Saudis threatens US over 9/11 bill in Congress.

think you're an ignorant, bigoted Muslim moron. That's what I think.
I know what you are

As a child, George was brought up the right way. Allah Akbar!



Exactly, Gerogy is one of an extremely small group of idiots, I keep around without placing them on ignore, because at least his stupidity is really funny to watch. Most idiots, are boring, and placed on ignore pretty quick.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Nice ad hominem.

I think he knows what's best for America.

But I doubt you would. Being Jewish, you were probably never instructed about the wisdom of trying to serve two masters, but he knows. Don't underestimate him.

More racist gibberish from Mr. Bean. Since when did neo Nazis and IslamoNazis like you know "what's good for America"? You guys are ignorant low IQ dumbfucks.
MisterBeale is one of the best posters on this site with a gift for critical thinking...if he makes an observation, you might want to consider it......seriously.
Mr. Bean is a raving bigoted pig. I've seen its "comments" before.
think you're an ignorant, bigoted Muslim moron. That's what I think.
I know what you are

As a child, George was brought up the right way. Allah Akbar!



Exactly, Gerogy is one of an extremely small group of idiots, I keep around without placing them on ignore, because at least his stupidity is really funny to watch. Most idiots, are boring, and placed on ignore pretty quick.
These kinds of sites are a magnet for his type where they can spout their garbage anonymously.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Nice ad hominem.

I think he knows what's best for America.

But I doubt you would. Being Jewish, you were probably never instructed about the wisdom of trying to serve two masters, but he knows. Don't underestimate him.

More racist gibberish from Mr. Bean. Since when did neo Nazis and IslamoNazis like you know "what's good for America"? You guys are ignorant low IQ dumbfucks.
MisterBeale is one of the best posters on this site with a gift for critical thinking...if he makes an observation, you might want to consider it......seriously.
Mr. Bean is a raving bigoted pig. I've seen its "comments" before.[/QUOOk, give me an example because I have been here for 9 months and I have never read a thing that he has posted that would ever lead me to that conclusion......put up or's really that simple. Provide an example and if it comes across as racist? I will admit error but as for now, I think you are full of shit and pissed that he has gotten your goat a time or three.....
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.



Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.


View attachment 71831

Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.


View attachment 71831

Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)
The bottom line is that non-Muslims are too scared shitless to want to understand that Saudi Arabia is intent on taking over the world.
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.


View attachment 71831

Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)

oh yeah... totally galled. completely gall. All gall man. 100% gall. you dun gots me man. complete gall tastic gall-ation. And vex too. gall vex'd. that be me.

It's ok. I'm just playing with you anyway. I expected little else from you.
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.


View attachment 71831

Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)

oh yeah... totally galled. completely gall. All gall man. 100% gall. you dun gots me man. complete gall tastic gall-ation. And vex too. gall vex'd. that be me.

It's ok. I'm just playing with you anyway. I expected little else from you.

I know more than you....fact.
Destabilizing the Saudis? You are getting a bit ahead of yourself Zionist. We are merely talking about informing the American populace to the conspiracy you alluded to. Which hopefully (not holding my breath) will open people's eyes to the events which have unfolded since.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Nice ad hominem.

I think he knows what's best for America.

But I doubt you would. Being Jewish, you were probably never instructed about the wisdom of trying to serve two masters, but he knows. Don't underestimate him.

More racist gibberish from Mr. Bean. Since when did neo Nazis and IslamoNazis like you know "what's good for America"? You guys are ignorant low IQ dumbfucks.

I'm not being "racist."

I am simply making the logical deduction that since you are a Zionist, you are not familiar with Matthew 6:24 or Luke 16:13. I've also reached the conclusion that you think it is in America's interest to have a strong middle eastern foreign policy, even if that means sacrificing American families.

Most folks here would tell you to fuck off if that is the case. Go frequent Israeli, Jewish or Zionist forums if that is your belief; I don't think you are welcome here if that is your POV.

(Just an aside, this claiming victim-hood status to try to win an argument you are clearly losing is getting old. Do you need a hanky or a safe space now? :itsok:)
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.


View attachment 71831

Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)
The bottom line is that non-Muslims are too scared shitless to want to understand that Saudi Arabia is intent on taking over the world.

Are you referring to the Saudi religious elite? Or the Saudi government? I actually highly doubt the Saudi government, and the Saudi King has any such intentions. I've read enough of what the Saudi royal family has put out, that it's seems highly unlikely that they have any grand intentions.

The religious elite of Saudi Arabia, is a different matter altogether.

Most crazed rulers with grand intentions, are usually pretty open about it. And many times, they need to be open about their intentions to get the citizenship to follow them.

If Hitler had simply stepped up to government and activated the military for world domination, he would have been run out of office.

He spent a decade working the people into a belief that they could start taking over Europe, so that when it happened, enough of the public was with him, that they couldn't stop him.

Similarly, Iran's leadership is constantly and openly saying they intend to attack Israel, so that when it happens, the people will be with them.

If the Saudi government intended on grand plans, they would be saying something, I'm convinced. Iran is the real danger in my opinion. They have be cultivating an attitude of military campaign in their people for ages. At some point, until there is an intervention, I bet it will happen. Possibly soon.
Saudi Arabia, home of Wahhabi Islam, hell, ISLAM period. A father to the cult that attacked America on 9/11. Most of the attackers came from there. Mecca and Medina needs a wake up call from the west. Bigtime.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.


View attachment 71831

Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)

oh yeah... totally galled. completely gall. All gall man. 100% gall. you dun gots me man. complete gall tastic gall-ation. And vex too. gall vex'd. that be me.

It's ok. I'm just playing with you anyway. I expected little else from you.

I know more than you....fact.

Yeah! Apparently you know 'I iz galled and vexed dang nabbit'. You must know more. A ton more! That sixth sense of yours 'sur dun com in handy'.
Informing the American public so that a "lawsuit" can be filed, which will cUse further deteriotion of US / Saudi relations, which will further isolate and destabilize Saudi Arabia, pushing it closer to a Shiite takeover? Do you want the Shiites to take over Mecca, your "cradle of Islam", Achmed?

That's what this is all about...Obama once again undercutting and destabilizing a US ally. Keep up.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Nice ad hominem.

I think he knows what's best for America.

But I doubt you would. Being Jewish, you were probably never instructed about the wisdom of trying to serve two masters, but he knows. Don't underestimate him.

More racist gibberish from Mr. Bean. Since when did neo Nazis and IslamoNazis like you know "what's good for America"? You guys are ignorant low IQ dumbfucks.

I'm not being "racist."

I am simply making the logical deduction that since you are a Zionist, you are not familiar with Matthew 6:24 or Luke 16:13. I've also reached the conclusion that you think it is in America's interest to have a strong middle eastern foreign policy, even if that means sacrificing American families.

Most folks here would tell you to fuck off if that is the case. Go frequent Israeli, Jewish or Zionist forums if that is your belief; I don't think you are welcome here if that is your POV.

(Just an aside, this claiming victim-hood status to try to win an argument you are clearly losing is getting old. Do you need a hanky or a safe space now? :itsok:)

The state of Israel was a Rothschild project that had it's origins starting back in 1917....the state of Israel is not what people think it is.......not at all.
Radical islamists are being nurtured and fostered by the global elites because they are following Albert Pike's models for the last of the three world wars that would have to be financed in order to bring about the NWO. Do you HONESTLY believe that the infiltration of military aged muslims males into Europe AND the United States is merely a coinkydink? It's it up yourself and read it. This document was in a museum in London until 1973 mere months after the Palestinians killed the Israelis athletes in Munich, Germany during the 1972 Summer Olympic games. The document was written in really should read it....knowledge is power.


View attachment 71831

Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)

oh yeah... totally galled. completely gall. All gall man. 100% gall. you dun gots me man. complete gall tastic gall-ation. And vex too. gall vex'd. that be me.

It's ok. I'm just playing with you anyway. I expected little else from you.

I know more than you....fact.

Yeah! Apparently you know 'I iz galled and vexed dang nabbit'. You must know more. A ton more! That sixth sense of yours 'sur dun com in handy'.

Hey, I simply know more than you.......fact.

View attachment 71831

Dale and Fluffy have this thing figured out!
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)

oh yeah... totally galled. completely gall. All gall man. 100% gall. you dun gots me man. complete gall tastic gall-ation. And vex too. gall vex'd. that be me.

It's ok. I'm just playing with you anyway. I expected little else from you.

I know more than you....fact.

Yeah! Apparently you know 'I iz galled and vexed dang nabbit'. You must know more. A ton more! That sixth sense of yours 'sur dun com in handy'.

Hey, I simply know more than you.......fact.

Yessiree.... Dale and is other brother Dale, dun knows all.
I know more than you and I can tell it galls advice to you is to pick up a book every now and then....I don't mean first grade primers or comic books but a REAL book and have a dictionary handy so that you can look up the multi-syllable words that vex you so........make this happen. I believe in you........ (snicker)

oh yeah... totally galled. completely gall. All gall man. 100% gall. you dun gots me man. complete gall tastic gall-ation. And vex too. gall vex'd. that be me.

It's ok. I'm just playing with you anyway. I expected little else from you.

I know more than you....fact.

Yeah! Apparently you know 'I iz galled and vexed dang nabbit'. You must know more. A ton more! That sixth sense of yours 'sur dun com in handy'.

Hey, I simply know more than you.......fact.

Yessiree.... Dale and is other brother Dale, dun knows all.

You could never go "toe to toe" with me....not on the best day you ever had....fact. Do ya know why? Because I know more than you....and that is (you know where I am going with this.....) a fact.
Not my concern. I stand with the American families who lost their loved ones, not with Sunni scum (and their Zionist sympathizers) who perpetrated that crime.

BTW Obama is trying to block the bill's passage. You people don't even try to conceal your misinformation campaign anymore. SMH

You should stand for what's best for America, and keep your bigotry in check, Nazi boy.
Nice ad hominem.

I think he knows what's best for America.

But I doubt you would. Being Jewish, you were probably never instructed about the wisdom of trying to serve two masters, but he knows. Don't underestimate him.

More racist gibberish from Mr. Bean. Since when did neo Nazis and IslamoNazis like you know "what's good for America"? You guys are ignorant low IQ dumbfucks.

I'm not being "racist."

I am simply making the logical deduction that since you are a Zionist, you are not familiar with Matthew 6:24 or Luke 16:13. I've also reached the conclusion that you think it is in America's interest to have a strong middle eastern foreign policy, even if that means sacrificing American families.

Most folks here would tell you to fuck off if that is the case. Go frequent Israeli, Jewish or Zionist forums if that is your belief; I don't think you are welcome here if that is your POV.

(Just an aside, this claiming victim-hood status to try to win an argument you are clearly losing is getting old. Do you need a hanky or a safe space now? :itsok:)

The state of Israel was a Rothschild project that had it's origins starting back in 1917....the state of Israel is not what people think it is.......not at all.
Could you let me in on what it is as opposed to any other nation that has people that like to hoard money and power?
The Rothschild are gone; assimilated in history.
I don't think the current genetic members care about anything besides the acquisition of wealth.

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