Savages Attack North Korean Defectors Who Wore MAGA Hats

What "racist" thing have I ever done or said? Name one, Joey! I never "lost my shit" because Obama was elected...I simply pointed out that he was grossly inexperienced for a job that he got the same way he got most of the jobs he's held as an adult.

Yup, because obviously, if a Negro gets a job, he totally doesn't deserve it.

It's that damned affirmative action, cheating white people out of their due!

Fucking hysterical coming from a commie fuckwad like you, Joe Blowhard.....btw there is PLENTY of videos showing little commie fucks picking the wrong anti-commie to mess with.

I'm sure that's more like some Nazi committing a hate crime, Stewbum Dale... but it's nice to see the shelter is letting you use this one again.

The MAGA hat was never meant to intimidate anyone. This is something people on the left concocted because they have no fucking clue what racism actually is.

Racism is calling people as a group rapists, murderers and animals... which is what your Fuhrer does... all the time.
We don't use the term, "Negro" anymore, Joey! You do because you're a race baiter. It's what you's who you are! Barack Obama didn't win the Presidency because of Affirmative Action! He won because the main stream media never vetted him! They were too busy worshiping at the alter of Obama!

As I told's just a matter of time before you play the race card and then not long'll play the "Nazi" card! It's what you's who you are! You get more pathetic with each passing month.
The only person that was vetted more than Obama was Hillary Clinton. Republicans attacked her and her family and her daughter for 30 years.

By the time of the election both Obama and Hillary were completely exposed. Every part of their life was laid bare.

Trump on the other hand was never vetted. That’s why we’re finding out now that he lost more money than any other American. That he’s the king of debt. That his foundation was a criminal organization and on and on and on.

We should’ve known about trumps racism and criminality before the election.

Anyone claiming that Barry was aggressively vetted by the main stream media is either lying through their teeth or incredibly ignorant about who he is.
We don't use the term, "Negro" anymore, Joey! You do because you're a race baiter. It's what you's who you are! Barack Obama didn't win the Presidency because of Affirmative Action! He won because the main stream media never vetted him! They were too busy worshiping at the alter of Obama!

oh, I see... they didn't "vet" him. That's it.

NOw, you see, I saw it differently. The reason why he won was because Bush gave us the worst economy in 80 years right after he LIED us into two wars that killed thousands of people. But you keep skipping OVER that part.

As I told's just a matter of time before you play the race card and then not long'll play the "Nazi" card! It's what you's who you are! You get more pathetic with each passing month.

My Grandparents fled the Nazis... and pretty much, the dumb-asses who supported Hitler were just like the Dumb-asses who supported Trump.

Bush warned the Congress that policies in place at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were putting us at risk of a financial meltdown and he was pooh poohed by Democratic members of Congress! Blaming HIM for the resulting economy when Congress didn't listen is amusing!
What "racist" thing have I ever done or said? Name one, Joey! I never "lost my shit" because Obama was elected...I simply pointed out that he was grossly inexperienced for a job that he got the same way he got most of the jobs he's held as an adult.

Yup, because obviously, if a Negro gets a job, he totally doesn't deserve it.

It's that damned affirmative action, cheating white people out of their due!

Fucking hysterical coming from a commie fuckwad like you, Joe Blowhard.....btw there is PLENTY of videos showing little commie fucks picking the wrong anti-commie to mess with.

I'm sure that's more like some Nazi committing a hate crime, Stewbum Dale... but it's nice to see the shelter is letting you use this one again.

The MAGA hat was never meant to intimidate anyone. This is something people on the left concocted because they have no fucking clue what racism actually is.

Racism is calling people as a group rapists, murderers and animals... which is what your Fuhrer does... all the time.

"I'm sure that's more like some Nazi committing a hate crime, Stewbum Dale... but it's nice to see the shelter is letting you use this one again?

Be "sure" in one hand, Joe Blowhard, and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. I have yet to find a youtube video where MAGA cap wearers are randomly attacking mask wearing, cowardly ANTIFA commies. What is so ironic is that democrat Harry Truman signed off on "Operation Paperclip" which allowed thousands of Nazis to come to America after their backgrounds were scrubbed and funneled here using the Vatican ratlines.

Face it. Joe always get your ass kicked by me....not that it is any great feat.

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Well? Are you going to prove your claim or what? When did Trump call a group of people rapists and murderers?

We all know he did... I mean, I know this is the common defense of Trump Cultists.

Anyone claiming that Barry was aggressively vetted by the main stream media is either lying through their teeth or incredibly ignorant about who he is.

Yup. because we all know he was a secret Muslim who was born in Kenyan in a lab owned by Soros! Clearly, the media hid this from the American people, who unsuspectingly voted for him.

It had nothing to do with Bush's Wars and Recessions, that he got us out of.

Bush warned the Congress that policies in place at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were putting us at risk of a financial meltdown and he was pooh poohed by Democratic members of Congress! Blaming HIM for the resulting economy when Congress didn't listen is amusing!

Bush controlled both houses of Congress.. he could have easily passed new laws, or he could have used existing laws to prevent the meltdown.

He didn't, because the housing bubble created the ILLUSION of prosperity between 2003-and 2007.

Again, it's amazing how when a Republican gets into the White House, he's never, ever responsible for what happens. I'm sure you are already working up your excuses when your Fuhrer gets us into a recession.
Be "sure" in one hand, Joe Blowhard, and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. I have yet to find a youtube video where MAGA cap wearers are randomly attacking mask wearing, cowardly ANTIFA commies.

And I'm sure one existed, you'd claim they were all crisis actors, on the payroll of the trilateralists...

Here's a video for you.

Well? Are you going to prove your claim or what? When did Trump call a group of people rapists and murderers?

We all know he did... I mean, I know this is the common defense of Trump Cultists.

View attachment 260646

If that’s true then you should have no problem providing evidence. But alas, this is the common defense of Trump haters when asked to provide evidence of their accusations.

Having said that, I know what he actually said which is why I asked for evidence.

I know you will not provide any for two reasons: 1. There is no evidence. 2. Why bother to do the work of looking for evidence when you can just repeat Democrat canards?

Some people completely misconstrued what he said and spread the lie that he was calling Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers and like a good little compliant liberal lemming, you bought it and jumped off the cliff.
Anyone claiming that Barry was aggressively vetted by the main stream media is either lying through their teeth or incredibly ignorant about who he is.

Yup. because we all know he was a secret Muslim who was born in Kenyan in a lab owned by Soros! Clearly, the media hid this from the American people, who unsuspectingly voted for him.

It had nothing to do with Bush's Wars and Recessions, that he got us out of.

Bush warned the Congress that policies in place at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were putting us at risk of a financial meltdown and he was pooh poohed by Democratic members of Congress! Blaming HIM for the resulting economy when Congress didn't listen is amusing!

Bush controlled both houses of Congress.. he could have easily passed new laws, or he could have used existing laws to prevent the meltdown.

He didn't, because the housing bubble created the ILLUSION of prosperity between 2003-and 2007.

Again, it's amazing how when a Republican gets into the White House, he's never, ever responsible for what happens. I'm sure you are already working up your excuses when your Fuhrer gets us into a recession.

When Bush made those statements it was prior to the financial collapse but AFTER the Democrats had taken control of the House!

I'm sure you're praying that a recession will happen! Admit it,'re confused by the way the economy just keeps on growing despite repeated increases in the Fed interest rates! You can't quite grasp why Trump's policies work and Barry's never did! Here's a hint for you...stop listening to CNN and MSNBC and simply look at what Trump has done with the economy.
When Bush made those statements it was prior to the financial collapse but AFTER the Democrats had taken control of the House!

One more time, buddy. Bush was President for 8 years and had control of Congress for six of those. If this was an urgent issue, he could have addressed it. He didn't because his buddies were making money.

I'm sure you're praying that a recession will happen! Admit it,'re confused by the way the economy just keeps on growing despite repeated increases in the Fed interest rates! You can't quite grasp why Trump's policies work and Barry's never did!

Actually, Barry's worked just fine. He got us from a 6000 Dow to a 20K Dow. Trump got us from a 20K down to wherever it is now after his trade war stops dumping on it. WOOOOOOPS>

Here's a hint for you...stop listening to CNN and MSNBC and simply look at what Trump has done with the economy.

I have. He took credit for someone else's hard work and is doing all the same stupid things Republicans do that fuck things up- run up the deficit and deregulate the corrupt industries.... but eventually, the music stops and someone is left without a chair.

The Crash is coming, bitches... get your excuses ready.
When Bush made those statements it was prior to the financial collapse but AFTER the Democrats had taken control of the House!

One more time, buddy. Bush was President for 8 years and had control of Congress for six of those. If this was an urgent issue, he could have addressed it. He didn't because his buddies were making money.

I'm sure you're praying that a recession will happen! Admit it,'re confused by the way the economy just keeps on growing despite repeated increases in the Fed interest rates! You can't quite grasp why Trump's policies work and Barry's never did!

Actually, Barry's worked just fine. He got us from a 6000 Dow to a 20K Dow. Trump got us from a 20K down to wherever it is now after his trade war stops dumping on it. WOOOOOOPS>

Here's a hint for you...stop listening to CNN and MSNBC and simply look at what Trump has done with the economy.

I have. He took credit for someone else's hard work and is doing all the same stupid things Republicans do that fuck things up- run up the deficit and deregulate the corrupt industries.... but eventually, the music stops and someone is left without a chair.

The Crash is coming, bitches... get your excuses ready.
Liar. Obama came in with a DOW that was almost 9000 and in 8 painful years got it to 18000 as he oversaw a sluggish economy. Obama's legacy is clearly that of failure or at best mediocrity on all fronts. He was a president of little accomplishment even in contrast to his predecessor.Look, being bonkers is bad enough, but topping that with disingenuous is really repulsive.

Do you ever disgust yourself?
When Bush made those statements it was prior to the financial collapse but AFTER the Democrats had taken control of the House!

One more time, buddy. Bush was President for 8 years and had control of Congress for six of those. If this was an urgent issue, he could have addressed it. He didn't because his buddies were making money.

I'm sure you're praying that a recession will happen! Admit it,'re confused by the way the economy just keeps on growing despite repeated increases in the Fed interest rates! You can't quite grasp why Trump's policies work and Barry's never did!

Actually, Barry's worked just fine. He got us from a 6000 Dow to a 20K Dow. Trump got us from a 20K down to wherever it is now after his trade war stops dumping on it. WOOOOOOPS>

Here's a hint for you...stop listening to CNN and MSNBC and simply look at what Trump has done with the economy.

I have. He took credit for someone else's hard work and is doing all the same stupid things Republicans do that fuck things up- run up the deficit and deregulate the corrupt industries.... but eventually, the music stops and someone is left without a chair.

The Crash is coming, bitches... get your excuses ready.

You're praying for a crash...aren't you, Joey! You know WHY you're praying for that to happen? Because if it doesn' means that you've been full of shit all along when it comes to economics! You might want to get your excuses ready if it doesn't crash!
When Bush made those statements it was prior to the financial collapse but AFTER the Democrats had taken control of the House!

One more time, buddy. Bush was President for 8 years and had control of Congress for six of those. If this was an urgent issue, he could have addressed it. He didn't because his buddies were making money.

I'm sure you're praying that a recession will happen! Admit it,'re confused by the way the economy just keeps on growing despite repeated increases in the Fed interest rates! You can't quite grasp why Trump's policies work and Barry's never did!

Actually, Barry's worked just fine. He got us from a 6000 Dow to a 20K Dow. Trump got us from a 20K down to wherever it is now after his trade war stops dumping on it. WOOOOOOPS>

Here's a hint for you...stop listening to CNN and MSNBC and simply look at what Trump has done with the economy.

I have. He took credit for someone else's hard work and is doing all the same stupid things Republicans do that fuck things up- run up the deficit and deregulate the corrupt industries.... but eventually, the music stops and someone is left without a chair.

The Crash is coming, bitches... get your excuses ready.

When Trump was elected the Dow was 18,589...that same Dow was at 25,075 in January...record highs for the stock market! Note that he's done that DESPITE the Fed raising interest rates six times since he was elected.
Having said that, I know what he actually said which is why I asked for evidence.

You know what he said. You know if you said shit like that at work tomorrow, human resources would be walking you to the door with a banker box.


Couldn’t find any evidence, huh? Just keep repeating these liberal tropes to yourself and maybe, just maybe, in a utopian future where no illegal immigrants are rapists or murderers, your tropes just may come true.

You know what’s ironic about all this? Illegal immigrants probably have a better grasp of the English language than you do.
You're praying for a crash...aren't you, Joey! You know WHY you're praying for that to happen? Because if it doesn' means that you've been full of shit all along when it comes to economics! You might want to get your excuses ready if it doesn't crash!

A crash is inevitable... because it always does. I'd rather have it crash now than crash in 2021 when we are stuck with Trump not knowing what he is doing.

I have a business that would do VERY WELL if the economy crashed, but I don't want to see it for that reason.

Couldn’t find any evidence, huh? Just keep repeating these liberal tropes to yourself and maybe, just maybe, in a utopian future where no illegal immigrants are rapists or murderers, your tropes just may come true.

Uh, guy, you admitted Trump said the horrible things he said. We really don't have any disagreement that he mocks minorities, the disabled, Gold Star Families, etc.

You just try to pretend that he didn't mean the awful things he says and does every day.
You're praying for a crash...aren't you, Joey! You know WHY you're praying for that to happen? Because if it doesn' means that you've been full of shit all along when it comes to economics! You might want to get your excuses ready if it doesn't crash!

A crash is inevitable... because it always does. I'd rather have it crash now than crash in 2021 when we are stuck with Trump not knowing what he is doing.

I have a business that would do VERY WELL if the economy crashed, but I don't want to see it for that reason.

Couldn’t find any evidence, huh? Just keep repeating these liberal tropes to yourself and maybe, just maybe, in a utopian future where no illegal immigrants are rapists or murderers, your tropes just may come true.

Uh, guy, you admitted Trump said the horrible things he said. We really don't have any disagreement that he mocks minorities, the disabled, Gold Star Families, etc.

Uh, guy, no I did not. And yes, we do have a disagreement on this. Also, you still haven’t provided any evidence.

Do you not understand yet that I do not agree with you on this? I’m not arguing for the sake of arguing. I do not agree that Trump said what you think he said. So this whole “You know what he said” ploy is just that: a ploy. A ploy to avoid having to prove your claim so you can just go right on hating him.

You just try to pretend that he didn't mean the awful things he says and does every day.

Anything he says is no worse than your thinking that rednecks are racist and ugly. I suggest you look inward at your own prejudices first before you start preaching at others about theirs.

Before pointing at the mote in your brother’s eye, tend to the plank in you own.
You're praying for a crash...aren't you, Joey! You know WHY you're praying for that to happen? Because if it doesn' means that you've been full of shit all along when it comes to economics! You might want to get your excuses ready if it doesn't crash!

A crash is inevitable... because it always does. I'd rather have it crash now than crash in 2021 when we are stuck with Trump not knowing what he is doing.

I have a business that would do VERY WELL if the economy crashed, but I don't want to see it for that reason.

Couldn’t find any evidence, huh? Just keep repeating these liberal tropes to yourself and maybe, just maybe, in a utopian future where no illegal immigrants are rapists or murderers, your tropes just may come true.

Uh, guy, you admitted Trump said the horrible things he said. We really don't have any disagreement that he mocks minorities, the disabled, Gold Star Families, etc.

You just try to pretend that he didn't mean the awful things he says and does every day.

Unlike you, Joey...I don't want to see the economy crash just because you liberals want to see another clueless stiff like Barry in office! I don't think most of the rest of the country wants to see that either. The people you have running on your side are promising free healthcare, college education and open borders...anything they think will get them elected without any regard for how any of it will be paid for. THOSE policies will crash the economy...which is probably why you support seeing THOSE people in office rather than Trump! Which makes you a vulture of the worst kind!
Uh, guy, no I did not. And yes, we do have a disagreement on this. Also, you still haven’t provided any evidence.

Trump called Mexicans "Rapists and Murderers"
He has accused them of bringing drugs and disease.
HE called them Animals.
He called their countries shitholes.

There's a word for people like this. It's "Racist'.

Happy to have cleared that up for you if you were still confused.
Unlike you, Joey...I don't want to see the economy crash just because you liberals want to see another clueless stiff like Barry in office! I don't think most of the rest of the country wants to see that either.

Um, yeah.. then why did the vote for him twice by overwealming majorities and Hillary won the popular vote. You can't argue "what the people want' without winning an actual vote, guy.

The people have said no to you guys, in every election since 2008.

The people you have running on your side are promising free healthcare, college education and open borders...anything they think will get them elected without any regard for how any of it will be paid for.

Uh, guy, we spend more on healthcare now than all those countries that have "Free Health Care". The idea we can't pay for it is silly. Every other industrialized country has these things...

What is this retardation of conservatives that they deny that the rest of the world that makes gun control or universal health care or public education work just fine.

THOSE policies will crash the economy...which is probably why you support seeing THOSE people in office rather than Trump! Which makes you a vulture of the worst kind!

Actually, again- 9 of the last ten recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature.
Uh, guy, no I did not. And yes, we do have a disagreement on this. Also, you still haven’t provided any evidence.

Trump called Mexicans "Rapists and Murderers"
He has accused them of bringing drugs and disease.
HE called them Animals.
He called their countries shitholes.

There's a word for people like this. It's "Racist'.

Happy to have cleared that up for you if you were still confused.
Which one of those things is untrue? Are there no mexican rapists, murderers or drug dealers? Are there no mexicans with disease? If they arent leaving shitholes, what the fuck are they doing here? Why are they claiming asylum?

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