Savages Attack North Korean Defectors Who Wore MAGA Hats

I haven’t said a thing about hate crimes and neither am I comparing numbers. I’m talking about MAGA hat assaults.

of course you aren't. YOu'll ignore thousands of cases of hate crimes against Gays, Muslims and minorities to find the one white person who got his ass kicked because he decided to display his racism on the top of his head.


Whenever Joe's arguments run out of steam, can pretty much assume he'll play the race card! It's because those who don't agree with him are white racist rednecks who hated the "darkie" in the White House!

Dude, yo need to stop describing yourself that way.. I'm sure you have some redeeming qualities. Can't think of any right now, but we can come up with some.

I'm from Massachusetts, Joey. We don't have rednecks. Nice try though! Go me a "Nazi" now...that's usually your next pathetic response when you're getting your ass handed to you in a string!
JoeB131, why is assault by savages so confusing to you? Savages like those often start by stealing clothes and then move to more hideous crimes. Are you, JoeB131 a Black Lives Matters douchebag?

You mean do I think that cops who shoot kids who are lying on the ground belong in prison? Yes. Yes, I do.

But that wasn't the point here. All I saw in that video is they took the guy's hat.

Is that all they did? From where they are from those guys who assaulted those Korean people would be in a slave camp. With freedom comes responsibility. And about the cops you may have some points. The Koreans there are not cops.
I haven’t said a thing about hate crimes and neither am I comparing numbers. I’m talking about MAGA hat assaults.

of course you aren't. YOu'll ignore thousands of cases of hate crimes against Gays, Muslims and minorities to find the one white person who got his ass kicked because he decided to display his racism on the top of his head.


You’re not getting away that easily.

1.) What white person got his ass kicked?
2.) This thread is about a MAGA hat assault.
3.) I’ve never committed a hate crime so I’m not liable for them in any way. Neither do I condone or justify them.
4.) You however have condoned hate crimes against conservatives and have even justified them. Even more egregious and pathetic is your implication that those who do so are badasses.

You’re just as ignorant and prejudiced as any “ugly” redneck.
Funny you use the word “ugly”. I’ve noticed that liberals seem to have some kind of hangup about personal appearance. To you, looks seem to have some kind of direct association with unsavory ideals.

Well, usually, I find an ugly attitude accompanies ugly looks, yes.

Of course you do. Because just like any racist or Islamaphobe, you judge people by appearences.

By the way, did you come by this conclusion from looking in the mirror?
I'm from Massachusetts, Joey. We don't have rednecks. Nice try though! Go me a "Nazi" now...that's usually your next pathetic response when you're getting your ass handed to you in a string!

Redneck is more a state of mind than geography, bud. Just because you find ways to not blurt out the n-word casually doesn't make you any less bigoted.

The Scary Black Man in the White house still has you upset, 3 years later.

3.) I’ve never committed a hate crime so I’m not liable for them in any way. Neither do I condone or justify them.

Sure you are... When Trump called the Nazis at Charlottesville "Very Fine People", you guys still stood behind him.

4.) You however have condoned hate crimes against conservatives and have even justified them. Even more egregious and pathetic is your implication that those who do so are badasses.

Again, if you wear a MAGA hat around the people a MAGA hat is meant to intimidate, and you get your ass kicked, that's all on you... just like if you wore a Klan hood on the South Side or a Swastika in Skokie.

All I can do is laugh at you because, quite honestly, it's funny.
Very troubling, very embarrassing. Of course there were no cops to arrest the democrat retards assaulting the Asians knowing they will not fight back is not surprising.

North Korean Defectors Harassed on the Street in Washington DC for Wearing MAGA Hats- Media Ignores This Hate Crime (VIDEO)
Zero problem with it.

I'm from Massachusetts, Joey. We don't have rednecks. Nice try though! Go me a "Nazi" now...that's usually your next pathetic response when you're getting your ass handed to you in a string!

Redneck is more a state of mind than geography, bud. Just because you find ways to not blurt out the n-word casually doesn't make you any less bigoted.

The Scary Black Man in the White house still has you upset, 3 years later.

3.) I’ve never committed a hate crime so I’m not liable for them in any way. Neither do I condone or justify them.

Sure you are... When Trump called the Nazis at Charlottesville "Very Fine People", you guys still stood behind him.

4.) You however have condoned hate crimes against conservatives and have even justified them. Even more egregious and pathetic is your implication that those who do so are badasses.

Again, if you wear a MAGA hat around the people a MAGA hat is meant to intimidate, and you get your ass kicked, that's all on you... just like if you wore a Klan hood on the South Side or a Swastika in Skokie.

All I can do is laugh at you because, quite honestly, it's funny.

That's a problem, faggots. Pull that shit on me and you'll find yourself ventilated and wondering wtf happened. You assaulted the wrong motherfucker, that's what happened. You wouldn't be the 1st, but it would be your last.
That's a problem, faggots. Pull that shit on me and you'll find yourself ventilated and wondering wtf happened. You assaulted the wrong motherfucker, that's what happened. You wouldn't be the 1st, but it would be your last.

Yeah, buddy, the thing is, if someone really wanted to kick your ass, they'd have it kicked long before you got your penis compensation out.
I'm from Massachusetts, Joey. We don't have rednecks. Nice try though! Go me a "Nazi" now...that's usually your next pathetic response when you're getting your ass handed to you in a string!

Redneck is more a state of mind than geography, bud. Just because you find ways to not blurt out the n-word casually doesn't make you any less bigoted.

The Scary Black Man in the White house still has you upset, 3 years later.

3.) I’ve never committed a hate crime so I’m not liable for them in any way. Neither do I condone or justify them.

Sure you are... When Trump called the Nazis at Charlottesville "Very Fine People", you guys still stood behind him.

4.) You however have condoned hate crimes against conservatives and have even justified them. Even more egregious and pathetic is your implication that those who do so are badasses.

Again, if you wear a MAGA hat around the people a MAGA hat is meant to intimidate, and you get your ass kicked, that's all on you... just like if you wore a Klan hood on the South Side or a Swastika in Skokie.

All I can do is laugh at you because, quite honestly, it's funny.

Using the term "redneck" has more to do with YOUR state of mind than mine, Joey! I'm a college educated WASP who grew up in about as liberal town as you could possibly find in the entire country!

When did Trump ever call the Nazis at Charlottesville "Very fine people"? You know as well as I do that what he REALLY said was that there were very fine people on both sides of the debate over removing Civil War statues! So why tell the lie? Because it's all you've got? Because Trump really isn't racist? Because if you can't paint him that way you'd have to admit that his policies have actually benefitted blacks more than Barack Obama's ever did?

Why would anyone be intimidated by a hat that says "Make America Great Again"? You on the left need an excuse for your attacks on people wearing MAGA hats and what you've come up with to justify those is that you're "intimidated" by them! That's another lie! The people that conduct these attacks on conservatives aren't intimidated! They are bullies and thugs. They attack older or weaker people because they get off on it.
Using the term "redneck" has more to do with YOUR state of mind than mine, Joey! I'm a college educated WASP who grew up in about as liberal town as you could possibly find in the entire country!

And yet you are still as racist as shit, still losing your shit because a black guy became president and saved the country.

When did Trump ever call the Nazis at Charlottesville "Very fine people"? You know as well as I do that what he REALLY said was that there were very fine people on both sides of the debate over removing Civil War statues! So why tell the lie?

Because the Nazis who want to keep these statues up aren't very fine people. They're Nazis.

Why would anyone be intimidated by a hat that says "Make America Great Again"? You on the left need an excuse for your attacks on people wearing MAGA hats and what you've come up with to justify those is that you're "intimidated" by them! That's another lie! The people that conduct these attacks on conservatives aren't intimidated! They are bullies and thugs. They attack older or weaker people because they get off on it.

Well, honestly, there's nothing funny that watching some brainwashed old zombie who watches Fox News all day get his ass kicked when he finds out how most people actually feel. Just fucking hysterical.
Using the term "redneck" has more to do with YOUR state of mind than mine, Joey! I'm a college educated WASP who grew up in about as liberal town as you could possibly find in the entire country!

And yet you are still as racist as shit, still losing your shit because a black guy became president and saved the country.

When did Trump ever call the Nazis at Charlottesville "Very fine people"? You know as well as I do that what he REALLY said was that there were very fine people on both sides of the debate over removing Civil War statues! So why tell the lie?

Because the Nazis who want to keep these statues up aren't very fine people. They're Nazis.

Why would anyone be intimidated by a hat that says "Make America Great Again"? You on the left need an excuse for your attacks on people wearing MAGA hats and what you've come up with to justify those is that you're "intimidated" by them! That's another lie! The people that conduct these attacks on conservatives aren't intimidated! They are bullies and thugs. They attack older or weaker people because they get off on it.

Well, honestly, there's nothing funny that watching some brainwashed old zombie who watches Fox News all day get his ass kicked when he finds out how most people actually feel. Just fucking hysterical.

What "racist" thing have I ever done or said? Name one, Joey! I never "lost my shit" because Obama was elected...I simply pointed out that he was grossly inexperienced for a job that he got the same way he got most of the jobs he's held as an adult.

Couldn't defend your lie about what Trump said...could you?

You liberals are all so darn tough when you outnumber conservatives or they're old or young. Yet when it's a fair fight have you noticed that you usually seem to get your ass handed to you? Just saying... :)
Using the term "redneck" has more to do with YOUR state of mind than mine, Joey! I'm a college educated WASP who grew up in about as liberal town as you could possibly find in the entire country!

And yet you are still as racist as shit, still losing your shit because a black guy became president and saved the country.

When did Trump ever call the Nazis at Charlottesville "Very fine people"? You know as well as I do that what he REALLY said was that there were very fine people on both sides of the debate over removing Civil War statues! So why tell the lie?

Because the Nazis who want to keep these statues up aren't very fine people. They're Nazis.

Why would anyone be intimidated by a hat that says "Make America Great Again"? You on the left need an excuse for your attacks on people wearing MAGA hats and what you've come up with to justify those is that you're "intimidated" by them! That's another lie! The people that conduct these attacks on conservatives aren't intimidated! They are bullies and thugs. They attack older or weaker people because they get off on it.

Well, honestly, there's nothing funny that watching some brainwashed old zombie who watches Fox News all day get his ass kicked when he finds out how most people actually feel. Just fucking hysterical.

Fucking hysterical coming from a commie fuckwad like you, Joe Blowhard.....btw there is PLENTY of videos showing little commie fucks picking the wrong anti-commie to mess with.

I'm from Massachusetts, Joey. We don't have rednecks. Nice try though! Go me a "Nazi" now...that's usually your next pathetic response when you're getting your ass handed to you in a string!

Redneck is more a state of mind than geography, bud. Just because you find ways to not blurt out the n-word casually doesn't make you any less bigoted.

The Scary Black Man in the White house still has you upset, 3 years later.

3.) I’ve never committed a hate crime so I’m not liable for them in any way. Neither do I condone or justify them.

Sure you are... When Trump called the Nazis at Charlottesville "Very Fine People", you guys still stood behind him.

Who’s “you guys?” I haven’t said anything one way or the other about that so you have no idea where I stand on that issue.

You don’t know diddly shit about me. All you have are your idiotic assumptions and that’s all you have.

4.) You however have condoned hate crimes against conservatives and have even justified them. Even more egregious and pathetic is your implication that those who do so are badasses.

Again, if you wear a MAGA hat around the people a MAGA hat is meant to intimidate, and you get your ass kicked, that's all on you... just like if you wore a Klan hood on the South Side or a Swastika in Skokie.

The MAGA hat was never meant to intimidate anyone. This is something people on the left concocted because they have no fucking clue what racism actually is.

Again, if you are intimidated or triggered by a hat then you have bigger and deeper problems than what the Democratic party can solve.

Committing violence to prevent violence and hating the haters is self defeating and the most moronic thing I’ve ever seen.

All I can do is laugh at you because, quite honestly, it's funny.

I get that a lot from pinheads.
What "racist" thing have I ever done or said? Name one, Joey! I never "lost my shit" because Obama was elected...I simply pointed out that he was grossly inexperienced for a job that he got the same way he got most of the jobs he's held as an adult.

Yup, because obviously, if a Negro gets a job, he totally doesn't deserve it.

It's that damned affirmative action, cheating white people out of their due!

Fucking hysterical coming from a commie fuckwad like you, Joe Blowhard.....btw there is PLENTY of videos showing little commie fucks picking the wrong anti-commie to mess with.

I'm sure that's more like some Nazi committing a hate crime, Stewbum Dale... but it's nice to see the shelter is letting you use this one again.

The MAGA hat was never meant to intimidate anyone. This is something people on the left concocted because they have no fucking clue what racism actually is.

Racism is calling people as a group rapists, murderers and animals... which is what your Fuhrer does... all the time.
What "racist" thing have I ever done or said? Name one, Joey! I never "lost my shit" because Obama was elected...I simply pointed out that he was grossly inexperienced for a job that he got the same way he got most of the jobs he's held as an adult.

Yup, because obviously, if a Negro gets a job, he totally doesn't deserve it.

It's that damned affirmative action, cheating white people out of their due!

Fucking hysterical coming from a commie fuckwad like you, Joe Blowhard.....btw there is PLENTY of videos showing little commie fucks picking the wrong anti-commie to mess with.

I'm sure that's more like some Nazi committing a hate crime, Stewbum Dale... but it's nice to see the shelter is letting you use this one again.

The MAGA hat was never meant to intimidate anyone. This is something people on the left concocted because they have no fucking clue what racism actually is.

Racism is calling people as a group rapists, murderers and animals... which is what your Fuhrer does... all the time.
We don't use the term, "Negro" anymore, Joey! You do because you're a race baiter. It's what you's who you are! Barack Obama didn't win the Presidency because of Affirmative Action! He won because the main stream media never vetted him! They were too busy worshiping at the alter of Obama!

As I told's just a matter of time before you play the race card and then not long'll play the "Nazi" card! It's what you's who you are! You get more pathetic with each passing month.
What "racist" thing have I ever done or said? Name one, Joey! I never "lost my shit" because Obama was elected...I simply pointed out that he was grossly inexperienced for a job that he got the same way he got most of the jobs he's held as an adult.

Yup, because obviously, if a Negro gets a job, he totally doesn't deserve it.

It's that damned affirmative action, cheating white people out of their due!

Fucking hysterical coming from a commie fuckwad like you, Joe Blowhard.....btw there is PLENTY of videos showing little commie fucks picking the wrong anti-commie to mess with.

I'm sure that's more like some Nazi committing a hate crime, Stewbum Dale... but it's nice to see the shelter is letting you use this one again.

The MAGA hat was never meant to intimidate anyone. This is something people on the left concocted because they have no fucking clue what racism actually is.

Racism is calling people as a group rapists, murderers and animals... which is what your Fuhrer does... all the time.

When and where did he say this and what group was he referring to? Links only please.
We don't use the term, "Negro" anymore, Joey! You do because you're a race baiter. It's what you's who you are! Barack Obama didn't win the Presidency because of Affirmative Action! He won because the main stream media never vetted him! They were too busy worshiping at the alter of Obama!

oh, I see... they didn't "vet" him. That's it.

NOw, you see, I saw it differently. The reason why he won was because Bush gave us the worst economy in 80 years right after he LIED us into two wars that killed thousands of people. But you keep skipping OVER that part.

As I told's just a matter of time before you play the race card and then not long'll play the "Nazi" card! It's what you's who you are! You get more pathetic with each passing month.

My Grandparents fled the Nazis... and pretty much, the dumb-asses who supported Hitler were just like the Dumb-asses who supported Trump.
Very troubling, very embarrassing. Of course there were no cops to arrest the democrat retards assaulting the Asians knowing they will not fight back is not surprising.

North Korean Defectors Harassed on the Street in Washington DC for Wearing MAGA Hats- Media Ignores This Hate Crime (VIDEO)
Don’t say anything bad about North Korea. Donald Trump is in love with Lil Kim. How do we know? He told us. Anything that happens between the US and North Korea will happen through the filter of Donald Trump being completely in love with Lil Kim
What "racist" thing have I ever done or said? Name one, Joey! I never "lost my shit" because Obama was elected...I simply pointed out that he was grossly inexperienced for a job that he got the same way he got most of the jobs he's held as an adult.

Yup, because obviously, if a Negro gets a job, he totally doesn't deserve it.

It's that damned affirmative action, cheating white people out of their due!

Fucking hysterical coming from a commie fuckwad like you, Joe Blowhard.....btw there is PLENTY of videos showing little commie fucks picking the wrong anti-commie to mess with.

I'm sure that's more like some Nazi committing a hate crime, Stewbum Dale... but it's nice to see the shelter is letting you use this one again.

The MAGA hat was never meant to intimidate anyone. This is something people on the left concocted because they have no fucking clue what racism actually is.

Racism is calling people as a group rapists, murderers and animals... which is what your Fuhrer does... all the time.
We don't use the term, "Negro" anymore, Joey! You do because you're a race baiter. It's what you's who you are! Barack Obama didn't win the Presidency because of Affirmative Action! He won because the main stream media never vetted him! They were too busy worshiping at the alter of Obama!

As I told's just a matter of time before you play the race card and then not long'll play the "Nazi" card! It's what you's who you are! You get more pathetic with each passing month.
The only person that was vetted more than Obama was Hillary Clinton. Republicans attacked her and her family and her daughter for 30 years.

By the time of the election both Obama and Hillary were completely exposed. Every part of their life was laid bare.

Trump on the other hand was never vetted. That’s why we’re finding out now that he lost more money than any other American. That he’s the king of debt. That his foundation was a criminal organization and on and on and on.

We should’ve known about trumps racism and criminality before the election.
What "racist" thing have I ever done or said? Name one, Joey! I never "lost my shit" because Obama was elected...I simply pointed out that he was grossly inexperienced for a job that he got the same way he got most of the jobs he's held as an adult.

Yup, because obviously, if a Negro gets a job, he totally doesn't deserve it.

It's that damned affirmative action, cheating white people out of their due!

Fucking hysterical coming from a commie fuckwad like you, Joe Blowhard.....btw there is PLENTY of videos showing little commie fucks picking the wrong anti-commie to mess with.

I'm sure that's more like some Nazi committing a hate crime, Stewbum Dale... but it's nice to see the shelter is letting you use this one again.

The MAGA hat was never meant to intimidate anyone. This is something people on the left concocted because they have no fucking clue what racism actually is.

Racism is calling people as a group rapists, murderers and animals... which is what your Fuhrer does... all the time.

Well? Are you going to prove your claim or what? When did Trump call a group of people rapists and murderers?

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