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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Israel: UN expert calls for the immediate release of three Palestinian detainees on hunger strike held without charges Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights PRESS RELEASE

"GENEVA (13 February 2013) – United Nations Special Rapporteur Richard Falk today called for the immediate release of three Palestinian detainees held without charges by Israel. Mr. Falk expressed deep concern for the fate of Tarek Qa’adan and Jafar Azzidine, who are on their 78th day of hunger strike, and Samer Al-Issawi, who has been on partial hunger strike for over 200 days. “Continuing to hold Mr. Qa’adan, Mr Azzidine and Mr. Al-Issawi under these conditions is inhumane. Israel is responsible for any permanent harm,” warned the independent expert designated by the Human Rights Council to monitor and report on Israeli rights violations in Palestine. “If Israeli officials cannot present evidence to support charges against these men, then they must be released immediately.”

“Mr. Qa’adan and Mr. Azzidine are reportedly on the verge of death, with the threat of a fatal heart attack looming,” the expert noted...They were transferred to Assaf Harofi Hospital near Tel Aviv on 24 January 2013 after their conditions deteriorated sharply. This is the second time that Mr. Azzidine and Mr. Qa’adan have undertaken hunger strikes against administrative detention, since they took part in the mass hunger strike of Palestinians from 17 April to 14 May 2012. Mr. Qa’adan had been released after 15 months of detention on 8 July 2012 and Mr. Azzidine had been released on 19 June 2012 after three months of detention, before being re-arrested. “Israel must end the appalling and unlawful treatment of Palestinian detainees..." "

Israel: UN expert calls for the immediate release of three Palestinian detainees on hunger strike held without charges « Today In Gaza

I have a wonderful idea-----Richard Falk can pledge HIS life-----in return for any
death by terrorist act caused by an agency or group with which any of the
hungers striking prisoners have been associated over the next 20 years

Now, that is a beautiful Photo, I imagine my God fills Samer's head with images like this one, each and every day of his life! And it is God alone who sustains Samer and gives him life each day! What an awesome God He is!


You are fucking deranged. Something is seriously wrong with you.

GRAVITY !!!!! puhleeeeze sherri is having a DIVINE----uhm....interlude

(such interludes are often associated with pahologies of the
right temporal lobe of the brain----don't excite her---she may CONVULSE)
#PalHunger | Samer Issawi in ?critical condition? on day 203 of hunger strike | Occupied Palestine | ?????? 203 days on hunger strike and Samer Issawi still lives, we do have an amazing and awesome God! His living, the fact Samer still lives, is a glorification of God with a human life, am I not filled with awe and wonder and thankfullness to my God to witness this miracle of God! And those who speak out on his behalf keep running into a wall of silence. But we never stop raising our voices on his behalf and to oppose the Occupation.Silence, that has always been the response of the world to Injustice! But we know individuals always have an opportunity to choose a response to Injustice that glorifies God in our lives. And our destiny depends on our choices, we none of us have to be controlled by the world and the prince of this world. We can always stand against Injustice, there is always a way open for us to do that. Does not the hunger strike of Samer Issawi give us a perfect illustration of that? Here is a man falsely imprisoned, but he refuses to accept those unjust terms, he says I will hunger and thirst for justice and I shall be filled, one way or another. Sherri

His living, the fact Samer still lives, is a glorification of God

God gave the Israeli's the ability to force feed this POS. Hurray.


I am really sorry you know nothing about Christianity and how Christians have opportunities to glorify God with our lives, that is so sad. I am going to Pray for you right now and go to my Bible study class this morning and ask for Prayers specifically for you. Jesus loves you, this I do know, despite all of your lack of concern over all the other human beings He created.


I'm glad that you love terrorists. Not sure why you also hate Jews.

My concern for other humans leads me to not love terrorists who like to kill other humans.
Pray for wisdom, you're falling short.
I have it from A RELIABLE SOURCE that israeli prisons employ the nazi
torture technique of <gasp> INCOMPLETE DEBONING OF THE FISH

Thats terrible! Does Samer get vinegar with his fish?

Depends on how the fish is administered. Sometimes samer shuts his mouth tight---
and scrunches his face up -----and REFUSES the spoonful of food (like when outsiders
are watching if they have cameras) Then the food has to be administered via----a
secondary orifice which I cannot name in mixed company In those cases the items to
be administered are sprinkled liberally with cayenne powder .........or--well
that is what sherri told me. They save the vinegar for his lobster salad and some of his
mixed drinks ------he likes WHISKEY SOURS----- ??? I have no idea how those are
made----but Israeli prisons do them with rum--vinegar---a bit of sugar----and a cherry
and a splash of Manishewitz (spelling?)

I thought Wednesday was Clams Casino night.
Thats terrible! Does Samer get vinegar with his fish?

Depends on how the fish is administered. Sometimes samer shuts his mouth tight---
and scrunches his face up -----and REFUSES the spoonful of food (like when outsiders
are watching if they have cameras) Then the food has to be administered via----a
secondary orifice which I cannot name in mixed company In those cases the items to
be administered are sprinkled liberally with cayenne powder .........or--well
that is what sherri told me. They save the vinegar for his lobster salad and some of his
mixed drinks ------he likes WHISKEY SOURS----- ??? I have no idea how those are
made----but Israeli prisons do them with rum--vinegar---a bit of sugar----and a cherry
and a splash of Manishewitz (spelling?)

I thought Wednesday was Clams Casino night.

no wednesday is BINGO night-----clams are done
as a NEW ENGLAND CLAM BAKE on the beach -----thursday----just before dusk
Now THAT's torture - for the Israelis, if they keep kosher. Clams are incurably treyf : ((

Marge----but they are HALAL so are camel burgers why should our dear samer
be confined to KOSHER?

PS they do the CLAM BAKE on the beach in order to keep the prison kitchen
KOSHER------use your head Marge -----they do the camel roasts on the beach, too.
----separate utensils, of course
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Now, that is a beautiful Photo, I imagine my God fills Samer's head with images like this one, each and every day of his life! And it is God alone who sustains Samer and gives him life each day! What an awesome God He is!


You are fucking deranged. Something is seriously wrong with you.

GRAVITY !!!!! puhleeeeze sherri is having a DIVINE----uhm....interlude

(such interludes are often associated with pahologies of the
right temporal lobe of the brain----don't excite her---she may CONVULSE)
Sherri fantasizing over a mangy, fleabitten camel?
Israel makes a big mistake by taking prisoners during war----sadly ---the
best course would be a horrible choice-----ie EMULATING THE ISA-
RESPECTERS------subject them to obscene mutilation torture murder---
the kind of thing that turns sherri ****ON****

typical post from a jew.

Thanks deach----I did not know it was THAT good---just something I typed
off the cuff-----so to speak.:eusa_angel:
Samer Issawi A Man Following The Teachings Of Jesus, But Who Does Not Call Himself A Christian

I watch this man from a distance, a man who has hungered for justice for over 200 days now, living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in His life. It is Jesus who says those who hunger and thirst for justice shall be filled. He spoke those words in His Sermon on The Mount.

And the cover of Christianity Today this January February 2013 edition reads, Worshiping Jesus In The Mosque, Inside the World Of A Muslim Follower Of Isa. And a story follows, discussing Muslim followers of Isa.

What I have been watching and speaking about to Christians and others around me and on discussion boards for years now, discussed as an observed practice in a Christian publication, I wish Arthur Gish was here to read this. He is not, but his wife Peggy is, perhaps in Iraq today in a Kurdish village teaching Muslims about Jesus ways, to live a life of nonviolent resistance.

Thruout the last 14 centuries----the program of invasion, murder, rape, pillage
and oppression has been marked with MANY MANY tenuous "ALLIANCES"
even while it was still confined to arabia Early in the course of the career of the
RAPIST pig------whilst he was building his army and following on theft and pillage and
enslavment by attacking the caravans and villages of polytheists-----and even upon mecca itself which was the CENTRE of arabian polytheistic religion------the RAPIST PIG ----
lauded all NON POLYTHEISTS as his allies The rest is history----a history
of rape and pillage upon former "FRIENDS" on libels of "treason"----until he finally
decreed that the ENTIRE ARABIAN PENNINSULA must be cleared of all "others"------including monotheistic zoroastrians, christians and jews -----and so they were and their shrines As the program of conquest, murder, rape and pillage EXPANDED----there
were more tenuous and TEMPORARY "alliances" -----as needed for the attainment of
IMMEDIATE GOALS -----followed by genocide of former "allies"

In the latter part of the 20th century----the USA was drawn into one such alliance ---
THE TALIBAN presented as "FREEDOM FIGHTERS" out to help the USA
removed RUSSIAN INFLUENCE in Afghanistan ------and the leaders of the USA
funded them and armed them and then watched them stone women in sport stadiums
and ----NOW see them for what they are TERRORISTS

This temporary alliance thing marks the entire 1400 year history. In fact the jews
of palestine did involve themselves in some short term alliances in order to repel
the crusaders THE KURDS were highly valuable allies in the progam of
ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM ------and now---though themselves muslims (but not arabs)
are held to be the garbage of the Middle east by the UMMAH

At the present time----the focus of the UMMAH is the destructon of HINDU
INDIA -----HINDU INFLUENCE in asia and africa and ---last but by no means
LEAST the annhilation of Israel WITH WHOM TO ALLY NOW?

and so a new found "LOVE FOR ISA"
so desperate for this alliance of destruction
are they that they are struggling to form
a muslim/christian synthesis for a COMMON
CAUSE (which boils down to "kill the jews
and hindus)

it is not new-----for the sake of power THE MOGHUL AKBAR tried
to create a MUSLIM HINDU synthesis-- need I go into how
that one worked out-??---something
like the USA/TALIBAN "alliance"
Lipush, I've tried to explain to sealie that GOD's love is not limited, that He has love enough for every single group of us to be 'chosen' for some purpose of His. Our purpose as Jews is to live by Torah and to witness that ALL human beings were all created by the same loving Parent..... I don't presume to know the purpose of any other group, but I am certain none of us are here to be some kind of negative example.

There's nothing in Torah to say we Jews were the only ones ever chosen by GOD: there is some reference to other Covenants He has made with other peoples.

So I believe it's only reasonable to suppose we've EACH got our 'commission' from the LORD for this or that little purpose. Dad loving me didn't take anything away from his love for Sis - it's ridiculous to suggest GOD is less able to love than a mere human!
Samer has the distinction of LONGEST TIME ON THE 'CRITICAL LIST'

Long long ago----I had a job that included typing up the hospital census---
and DIED. It was a very large hospital as to On critical----each day s
something like 4 to 8 names off critical 2 to 5 names ---died 2 to 7 names
but the "ON CRITICAL" was not just those put ON that day---it was
the whole list which was ON -----I never say anyone ON CRITICAL for WEEKS ---
let alone MONTHS-----what a miracle. I wonder by what criteria this "ON CRITICAL"
was determined
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