support the filth of caliphatism and isis type programs and DONATE to jihadist
scum of all different flavors. Iran is IMPERIALIST-----and cites religious reasons
as IRAN BEING THE LAST REFUGE OF TRUE ISLAM (ie Shiite islam) I understand you problem----you know nothing about islam-------I worked with muslims for about 50 years and over time GOT TO KNOW all about it-----or I would never come close to understanding what is going on there now ----feel free to ask

You can virtually blame the rise of Wahabbi Islam and Al Queda on the Iranian revolution and the danger it posed to the Sunni world.

So yes, did powerful, wealthy, Sunni nations sponsor Wahabbism as a force of true Sunni Islam to counter Ayatollah Khomineis true Shiite Islam after the Iranian revolution of 1979? Of course they did. You don't need need a congressional report to realize that.

The Shiite vs Sunni bloodthirst has been going on for 1400 years since the beginning of Islam, and was reignited in the 20th century by the Iranian revolution.

Uhm------I am not sure of the timeline-----seems to me that WAHHABISM kinda
predated the AYATOILETS -----but the RISE THEREOF----could very well be a
reaction to the Shiite shit movement in Iran ------however "back to the old time religion" movements in Islamo lands are nothing new-------they seem to be as cyclical as reduviid bugs of the CYCADA variety---------anyone here not know
about the CYCADA BUGS that show up in DROVES at various locations in the USA EVERY 17 years? -------quite a phenomenon---------cyclical and inevitable
like that JIHAD SICKNESS that afflicts the Islamic psyche PERIODICALLY

Yes of course Sunnis and Shiites have at each other's throats for 1400's years, but the rise of modern radical Islam was started with the Iranian revolution in 1979, and what occured afterwards.
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news.
Rich Saudi elites funding the 15 Saudi hijackers responsible for 911 is breaking news, regardless of your ideological blinders.

"rich Saudis" is NOT necessarily the SAUDI GOVERNMENT--------your "news" is not at all "breaking"-------the issue SEEMS to me a SUIT against the government---not specified RICH SAUDIS
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news.
Rich Saudi elites funding the 15 Saudi hijackers responsible for 911 is breaking news, regardless of your ideological blinders.

Osama Bin Laden was a rich Saudi, his father was a very rich Saudi who worked with the royal family, 16 of the 19 Muslim animals that committed 9-11 were Saudis. How is rich Saudi and other Sunni elites funding 9-11 "breaking news". Sunni states and their rulers have been funding Sunni Islamist terrorist groups for the last 40 years, dufus. Get your head out of your ass, Achmed.
wake up folks-----the sunnis (Saudi arabia) and the Shiites (iran) have been at its other's throats for about 1400 years because muhummad's son-in-law died
in a battle -----ie ---it is a BLOOD FEUD over WHO GETS THE THRONE----
"Saudi Arabia, an historic ally of the U.S., had put significant pressure on the Obama administration in recent months to militarily intervene in Syria, and had also attempted to derail recent U.S.-Iran rapprochement.

"Senator Graham co-chaired the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that investigated intelligence failures leading up to 9/11. The inquiry’s final report included a 28-page chapter describing the Saudi connection to 9/11, but it was completely redacted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

“'I was stunned that the intelligence community would feel that it was a threat to national security for the American people to know who had made 9/11 financially possible,' said Senator Graham. 'And I am sad to report that today, some 12 years after we submitted our report, that those 28 pages continue to be withheld from the public.'

"The investigation into 9/11 intelligence failures and the subsequent cover-up of Saudi involvement by the Bush administration led Senator Graham to question his life-long reverence of presidential authority."

Investigating the Saudi Government's 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment - Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1

some idiot is trying to make a CASE--------as in-----Mrs Jones-----your nephew lived in your house for 10 years -----you fed him after his mom died and now---30 years later he killed his girl friends-----IF YOU HAD NOT FED HIM WHEN HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD_------THIS CRIME WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED------good job,

Sharon would get it.
Osama Bin Laden was a rich Saudi, his father was a rich Saudi who worked with the royal family, 16 of the 19 Muslim animals that committed 9-11 were Saudis. How is rich Saudi and other Sunni elites funding 9-11 "breaking news". Sunni states and their rulers have been funding Sunni Islamist terrorist groups for the last 40 years, dufus. Get your head out of your ass, Achmed.
So tell us why the US invaded Iraq, Golda?
wake up folks-----the sunnis (Saudi arabia) and the Shiites (iran) have been at its other's throats for about 1400 years because muhummad's son-in-law died
in a battle -----ie ---it is a BLOOD FEUD over WHO GETS THE THRONE----
"Saudi Arabia, an historic ally of the U.S., had put significant pressure on the Obama administration in recent months to militarily intervene in Syria, and had also attempted to derail recent U.S.-Iran rapprochement.

"Senator Graham co-chaired the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that investigated intelligence failures leading up to 9/11. The inquiry’s final report included a 28-page chapter describing the Saudi connection to 9/11, but it was completely redacted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

“'I was stunned that the intelligence community would feel that it was a threat to national security for the American people to know who had made 9/11 financially possible,' said Senator Graham. 'And I am sad to report that today, some 12 years after we submitted our report, that those 28 pages continue to be withheld from the public.'

"The investigation into 9/11 intelligence failures and the subsequent cover-up of Saudi involvement by the Bush administration led Senator Graham to question his life-long reverence of presidential authority."

Investigating the Saudi Government's 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment - Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1

some idiot is trying to make a CASE--------as in-----Mrs Jones-----your nephew lived in your house for 10 years -----you fed him after his mom died and now---30 years later he killed his girl friends-----IF YOU HAD NOT FED HIM WHEN HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD_------THIS CRIME WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED------good job,

Sharon would get it.
What do you expect from the Cradle of Islam? Glad you agree that it's the ultimate in hypocrisy when barbaric Muslim shithole nations are preaching the world about morality and ethics.
Osama Bin Laden was a rich Saudi, his father was a rich Saudi who worked with the royal family, 16 of the 19 Muslim animals that committed 9-11 were Saudis. How is rich Saudi and other Sunni elites funding 9-11 "breaking news". Sunni states and their rulers have been funding Sunni Islamist terrorist groups for the last 40 years, dufus. Get your head out of your ass, Achmed.
So tell us why the US invaded Iraq, Golda?
Wait, I know Abdul....because of the evil Joooooos! Ha ha ha.
Osama Bin Laden was a rich Saudi, his father was a rich Saudi who worked with the royal family, 16 of the 19 Muslim animals that committed 9-11 were Saudis. How is rich Saudi and other Sunni elites funding 9-11 "breaking news". Sunni states and their rulers have been funding Sunni Islamist terrorist groups for the last 40 years, dufus. Get your head out of your ass, Achmed.
So tell us why the US invaded Iraq, Golda?
Wait, I know Abdul....because of the evil Joooooos! Ha ha ha.
You think?

Bibi did it?
Osama Bin Laden was a rich Saudi, his father was a rich Saudi who worked with the royal family, 16 of the 19 Muslim animals that committed 9-11 were Saudis. How is rich Saudi and other Sunni elites funding 9-11 "breaking news". Sunni states and their rulers have been funding Sunni Islamist terrorist groups for the last 40 years, dufus. Get your head out of your ass, Achmed.
So tell us why the US invaded Iraq, Golda?
Wait, I know Abdul....because of the evil Joooooos! Ha ha ha.
You think?

Bibi did it?
I think you're an ignorant, bigoted Muslim moron. That's what I think.
I don't think Donald has a clue about any of this shit going on.

Every other politician running for office, Hillary, Bernie, Cruz.. . . They are all familiar with the inner workings of the Deep State.

But Donald? Who knows? :dunno: He launders their money, but what else does he know?

This is why the establishment is SO against him. They don't have a clue what he will do when he finds out what else is going on.

His backers aren't the Deep State, they are Organized Crime. Globalism hasn't been good for American organized crime any more than it has been good for small business or the poor and middle class. It really is hard to say what will happen if he got elected.

It is neither here nor there there, he doesn't have a chance, the system is rigged in so many ways.

Here is a great article that will tell you the truth about what motivates and explains the roots of how Trump and his backer have been shut out of power for so long. . .

A Mafia Don with a Pompadour
A Mafia Don with a Pompadour | New Eastern Outlook

It's a pretty good bet he knows what's going on since he is running Resorts International. Then again, if he doesn't, is he qualified to be president?

It's sad when it takes a criminal to clean up the corruption in D.C. :lmao:

Exactly....this supposed mastermind of the mafia-riddled Manhattan real estate world gets finagled by a rookie Cruz for the Wyoming delegates? :badgrin: Trump is so far out of his league it's getting painful to watch.

Roger Stone helped build Trump's empire.

Trump's biggest mistake was parting ways with him last summer. His damn ego got in the way.

He wouldn't be in the fix he is in now if he hadn't done that.

One is the charismatic front man, the other was the brains of the operation. Guess who was the brains since the eighties? And he left the team. BIG mistake.

They have always been a team. Donald was a fool to believe he could take on the system on his own.

The only person as crooked and slimy as the Clinton's and Cruz and the establishment crowd is Roger Stone. He makes Trump look angelic. :badgrin:

The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Nice ad hominem.

I think he knows what's best for America.

But I doubt you would. Being Jewish, you were probably never instructed about the wisdom of trying to serve two masters, but he knows. Don't underestimate him.
How the fuck were the filthy, inbred, ugly middle east pieces of shit, and that goes for all entities in the middle east, how were these terrorist turds allowed to buy anything that might have an impact on the US economy? Meanwhile the lying bastards in Congress wanted to risk polluting the US with a dangerous oil pipeline in the heartland to allegedly free us from middle east scum? What a crock of bullshit.

Oil would be the short answer to your long winded question. Because without it you're screwed.
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Nice ad hominem.

I think he knows what's best for America.

But I doubt you would. Being Jewish, you were probably never instructed about the wisdom of trying to serve two masters, but he knows. Don't underestimate him.

More racist gibberish from Mr. Bean. Since when did neo Nazis and IslamoNazis like you know "what's good for America"? You guys are ignorant low IQ dumbfucks.
It wasn't the Saudis that kept our fighter jets from intercepting the alleged planes and it wasn't the Saudis that wrote the Patriot weeks before this event and it wasn't the Saudis that put the spy apparatus in place before 9/11 and it wasn't the Saudis that wrote the PNAC document declaring that short of a Pearl Harbor like event, their plans to take over the Middle East would be tough to implement. It wasn't the Saudis that fired a missile into the Pentagon and sure as shit wasn't Osama bin Laden aka "Tom Osman" that had a damn thing to do with the events of 9/11. He was, until the day he died on December 13th,2001, a CIA asset that helped to train and recruit mercenaries for covert CIA operations. He was visited by intelligence agencies including the CIA in July of 2001 when he was in a U.S military hospital getting treatment for his kidneys due to Marfan's syndrome for ten days. Wake the fuck up and see what is going on around you...trying to pin blame on some bought and paid for political party is a fucking waste of time and energy. The biggest terrorists on the planet are the ones pulling the puppet strings on your corporate "gubermint" leaders. It's time to grow the fuck up and look reality in the face if we have any chance to survive what it is that they have planned for us.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Nice ad hominem.

I think he knows what's best for America.

But I doubt you would. Being Jewish, you were probably never instructed about the wisdom of trying to serve two masters, but he knows. Don't underestimate him.

More racist gibberish from Mr. Bean. Since when did neo Nazis and IslamoNazis like you know "what's good for America"? You guys are ignorant low IQ dumbfucks.
MisterBeale is one of the best posters on this site with a gift for critical thinking...if he makes an observation, you might want to consider it......seriously.
Billions for Defense...

Not one cent for Blackmail...

Phukk 'em...

Publish the 28 pages and pass the Bill and to the Devil with the consequences...

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