Saudis threatens US over 9/11 bill in Congress.

wake up folks-----the sunnis (Saudi arabia) and the Shiites (iran) have been at its other's throats for about 1400 years because muhummad's son-in-law died
in a battle -----ie ---it is a BLOOD FEUD over WHO GETS THE THRONE----
"Saudi Arabia, an historic ally of the U.S., had put significant pressure on the Obama administration in recent months to militarily intervene in Syria, and had also attempted to derail recent U.S.-Iran rapprochement.

"Senator Graham co-chaired the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that investigated intelligence failures leading up to 9/11. The inquiry’s final report included a 28-page chapter describing the Saudi connection to 9/11, but it was completely redacted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

“'I was stunned that the intelligence community would feel that it was a threat to national security for the American people to know who had made 9/11 financially possible,' said Senator Graham. 'And I am sad to report that today, some 12 years after we submitted our report, that those 28 pages continue to be withheld from the public.'

"The investigation into 9/11 intelligence failures and the subsequent cover-up of Saudi involvement by the Bush administration led Senator Graham to question his life-long reverence of presidential authority."

Investigating the Saudi Government's 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment - Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1

a constipated elderly man seeking revenge for this failed and miserable life
"GRAHAM: Their active role, and how our perspective role on that active role would be different if there was an acceptance of the fact that Saudi Arabia was essentially a co-conspirator in 9/11, how much that would change the way in which, particularly in the current milieu of events in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is being viewed."
Investigating the Saudi Government's 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment - Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1

buncha BS-----no doubt people in Saudi arabia fund terrorism-----but if the president puts a dime in the cup of a beggar and the beggar uses it to buy heroin----that DOES NOT MAKE THE PRESIDENT guilty of supporting the drug trade. If the beggar says-----" I NEED A SNORT---GIVE ME TEN BUCKS"---and the president
takes money out of his own pocket----he is STILL NOT THE USA SUPPORTING
DRUG TRADE---------he is just a private person supporting snorters. I do not believe that it is the POLICY of the Saudi arabia to SUPPORT AL QUEIDA-----just lots of Saudis DO---and they do it with the OIL money that being whomever they are GIVES them access in Saudi arabia

mmm..... your second theoretical is a bit off I think.

If your brother-in-law asks you to give him money for rent, and you know, and he knows, and everyone knows he's an alcoholic, and he's going to use that money to buy beer.... That's why it's called enabling, and you are now complicit.
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.

Yeah. This entire thing over there is so messy and complicated... gives me a headache just thinking about it. This is why I'm never running for high office. I'd hate to have to come to some choice on what to do.
You sound like a Trump foreign policy. Advisor.....

So if it's proven that the House of Saud was behind the 9/11 massacre you'd what...draw a pink line in the sand and tell them they better not do it again?
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.
wake up folks-----the sunnis (Saudi arabia) and the Shiites (iran) have been at its other's throats for about 1400 years because muhummad's son-in-law died
in a battle -----ie ---it is a BLOOD FEUD over WHO GETS THE THRONE----
"Saudi Arabia, an historic ally of the U.S., had put significant pressure on the Obama administration in recent months to militarily intervene in Syria, and had also attempted to derail recent U.S.-Iran rapprochement.

"Senator Graham co-chaired the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that investigated intelligence failures leading up to 9/11. The inquiry’s final report included a 28-page chapter describing the Saudi connection to 9/11, but it was completely redacted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

“'I was stunned that the intelligence community would feel that it was a threat to national security for the American people to know who had made 9/11 financially possible,' said Senator Graham. 'And I am sad to report that today, some 12 years after we submitted our report, that those 28 pages continue to be withheld from the public.'

"The investigation into 9/11 intelligence failures and the subsequent cover-up of Saudi involvement by the Bush administration led Senator Graham to question his life-long reverence of presidential authority."

Investigating the Saudi Government's 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment - Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1

a constipated elderly man seeking revenge for this failed and miserable life

Actually, George's source has got this right.

You are being a disingenuous troll.

When ever we are in doubt, we look to a second source to confirm what we suspect is the truth. If folks had bothered to read my entire post and watched my discussions, they would have seen everything confirms what his is saying.

Here is YET ANOTHER SOURCE, a Pulitzer prize winning one at that.

I already told you folks, this is about the CIA trying to cover their own ass.

Trento’s Take: The CIA and Airline Security: The Dots No One Wants to Connect
Trento’s Take: The CIA and Airline Security: The Dots No One Wants to Connect « DC Bureau

One particularly sensitive name was Khalid al-Mihdhar, a Saudi Arabian intelligence agent who the CIA was so convinced had infiltrated Al Qaeda as a Saudi double agent that it never detected he was really a triple agent working against the West. At the behest of the Saudi embassy in Washington, the CIA allowed him (and his cohort Nawaf al-Hazmi) to come into the United States and live openly in San Diego. The monies they lived on came directly from bank accounts controlled by the Saudi Embassy in Washington. In September 2001, just before 9/11, when the departing Chief of Saudi intelligence indicated to the CIA that there was a problem with the Saudi agents, the CIA did not pass on all the information it had on the two men to the FBI. In fact, the agency and the FBI “lost track” of these two Al Qaeda operatives.

Khalid al-Mihdhar helped fly American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon on 9/11. The CIA misspelled his name – the one that appeared on the no-fly list five years after he was supposedly killed in the attack – as “Khalid al Midham.” His name appeared on the list with fourteen of 9/11 hijackers. But it was not an inadvertent error. The CIA had before 2001 classified software from contractor SAIC that would resolve problems with Arab names in database searches. That CIA software was not shared with other intelligence services contributing to the watch lists.

The night before al-Mihdhar and his cohorts took Flight 77 to its doom, they stayed at the same airport hotel with the leading Saudi funder of Islamic causes around the world. After 9/11 that man, Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman al-Hussyayen, faked a heart attack during an FBI interview. The Bureau had no second chance to talk to him. The Bush White House allowed him to be evacuated to Saudi Arabia where he was promoted to running the holy sites in Mecca. President Obama needs to learn that it is not about connecting the dots but about correcting ongoing intelligence failure. Because if John Brennan did connect the dots, they would lead right to the royal family in Saudi Arabia.
Fuck Saudi Arabia. They're an oppressive backwards country who are only in our good graces because at the end of the day money talks.

they are our allies because----in general----the Saudi government----supports USA
foreign policy

They are completely barbaric and they financially support ISIS. They literally are an Islamic State that executes its citizens for breaking their stupid laws. Yet there is no outcry or boycotts happening.
You sound like a Trump foreign policy. Advisor.....

So if it's proven that the House of Saud was behind the 9/11 massacre you'd what...draw a pink line in the sand and tell them they better not do it again?

So you would attack?...Donald
I don't think Donald has a clue about any of this shit going on.

Every other politician running for office, Hillary, Bernie, Cruz.. . . They are all familiar with the inner workings of the Deep State.

But Donald? Who knows? :dunno: He launders their money, but what else does he know?

This is why the establishment is SO against him. They don't have a clue what he will do when he finds out what else is going on.

His backers aren't the Deep State, they are Organized Crime. Globalism hasn't been good for American organized crime any more than it has been good for small business or the poor and middle class. It really is hard to say what will happen if he got elected.

It is neither here nor there there, he doesn't have a chance, the system is rigged in so many ways.

Here is a great article that will tell you the truth about what motivates and explains the roots of how Trump and his backer have been shut out of power for so long. . .

A Mafia Don with a Pompadour
A Mafia Don with a Pompadour | New Eastern Outlook

It's a pretty good bet he knows what's going on since he is running Resorts International. Then again, if he doesn't, is he qualified to be president?

It's sad when it takes a criminal to clean up the corruption in D.C. :lmao:

The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.

Yeah.... and I would hope you are right in that. But you never know what the ramifications are of even the simplest of policies. It's all about unintended consequences.
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH
Fuck Saudi Arabia. They're an oppressive backwards country who are only in our good graces because at the end of the day money talks.

they are our allies because----in general----the Saudi government----supports USA
foreign policy

They are completely barbaric and they financially support ISIS. They literally are an Islamic State that executes its citizens for breaking their stupid laws. Yet there is no outcry or boycotts happening.

I have seen NO EVIDENCE that the SAUDI GOVERNMENT supports ISIS-----in fact ISIS is intent on ---INVADING SAUDI ARABIA and attempting to TAKE THE LAND OF THE TWO MOSQUES OVER ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS Try to keep up----Saudi arabia and isis are NOT friends-----but persons IN SAUDI ARABIA support the filth of caliphatism and isis type programs and DONATE to jihadist
scum of all different flavors. Iran is IMPERIALIST-----and cites religious reasons
as IRAN BEING THE LAST REFUGE OF TRUE ISLAM (ie Shiite islam) I understand you problem----you know nothing about islam-------I worked with muslims for about 50 years and over time GOT TO KNOW all about it-----or I would never come close to understanding what is going on there now ----feel free to ask
wake up folks-----the sunnis (Saudi arabia) and the Shiites (iran) have been at its other's throats for about 1400 years because muhummad's son-in-law died
in a battle -----ie ---it is a BLOOD FEUD over WHO GETS THE THRONE----
"Saudi Arabia, an historic ally of the U.S., had put significant pressure on the Obama administration in recent months to militarily intervene in Syria, and had also attempted to derail recent U.S.-Iran rapprochement.

"Senator Graham co-chaired the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 that investigated intelligence failures leading up to 9/11. The inquiry’s final report included a 28-page chapter describing the Saudi connection to 9/11, but it was completely redacted by U.S. intelligence agencies.

“'I was stunned that the intelligence community would feel that it was a threat to national security for the American people to know who had made 9/11 financially possible,' said Senator Graham. 'And I am sad to report that today, some 12 years after we submitted our report, that those 28 pages continue to be withheld from the public.'

"The investigation into 9/11 intelligence failures and the subsequent cover-up of Saudi involvement by the Bush administration led Senator Graham to question his life-long reverence of presidential authority."

Investigating the Saudi Government's 9/11 Connection and the Path to Disillusionment - Sen. Graham on Reality Asserts Itself pt 1

some idiot is trying to make a CASE--------as in-----Mrs Jones-----your nephew lived in your house for 10 years -----you fed him after his mom died and now---30 years later he killed his girl friends-----IF YOU HAD NOT FED HIM WHEN HE WAS TEN YEARS OLD_------THIS CRIME WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED------good job,
The Saudis being complicit in funding and sponsoring Wahhabi groups is not breaking news. We have to remember that this began in response to Iran's Shiite Islamic Revolution and the threat the Sunnis and Saudis felt as a result. The report will merely confirm this. So again, what's the use? Destabilizing the Saudis to enable a Shiite takeover would be the ultimate in foreign policy stupidity.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Fuck Saudi Arabia. They're an oppressive backwards country who are only in our good graces because at the end of the day money talks.

they are our allies because----in general----the Saudi government----supports USA
foreign policy

They are completely barbaric and they financially support ISIS. They literally are an Islamic State that executes its citizens for breaking their stupid laws. Yet there is no outcry or boycotts happening.

I have seen NO EVIDENCE that the SAUDI GOVERNMENT supports ISIS-----in fact ISIS is intent on ---INVADING SAUDI ARABIA and attempting to TAKE THE LAND OF THE TWO MOSQUES OVER ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS Try to keep up----Saudi arabia and isis are NOT friends-----but persons IN SAUDI ARABIA support the filth of caliphatism and isis type programs and DONATE to jihadist
scum of all different flavors. Iran is IMPERIALIST-----and cites religious reasons
as IRAN BEING THE LAST REFUGE OF TRUE ISLAM (ie Shiite islam) I understand you problem----you know nothing about islam-------I worked with muslims for about 50 years and over time GOT TO KNOW all about it-----or I would never come close to understanding what is going on there now ----feel free to ask

You can virtually blame the rise of Wahabbi Islam and Al Queda on the Iranian revolution and the danger it posed to the Sunni world.

So yes, did powerful, wealthy, Sunni nations sponsor Wahabbism as a force of true Sunni Islam to counter Ayatollah Khomineis true Shiite Islam after the Iranian revolution of 1979? Of course they did. You don't need need a congressional report to realize that.

The Shiite vs Sunni bloodthirst has been going on for 1400 years since the beginning of Islam, and was reignited in the 20th century by the Iranian revolution.
Fuck Saudi Arabia. They're an oppressive backwards country who are only in our good graces because at the end of the day money talks.

they are our allies because----in general----the Saudi government----supports USA
foreign policy

They are completely barbaric and they financially support ISIS. They literally are an Islamic State that executes its citizens for breaking their stupid laws. Yet there is no outcry or boycotts happening.

I have seen NO EVIDENCE that the SAUDI GOVERNMENT supports ISIS-----in fact ISIS is intent on ---INVADING SAUDI ARABIA and attempting to TAKE THE LAND OF THE TWO MOSQUES OVER ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS Try to keep up----Saudi arabia and isis are NOT friends-----but persons IN SAUDI ARABIA support the filth of caliphatism and isis type programs and DONATE to jihadist
scum of all different flavors. Iran is IMPERIALIST-----and cites religious reasons
as IRAN BEING THE LAST REFUGE OF TRUE ISLAM (ie Shiite islam) I understand you problem----you know nothing about islam-------I worked with muslims for about 50 years and over time GOT TO KNOW all about it-----or I would never come close to understanding what is going on there now ----feel free to ask

You can virtually blame the rise of Wahabbi Islam and Al Queda on the Iranian revolution and the danger it posed to the Sunni world.

So yes, did powerful, wealthy, Sunni nations sponsor Wahabbism as a force of true Sunni Islam to counter Ayatollah Khomineis true Shiite Islam after the Iranian revolution of 1979? Of course they did. You don't need need a congressional report to realize that.

The Shiite vs Sunni bloodthirst has been going on for 1400 years since the beginning of Islam, and was reignited in the 20th century by the Iranian revolution.

Uhm------I am not sure of the timeline-----seems to me that WAHHABISM kinda
predated the AYATOILETS -----but the RISE THEREOF----could very well be a
reaction to the Shiite shit movement in Iran ------however "back to the old time religion" movements in Islamo lands are nothing new-------they seem to be as cyclical as reduviid bugs of the CYCADA variety---------anyone here not know
about the CYCADA BUGS that show up in DROVES at various locations in the USA EVERY 17 years? -------quite a phenomenon---------cyclical and inevitable
like that JIHAD SICKNESS that afflicts the Islamic psyche PERIODICALLY

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