Savages Attack North Korean Defectors Who Wore MAGA Hats

Fourth, they talk about Trump’s rhetoric possibly causing this upsurge and they may be right up to a point. What they don’t realize is that the racists accosting Hispanics misconstrued Trump’s message just as much as the Trump haters did.

Um, no, I don't think they misconstrue it at all. Frankly, I've seen Hitler Apologists claim that Hitler never meant for the Holocaust to happen, and they have as much credibility.


And the term “brown people” in the article has only ever been said by people on the left. This is what conservatives mean when they say that liberals make everything about race.

I know, Conservatives think that if they pretend racism isn't there, it goes away. That Confederate Flag is about heritage. That MAGA hat wearer doesn't hate brown people, how dare you say that? Hitler never meant for the holocaust to happen,a few guys just got carried away. Elvis didn't do no drugs! Whatever.

And? It’s no different than Hillary referring to millions of people as “deplorables”.

The term she used was "basket of deplorables", and then went on to say that most of Trump's supporters had valid concerns about how the recovery hasn't reached them. I wasn't aware you could fit "millions" in a basket.

But leave it to a wingnut to ignore Trump's repeated racism to take a dumb statement by Hillary out of context.

It wasn’t a klan hood or a swastika so your point is irrelevant. And if he is NOT a broken person they won’t know this unless they talk to him, will they? Dumbass.

Naw, breaking a few more things will probably get the point across that your behavior is unacceptable.

Broken arm beats broken psyche.

You’re bothered by harmless little red hats so you’re full of shit.

Again, i'm not bothered by the hat, I'm bothered by the Racist Nazi assholes that are underneath them. While I am glad these people are self-identifying now... it's kind of disturbing how many people look at this and think it's okay.
Fourth, they talk about Trump’s rhetoric possibly causing this upsurge and they may be right up to a point. What they don’t realize is that the racists accosting Hispanics misconstrued Trump’s message just as much as the Trump haters did.

Um, no, I don't think they misconstrue it at all. Frankly, I've seen Hitler Apologists claim that Hitler never meant for the Holocaust to happen, and they have as much credibility.

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And the term “brown people” in the article has only ever been said by people on the left. This is what conservatives mean when they say that liberals make everything about race.

I know, Conservatives think that if they pretend racism isn't there, it goes away. That Confederate Flag is about heritage. That MAGA hat wearer doesn't hate brown people, how dare you say that? Hitler never meant for the holocaust to happen,a few guys just got carried away. Elvis didn't do no drugs! Whatever.

And? It’s no different than Hillary referring to millions of people as “deplorables”.

The term she used was "basket of deplorables", and then went on to say that most of Trump's supporters had valid concerns about how the recovery hasn't reached them. I wasn't aware you could fit "millions" in a basket.

But leave it to a wingnut to ignore Trump's repeated racism to take a dumb statement by Hillary out of context.

It wasn’t a klan hood or a swastika so your point is irrelevant. And if he is NOT a broken person they won’t know this unless they talk to him, will they? Dumbass.

Naw, breaking a few more things will probably get the point across that your behavior is unacceptable.

Broken arm beats broken psyche.

You’re bothered by harmless little red hats so you’re full of shit.

Again, i'm not bothered by the hat, I'm bothered by the Racist Nazi assholes that are underneath them. While I am glad these people are self-identifying now... it's kind of disturbing how many people look at this and think it's okay.

I said I was done with you but let me make an observation and ask a question.

If they weren’t wearing the hat you wouldn’t give them a second look and you would have no idea one way or the other if he was racist or not. It’s the fucking hat.

To the question: If you see a person walking down the street that is bothering no one and not wearing the hat but you know is racist, should he be beaten up? Should we beat up anyone we deem to be racist? Should we arrest them? Should we kill them? You tell me; What’s the next step in your persecution of MAGA hat wearers?

The reason I said I was done with you is because there is no logic, reasoning or critical thinking to your arguments. In spite of the fact that you know full well that the Koreans and the black man from Togo were not racists, your attitude continues to be: Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.
It never occurred to you that just maybe these people were simply subscribing to the ideal of bringing back jobs and manufacturing to the U.S., that their views have nothing to do with race and even if it did, you don’t care; Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.
Let's put this in a different light, shall we? "If you're stupid enough to wear that mini skirt in public, knowing how men react to it, you kind of bring it on yourself".

Interesting. You make stupid statements, then when called on them, pretend otherwise.

That was actually kind of stupid. A mini-skirt doesn't say, "Fuck me".

A MAGA Hat does say, "I hate the Darkies". So expect people to act appropriately.

And therein lies your stupidity. To the pervert, that's exactly what the skirt says. And only to the troglodyte does the hat say anything like that. IOW, you don't get to define what someone wears means to them.

The bottom line remains, you applaud assault. Expect appropriate reactions.
And therein lies your stupidity. To the pervert, that's exactly what the skirt says. And only to the troglodyte does the hat say anything like that. IOW, you don't get to define what someone wears means to them.

The bottom line remains, you applaud assault. Expect appropriate reactions.

The whiny butthurt of Nazis? We've been putting up with that since Obama got elected?
I said I was done with you but let me make an observation and ask a question.

If they weren’t wearing the hat you wouldn’t give them a second look and you would have no idea one way or the other if he was racist or not. It’s the fucking hat.

To the question: If you see a person walking down the street that is bothering no one and not wearing the hat but you know is racist, should he be beaten up? Should we beat up anyone we deem to be racist? Should we arrest them? Should we kill them? You tell me; What’s the next step in your persecution of MAGA hat wearers?

I think we should be making an active effort to purge racists from our society. Like when they identified all the guys at Charlottesville carrying Tiki Torches and told their bosses. That was awesome. We need to do more of that.


Punching Nazis... a Fine American Tradition!

The reason I said I was done with you is because there is no logic, reasoning or critical thinking to your arguments. In spite of the fact that you know full well that the Koreans and the black man from Togo were not racists, your attitude continues to be: Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.
It never occurred to you that just maybe these people were simply subscribing to the ideal of bringing back jobs and manufacturing to the U.S., that their views have nothing to do with race and even if it did, you don’t care; Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.

Yup, and funny thing. I'm sure that some of the folks who wore swastika armbands between 1939 and 1945 were just for repudiating the Versailles Treaty and building the Autobahn... but you know, it was the other stuff that made them bad.
And therein lies your stupidity. To the pervert, that's exactly what the skirt says. And only to the troglodyte does the hat say anything like that. IOW, you don't get to define what someone wears means to them.

The bottom line remains, you applaud assault. Expect appropriate reactions.

The whiny butthurt of Nazis? We've been putting up with that since Obama got elected?

Where has that ever happened? I'm talking about you being ostracized from polite society and being restricted to your Mom's basement until you grow up.

These Nazis that no one else can see, are they in the room with us now?
I said I was done with you but let me make an observation and ask a question.

If they weren’t wearing the hat you wouldn’t give them a second look and you would have no idea one way or the other if he was racist or not. It’s the fucking hat.

To the question: If you see a person walking down the street that is bothering no one and not wearing the hat but you know is racist, should he be beaten up? Should we beat up anyone we deem to be racist? Should we arrest them? Should we kill them? You tell me; What’s the next step in your persecution of MAGA hat wearers?

I think we should be making an active effort to purge racists from our society. Like when they identified all the guys at Charlottesville carrying Tiki Torches and told their bosses. That was awesome. We need to do more of that.


Punching Nazis... a Fine American Tradition!

So answer the question: What’s the next step in your persecution of MAGA hat-wearers?

When you say “purge racists from our society”, what form should this purge take?

The reason I said I was done with you is because there is no logic, reasoning or critical thinking to your arguments. In spite of the fact that you know full well that the Koreans and the black man from Togo were not racists, your attitude continues to be: Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.
It never occurred to you that just maybe these people were simply subscribing to the ideal of bringing back jobs and manufacturing to the U.S., that their views have nothing to do with race and even if it did, you don’t care; Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.

Yup, and funny thing. I'm sure that some of the folks who wore swastika armbands between 1939 and 1945 were just for repudiating the Versailles Treaty and building the Autobahn... but you know, it was the other stuff that made them bad.

Like I said, no other considerations, facts or information - Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.

It’s the hat.
Very troubling, very embarrassing. Of course there were no cops to arrest the democrat retards assaulting the Asians knowing they will not fight back is not surprising.

North Korean Defectors Harassed on the Street in Washington DC for Wearing MAGA Hats- Media Ignores This Hate Crime (VIDEO)

Democrats are just getting their licks in advance now against any Trump supporters they see already bitter over what they know will be another humiliating defeat---- this time with Biden. Either that or they think harassing people will get them to switch parties to the DNC?!

Democrats: first it was the indignity of losing with Aunt Hillary the klepper.

Now it's the humiliation of losing with Uncle Joe the Befuddler.
When are we going to get our licks in?

These pieces of shit need to be beaten bloody over and over and over again until they stop this shit.
This is why conservatives always confound you liberals. We're simply biding our time until it's time to go to the polls. We'll leave the street "thuggery" to you progressives. We're usually too busy at our jobs to have free time to block streets and physically intimidate others.
So if we win this time, what do we get out of it besides more lunatics shooting Republicans?

Clean the streets so innocent people can live in a free country, that is what conservatives should really be doing.
And I hate to break it to you but compared to the first midterm loses of both Bill Clinton and Barack was pretty damn spectacular! Look it up and see for yourself. Or continue listening to CNN and keep fooling yourself about what's going on out there in the world!

No, they really aren't... this was a shellacking... deal with it. People rejected Trump- a second time. This time the votes actually got counted, that was the thing.

Assaulting someone unprovoked and not in self defense is against the law. If a Jew beats up a neo-nazi unprovoked then he deserves a punishment that fits the crime.

The law does not provide stipulations for cases where a snowflake gets offended. You assault someone, you break the law. It is not against the law to wear a MAGA hat or even a swastika. It is every citizen's right to express his or her beliefs however they wish. It is your right. It is my right. It is his right. Our rights apply to everyone which includes you.

If you wish for a society that is okay to assault people for their political beliefs then you better be careful what you wish for. You may be next.

Someone makes that fatal life choice, that's on him.

But you need to look up the "Fighting Words' doctrine. Kind of a get out of jail free card.
When you buddies start dropping I will be there to light the corpses on fire.
Besides, how do you know that snatching someone’s MAGA hat is not a fatal life choice? So far most of the victims have been kids and even old men. The big dudes in the video, that is the subject of this discussion, picked on a group of little Koreans. How brave and noble of them. I’ve noticed that none of the victims so far have been able-bodied young men.

I'm sure they have been, but the Right Wing won't get a much millage showing film of some big old redneck getting humiliated as they do some old man.

You are so easily led.

If it’s not an actual law then no, it is not.

Actually, it's precedent... that if you did something to provoke the fight, you are liable for it.
In other words take a baseball bat to anyone wearing Democrat paraphernalia.

Because you provoked the fight.

And don’t forget we will eventually start attacking your politicians too. We will see how many of you rats have the guts to run for office when your life is in danger just like Republicans.
I'm from Massachusetts, Joey. We don't have rednecks. Nice try though! Go me a "Nazi" now...that's usually your next pathetic response when you're getting your ass handed to you in a string!

Redneck is more a state of mind than geography, bud. Just because you find ways to not blurt out the n-word casually doesn't make you any less bigoted.
Only racists believe this. Scary uppity whitey is coming to get you.
When Bush made those statements it was prior to the financial collapse but AFTER the Democrats had taken control of the House!

One more time, buddy. Bush was President for 8 years and had control of Congress for six of those. If this was an urgent issue, he could have addressed it. He didn't because his buddies were making money.

I'm sure you're praying that a recession will happen! Admit it,'re confused by the way the economy just keeps on growing despite repeated increases in the Fed interest rates! You can't quite grasp why Trump's policies work and Barry's never did!

Actually, Barry's worked just fine. He got us from a 6000 Dow to a 20K Dow. Trump got us from a 20K down to wherever it is now after his trade war stops dumping on it. WOOOOOOPS>

Here's a hint for you...stop listening to CNN and MSNBC and simply look at what Trump has done with the economy.

I have. He took credit for someone else's hard work and is doing all the same stupid things Republicans do that fuck things up- run up the deficit and deregulate the corrupt industries.... but eventually, the music stops and someone is left without a chair.

The Crash is coming, bitches... get your excuses ready.
Liar. Obama came in with a DOW that was almost 9000 and in 8 painful years got it to 18000 as he oversaw a sluggish economy. Obama's legacy is clearly that of failure or at best mediocrity on all fronts. He was a president of little accomplishment even in contrast to his predecessor.Look, being bonkers is bad enough, but topping that with disingenuous is really repulsive.

Do you ever disgust yourself?
Obama did not get the DOW to 18,000.

It was below 16,000 the day Trump was elected.
He's still your president, duly elected. But keep complaining, maybe you'll come up with something that'll impress the other patients.

Whatever, buddy you need to stop drinking the koolaid.

Don't worry, in a few years you'll be like all those people in 1975 who denied they ever voted for Nixon.
In a few years all of your kind will be nothing but scant particles of DNA on the streets.

You will wish you had left Trump to do whatever he wanted when your level of political discourse is returned in full.
Oh but of course it does. You think it's fine for people to be assaulted for wearing a hat, so you should have no problem seeing the guy who assaulted you be aquitted. You can approve from your hospital bed.

Still had noting to do with what I said... try harder.

Wrong. They viewed Jews as evil, dirty, underhanded and treacherous. People who complain about Mexicans simply have a problem with their coming here illegally for the most part. And when has any MAGA-hat wearing person attacked a Mexican?

Hate Crimes Against Latinos Increase In California

In California alone, hate crimes against Latinos have increased by more than 50 percent since 2016. The administration's immigration crackdown and the president's rhetoric may help explain the spike.

Do you not understand that the majority of Germans were right on board with the discrimination of the Jews? Most of them probably cheered the Brown Shirts on. Almost no one wanted to stop them.

Quite the contrary, when the Brownshirts executed the first major pogrom against Jews in Nov. 1938 (known as Kristallnacht), public reaction was against it. Yeah, they really didn't like Jews for all the reasons people back then didn't like Jews, but that was considered a bit harsh. But too many people just went along with it.

Kind of like too many otherwise decent people are going along with Trump.

Thing is, Trump is not racist. He campaigned on doing something about illegal immigration and liberals completely misconstrued his message and freaked out.

I think his message couldn't be clearer. He knows his followers are racists and he's happy to appeal to that.

Let's not forget, what brought Trump up from 'running a fake game show" to "Presidential contender" was that he peddled conspiracy theories about the LEGITIMATELY ELECTED president having been born in Kenya...

The entire liberal stance on Trump as a racist is built on misconceptions and conjectural bullshit. He never said Mexicans as a people were rapists and murderers. You had a chance to prove otherwise when I asked you to provide evidence but you either refused or couldn’t find any.

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That’s a ridiculous parallel since Germany did not have an electoral system. Trump was elected under the same system as every other president before him, including Democrats. To suggest he somehow hijacked the election like Hitler did is ludicrous and dishonest.

Actually, quite the contrary. The reason we have an electoral college is so that if the people fuck it up and elect, you know, a crazy racist, the sensible people on the electoral college would say, "Um, no, let's not do that." There is also the additional block of Congress not certifying the election. these are things the SENSIBLE people could have done, but didn't. They thought they could control Trump.

Similarly.. since the NSDAP did not have a majority in the Reichstag in 1933, the simple solution would have been for the sensible people to say, "Let's form a new coalition government that excludes the Nazis." Instead, a bunch of political parties like the National German People's Party (NDVP) and the Zentrum (Center) party led by Franz van Papen, figured they could "control" Hitler.

But you don’t know that that was the case with Atsu Mable in this story, do you? Neither did the two guys who beat him up. Did either of them bother to ask him about his views before throwing punches? No. They saw the hat and all reason and civility went right out the fucking window.

Again, I really don't think that if you walk down the streets in Skokie with a swastika armband or on the South Side wearing a Klan hood, someone is going to ask you your fucking life story and see how you became such a broken person.

You don’t have a problem with the fact that they didn’t even consider that he was black like them or think to ask him anything before beating him up? Nothing about this bothers you?

Nope, I'm at the point where very little bothers me anymore. I'm happy to survive day to day, and when you have a crazy Nazi in the White House with his finger on the fucking button, that's probably good enough.

These kinds of incidents are precisely why I have been railing against these attacks from the beginning: As I said before, the innocent are hurt right along with the guilty (whoever they might be). Can you say; “Nazi Germany”?

Again, you're stupid enough to wear a MAGA hat in public, knowing how people feel about the Nazi, you kind of bring it on yourself.

If you are so stupid that you just got off the boat from someplace Trump would call a "shithole" and are so unaware you think wearing one of these hats is a good idea, I can't feel terribly sorry for you.
California is a completely Latino racist state.

The only people with the power to oppress anyone in California are Latinos.

Those “hate crimes” were just racists getting their asses kicked.
I said I was done with you but let me make an observation and ask a question.

If they weren’t wearing the hat you wouldn’t give them a second look and you would have no idea one way or the other if he was racist or not. It’s the fucking hat.

To the question: If you see a person walking down the street that is bothering no one and not wearing the hat but you know is racist, should he be beaten up? Should we beat up anyone we deem to be racist? Should we arrest them? Should we kill them? You tell me; What’s the next step in your persecution of MAGA hat wearers?

I think we should be making an active effort to purge racists from our society. Like when they identified all the guys at Charlottesville carrying Tiki Torches and told their bosses. That was awesome. We need to do more of that
I agree, purge all the racists.

Which includes every single Democrat in this country.

Every fucker who justifies systemic oppression against white people in countries like South Africa and Zimbabwe. The entire staff of the New York Times and Washington Post.
Where has that ever happened? I'm talking about you being ostracized from polite society and being restricted to your Mom's basement until you grow up.

These Nazis that no one else can see, are they in the room with us now?

OH, please, guy... these Nazis have been whining ever since Obama got elected...

The problem was, the supposedly "decent, not racist" conservatives did nothing to stop Trump, and have completely sold out to him.

Need to look up a guy named "Franz von Papen" to see how well that works out.
So answer the question: What’s the next step in your persecution of MAGA hat-wearers?

When you say “purge racists from our society”, what form should this purge take?

Lose their jobs, be ostracized by their neighbors... I kind of like having them confess their sins on TV like Winston Smith at the end of 1984.

Like I said, no other considerations, facts or information - Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.

It’s the hat.

Yup... just like if you walked out of the house wearing a swastika or a Klan hood.
So answer the question: What’s the next step in your persecution of MAGA hat-wearers?

When you say “purge racists from our society”, what form should this purge take?

Lose their jobs, be ostracized by their neighbors... I kind of like having them confess their sins on TV like Winston Smith at the end of 1984.

In other words, breaking the law and violating the Constitution, correct?

And then what? You’re not going to get them all this way so how are you going to root them all out?

Like I said, no other considerations, facts or information - Fuck ‘em, they’re wearing the hat.

It’s the hat.

up... just like if you walked out of the house wearing a swastika or a Klan hood.

In other words, it’s the hat.
In other words, breaking the law and violating the Constitution, correct?

And then what? You’re not going to get them all this way so how are you going to root them all out?

I think we just watch the rest of them die of hissy fits, like you're having now. that will work.

In other words, it’s the hat.

Yes, it's the hat that says, "I'm a racist asshole, and I'm empowered now!"

A nice ass-kicking reminds them their behavior is still not acceptable...

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