Save America Impeach Biden

The liberal media just doesn't get it.

We need to save America. We need to find a reason to impeach Biden. America's future depends on it.

---The US House of Representatives has voted to formalise its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden---

“A Republican Congressman told Fox News the Majority ‘can’t identify a particular crime.’”

From the outset, Republicans based the corruption case against Joe Biden on the debunked theory that as vice president, he twisted U.S. foreign policy to enrich his family by pushing out a Ukrainian prosecutor who was supposedly investigating Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that hired Hunter Biden to serve on its board.
U.S. diplomats have repeatedly told Republicans, in 2019 and 2020, that as vice president, Joe Biden merely carried out the policy they designed. Donald Trump’s Treasury Department even sanctioned several members of a Russia-linked foreign influence network for advancing “disinformation narratives that U.S. government officials have engaged in corrupt dealings in Ukraine.”

Then Republicans hung all their hopes on a Russian liar who's now in jail.

“It is obviously time to move on, Mr. Speaker,” Siskel wrote. “This impeachment is over. There is too much important work to be done for the American people to continue wasting time on this charade.”
“A Republican Congressman told Fox News the Majority ‘can’t identify a particular crime.’”
Oh well.

That was stupid

But the base loves it
Just as with the "rigged election", we sat here through all the claims and "reports" and conspiracy theories and simplistic assumptions and blind projections and simply said "okay, prove it".

When nothing came to fruition, they said the same thing they said after the 60+ failed court cases: Everyone is corrupt but the Trumpsters, otherwise Biden would be in jail. It's just corruption, that's all.

This MAGA - Alex Jones - Pro Wrestling- Flat Earth - Qanon clown show would be pretty fucking funny if it were not in danger of killing us.

The liberal media just doesn't get it.

We need to save America. We need to find a reason to impeach Biden. America's future depends on it.

---The US House of Representatives has voted to formalise its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden---

Oh liberals get it alright, and if anyone is counting on liberals to help save America, then I got some beach front property in Arizona to sell you at a remarkable discount.
“A Republican Congressman told Fox News the Majority ‘can’t identify a particular crime.’”
Never mind Biden. The American system is rotten to the core. "Bush Baby" Junior, Dick "Lon" Chenney, and Donny "Cinnabuns" Rumsfeld never spent a day in prison for lying about WMDs in Irak so why impeach "Creepy Joe" Biden for lying about Ukraine?
The liberal media just doesn't get it.

We need to save America. We need to find a reason to impeach Biden. America's future depends on it.

---The US House of Representatives has voted to formalise its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden---

The evidence is there, but we are seeing just how corrupt our government has become, and we are seeing it right before our very eyes in real time too.

IMO Biden and other's should possibly be removed by military force if it gets that critical of a situation, and this is mostly based upon the growing evidence that which the government is attempting to ignore such evidence, and is doing so in order to allow unabated corruption to go unanswered for.

It's amazing how a single administration can destroy the nation's constitution and it's institution of government without good reason, and to do so for an agenda simular or maybe even the exact same thing that plagued nation's for which God himself had to bring about his wrath upon.

It was all due to them being so evil and corrupt, that the earth and her inhabitants were attempting with all their might to spew the corruption out, but sadly to no avail.

God then said "go and find 10" who are still righteous and good, but none could be found for it had all been corrupted. O

What happened next was an event of historic proportions.

Testing God in such ways, especially when it comes to teaching the youngest how to sin, will definitely lead to our demise and/or to our destruction in more ways than one can ever imagine.. FACT !!!!!!

WAKE UP America, wake Up.......
The evidence is there, but we are seeing just how corrupt our government has become, and we are seeing it right before our very eyes in real time too.

IMO Biden and other's should possibly be removed by military force if it gets that critical of a situation, and this is mostly based upon the growing evidence that which the government is attempting to ignore such evidence, and is doing so in order to allow unabated corruption to go unanswered for.

It's amazing how a single administration can destroy the nation's constitution and it's institution of government without good reason, and to do so for an agenda simular or maybe even the exact same thing that plagued nation's for which God himself had to bring about his wrath upon.

It was all due to them being so evil and corrupt, that the earth and her inhabitants were attempting with all their might to spew the corruption out, but sadly to no avail.

God then said "go and find 10" who are still righteous and good, but none could be found for it had all been corrupted. O

What happened next was an event of historic proportions.

Testing God in such ways, especially when it comes to teaching the youngest how to sin, will definitely lead to our demise and/or to our destruction in more ways than one can ever imagine.. FACT !!!!!!

WAKE UP America, wake Up.......
Constitution? And then you want to argue the president should have total immunity from crimes?
Constitution? And then you want to argue the president should have total immunity from crimes?
Who argued that ? Not me, so it best that you don't put words in my mouth... I am arguing for equal and fair justice in this country, and not some lopsided Democrat led bull shite that is taking place in order to ensure their perceived power of a one party rule in this country. It cannot go without challenge of that idea, otherwise when it is based upon an agenda that forces an entire nation to conform to that one party rule in order to force their agenda down everyones throats.
The evidence is there, but we are seeing just how corrupt our government has become, and we are seeing it right before our very eyes in real time too.
IMO Biden and other's should possibly be removed by military force ...
I'm having similar thoughts.
... and this is mostly based upon the growing evidence that which the government is attempting to ignore such evidence, and is doing so in order to allow unabated corruption to go unanswered for.
A fundamentally good reason to express your thoughts in the previous paragraph
It's amazing how a single administration can destroy the nation's constitution and it's institution of government
And yet it flaps its lips about how removing Biden by military force would be a breach of the same Constitution that they themselves have already destroyed.
Who argued that ? Not me, so it best that you don't put words in my mouth... I am arguing for equal and fair justice in this country, and not some lopsided Democrat led bull shite that is taking place in order to ensure their perceived power of a one party rule in this country. It cannot go without challenge of that idea, otherwise when it is based upon an agenda that forces an entire nation to conform to that one party rule in order to force their agenda down everyones throats.
Okay well let’s start with we didn’t go after Reagan over Iran contra.

We didn’t revolt when bush stole 2000 and 2004.

We didn’t impeach bush for lying us into iraq. Something even trump said she should have done.

We didn’t chant lock her up, then break a bunch of laws because they didn’t lock her up.

Hillary using her private emails to do official business? Trump passed a law making that a felony, then committed that felony. He thought he’d get away with it. And with you he would. Like putin gets away with shit. Slippery slope
And republicans impeached bill Clinton over lying about a blowjob. That’s trumps only argument. He paid off stormy so his wife and the public wouldn’t find out. That’s illegal.
Never mind Biden. The American system is rotten to the core. "Bush Baby" Junior, Dick "Lon" Chenney, and Donny "Cinnabuns" Rumsfeld never spent a day in prison for lying about WMDs in Irak so why impeach "Creepy Joe" Biden for lying about Ukraine?
1. What lie did Joe tell?

2. Is that why trump broke laws? Because bush got away with stealing elections and breaking laws? True. God point. Perhaps bush should have been questioned more about how he and his team lied us into war?

3. Trumps con may actually fix a lot of things. Force government to fix

a. Immigration/illegal employers

b. Fixing the share blue collar and labor gets in corporate America

c. Border security

d. Food and rent prices.


Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.
Trump is testing the limits of the power of the presidency and accountability. He now admits he habitually crossed the line.

But so did Biden? No he didn’t. Clinton’s? Nope.

Maybe I agree with him on bush
Constitution? And then you
And republicans impeached bill Clinton over lying about a blowjob. That’s trumps only argument. He paid off stormy so his wife and the public wouldn’t find out. That’s illegal.
Had nothing to do with him when he was president of the United States of America, and for the government to be pursuing him, and then using our tax dollars to do so is a direct violation of their official duties to serve the American government while leaving the civilian authorities to serve the people in any matters pertaining to civilian life outside of the government. What has been going on in the weaponization of government in order to destroy a candidate in which the people see fit for government duties as was proven already, is a travesty and a misuse of government.

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