Save the date: “Trans Day of Vengeance” March 31-April 1st


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
A few days too late?

German/Austrian news blame the Republicans and make Joe Biden and Jil Biden heroe, because they want suppossedly to restrict guns, and Republicans like guns.

US-Präsident Joe Biden fordert immer wieder strengere Waffengesetze und hat Regelungen in der Vergangenheit immer wieder leicht verschärft. Ohne substanzielle Gesetzesänderungen sehen Expertinnen und Experten allerdings keine Chance auf echte Veränderungen. Um diese durchzusetzen, wären Biden und seine Demokraten allerdings auf die Kooperationsbereitschaft der Republikaner im Kongress angewiesen – und die ist bei diesem Thema nicht in Sicht.
One sicko kicked it off early.

Or: Accept Sodom & Gomorrah or we'll kill you.
Well, that one in Nashville won't be causing any more trouble or coming after anybody else's kids, thanks to the Metro Nashville Police Department. I just wish there was some way to spot the violent ones before they commit atrocities. If there is a Trans Day of Vengeance, it probably won't be in Nashville.
Well, that one in Nashville won't be causing any more trouble or coming after anybody else's kids, thanks to the Metro Nashville Police Department. I just wish there was some way to spot the violent ones before they commit atrocities. If there is a Trans Day of Vengeance, it probably won't be in Nashville.
It is evil what this person did as they want after innocent babies. :( Most of us girls are good people that do nothing to deserve hatred or to be stripped of our rights.

WTF is wrong with all these pieces of subhuman shit targetting our children? I am a mother of a daughter and this scares the hell out of me.
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It is evil what this person did as they want after innocent babies. :( Most of us girls are good people that do nothing to deserve hatred or to be stripped of our rights.

WTF is wrong with all these pieces of subhuman shit targetting our children? I am a mother of a daughter and this scares the hell out of me.
When did you transition?
Soon the leftwing media and celebs will be saying there is a “good side” to killing the children of “right wingers”.

It is evil what this person did as they want after innocent babies. :( Most of us girls are good people that do nothing to deserve hatred or to be stripped of our rights.

WTF is wrong with all these pieces of subhuman shit targetting our children? I am a mother of a daughter and this scares the hell out of me.
I empathize and can completely understand. PJ and I raised 3, two boys and a girl, now grown. We worried about ours also. Hang in there doing what needs to be done and setting the right example. To a certain extent, you have to remember the numbers are on your side, and they will probably be fine.:)
To say this person did this because she identifies as a man simply doesn't hold up. We don't see violent crime of this type committed by transgendered people as a general rule, and I don't think it is fair to say her gender I.D. is even an issue.

It might be an issue in how the media covers it which is fair game to notice.

People who do these horrendous sick crimes are mentally unbalanced, sociopathic, devoid of reason, ethics, morals, faith, sense of right and wrong or what they have of that is so twisted as to be unrecognizable in the normal world.

But her gender identification really is not an issue in this.
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WTF is wrong with all these pieces of subhuman shit targetting our children? I am a mother of a daughter and this scares the hell out of me
They have been fed lies all their lives by leftist idiots and Satanic Marxist types. People like you who promote the lie that one can “change genders” or that there are more than two genders. They are mentally ill. Mentally ill people cannot separate fantasies from reality.
To say this person did this because she identifies as a man simply doesn't hold up. We don't see violent crime committed by transgendered people as a general rule, and I don't think it is fair to say her gender I.D. is even an issue.

It might be an issue in how the media covers it which is fair game to notice.

People who do these horrendous sick crimes are mentally unbalanced, sociopathic, devoid of reason, ethics, morals, faith, sense of right and wrong or what they have of that is so twisted as to be unrecognizable in the normal world.

But her gender identification really is not an issue in this.
Transgenders have the highest suicide rate in the world.


They are mentally ill and mentally unstable.

So are “furries” by the way.
Transgenders have the highest suicide rate in the world.

View attachment 770221

They are mentally ill and mentally unstable.

So are “furries” by the way.
That may be. They must be deeply unhappy people at some level to do that to their natural bodies. But there is simply zero data that transgendered people are more likely than any other to commit the kind of horrendous sick crimes like a school shooting.
Of course, the trannies are the real victims…

That may be. They must be deeply unhappy people at some level to do that to their natural bodies. But there is simply zero data that transgendered people are more likely than any other to commit the kind of horrendous sick crimes like a school shooting.
Homosexuals have a long history of being mentally unstable and violent.

”Trans” are even more unstable and dangerous than “normal homosexuals“.

Having the highest suicide rate is proof of that. Suicide is violence against one self.

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