Saving the planet lunacy

Joshua trees are not on the endangered or threatened species list.

As usual you are incorrect here are the facts from The Enviromentor,

1. Where do Joshua Trees grow?​

These unique trees have a fairly limited range within the Mojave Desert of California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. They only grow between elevations of 2,000 and 6,000 feet.


6. Why are Joshua Trees protected?​

Most of the world’s Joshua Trees are found within the boundary of Joshua Tree National Park. It is a violation of federal law to take or damage plants and wildlife in National Parks. But why the protection?

Joshua Trees are crucial to the ecosystem of the Mojave Desert. They provide food and habitat to local species. Additionally, new research is indicating that trees are being negatively impacted by climate change, making their protection even more important.


red bolding mine


If you would only take 2 minutes of research....... LOL
As usual you are incorrect here are the facts from The Enviromentor,

1. Where do Joshua Trees grow?​

These unique trees have a fairly limited range within the Mojave Desert of California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. They only grow between elevations of 2,000 and 6,000 feet.


6. Why are Joshua Trees protected?​

Most of the world’s Joshua Trees are found within the boundary of Joshua Tree National Park. It is a violation of federal law to take or damage plants and wildlife in National Parks. But why the protection?

Joshua Trees are crucial to the ecosystem of the Mojave Desert. They provide food and habitat to local species. Additionally, new research is indicating that trees are being negatively impacted by climate change, making their protection even more important.


red bolding mine


If you would only take 2 minutes of research....... LOL
The only protection you mention is simply for any tree located in a national parks. When you make a claim and then obviously can find no support and, in fact, likely saw references validating MY statement, you need to man up and have the fucking balls to once in a while admit you were wrong.

"Feds decline Endangered Species Act protections for Joshua trees​

The feds say Joshua trees are not endangered and will not be endangered in the near future.

Joshua trees will not be added to the endangered or threatened species list after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decided the iconic symbols of the Mojave Desert don't face any serious threats."

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The only protection you mention is simply for any tree located in a national parks. When you make a claim and then obviously can find no support and, in fact, likely saw references validating MY statement, you need to man up and have the fucking balls to once in a while admit you were wrong.

"Feds decline Endangered Species Act protections for Joshua trees​

The feds say Joshua trees are not endangered and will not be endangered in the near future.

Joshua trees will not be added to the endangered or threatened species list after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decided the iconic symbols of the Mojave Desert don't face any serious threats."

You are correct as I should said by LAW it was illegal to cut them down, my bad.

They are protected in the National Parks by LAW, but you and Sage of Main Street are unaware of the California law that was passed last year.

California Legislature Passes Joshua Tree Protection Law


The provisions of the Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act include:

  • Prohibiting unpermitted killing or removal of the trees.
  • Requiring a conservation plan for the species.
  • Creating a fund to acquire and manage lands to protect the species.
  • Creating a permitting regime expected to be faster and cheaper than the state endangered species act.
  • Requiring regular reviews of the species’ status and the effectiveness of the permitting regime and conservation plan.
  • Requiring consultation with California Native American Tribes on the law’s implementation.
who cares, they are digging up trees to put up solar panels. That is just fucking stupid
Why? I hope you don't think that the hundreds of millions of tons of oil we'd extract and refine and burn to make the energy those panels will produce would have no effect on trees.
Why? I hope you don't think that the hundreds of millions of tons of oil we'd extract and refine and burn to make the energy those panels will produce would have no effect on trees.

You cannot put them where the trees are not?

How much oil did we have to extract and refine to build all the panels?
Why? I hope you don't think that the hundreds of millions of tons of oil we'd extract and refine and burn to make the energy those panels will produce would have no effect on trees.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA, you as usual make a complete fool of yourself since increasing CO2 in the air is fueling a large increase in greening of the planet in the first place once again I post this from NASA:

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds​

From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.



Ruinables doesn't replace those "fossil fueled" power plants because of its intermittency nature the backups have to stay on to prevent collapse of the grid.

Solar doesn't work during the night and partly to zero under cloudy skies, while Wind is very erratic from ZERO to around 55 mph when they have to shut down the blades to prevent overspinning damage and destruction.

When there are gusts over 55 mph they just shut down the blades by default and wait until the winds drops significantly.

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BWAHAHAHAHAHA, you as usual make a complete fool of yourself since increasing CO2 in the air is fueling a large increase in greening of the planet in the first place once again I post this from NASA:

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds​

What is NASA's conclusion in light of this study? Do they recommend that we do nothing about CO2 emissions? Do they, perhaps, even recommend that we work to increase CO2 in the atmosphere? Do they conclude that the concern about increasing CO2 is completely misplaced?

No, no and no.
What is NASA's conclusion in light of this study? Do they recommend that we do nothing about CO2 emissions? Do they, perhaps, even recommend that we work to increase CO2 in the atmosphere? Do they conclude that the concern about increasing CO2 is completely misplaced?

No, no and no.

I was replying to this:

Why? I hope you don't think that the hundreds of millions of tons of oil we'd extract and refine and burn to make the energy those panels will produce would have no effect on trees.

The CO2 emissions help make plant like grow better all over the world.

Was that simple enough for you?
I was replying to this:

The CO2 emissions help make plant like grow better all over the world.

Was that simple enough for you?
It avoided answering my question, which was all you were ever trying to do.
It avoided answering my question, which was all you were ever trying to do.

Your question was loaded while I will repeat my honest answer,

The CO2 emissions help make plant like grow better all over the world.

Was that simple enough for you?

Maybe you don't agree with NASA then?
Your question was loaded while I will repeat my honest answer,

Maybe you don't agree with NASA then?
You have repeatedly provided a NASA document showing that increasing CO2 is causing greening. I am asking you what is NASA's response to that - and all the other CO2 related research - as to what we ought to be doing about our increasing levels of CO2.

We all already know the answer and we all already know why you don't want to say it. I've had cancer more than once and I've found it an excellent way to lose weight. Does that mean cancer is okay?
Yes, but...(there's always a 'but').

"While rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the air can be beneficial for plants, it is also the chief culprit of climate change. The gas, which traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere, has been increasing since the industrial age due to the burning of oil, gas, coal and wood for energy and is continuing to reach concentrations not seen in at least 500,000 years. The impacts of climate change include global warming, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and sea ice as well as more severe weather events."

"The beneficial impacts of carbon dioxide on plants may also be limited, said co-author Dr. Philippe Ciais, associate director of the Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences, Gif-suv-Yvette, France. “Studies have shown that plants acclimatize*, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”

*Other nutrient limitations come into effect.

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Why? I hope you don't think that the hundreds of millions of tons of oil we'd extract and refine and burn to make the energy those panels will produce would have no effect on trees.
yep, wouldn't hurt them in the least. Prove the oil would.

Hey yo, look at this idiot, he doesn't know CO2 is good for plant life!!!!! that's all anyone needs to know about this fool.
You have repeatedly provided a NASA document showing that increasing CO2 is causing greening. I am asking you what is NASA's response to that - and all the other CO2 related research - as to what we ought to be doing about our increasing levels of CO2.

We all already know the answer and we all already know why you don't want to say it. I've had cancer more than once and I've found it an excellent way to lose weight. Does that mean cancer is okay?
Still waiting for Sunset Tommy's response here and in a few other threads. He seems loathe to defend or even follow up on his posts.
Still waiting for Sunset Tommy's response here and in a few other threads. He seems loathe to defend or even follow up on his posts.
where's the data sets for your graphs I requested of you that you have failed to post. FAILED, HYPOCRITE!!! Still silent cuck!!!

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