Savage Out of Control Cops Brutally Beats Man and Kills Protective Dog While At It

havent watched the video and probably wont because i hate to see innocent animals killed for no good reason .... but if the cops abused their authority they should be prosecuted .

You can't prosecute without a crime. So what was the crime?
I've known a hell of a lot of white people who lose their minds and souls to alcohol along with their lives...True story..

Of course we all do. The difference is that if a drunken white guy attacks police, tries to sick his dog on them, tries to disarm officers and they need to use physical force to get the situation under control, it's barely a local story yet alone a national one.
The only group in America that gets brutally beaten, maimed and killed even more than black men are Native American men, and this pair of savage out of control cops are the reason why police in America are losing favor throughout the country...

Indians are beaten maimed and killed more than blacks? Have a link to that claim? And what does his heritage have anything to do with this?
Ashli Babbit wasn't murdered. She was a perpetrator that got what she had coming. The onlky crime that day is full auto weapons, and shotguns were not brought to bear on more of the insurrectionists.

That mistake won't happen again.

Do you masturbate to thoughts of murdering Trump supporters?
So you think a man should be on life support for Jay Walking, oh that's right he isn't white so it really doesn't matter. Pres. Biden and the Democrats have got to get off of their asses and get this police reform bill passed.

Jay walking? Is that what he did? How many times did I tell you leftists, you can't win a debate using lies.

He apparently fought with the officers, tried to disarm one by taking his baton, ordered his pit bull dog to attack them, resisted arrest. But yeah, he was beating so badly because of jay walking.
Jay walking? Is that what he did? How many times did I tell you leftists, you can't win a debate using lies.

He apparently fought with the officers, tried to disarm one by taking his baton, ordered his pit bull dog to attack them, resisted arrest. But yeah, he was beating so badly because of jay walking.
Can you point out in the video where he did all of this.
So Lessee:
  1. Police called to scene in middle of the night find man and his dog in closed gas station nearby where no one has any reason to be.
  2. Man comes out screaming and yelling at police.
  3. Man refuses to take direction.
  4. Man sicks dog on cops.
  5. Man fights with police as they try to gain control of him.
  6. In the process, man gets beats to submission and pit bull terrier is shot.
  7. Damn those police!
Where are those social workers when you need them?
Can you point out in the video where he did all of this.

You can't get the video unless you sign up with YouTube. Posting sites where you have to sign up because you know people won't do it is a frequently used tactic by the left. If you read the article in the OP however, it states that's exactly what he did.
You can't get the video unless you sign up with YouTube. Posting sites where you have to sign up because you know people won't do it is a frequently used tactic by the left. If you read the article in the OP however, it states that's exactly what he did.
Well post it from the article.
So you think a man should be on life support for Jay Walking, oh that's right he isn't white so it really doesn't matter. Pres. Biden and the Democrats have got to get off of their asses and get this police reform bill passed.
That's a terrible argument. Your supposition is that a person is beaten by police for only jaywalking. How MOST of these scenarios goes like this...

Man is jaywalking
Officer approaches jaywalker
Jaywalker appears high, drunk, suspicious, and or in general flees...
Police pursue
Perp then tries various methods to avoid confrontation and or arrest

And here is a good example of how a lot of these scenarios play out: Quick synopsis for those that won't watch it.
Officer pulls over lady
Lady is somewhat complying but acting a bit sus
Cop has reason to suspect that she's hiding something or up to something
Cop starts searching and finds drugs
Cop makes a few mistakes in making sure lady is secure
Lady then gets into car and doesn't comply to exit vehicle
Lady goes to glove box and retrieves gun and shoots cop
Cop returns fire
Lady drives off and later dies

Can you point out in the video where he did all of this.
Didin't you watch the video? The guy is clearly drunk which is against the law. Most drunks, walking around town are a danger to themselves and or others. And this one had a pitbull with him. You can try, all day to excuse this man's actions, but the police had every right to confront and arrest.

The problem with some people is personal culpability. This man could have clearly chosen not to drink. But he made a poor decision. Then the next bad choice is talking a pitbull with him. Then the next bad choice was leaving his dwelling intoxicated. The next bad choice is when confronted, he became belligerent and combative. But for some, oh, this is clearly racism and the cops fault. Bullshit.
And you cheer on cops who kill unarmed Black men

So Pot meet kettle
As if this is normative. All the stats show that white men are killed more by police than blacks. It's the social, political and MSM narrative that is being pushed in front of everyone.

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