Savages Attack North Korean Defectors Who Wore MAGA Hats

You’re not inflicting anything on anyone but yourself. Your contempt hurts no one but you and is worth about as much as a Dollar General MAGA hat.

You have revealed yourself to be judgmental, reactionary, myopic, hypocritical, sophomoric and intellectually lazy. Believe me, your petty and childish responses throughout this discussion do not afflict me in the least.

Yup, that's why you are carrying on this thread for pages trying to claim Trump and his red hats are totally not racist, you guys!

Because this doesn't hurt your feelings at all.

First of all, your contempt and saying a MAGA hat is racist are two different things. Secondly, my feelings aren’t hurt because I don’t wear one. Thirdly, you’ve been choogling right along with me trying to convince me the hat is racist. Fourth, my concern is for innocent and defenseless people like 80 year old men and Korean immigrants being harmed because narrow minded cowards like yourself help spread the false narrative that those who wear the hat are racist.
Think about it, do you honestly believe that Korean immigrants new to this country are racist? If you do then you’re a fucking idiot. If you don’t then you laughed and celebrated the assault of these people ONLY because of the hat.

I'm an old man... So I've seen this cycle. The GOP let's the rich run roughshod over the economy, so we put the Democrats in. But the Democrats let minorities have a little taste...

And the GOP tells dumb Willie White Trash (who no longer has the good job his dad or grandpa had) that those darkies are the reason why they have to live in the Trailer Park. Not that we disbanded their unions, took away their rights at work and shifted the tax burden on to them.

I'd like to say Trump's Racism is something new, but it's just in a more concentrated form. The GOP has been pulling this shit since Tricky Dick.

And Dumb Ass Willy White Trash keeps falling for it. Except when the GOP messes it up really bad like they did in 91 or 08, where they hold their nose and vote for a Democrat to fix it.

Blah blah blah. Your political rantings about Trump and the GOP mean precisely dick: You condone assaults on old and defenseless people because of a fucking hat. You have zero moral currency here.
And, to continue the comparison, neither President's re-election was negatively impacted by said losses.

But they were like, legitimately elected to start with.

That's stupid and bigoted. Sad and pathetic. Since your attitude is so ugly, how many mirrors remain unbroken in your Mom's basement,

No, guy, being white trash is a state of mind. If you are born with all the advantages of being white in this country, and you STILL manage to fuck it up to the point where Paco can sneak across the border and take your job, you are sort of pathetic.

You use terms like "white trash" and then complain about "shitholes"? Youre garbage.

White Trash is White Trash. You can take the boy out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy.
Fourth, my concern is for innocent and defenseless people like 80 year old men and Korean immigrants being harmed because narrow minded cowards like yourself help spread the false narrative that those who wear the hat are racist.

Then they shouldn't wear dumb racist hats. They also shouldn't wear Swastikas or Klan hoods.. That's a really bad idea.

Think about it, do you honestly believe that Korean immigrants new to this country are racist? If you do then you’re a fucking idiot. If you don’t then you laughed and celebrated the assault of these people ONLY because of the hat.

Um, yeah, here's the thing, if I go to a foreign country, i try to find out what might offend people there.. It's why I didn't wear my "Remember Pearl Harbor" tee-shirt when I went to Japan.

Blah blah blah. Your political rantings

Duly noted you couldn't refute the point made, Cleetus.
Care to take a crack at explaining why a liberal State like Massachusetts...where I'm from...regularly elects GOP Governors to fix the States finances after liberal Democrats screw them up? Hate to break this to you, Joey but there aren't a lot of "Willy White Trash" in good ole Taxachusetts! So why is it that you think all those die hard libs vote Republican? Duh?

Um, yeah, you elect guys like Mitt the Mormon, and pretty quickly learn what a mistake you made.

He didn't even try for a second term in 2006, did he?
And, to continue the comparison, neither President's re-election was negatively impacted by said losses.

But they were like, legitimately elected to start with.

That's stupid and bigoted. Sad and pathetic. Since your attitude is so ugly, how many mirrors remain unbroken in your Mom's basement,

No, guy, being white trash is a state of mind. If you are born with all the advantages of being white in this country, and you STILL manage to fuck it up to the point where Paco can sneak across the border and take your job, you are sort of pathetic.

You use terms like "white trash" and then complain about "shitholes"? Youre garbage.

White Trash is White Trash. You can take the boy out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy.
Shitholes are shitholes. You can take scrubs out of their shitholes, but you cant take the shithole out of the scrubs.
And, to continue the comparison, neither President's re-election was negatively impacted by said losses.

But they were like, legitimately elected to start with.

That's stupid and bigoted. Sad and pathetic. Since your attitude is so ugly, how many mirrors remain unbroken in your Mom's basement,

No, guy, being white trash is a state of mind. If you are born with all the advantages of being white in this country, and you STILL manage to fuck it up to the point where Paco can sneak across the border and take your job, you are sort of pathetic.

You use terms like "white trash" and then complain about "shitholes"? Youre garbage.

White Trash is White Trash. You can take the boy out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy.

1. Trump was legitimately elected. Your foot stomping and holding your breath will never change that.
2. Now you're contradicting yourself. No surprise there. But hey, pick one and stay with it.
3. Paco better be carrying a computer science degree if he wants my job.

Now do go replace the hall mirror and stop looking into it. That's the third time you broke it this month. And yes, you're as ugly inside as anyone you condemn.
Care to take a crack at explaining why a liberal State like Massachusetts...where I'm from...regularly elects GOP Governors to fix the States finances after liberal Democrats screw them up? Hate to break this to you, Joey but there aren't a lot of "Willy White Trash" in good ole Taxachusetts! So why is it that you think all those die hard libs vote Republican? Duh?

Um, yeah, you elect guys like Mitt the Mormon, and pretty quickly learn what a mistake you made.

He didn't even try for a second term in 2006, did he?

Mitt Romney...Jane Swift...Paul Celluci...William Weld...4 out of the last 5 Governors of the State of Massachusetts have been Republicans, Joey! How can that BE!!!
Fourth, my concern is for innocent and defenseless people like 80 year old men and Korean immigrants being harmed because narrow minded cowards like yourself help spread the false narrative that those who wear the hat are racist.

Then they shouldn't wear dumb racist hats. They also shouldn't wear Swastikas or Klan hoods.. That's a really bad idea.

That is your opinion and it’s a false narrative, nothing more.

Think about it, do you honestly believe that Korean immigrants new to this country are racist? If you do then you’re a fucking idiot. If you don’t then you laughed and celebrated the assault of these people ONLY because of the hat.

m, yeah, here's the thing, if I go to a foreign country, i try to find out what might offend people there.. It's why I didn't wear my "Remember Pearl Harbor" tee-shirt when I went to Japan.

First, they weren’t visitors or tourists, they were defectors. Second, they fled a country where expressing their political views could get them imprisoned. They fled to a country where they thought they would be safe to freely express their political views but got assaulted for it. Why? Because jerks like you are trying to create the very oppression here that they thought they were escaping. Congratulations.

Blah blah blah. Your political rantings

Duly noted you couldn't refute the point made, Cleetus.

Your “point” be damned; it had nothing to do with the discussion. It was nothing more than a diversion to use what you see as GOP injustices to justify and applaud the assault of people who had nothing to do with these injustices and were not even racist. An attempt to regain a moral footing you never had in the first place.

This is one of the dangers of blanket judgments of an entire group of people: the innocents are hurt right along with everyone else. The irony is that you are guilty of the very sin you are preaching against: sweeping judgments and prejudicial thinking of groups.
Shitholes are shitholes. You can take scrubs out of their shitholes, but you cant take the shithole out of the scrubs.

Funny thing, when these folks come here, they make something of themselves... unlike the White Trash, who wear their MAGA hats and blame everyone else for their failures.


Mitt Romney...Jane Swift...Paul Celluci...William Weld...4 out of the last 5 Governors of the State of Massachusetts have been Republicans, Joey! How can that BE!!!

You guys you denounce as RINO's now? Those guys?

1. Trump was legitimately elected. Your foot stomping and holding your breath will never change that.

No, he really wasn't. History books will put a bunch of astericks after his name.

3. Paco better be carrying a computer science degree if he wants my job.

Yeah, buddy, if you are really that successful, you wouldn't be screaming about Paco coming here to start with... you know, unless you were like... racist.

That is your opinion and it’s a false narrative, nothing more.

Yeah, funny that all the posters here who use MAGA as an avi are the ones who say the most racist things... but I'm sure you think they are 'very fine people".

First, they weren’t visitors or tourists, they were defectors. Second, they fled a country where expressing their political views could get them imprisoned. They fled to a country where they thought they would be safe to freely express their political views but got assaulted for it. Why? Because jerks like you are trying to create the very oppression here that they thought they were escaping. Congratulations.

Then someone should have explained to them that, "This is something that will probably get your ass kicked if you go outside.'

But what was probably said was, "Hey, Pak, go a head and wear this really cool hat when you go out. (snicker)". And then filmed the hilarity.

Your “point” be damned; it had nothing to do with the discussion. It was nothing more than a diversion to use what you see as GOP injustices to justify and applaud the assault of people who had nothing to do with these injustices and were not even racist. An attempt to regain a moral footing you never had in the first place.

Again, I realize you can't refute the point that dumb ass white trash keep falling for these schemes... I mean, when Reagan did it, at least he did it with class. Trump is the equivalent of playing Mozart on a kazoo.

This is one of the dangers of blanket judgments of an entire group of people: the innocents are hurt right along with everyone else. The irony is that you are guilty of the very sin you are preaching against: sweeping judgments and prejudicial thinking of groups.

Sorry, man, you wear a MAGA hat, you are supporting what Trump is doing... I can't feel bad for you when the people he is oppressing take it out on you.

I really can't.

If you are too dumb to realize it, that's kind of on you.
Shitholes are shitholes. You can take scrubs out of their shitholes, but you cant take the shithole out of the scrubs.

Funny thing, when these folks come here, they make something of themselves... unlike the White Trash, who wear their MAGA hats and blame everyone else for their failures.


Mitt Romney...Jane Swift...Paul Celluci...William Weld...4 out of the last 5 Governors of the State of Massachusetts have been Republicans, Joey! How can that BE!!!

You guys you denounce as RINO's now? Those guys?

1. Trump was legitimately elected. Your foot stomping and holding your breath will never change that.

No, he really wasn't. History books will put a bunch of astericks after his name.

3. Paco better be carrying a computer science degree if he wants my job.

Yeah, buddy, if you are really that successful, you wouldn't be screaming about Paco coming here to start with... you know, unless you were like... racist.

That is your opinion and it’s a false narrative, nothing more.

Yeah, funny that all the posters here who use MAGA as an avi are the ones who say the most racist things... but I'm sure you think they are 'very fine people".

First, they weren’t visitors or tourists, they were defectors. Second, they fled a country where expressing their political views could get them imprisoned. They fled to a country where they thought they would be safe to freely express their political views but got assaulted for it. Why? Because jerks like you are trying to create the very oppression here that they thought they were escaping. Congratulations.

Then someone should have explained to them that, "This is something that will probably get your ass kicked if you go outside.'

But what was probably said was, "Hey, Pak, go a head and wear this really cool hat when you go out. (snicker)". And then filmed the hilarity.

Your “point” be damned; it had nothing to do with the discussion. It was nothing more than a diversion to use what you see as GOP injustices to justify and applaud the assault of people who had nothing to do with these injustices and were not even racist. An attempt to regain a moral footing you never had in the first place.

Again, I realize you can't refute the point that dumb ass white trash keep falling for these schemes... I mean, when Reagan did it, at least he did it with class. Trump is the equivalent of playing Mozart on a kazoo.

This is one of the dangers of blanket judgments of an entire group of people: the innocents are hurt right along with everyone else. The irony is that you are guilty of the very sin you are preaching against: sweeping judgments and prejudicial thinking of groups.

Sorry, man, you wear a MAGA hat, you are supporting what Trump is doing... I can't feel bad for you when the people he is oppressing take it out on you.

I really can't.

If you are too dumb to realize it, that's kind of on you.

Like I said, Trump was legitimately elected, and all your childish tantrums will not change that. Just keep in mind, using a crayon to put an asterisk in a history book isn't going to convince anyone.

Feel free to show where I "screamed about Paco coming here to start with", and when you fail, feel free to stick it where the sun don't shine.
Shitholes are shitholes. You can take scrubs out of their shitholes, but you cant take the shithole out of the scrubs.

Funny thing, when these folks come here, they make something of themselves... unlike the White Trash, who wear their MAGA hats and blame everyone else for their failures.


Mitt Romney...Jane Swift...Paul Celluci...William Weld...4 out of the last 5 Governors of the State of Massachusetts have been Republicans, Joey! How can that BE!!!

You guys you denounce as RINO's now? Those guys?

1. Trump was legitimately elected. Your foot stomping and holding your breath will never change that.

No, he really wasn't. History books will put a bunch of astericks after his name.

3. Paco better be carrying a computer science degree if he wants my job.

Yeah, buddy, if you are really that successful, you wouldn't be screaming about Paco coming here to start with... you know, unless you were like... racist.

That is your opinion and it’s a false narrative, nothing more.

Yeah, funny that all the posters here who use MAGA as an avi are the ones who say the most racist things... but I'm sure you think they are 'very fine people".

First, they weren’t visitors or tourists, they were defectors. Second, they fled a country where expressing their political views could get them imprisoned. They fled to a country where they thought they would be safe to freely express their political views but got assaulted for it. Why? Because jerks like you are trying to create the very oppression here that they thought they were escaping. Congratulations.

Then someone should have explained to them that, "This is something that will probably get your ass kicked if you go outside.'

But what was probably said was, "Hey, Pak, go a head and wear this really cool hat when you go out. (snicker)". And then filmed the hilarity.

Your “point” be damned; it had nothing to do with the discussion. It was nothing more than a diversion to use what you see as GOP injustices to justify and applaud the assault of people who had nothing to do with these injustices and were not even racist. An attempt to regain a moral footing you never had in the first place.

Again, I realize you can't refute the point that dumb ass white trash keep falling for these schemes... I mean, when Reagan did it, at least he did it with class. Trump is the equivalent of playing Mozart on a kazoo.

This is one of the dangers of blanket judgments of an entire group of people: the innocents are hurt right along with everyone else. The irony is that you are guilty of the very sin you are preaching against: sweeping judgments and prejudicial thinking of groups.

Sorry, man, you wear a MAGA hat, you are supporting what Trump is doing... I can't feel bad for you when the people he is oppressing take it out on you.

I really can't.

If you are too dumb to realize it, that's kind of on you.

Don't have an explanation for why Massachusetts...arguably the most liberal State in the entire country...regularly elects GOP Governors, do you Joey! It's really quite simple. They need "adults" to fix the mess that Democrats always make of the State's finances and they're smart enough to know that the "adults" are all on the Republican side of the ticket! They'll send idiots like Elizabeth Warren to Washington but they wouldn't let her run the State because they know she'd FUBAR it!
Don't have an explanation for why Massachusetts...arguably the most liberal State in the entire country...regularly elects GOP Governors, do you Joey! It's really quite simple. They need "adults" to fix the mess that Democrats always make of the State's finances and they're smart enough to know that the "adults" are all on the Republican side of the ticket! They'll send idiots like Elizabeth Warren to Washington but they wouldn't let her run the State because they know she'd FUBAR it!

Um, yeah, here's the thing... RINO aren't really impressive... Come on, Weld and Romney? Romney did the Beta Version of ObamaCare... you know that thing you guys hate.

Reality- Republicans are masters of fucking things up... it's why the GOP only carried MA once in the last 50 years in presidential elections. Yeah, limited amount of damage you can do in a largely ceremonial, sign off on whatever the legislature does governorship.
Like I said, Trump was legitimately elected, and all your childish tantrums will not change that. Just keep in mind, using a crayon to put an asterisk in a history book isn't going to convince anyone.

Trump is the one handing out pictures of the Electoral Map... seems he knows he's a fraud.

He's still your president, duly elected. But keep complaining, maybe you'll come up with something that'll impress the other patients.
Don't have an explanation for why Massachusetts...arguably the most liberal State in the entire country...regularly elects GOP Governors, do you Joey! It's really quite simple. They need "adults" to fix the mess that Democrats always make of the State's finances and they're smart enough to know that the "adults" are all on the Republican side of the ticket! They'll send idiots like Elizabeth Warren to Washington but they wouldn't let her run the State because they know she'd FUBAR it!

Um, yeah, here's the thing... RINO aren't really impressive... Come on, Weld and Romney? Romney did the Beta Version of ObamaCare... you know that thing you guys hate.

Reality- Republicans are masters of fucking things up... it's why the GOP only carried MA once in the last 50 years in presidential elections. Yeah, limited amount of damage you can do in a largely ceremonial, sign off on whatever the legislature does governorship.

Oh, so now the Governor of Massachusetts is just a "ceremonial" position? Really, Joey? LOL That's what you're going with? The fact of the matter is that the people of Massachusetts...even though they are OVERWHELMINGLY liberal...elect Republicans to run the State and they do so because Republicans are better at handling the State's financial business than liberal Democrats! You don't have an answer to you?
Shitholes are shitholes. You can take scrubs out of their shitholes, but you cant take the shithole out of the scrubs.

Funny thing, when these folks come here, they make something of themselves... unlike the White Trash, who wear their MAGA hats and blame everyone else for their failures.


Mitt Romney...Jane Swift...Paul Celluci...William Weld...4 out of the last 5 Governors of the State of Massachusetts have been Republicans, Joey! How can that BE!!!

You guys you denounce as RINO's now? Those guys?

1. Trump was legitimately elected. Your foot stomping and holding your breath will never change that.

No, he really wasn't. History books will put a bunch of astericks after his name.

3. Paco better be carrying a computer science degree if he wants my job.

Yeah, buddy, if you are really that successful, you wouldn't be screaming about Paco coming here to start with... you know, unless you were like... racist.

That is your opinion and it’s a false narrative, nothing more.

Yeah, funny that all the posters here who use MAGA as an avi are the ones who say the most racist things... but I'm sure you think they are 'very fine people".

Take it up with people saying racist things. What the fuck does it have to do with these Koreans?

First, they weren’t visitors or tourists, they were defectors. Second, they fled a country where expressing their political views could get them imprisoned. They fled to a country where they thought they would be safe to freely express their political views but got assaulted for it. Why? Because jerks like you are trying to create the very oppression here that they thought they were escaping. Congratulations.

Then someone should have explained to them that, "This is something that will probably get your ass kicked if you go outside.'

So it’s their fault no one did? Does this justify illegal assault? So Trump haters have no respect for the law. Is that what you’re telling me?

You’ve droned on about how unwise it is to wear a MAGA hat and you may be right about that. But the one thing that is conspicuously absent in your rantings is condemnation of the assault itself. This tells me that, not only do you feel it is unwise to wear one, you condone the assaults and apparently have no problem with old and defenseless people being assaulted even if they’re not racist.

You have pretty much acknowledged that the Koreans are not racist yet that they support racist policies. How do you reconcile these contradictory views? For that matter, how do you reconcile your contradictory moral positions of being against racism but for the assault of innocent people?

But what was probably said was, "Hey, Pak, go a head and wear this really cool hat when you go out. (snicker)". And then filmed the hilarity.

Jesus, what a moron.

Your “point” be damned; it had nothing to do with the discussion. It was nothing more than a diversion to use what you see as GOP injustices to justify and applaud the assault of people who had nothing to do with these injustices and were not even racist. An attempt to regain a moral footing you never had in the first place.

Again, I realize you can't refute the point that dumb ass white trash keep falling for these schemes... I mean, when Reagan did it, at least he did it with class. Trump is the equivalent of playing Mozart on a kazoo.

Again, it is irrelevant to the discussion and has nothing to do with your glee at old people being assaulted. Besides, I didn’t even read it all. I stopped after the third or fourth sentence.

Nothing that Trump, the GOP or even white racists do or say has anything to do with these Koreans being assaulted.

I’ve asked you before and of course, you didn’t answer because that is your M.O.: At what point is assault going too far when a snowflake has an embolism over a MAGA hat, after the trigger is pulled?

This is one of the dangers of blanket judgments of an entire group of people: the innocents are hurt right along with everyone else. The irony is that you are guilty of the very sin you are preaching against: sweeping judgments and prejudicial thinking of groups.

Sorry, man, you wear a MAGA hat, you are supporting what Trump is doing... I can't feel bad for you when the people he is oppressing take it out on you.

I really can't.

No one’s being oppressed you dumbass. Besides, most of the people committing these assaults are white anyway. Did you not know this? And, I’m not the one wearing the hat and being assaulted, old and defenseless people are.

There’s just no getting away from the fact that you are in favor of people being assaulted and possibly seriously injured or even killed no matter their age, gender, infirmities, actual political views (not your imagined racist views), size or innocence. No amount of whining about Trump and the GOP is going to change that.

If you are too dumb to realize it, that's kind of on you.

Wearing the hat is not against the law but assault is. If you are too dumb to realize it, that's kind of on you
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Take it up with people saying racist things. What the fuck does it have to do with these Koreans?

Heck, the racists were probably snickering when they sent these poor schlubs outs...

There’s just no getting away from the fact that you are in favor of people being assaulted and possibly seriously injured or even killed no matter their age, gender, infirmities, actual political views (not your imagined racist views), size or innocence. No amount of whining about Trump and the GOP is going to change that.

Yup, don't really care.. Fuck them..

Wearing the hat is not against the law but assault is. If you are too dumb to realize it, that's kind of on you

Good luck with that... I hope i find myself on a jury of someone who beat up a MAGA Nazi... Jury nullificaiton, bitches.

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