Saving the planet lunacy

He makes a good point. The idea that man can or will save the planet is lunacy.
Well, for the most part, it is humans that have put it at risk. Thus we have the capacity and the opportunity to eliminate the risks we create and to undo some of the damage we have done. Whether or not we will do so is technically unknown but, as I think we all know, exceedingly unlikely. We're stupid that way; like Tommy Lee Jones' observation in the first Men in Black.
Look at this graph. Note that US emissions in 1950 were 25 TIMES both the Chinese and Indian emissions. Note the total area representing total US, Chinese and Indian emissions over this time span.

View attachment 946735
Metric tons of carbon dioxide (tCO2)195020002022Change 1950–2000Change 2000–2022
Asia (excl. China, Japan, and India)0.2B3.2B6.2B1,973%95%
United States of America2.5B6.0B5.1B136%-16%
European Union1.8B4.2B3.1B134%-26%
Rest of World0.4B2.5B2.9B465%16%
South America0.1B0.8B1.1B621%34%

If we assume linear growth (and decline) between 1950, 2000 and 2022, we get the following total emissions:

India: (0.55 x 50) + (1.9 x 22) = 69.3 billion tonnes
China: (1.85 x 50) + (7.5 x 22) = 257.5 billion tonnes
US: 4.25 x 50) + (5.55 x 22) = 334.6 billion tonnes

View attachment 946740

India: 1.7 tons/person-year
China: 7.1 tons/person-year
US: 14.1 tons/person-year

Your rejection of per capita emissions is unsupportable. CO2 is producted to supply energy for people. The more people to serve, the more energy is required. Your choice, ranking total output, means that that best performing nations are small and poor and will have done virtually nothing to mitigate CO2 emissions and would have minimal impact even if they did.

The US reduction is admirable, but it was easier for us to cut BECAUSE of our high per capita emissions and relatively high population. Nations with small per capita emissions and high populations like China and India have a much more difficult and expensive challenge to reduce total emissions. In the cases of China and India, both nations have simultaneously been undergoing rapid transitions from third world status to modern industrial powers and that has required large increases in the CO2 emissions. Despite that, neither has come anywhere near our per capita values. Additionally, China has spent far more money in the last decade than has the US - in toto and per capita - on solar PV, wind turbines and EVs.

This constant refrain from the right that the US should do nothing till China and India have exceeded our cuts in percent of total emissions is ignorant, childish and counterproductive. It is also based on nothing but ethnic bias and political animosity.
Without the most prolific emitters of CO2 getting on board, which they're not going to do, you're just jerking off even more so than you warmer loons already do.
Without the most prolific emitters of CO2 getting on board, which they're not going to do, you're just jerking off even more so than you warmer loons already do.
Why don't you try READING THE TEXT and try to understand what I'm actually saying.
Why don't you try READING THE TEXT and try to understand what I'm actually saying.
I've read all the warmer crap I'm going to...Y'all are full of shit, and will never ever get the nations that emit THE MOST CO2 on board with your misanthropic cargo cult.
"Save the planet" from whom?

Answering that question reveals the essential conceit of the eco-fascists.
Lest we forget.

I've read all the warmer crap I'm going to...Y'all are full of shit, and will never ever get the nations that emit THE MOST CO2 on board with your misanthropic cargo cult.
The US has emitted more CO2 than any other nation on this planet. The US is third in per capita emissions behind Canada and Saudi Arabia. China is 13th and India is 25th. You have zero interest in doing anything about global warming so there really is no point whatsoever having this "discussion" with an ignorant fascist like you in the first place.
The US has emitted more CO2 than any other nation on this planet.
Total lie.
The US is third in per capita emissions behind Canada and Saudi Arabia.
Per capita is irrelevant...Those three nations rolled into one don't emit anywhere near the total CO2 belched out -and increasing every day- by China and India.
China is 13th and India is 25th.
Again, per capita is FUCKING IRRELEVANT to the overall amount....Doubly so as both India's and China's emissions are increasing, and they'll never join the cult of eco-commies.

You have zero interest in doing anything about global warming so there really is no point whatsoever having this "discussion" with an ignorant fascist like you in the first place.
Irony: the hysterical asshole who wants the entire planet to bend to the will of UN CO2 overlords, calling anyone else a fascist....FU.
Total lie.
Prove it. I showed the data suppoting my statement. Where's yours?
Per capita is irrelevant.
Per capita is critical. Let's assume that everyone on the planet knows and practices energy conserving practices so that their per capita use of fossil fuel energy is the same. Then the worst performing nation by YOUR metric is simply the one with the largest population and the best is the smallest. But, since all are doing the same, that is obviously not true. There are thousands of analogs. Should a Terex Earth mover have the same fuel efficiency requirements as a motorcycle? Should the Terex be able to accelerate as quickly as that motorcycle? Should a human infant and a camel set down in the middle of the Gobi desert have the same odds of survival? Should a $3 disposable Instamatic camera have the same abilities as a $3,000 Sony A1? Should a naked mole rat be able to run as fast as a thoroughbred horse? Should they live healthy lives on the same amount of food?

Ignoring the relationship between population and energy usage is the choice of an ignorant fool.
Those three nations rolled into one don't emit anywhere near the total CO2 belched out -and increasing every day- by China and India.
China has the largest population by far. Is the nation performing best in limiting emissions Nauru? The Marshall Islands? Vatican City? Your contention is idiotic and I have explained why. You have presented NOTHING to support your claim.
Again, per capita is FUCKING IRRELEVANT to the overall amount.
Do you think China (pop=1,412,000,000) is obligated to reduce their total emissions to that of Nauru (pop=12,668)? If not, why not?
Doubly so as both India's and China's emissions are increasing, and they'll never join the cult of eco-commies.
At present, China is spending considerably more than the US to reduce their emissions. Biden just announced a $7 billion program called "Solar for All". In 2023 alone, China invested $830 billion into their clean energy sector.
Irony: the hysterical asshole who wants the entire planet to bend to the will of UN CO2 overlords, calling anyone else a fascist....FU.
When you act like a fascist, people will call you a fascist. I don't act like a fascist. You do.
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Again, per capita is FUCKING IRRELEVANT to the overall amount....Doubly so as both India's and China's emissions are increasing, and they'll never join the cult of eco-commies.
Overall emissions are product of population, regardless of where they live. There are just too many "capita's" on the earth. Add to that the fact that modernization means more emission 'per capita' in the developing world and you can see where this going, and it isn't good.
When you act like a fascist, people will call you a fascist. I don't act like a fascist. You do.
You're the fascist asshole who wants worldwide central authority and control over an atmospheric gas, fascist asshole.
You're the fascist asshole who wants worldwide central authority and control over an atmospheric gas, fascist asshole.
I have never advocated for a "worldwide central authority" to do anything. And even had I done so, it would not have been fascist but globalist.

From Wikipedia:

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]

I am obviously not "far-right". I do not advocate for authoritarianism. And as a globalist I am the opposite of an ultranationalist. I oppose dictatorial leaders, centralized autocracy and militarism. I advocate for direct democracy, not forcible suppression of opposition. I do not believe in a natural social hierarchy on any critieria or the strong regimentation of society and the economy. I do believe that under certain circumstances, individual interests can be subordinated to the greater good (as Spock would say).

The entire right wing strategy of claiming liberals are fascists is a blatant case of projection.
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