Savages Attack North Korean Defectors Who Wore MAGA Hats

There are no ovens (except the one you use to incinerate the truth), no gas chambers and no concentration camps and there never will be. No one is being oppressed or marginalized and if I thought anyone was, I would stand by your side to help fight it.

I'm sure that there were 1940's Germans who claimed the same thing until the war was lost.... You know, there was a reason why Sgt. Schultz "I know nothink.... Nothink!!!!!" was such a funny joke back then. It was a dark humor about how Germans had willful blindness about what their country turned into.

SO this is your new name. Sgt. Schultz....

This “oppression” you see is all in your head. Trump and his supporters are not out to get anyone and I challenge you to provide evidence (which I know you can’ or won’t provide).

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Get back to me when you actually see ovens and gas chambers. Until then you’re just a liberal windbag.
Okay, so now you're hoping to hide your assaults under, "they're too busy to pay attention to small time thugs who attack the elderly and the less powerful for wearing the wrong colors, and then run away into the night". All I can say is, mess with the wrong guy wearing the hat and enjoy your stay in the hospital, trying to get a cop to pay attention to your story.

Actually, more like you Nazis will keep getting well-deserved beatings until you all admit Trump was a huge mistake, and you all deny you voted for him to start with.

Kind of like all the assholes who supported Bush. Or Nixon.

Oh yes, please do continue cheering on those who attack the elderly and less powerful, while you hide.

Now, let's get back to these invisible Nazis you keep seeing everywhere. Show us on the doll where the little German guy touched you.
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Get back to me when you actually see ovens and gas chambers. Until then you’re just a liberal windbag.

We've already had seven children die in the concentration camps trump has on the southern border.

The idea is to put a stop to this shit before it escalates to gas chambers and ovens...

These “concentration camps” were there long before Trump came on the scene.

They’ve already determined that about thirty percent of the children crossing the border in the recent migrant crisis are not even related to the adults they come with. Also, Democrats are deriding the conditions at these camps but these people just trekked hundreds of miles out in the open and exposed to the elements. The camps are no worse than anything they just put themselves through. They arrive here in masses and overwhelm the system, many of them already sick.

Nobody asked for any of this, least of all Trump. The way these people are swarming the border in masses, a Democrat administration would have done no better. I know what your response will be but to that I say, you’re full of shit.
These “concentration camps” were there long before Trump came on the scene.

They’ve already determined that about thirty percent of the children crossing the border in the recent migrant crisis are not even related to the adults they come with.

Really, how did we "Determine" that? Because the Trump administration has said so? Man, you are gullible.

Also, Democrats are deriding the conditions at these camps but these people just trekked hundreds of miles out in the open and exposed to the elements. The camps are no worse than anything they just put themselves through.

Did he just argue that these people DESERVE bad treatment.. why. yes. yes, he did.

Nobody asked for any of this, least of all Trump. The way these people are swarming the border in masses, a Democrat administration would have done no better. I know what your response will be but to that I say, you’re full of shit.

I can't imagine anyone fucking this up worse than Trump has. Trump has managed to make Bush look competent, Obama look humble and Clinton look ethical.

Oh, Trump didn't ask for this? Fine. Tell the fucker to resign, this isn't about him.
JoeB131, why is assault by savages so confusing to you? Savages like those often start by stealing clothes and then move to more hideous crimes. Are you, JoeB131 a Black Lives Matters douchebag?

You mean do I think that cops who shoot kids who are lying on the ground belong in prison? Yes. Yes, I do.

But that wasn't the point here. All I saw in that video is they took the guy's hat.


Did they have a right to take the guys hat?
These “concentration camps” were there long before Trump came on the scene.
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You can post all the silly memes you want but it won’t change the truth.

They’ve already determined that about thirty percent of the children crossing the border in the recent migrant crisis are not even related to the adults they come with.

Really, how did we "Determine" that? Because the Trump administration has said so? Man, you are gullible.

I didn’t say “we” determined that, I said it was determined.

You ask me if the Trump administration said so then turn right around and tell me I’m gullible. If you assumed I heard it from them anyway, why did you ask the question?

As a matter of fact I saw it on the news and it was reported by a woman who works at the camps.

Rapid DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with kids | Daily Mail Online

So how did you determine that I heard it from the Trump administration, because the Democrats said so? Man, you are gullible.

Also, Democrats are deriding the conditions at these camps but these people just trekked hundreds of miles out in the open and exposed to the elements. The camps are no worse than anything they just put themselves through.

id he just argue that these people DESERVE bad treatment.. why. yes. yes, he did.

Yeah, I said these people deserve bad treatment.


The point is they just put themselves through worse shit than anything they‘re experiencing at the camps. For liberals to make it out like they’re being mistreated is disingenuous.

Nobody asked for any of this, least of all Trump. The way these people are swarming the border in masses, a Democrat administration would have done no better. I know what your response will be but to that I say, you’re full of shit.

I can't imagine anyone fucking this up worse than Trump has. Trump has managed to make Bush look competent, Obama look humble and Clinton look ethical.

Blah blah blah. All I see is: I hates Trump..I hates Trump..I hates Trump.

Oh, Trump didn't ask for this? Fine. Tell the fucker to resign, this isn't about him.

If it’s not about him then why should he resign?
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I didn’t say “we” determined that, I said it was determined.

You ask me if the Trump administration said so then turn right around and tell me I’m gullible. If you assumed I heard it from them anyway, why did you ask the question?

You're running in circles, buddy. Nobody is going by the "Free Admission with a kid' thing. We have families running from awful governments we've propped up. Time to take some responsibility for that.

Yeah, I said these people deserve bad treatment.

Yes, you did. You seem to think what Trump is doing to them is okay.

I didn’t say “we” determined that, I said it was determined.

You ask me if the Trump administration said so then turn right around and tell me I’m gullible. If you assumed I heard it from them anyway, why did you ask the question?

You're running in circles, buddy. Nobody is going by the "Free Admission with a kid' thing. We have families running from awful governments we've propped up. Time to take some responsibility for that.

Just because you’re not doesn’t mean they’re not. I just linked an article reporting on this fact. They’re borrowing kids to expedite the asylum process. I’m sorry that you can’t handle this but, there it is.

Yeah, I said these people deserve bad treatment.

Yes, you did. You seem to think what Trump is doing to them is okay.

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No, I did not. I just explained my point to you. I’m sorry you can’t handle it but, there it is.

It’s too late to try to pull this holier-than-thou bullshit after you already applauded the assault of old men and kids.
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Just because you’re not doesn’t mean they’re not. I just linked an article reporting on this fact. They’re borrowing kids to expedite the asylum process. I’m sorry that you can’t handle this but, there it is.

YOu can post all the articles from hate sites you want. I simply don't care.

Even if you take what the Jackboots at ICE say at face value, even they admit that 2/3rds of the kids ARE related to the adult they are with.

The problem is that your Orange Fuhrer has crippled the asylum process because all of them would qualify under current rules.

It’s too late to try to pull this holier-than-thou bullshit after you already applauded the assault of old men and kids.

No, I applaud the assault on RACISTS. That shit never gets old.

Sending kids to concentration camps... that's a bad. Except in Trump land, because the little brown bastards deserve it.
Just because you’re not doesn’t mean they’re not. I just linked an article reporting on this fact. They’re borrowing kids to expedite the asylum process. I’m sorry that you can’t handle this but, there it is.

YOu can post all the articles from hate sites you want. I simply don't care.

Even if you take what the Jackboots at ICE say at face value, even they admit that 2/3rds of the kids ARE related to the adult they are with.

The problem is that your Orange Fuhrer has crippled the asylum process because all of them would qualify under current rules.

It’s too late to try to pull this holier-than-thou bullshit after you already applauded the assault of old men and kids.

No, I applaud the assault on RACISTS. That shit never gets old.

Sending kids to concentration camps... that's a bad. Except in Trump land, because the little brown bastards deserve it.

It wasn’t a hate site dumbass, it was a UK news site.

I’m afraid I can’t be your therapist any longer. I’m going to refer you to a therpist who will tell you what you want to hear. May I suggest Dr. Nancy Pelosi. She’s a graduate of the Michael Moore Snowflake School of Liberal Psychology. You can reach her toll free at 1-800-IH8-TRMP.
Just because you’re not doesn’t mean they’re not. I just linked an article reporting on this fact. They’re borrowing kids to expedite the asylum process. I’m sorry that you can’t handle this but, there it is.

YOu can post all the articles from hate sites you want. I simply don't care.

Even if you take what the Jackboots at ICE say at face value, even they admit that 2/3rds of the kids ARE related to the adult they are with.

The problem is that your Orange Fuhrer has crippled the asylum process because all of them would qualify under current rules.

It’s too late to try to pull this holier-than-thou bullshit after you already applauded the assault of old men and kids.

No, I applaud the assault on RACISTS. That shit never gets old.

Sending kids to concentration camps... that's a bad. Except in Trump land, because the little brown bastards deserve it.

No, you applaud attacks on the defenseless while you hide. You've made that clear and it's too late to run from it now. Own it.
It wasn’t a hate site dumbass, it was a UK news site.

I’m afraid I can’t be your therapist any longer. I’m going to refer you to a therpist who will tell you what you want to hear. May I suggest Dr. Nancy Pelosi. She’s a graduate of the Michael Moore Snowflake School of Liberal Psychology. You can reach her toll free at 1-800-IH8-TRMP.

Dude, you aren't qualified to be a therapist... but the guy who needs one is the orange shitgibbon you kiss the ass of.

No, you applaud attacks on the defenseless while you hide. You've made that clear and it's too late to run from it now. Own it.

If you are enough of a shithead to advertise to the world you're a racist asshole, all I can do is applaud when you get your ass kicked.

You know, kind of like when you are watching a movie, and the character who was an asshole through the whole movie gets killed by either the monster or the hero.. (Either works.) It's fucking funny.
It wasn’t a hate site dumbass, it was a UK news site.

I’m afraid I can’t be your therapist any longer. I’m going to refer you to a therpist who will tell you what you want to hear. May I suggest Dr. Nancy Pelosi. She’s a graduate of the Michael Moore Snowflake School of Liberal Psychology. You can reach her toll free at 1-800-IH8-TRMP.

Dude, you aren't qualified to be a therapist... but the guy who needs one is the orange shitgibbon you kiss the ass of.

No, you applaud attacks on the defenseless while you hide. You've made that clear and it's too late to run from it now. Own it.

If you are enough of a shithead to advertise to the world you're a racist asshole, all I can do is applaud when you get your ass kicked.

You know, kind of like when you are watching a movie, and the character who was an asshole through the whole movie gets killed by either the monster or the hero.. (Either works.) It's fucking funny.

Sorry sir, this number’s been disconnected. You’ll have to go elsewhere to spread your hate.

Edited to add: If only those seven children had been aborted, you wouldn’t have to suffer like this.
It wasn’t a hate site dumbass, it was a UK news site.

I’m afraid I can’t be your therapist any longer. I’m going to refer you to a therpist who will tell you what you want to hear. May I suggest Dr. Nancy Pelosi. She’s a graduate of the Michael Moore Snowflake School of Liberal Psychology. You can reach her toll free at 1-800-IH8-TRMP.

Dude, you aren't qualified to be a therapist... but the guy who needs one is the orange shitgibbon you kiss the ass of.

No, you applaud attacks on the defenseless while you hide. You've made that clear and it's too late to run from it now. Own it.

If you are enough of a shithead to advertise to the world you're a racist asshole, all I can do is applaud when you get your ass kicked.

You know, kind of like when you are watching a movie, and the character who was an asshole through the whole movie gets killed by either the monster or the hero.. (Either works.) It's fucking funny.

If you're enough of an idiot to advertise to the world that a hat makes you act like a moron cheering on the assault of the defenseless, we won't feel sorry when Mom locks you in the basement and blocks your internet access because you're being an idiot again. Either way, it's yours because no one else wants it, or you.
Sorry sir, this number’s been disconnected. You’ll have to go elsewhere to spread your hate.

Edited to add: If only those seven children had been aborted, you wouldn’t have to suffer like this.

Stop being a little snowflake bitch.... your cowardly running away with your tail between your legs has been noted.


If you're enough of an idiot to advertise to the world that a hat makes you act like a moron cheering on the assault of the defenseless, we won't feel sorry when Mom locks you in the basement and blocks your internet access because you're being an idiot again. Either way, it's yours because no one else wants it, or you.

My mom passed away in 1983, but if her Zombie shows up, I'll let you know.

It's fucking funny when racist assholes get the shit kicked out of them. Absolutely fucking hilarious.
Sorry sir, this number’s been disconnected. You’ll have to go elsewhere to spread your hate.

Edited to add: If only those seven children had been aborted, you wouldn’t have to suffer like this.

Stop being a little snowflake bitch.... your cowardly running away with your tail between your legs has been noted.

View attachment 262731

If you're enough of an idiot to advertise to the world that a hat makes you act like a moron cheering on the assault of the defenseless, we won't feel sorry when Mom locks you in the basement and blocks your internet access because you're being an idiot again. Either way, it's yours because no one else wants it, or you.

My mom passed away in 1983, but if her Zombie shows up, I'll let you know.

It's fucking funny when racist assholes get the shit kicked out of them. Absolutely fucking hilarious.

Yes, we will laugh when you are assaulted.
Sorry sir, this number’s been disconnected. You’ll have to go elsewhere to spread your hate.

Edited to add: If only those seven children had been aborted, you wouldn’t have to suffer like this.

Stop being a little snowflake bitch.... your cowardly running away with your tail between your legs has been noted.

View attachment 262731

I tried to leave days ago when I realized you were never going to provide evidence of what you claim Trump said and that your hatred of him was always going to get in the way of rational discourse. But you kept at it sooo...

If you're enough of an idiot to advertise to the world that a hat makes you act like a moron cheering on the assault of the defenseless, we won't feel sorry when Mom locks you in the basement and blocks your internet access because you're being an idiot again. Either way, it's yours because no one else wants it, or you.

My mom passed away in 1983, but if her Zombie shows up, I'll let you know.


It's fucking funny when racist assholes get the shit kicked out of them. Absolutely fucking hilarious.

I suppose it was a foregone conclusion anyway but I wondered if, while arguing the racism or non-racism of MAGA hat wearers, you thought I was racist.

As it happens, my niece is married to a black man whom I like and respect. They have two half-black children I love very much and they think the world of me. I have two other grand nephews that are half Mexican that I also love.
I lived in Panama for three years and had many Panamanian and Hispanic friends there. I worked in Brazil for seven years and made many friends there and dated a Brazilian woman.
I have worked with and befriended many blacks throughout my life

None of this probably matters to you because, well, Trump and MAGA hats.

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