Savages Attack North Korean Defectors Who Wore MAGA Hats

Take it up with people saying racist things. What the fuck does it have to do with these Koreans?

Heck, the racists were probably snickering when they sent these poor schlubs outs...

There’s just no getting away from the fact that you are in favor of people being assaulted and possibly seriously injured or even killed no matter their age, gender, infirmities, actual political views (not your imagined racist views), size or innocence. No amount of whining about Trump and the GOP is going to change that.

Yup, don't really care.. Fuck them..

Wearing the hat is not against the law but assault is. If you are too dumb to realize it, that's kind of on you

Good luck with that... I hope i find myself on a jury of someone who beat up a MAGA Nazi... Jury nullificaiton, bitches.

Why didn’t you just say that you were a piece of shit in the beginning?

I think you know full well that you never had a moral footing here and finally realized I wasn’t gonna be diverted with the Trump and GOP bullshit so your only recourse was to double down.

In any case, I guess we’re finally done.
He's still your president, duly elected. But keep complaining, maybe you'll come up with something that'll impress the other patients.

Whatever, buddy you need to stop drinking the koolaid.

Don't worry, in a few years you'll be like all those people in 1975 who denied they ever voted for Nixon.

And no matter what you say, he's still YOUR president.
Take it up with people saying racist things. What the fuck does it have to do with these Koreans?

Heck, the racists were probably snickering when they sent these poor schlubs outs...

There’s just no getting away from the fact that you are in favor of people being assaulted and possibly seriously injured or even killed no matter their age, gender, infirmities, actual political views (not your imagined racist views), size or innocence. No amount of whining about Trump and the GOP is going to change that.

Yup, don't really care.. Fuck them..

Wearing the hat is not against the law but assault is. If you are too dumb to realize it, that's kind of on you

Good luck with that... I hope i find myself on a jury of someone who beat up a MAGA Nazi... Jury nullificaiton, bitches.

Correction, hung jury and retrial. Guilty.
Why didn’t you just say that you were a piece of shit in the beginning?

I think you know full well that you never had a moral footing here and finally realized I wasn’t gonna be diverted with the Trump and GOP bullshit so your only recourse was to double down.

Guy, if you are so stupid you are going to walk out with an offensive hat among people you KNOW are going to be offended, you deserve whatever ass-whupping you get. Natural Selection, baby.

Sorry you don't get that, but somehow, I don't think you are walking around out there with a MAGA hat.
Why didn’t you just say that you were a piece of shit in the beginning?

I think you know full well that you never had a moral footing here and finally realized I wasn’t gonna be diverted with the Trump and GOP bullshit so your only recourse was to double down.

Guy, if you are so stupid you are going to walk out with an offensive hat among people you KNOW are going to be offended, you deserve whatever ass-whupping you get. Natural Selection, baby.

Sorry you don't get that, but somehow, I don't think you are walking around out there with a MAGA hat.

The fact that wearing the hat in certain places may be unwise is no justification for illegal assault. Haven’t you gotten that yet?

There’s never any justification for assault. If it’s to be expected that I will be assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat, it only means I can expect mentally and emotionally weaker people to break the law and commit violence. It does not mean that violence is a natural outcome from wearing the hat. They always have the choice to not be triggered and react with violence.
What about Warmbier? Trump said Kim Jong Un was innocent.
Trump is a liar, I agree.
No you are the liar...Trump never said Un was innocent....Trump is trying to make sure there won't be another Warmbler and you are so simple minded that you can't see and the deranged media simpletons from some liberal arts class...think a little bud....
If they were running for election as a judge, sure they would. And the other jury members would put a MAGA hat on you, photograph it and post it to social media. The laughs would be epic.

Guy, I live in a region where NOBODY wears MAGA hats... they know better.

The fact that wearing the hat in certain places may be unwise is no justification for illegal assault. Haven’t you gotten that yet?

There’s never any justification for assault. If it’s to be expected that I will be assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat, it only means I can expect mentally and emotionally weaker people to break the law and commit violence. It does not mean that violence is a natural outcome from wearing the hat. They always have the choice to not be triggered and react with violence.

I just imagine, 1926 Germany, if DECENT people saw assholes wearing Swastika Armbands and beat the shit out of them.

SO that would have been justified.. and imagine the heartbreak it would have saved.

You see, I doubt that hard core MAGA Nazis are more than 10% of the population. The rest are just "Going along with it".

Again, you should ask the Germans how that works out.


"Give me ten years, and you won't recognize Germany!" - Adolf Hitler.
If they were running for election as a judge, sure they would. And the other jury members would put a MAGA hat on you, photograph it and post it to social media. The laughs would be epic.

Guy, I live in a region where NOBODY wears MAGA hats... they know better.

The fact that wearing the hat in certain places may be unwise is no justification for illegal assault. Haven’t you gotten that yet?

There’s never any justification for assault. If it’s to be expected that I will be assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat, it only means I can expect mentally and emotionally weaker people to break the law and commit violence. It does not mean that violence is a natural outcome from wearing the hat. They always have the choice to not be triggered and react with violence.

I just imagine, 1926 Germany, if DECENT people saw assholes wearing Swastika Armbands and beat the shit out of them.

SO that would have been justified.. and imagine the heartbreak it would have saved.

You see, I doubt that hard core MAGA Nazis are more than 10% of the population. The rest are just "Going along with it".

Again, you should ask the Germans how that works out.

View attachment 261557
"Give me ten years, and you won't recognize Germany!" - Adolf Hitler.

That's why the laughs would be epic. Your ilk is stupid enough to believe a photo like that and you'd get the snot beat out of you. But of course that would be okay with you.
If they were running for election as a judge, sure they would. And the other jury members would put a MAGA hat on you, photograph it and post it to social media. The laughs would be epic.

Guy, I live in a region where NOBODY wears MAGA hats... they know better.

The fact that wearing the hat in certain places may be unwise is no justification for illegal assault. Haven’t you gotten that yet?

There’s never any justification for assault. If it’s to be expected that I will be assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat, it only means I can expect mentally and emotionally weaker people to break the law and commit violence. It does not mean that violence is a natural outcome from wearing the hat. They always have the choice to not be triggered and react with violence.

I just imagine, 1926 Germany, if DECENT people saw assholes wearing Swastika Armbands and beat the shit out of them.

SO that would have been justified.. and imagine the heartbreak it would have saved.

You see, I doubt that hard core MAGA Nazis are more than 10% of the population. The rest are just "Going along with it".

Again, you should ask the Germans how that works out.

View attachment 261557
"Give me ten years, and you won't recognize Germany!" - Adolf Hitler.

Do you know anything about the Holocaust? The Nazis were not just assaulting Jews because they didn’t like them, they were assaulting Jews because they saw them as evil. Just as you see Trump supporters.

The Holocaust was the result of anti-semitism that festered throughout Europe for hundreds of years. This was not something the Nazis created themselves out of whole cloth, they just took it to the next level.

Has it even occurred to you that people wearing MAGA hats have assaulted no one and that every single assault is against those wearing the hat? Do you not see that Trump haters are the only ones committing violence? For a group of people who profess to be stopping hate and violence, you’re certainly doing a lousy job of it.

If we are to draw a realistic parallel with Nazi Germany, I’m afraid that the Trump haters more closely fit the role of the Sturmabteilung (Brown Shirts) than do MAGA hat wearers.

I’ll end this post with this news article from just a few days ago in which a black immigrant from Togo was assaulted and beaten up by two black Trump haters for his MAGA hat.

'I'll wear it again': Duo allegedly attacks, robs immigrant for wearing MAGA baseball cap

Is this a case of the oppressed assaulting the oppressed? Or are you going to tell me this black immigrant is racist against blacks and immigrants? Did these two black men think the other black man was racist against blacks? If not then why did they assault him?

From the very beginning Trump haters have been single-mindedly going after the hat. It doesn’t even occur to them before they start punching and kicking that this supposed symbol of racism against minorities and immigrants is being worn by minorities and immigrants. They’re attacking the very people they’re trying to save. How fucking stupid is that?
Do you know anything about the Holocaust? The Nazis were not just assaulting Jews because they didn’t like them, they were assaulting Jews because they saw them as evil. Just as you see Trump supporters.

Well, a little more complicated than that...

The Nazis attacked Jews for the same reason the MAGA rednecks attack Mexicans.. That would be the better analogy..

Which goes back to my point... the first time some brown shirt showed up with a Swastika, decent Germans kicked his ass.

They didn't. And after the war, every German, including those who joined the NSDAP, all acted like they were all surprised about what followed.

The Holocaust was the result of anti-semitism that festered throughout Europe for hundreds of years. This was not something the Nazis created themselves out of whole cloth, they just took it to the next level.

Exactly my point. You've had 50 years of Republicans stoking white resentment, from Nixon's Southern Strategy to Reagan's welfare Queens, to Bush' Willie Horton Ad.... So much like where Hitler's anti-semitism found very fertile ground, so does Trump's racism.

Unless someone loudly says, "NO!"

Another parallel lost on you. Much like Trump, Hitler lost the popular vote in 1933, but was made Chancellor anyway because a bunch of self-professed "sensible" people went along with it.

Is this a case of the oppressed assaulting the oppressed? Or are you going to tell me this black immigrant is racist against blacks and immigrants? Did these two black men think the other black man was racist against blacks? If not then why did they assault him?

I think you always have some member of a minority who think they are better than "those people". Heck, during the Holocaust, you had Jews who thought they were special, so they got thrown into the ovens last. The operative point was they still got thrown into the ovens.
That's why the laughs would be epic. Your ilk is stupid enough to believe a photo like that and you'd get the snot beat out of you. But of course that would be okay with you.

Wow... that had nothing to do with what I said.. Try harder.

Oh but of course it does. You think it's fine for people to be assaulted for wearing a hat, so you should have no problem seeing the guy who assaulted you be aquitted. You can approve from your hospital bed.
Do you know anything about the Holocaust? The Nazis were not just assaulting Jews because they didn’t like them, they were assaulting Jews because they saw them as evil. Just as you see Trump supporters.

Well, a little more complicated than that...

The Nazis attacked Jews for the same reason the MAGA rednecks attack Mexicans.. That would be the better analogy..

Wrong. They viewed Jews as evil, dirty, underhanded and treacherous. People who complain about Mexicans simply have a problem with their coming here illegally for the most part. And when has any MAGA-hat wearing person attacked a Mexican?

Which goes back to my point... the first time some brown shirt showed up with a Swastika, decent Germans kicked his ass.

They didn't. And after the war, every German, including those who joined the NSDAP, all acted like they were all surprised about what followed.

Do you not understand that the majority of Germans were right on board with the discrimination of the Jews? Most of them probably cheered the Brown Shirts on. Almost no one wanted to stop them.

The Holocaust was the result of anti-semitism that festered throughout Europe for hundreds of years. This was not something the Nazis created themselves out of whole cloth, they just took it to the next level.

Exactly my point. You've had 50 years of Republicans stoking white resentment, from Nixon's Southern Strategy to Reagan's welfare Queens, to Bush' Willie Horton Ad.... So much like where Hitler's anti-semitism found very fertile ground, so does Trump's racism.

Unless someone loudly says, "NO!"

Thing is, Trump is not racist. He campaigned on doing something about illegal immigration and liberals completely misconstrued his message and freaked out.

The entire liberal stance on Trump as a racist is built on misconceptions and conjectural bullshit. He never said Mexicans as a people were rapists and murderers. You had a chance to prove otherwise when I asked you to provide evidence but you either refused or couldn’t find any.

Another parallel lost on you. Much like Trump, Hitler lost the popular vote in 1933, but was made Chancellor anyway because a bunch of self-professed "sensible" people went along with it.

That’s a ridiculous parallel since Germany did not have an electoral system. Trump was elected under the same system as every other president before him, including Democrats. To suggest he somehow hijacked the election like Hitler did is ludicrous and dishonest.

Is this a case of the oppressed assaulting the oppressed? Or are you going to tell me this black immigrant is racist against blacks and immigrants? Did these two black men think the other black man was racist against blacks? If not then why did they assault him?

Ithink you always have some member of a minority who think they are better than "those people". Heck, during the Holocaust, you had Jews who thought they were special, so they got thrown into the ovens last. The operative point was they still got thrown into the ovens.

But you don’t know that that was the case with Atsu Mable in this story, do you? Neither did the two guys who beat him up. Did either of them bother to ask him about his views before throwing punches? No. They saw the hat and all reason and civility went right out the fucking window.

You don’t have a problem with the fact that they didn’t even consider that he was black like them or think to ask him anything before beating him up? Nothing about this bothers you?

These kinds of incidents are precisely why I have been railing against these attacks from the beginning: As I said before, the innocent are hurt right along with the guilty (whoever they might be). Can you say; “Nazi Germany”?
Oh but of course it does. You think it's fine for people to be assaulted for wearing a hat, so you should have no problem seeing the guy who assaulted you be aquitted. You can approve from your hospital bed.

Still had noting to do with what I said... try harder.

Wrong. They viewed Jews as evil, dirty, underhanded and treacherous. People who complain about Mexicans simply have a problem with their coming here illegally for the most part. And when has any MAGA-hat wearing person attacked a Mexican?

Hate Crimes Against Latinos Increase In California

In California alone, hate crimes against Latinos have increased by more than 50 percent since 2016. The administration's immigration crackdown and the president's rhetoric may help explain the spike.

Do you not understand that the majority of Germans were right on board with the discrimination of the Jews? Most of them probably cheered the Brown Shirts on. Almost no one wanted to stop them.

Quite the contrary, when the Brownshirts executed the first major pogrom against Jews in Nov. 1938 (known as Kristallnacht), public reaction was against it. Yeah, they really didn't like Jews for all the reasons people back then didn't like Jews, but that was considered a bit harsh. But too many people just went along with it.

Kind of like too many otherwise decent people are going along with Trump.

Thing is, Trump is not racist. He campaigned on doing something about illegal immigration and liberals completely misconstrued his message and freaked out.

I think his message couldn't be clearer. He knows his followers are racists and he's happy to appeal to that.

Let's not forget, what brought Trump up from 'running a fake game show" to "Presidential contender" was that he peddled conspiracy theories about the LEGITIMATELY ELECTED president having been born in Kenya...

The entire liberal stance on Trump as a racist is built on misconceptions and conjectural bullshit. He never said Mexicans as a people were rapists and murderers. You had a chance to prove otherwise when I asked you to provide evidence but you either refused or couldn’t find any.


That’s a ridiculous parallel since Germany did not have an electoral system. Trump was elected under the same system as every other president before him, including Democrats. To suggest he somehow hijacked the election like Hitler did is ludicrous and dishonest.

Actually, quite the contrary. The reason we have an electoral college is so that if the people fuck it up and elect, you know, a crazy racist, the sensible people on the electoral college would say, "Um, no, let's not do that." There is also the additional block of Congress not certifying the election. these are things the SENSIBLE people could have done, but didn't. They thought they could control Trump.

Similarly.. since the NSDAP did not have a majority in the Reichstag in 1933, the simple solution would have been for the sensible people to say, "Let's form a new coalition government that excludes the Nazis." Instead, a bunch of political parties like the National German People's Party (NDVP) and the Zentrum (Center) party led by Franz van Papen, figured they could "control" Hitler.

But you don’t know that that was the case with Atsu Mable in this story, do you? Neither did the two guys who beat him up. Did either of them bother to ask him about his views before throwing punches? No. They saw the hat and all reason and civility went right out the fucking window.

Again, I really don't think that if you walk down the streets in Skokie with a swastika armband or on the South Side wearing a Klan hood, someone is going to ask you your fucking life story and see how you became such a broken person.

You don’t have a problem with the fact that they didn’t even consider that he was black like them or think to ask him anything before beating him up? Nothing about this bothers you?

Nope, I'm at the point where very little bothers me anymore. I'm happy to survive day to day, and when you have a crazy Nazi in the White House with his finger on the fucking button, that's probably good enough.

These kinds of incidents are precisely why I have been railing against these attacks from the beginning: As I said before, the innocent are hurt right along with the guilty (whoever they might be). Can you say; “Nazi Germany”?

Again, you're stupid enough to wear a MAGA hat in public, knowing how people feel about the Nazi, you kind of bring it on yourself.

If you are so stupid that you just got off the boat from someplace Trump would call a "shithole" and are so unaware you think wearing one of these hats is a good idea, I can't feel terribly sorry for you.
Oh but of course it does. You think it's fine for people to be assaulted for wearing a hat, so you should have no problem seeing the guy who assaulted you be aquitted. You can approve from your hospital bed.

Still had noting to do with what I said... try harder.

Wrong. They viewed Jews as evil, dirty, underhanded and treacherous. People who complain about Mexicans simply have a problem with their coming here illegally for the most part. And when has any MAGA-hat wearing person attacked a Mexican?

Hate Crimes Against Latinos Increase In California

In California alone, hate crimes against Latinos have increased by more than 50 percent since 2016. The administration's immigration crackdown and the president's rhetoric may help explain the spike.

Do you not understand that the majority of Germans were right on board with the discrimination of the Jews? Most of them probably cheered the Brown Shirts on. Almost no one wanted to stop them.

Quite the contrary, when the Brownshirts executed the first major pogrom against Jews in Nov. 1938 (known as Kristallnacht), public reaction was against it. Yeah, they really didn't like Jews for all the reasons people back then didn't like Jews, but that was considered a bit harsh. But too many people just went along with it.

Kind of like too many otherwise decent people are going along with Trump.

Thing is, Trump is not racist. He campaigned on doing something about illegal immigration and liberals completely misconstrued his message and freaked out.

I think his message couldn't be clearer. He knows his followers are racists and he's happy to appeal to that.

Let's not forget, what brought Trump up from 'running a fake game show" to "Presidential contender" was that he peddled conspiracy theories about the LEGITIMATELY ELECTED president having been born in Kenya...

The entire liberal stance on Trump as a racist is built on misconceptions and conjectural bullshit. He never said Mexicans as a people were rapists and murderers. You had a chance to prove otherwise when I asked you to provide evidence but you either refused or couldn’t find any.

View attachment 261819

That’s a ridiculous parallel since Germany did not have an electoral system. Trump was elected under the same system as every other president before him, including Democrats. To suggest he somehow hijacked the election like Hitler did is ludicrous and dishonest.

Actually, quite the contrary. The reason we have an electoral college is so that if the people fuck it up and elect, you know, a crazy racist, the sensible people on the electoral college would say, "Um, no, let's not do that." There is also the additional block of Congress not certifying the election. these are things the SENSIBLE people could have done, but didn't. They thought they could control Trump.

Similarly.. since the NSDAP did not have a majority in the Reichstag in 1933, the simple solution would have been for the sensible people to say, "Let's form a new coalition government that excludes the Nazis." Instead, a bunch of political parties like the National German People's Party (NDVP) and the Zentrum (Center) party led by Franz van Papen, figured they could "control" Hitler.

But you don’t know that that was the case with Atsu Mable in this story, do you? Neither did the two guys who beat him up. Did either of them bother to ask him about his views before throwing punches? No. They saw the hat and all reason and civility went right out the fucking window.

Again, I really don't think that if you walk down the streets in Skokie with a swastika armband or on the South Side wearing a Klan hood, someone is going to ask you your fucking life story and see how you became such a broken person.

You don’t have a problem with the fact that they didn’t even consider that he was black like them or think to ask him anything before beating him up? Nothing about this bothers you?

Nope, I'm at the point where very little bothers me anymore. I'm happy to survive day to day, and when you have a crazy Nazi in the White House with his finger on the fucking button, that's probably good enough.

These kinds of incidents are precisely why I have been railing against these attacks from the beginning: As I said before, the innocent are hurt right along with the guilty (whoever they might be). Can you say; “Nazi Germany”?

Again, you're stupid enough to wear a MAGA hat in public, knowing how people feel about the Nazi, you kind of bring it on yourself.

If you are so stupid that you just got off the boat from someplace Trump would call a "shithole" and are so unaware you think wearing one of these hats is a good idea, I can't feel terribly sorry for you.

Let's put this in a different light, shall we? "If you're stupid enough to wear that mini skirt in public, knowing how men react to it, you kind of bring it on yourself".

Interesting. You make stupid statements, then when called on them, pretend otherwise.
Oh but of course it does. You think it's fine for people to be assaulted for wearing a hat, so you should have no problem seeing the guy who assaulted you be aquitted. You can approve from your hospital bed.

Still had noting to do with what I said... try harder.

Wrong. They viewed Jews as evil, dirty, underhanded and treacherous. People who complain about Mexicans simply have a problem with their coming here illegally for the most part. And when has any MAGA-hat wearing person attacked a Mexican?

Hate Crimes Against Latinos Increase In California

In California alone, hate crimes against Latinos have increased by more than 50 percent since 2016. The administration's immigration crackdown and the president's rhetoric may help explain the spike.

First of all, the question was: “When has any MAGA hat-wearing person attacked a Mexican?” The article provides no examples of this happening.
Secondly, of the examples they do provide, none of them involve physical assault as in the MAGA hat cases.
Thirdly, they define verbal abuse as a “hate crime” and I’m not sure the law views it the same way. It’s not right and I don’t agree with it but I think “hate crime” is s bit of a stretch.
Fourth, they talk about Trump’s rhetoric possibly causing this upsurge and they may be right up to a point. What they don’t realize is that the racists accosting Hispanics misconstrued Trump’s message just as much as the Trump haters did. Trump never in any way said anything derogatory about Hispanics and never suggested in any way that they are not welcome. And the term “brown people” in the article has only ever been said by people on the left. This is what conservatives mean when they say that liberals make everything about race.

Do you not understand that the majority of Germans were right on board with the discrimination of the Jews? Most of them probably cheered the Brown Shirts on. Almost no one wanted to stop them.

Quite the contrary, when the Brownshirts executed the first major pogrom against Jews in Nov. 1938 (known as Kristallnacht), public reaction was against it. Yeah, they really didn't like Jews for all the reasons people back then didn't like Jews, but that was considered a bit harsh. But too many people just went along with it.

Kind of like too many otherwise decent people are going along with Trump.

Kind of like too many otherwise decent people are going along with beating people up in the streets over a hat.

Thing is, Trump is not racist. He campaigned on doing something about illegal immigration and liberals completely misconstrued his message and freaked out.

I think his message couldn't be clearer. He knows his followers are racists and he's happy to appeal to that.

Bullshit. That’s your take on it and is nowhere near the truth. Just because a few idiots choose to misinterpret his message (as you have), does not mean he should back off his platform of more secure borders.

We need more secure borders and everybody knows it. There are far too many illegals here.

Let's not forget, what brought Trump up from 'running a fake game show" to "Presidential contender" was that he peddled conspiracy theories about the LEGITIMATELY ELECTED president having been born in Kenya...

And? It’s no different than Hillary referring to millions of people as “deplorables”.

The entire liberal stance on Trump as a racist is built on misconceptions and conjectural bullshit. He never said Mexicans as a people were rapists and murderers. You had a chance to prove otherwise when I asked you to provide evidence but you either refused or couldn’t find any.

View attachment 261819[/quote]

Is this what you call evidence? You have time to go looking for useless memes but you can’t find evidence?

That’s a ridiculous parallel since Germany did not have an electoral system. Trump was elected under the same system as every other president before him, including Democrats. To suggest he somehow hijacked the election like Hitler did is ludicrous and dishonest.

Actually, quite the contrary. The reason we have an electoral college is so that if the people fuck it up and elect, you know, a crazy racist, the sensible people on the electoral college would say, "Um, no, let's not do that." There is also the additional block of Congress not certifying the election. these are things the SENSIBLE people could have done, but didn't. They thought they could control Trump.

Don’t be an idiot.

But you don’t know that that was the case with Atsu Mable in this story, do you? Neither did the two guys who beat him up. Did either of them bother to ask him about his views before throwing punches? No. They saw the hat and all reason and civility went right out the fucking window.

Again, I really don't think that if you walk down the streets in Skokie with a swastika armband or on the South Side wearing a Klan hood, someone is going to ask you your fucking life story and see how you became such a broken person.

It wasn’t a klan hood or a swastika so your point is irrelevant. And if he is NOT a broken person they won’t know this unless they talk to him, will they? Dumbass.

You don’t have a problem with the fact that they didn’t even consider that he was black like them or think to ask him anything before beating him up? Nothing about this bothers you?

Nope, I'm at the point where very little bothers me anymore. I'm happy to survive day to day, and when you have a crazy Nazi in the White House with his finger on the fucking button, that's probably good enough.

You’re bothered by harmless little red hats so you’re full of shit.

These kinds of incidents are precisely why I have been railing against these attacks from the beginning: As I said before, the innocent are hurt right along with the guilty (whoever they might be). Can you say; “Nazi Germany”?

Again, you're stupid enough to wear a MAGA hat in public, knowing how people feel about the Nazi, you kind of bring it on yourself.

If you are so stupid that you just got off the boat from someplace Trump would call a "shithole" and are so unaware you think wearing one of these hats is a good idea, I can't feel terribly sorry for you.

Fuck it, I’m done. You’re a fucking idiot.
Let's put this in a different light, shall we? "If you're stupid enough to wear that mini skirt in public, knowing how men react to it, you kind of bring it on yourself".

Interesting. You make stupid statements, then when called on them, pretend otherwise.

That was actually kind of stupid. A mini-skirt doesn't say, "Fuck me".

A MAGA Hat does say, "I hate the Darkies". So expect people to act appropriately.

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