Saving the world again. Illegal to release balloons in the air.

When did God say he didn't want me to fly balloons in the air? I guess my many years in a private Catholic school didn't teach me that as a child. In fact, I remember one event where the school released a bunch of balloons into the air claiming it was giving God thanks.
i went to a private catholic school also.

balloon fears never came up.

Did being a good steward of God's creation ever come up?

Or do Catholics not buy into that part of the bible?

I didn't want to get into this, however you keep pushing this issue.

Your claim is that you are a career military man, is that correct?

And when you joined the military and decided to make a life out of it, you did so with the full knowledge you may be participating in killing your fellow man, possibly blowing up villages, killing women and children alike, correct?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-military or anti-vet. In fact I have the highest respect for our citizens who volunteer to fight for our country. But I also think that as such, you are not in a position to sit in judgement on behalf of God as to what my stance is when it comes to God's creations.

Nor am I trying to create an analogy between balloons killing birds or fish and your valuable service to our country. My only point is that as human beings, we don't always prioritize "God's creations" when we make such decisions. And I also think, God doesn't really expect us to.

The bible is filled with God honoring men whom were in the military of their country. King David, Joshua, Gideon, and even the Roman Centurion. Being in the military does not mean one kills indiscriminately or for the pleasure of it. While there are those that join the military that do those things, they are not the norm.

I do think that God expects us to, and we all fail at times that is for sure. I am just a bit taken back by the caviler attitude towards unneeded suffering of animals, the idea it is ok for them to suffer and die from a balloon because God will just make more.

Gator, I think you need to watch some wildlife shows and see what animals do to each other every single day. Animals are not humans.

I didn't say being in the military is not honorable. My father was in the Marines and fought in Korea. What I said is that you didn't consider God's creations when you joined.
I didn't want to get into this, however you keep pushing this issue.

Your claim is that you are a career military man, is that correct?

And when you joined the military and decided to make a life out of it, you did so with the full knowledge you may be participating in killing your fellow man, possibly blowing up villages, killing women and children alike, correct?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-military or anti-vet. In fact I have the highest respect for our citizens who volunteer to fight for our country. But I also think that as such, you are not in a position to sit in judgement on behalf of God as to what my stance is when it comes to God's creations.

Nor am I trying to create an analogy between balloons killing birds or fish and your valuable service to our country. My only point is that as human beings, we don't always prioritize "God's creations" when we make such decisions. And I also think, God doesn't really expect us to.

The bible is filled with God honoring men whom were in the military of their country. King David, Joshua, Gideon, and even the Roman Centurion. Being in the military does not mean one kills indiscriminately or for the pleasure of it. While there are those that join the military that do those things, they are not the norm.

I do think that God expects us to, and we all fail at times that is for sure. I am just a bit taken back by the caviler attitude towards unneeded suffering of animals, the idea it is ok for them to suffer and die from a balloon because God will just make more.
well now, that would depend on your religion, now wouldn't it?

like i said - you think you're waving around an "ace" in this game with it as if we should all cower down to your interpretation of "religion" and what God would want. ya know, if people knew exactly what God wanted we'd not have a shitload of religions now would we? so obviously there is room to interpret the bible now isn't there?

once again we fall back to YOUR version being the benchmark WE should aim for.

let me know how that works for you.

I did not bring god into the discussion, he did. I just went through the door that he opened. If you proper cannot take the heat stay out of the damn kitchen

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Wait a minute........just who brought up God into this discussion?

you did. at 6:47 last night....I don't worry about birds and fish because God is making plenty of them.

That's not bringing in God or what his will or expectations are. My point was birds will continue to breed and some will live and be plenty on this earth.
PORTLAND, Maine — The tradition of releasing balloons at weddings, birthdays and memorials may soon get deflated by lawmakers in more than half a dozen states.

Critics say the helium-filled balloons pollute the environment, and threaten birds and other wildlife when they fall to earth.

“People don’t really realize that it’s littering. That’s why we want to bring attention to this,” said state Rep. Lydia Blume, who’s supporting a balloon bill in Maine. “It’s a common sense thing.”

Nationwide, there’s a growing awareness of the problem, and it has energized legislation in state governments. Bills to limit the intentional release of large numbers of balloons are being aired in legislatures in Arizona, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island, in addition to Maine, said Jennifer Schultz of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Lawmakers in several states consider making balloon releases illegal

I guess they're not going to stop until they ruin everybody's fun. I can hear the talk in jail now:

What are you here for?
Attempted armed robbery. How about you?
Felonious assault. How about you at the end of the bench. What are you here for?
Releasing helium balloons in the air.

When all you legislatures have to do is contemplate goofy laws like this, it's time to elect other people.

I just had a flotilla of balloons land in my driveway the other day blocking me in. o_O

Look! There goes another bird knocked out of the air by a helium balloon slowly losing lift to the ground.

I bet Rhinos in Africa eat and choke on them, too.

Illegals overrunning the country.
Homeless in the streets.
Low wages.
Kids taking guns to school.
Roads and bridges falling apart.

What are the politicians working on?


And they wonder why we are cynical.
Gator, I think you need to watch some wildlife shows and see what animals do to each other every single day. Animals are not humans.

Since they kill each other it is ok for us to just randomly kill them? It would be fine with you if someone went around shooting dogs and just leaving them where they lie? Since they kill each other we should not have any concern for what we do to animals?

I didn't say being in the military is not honorable. My father was in the Marines and fought in Korea. What I said is that you didn't consider God's creations when you joined.

Actually I did, I was rather religious at the time. I was the Lay reader for my boot camp platoon.
Why do people need to release balloons?

Let them go and someone else will pick them up for you

Nobody needs to release balloons like nobody needs to go fishing. It's just something you enjoy doing.

I enjoy saving my trash for a month and then dumping it in the forest...I should be allowed to do that...right?

So what enjoyment would you get out of that?

seems just as enjoyable as the 35 seconds of watching balloons float away...besides who are you to tell me what I find enjoyable? Since I like doing it then it should be ok for me to do...right?
It has nothing to do with the Constitution, although I know you hate it. It is COST/BENEFIT. Why are these people spending their valuable time passing nonsense laws about balloons? So what a few birds die. I don't give a crap. Birds, animals and PEOPLE are dying every day.
first - where does she say she hates the constitution? these flings into drama sure don't help rational conversations.

if litter, laws already cover it. enforce them.

and your not giving a crap isn't a blanket policy.
Iceberg, if releasing massive numbers of balloons was already covered in littering laws, people would not be doing it. That is why adding it to existing laws would make sense. I can see why. I have never been to an event that released massive numbers of balloons, but apparently in more civilized areas, it's common. And since all the balloons eventually break and fall to earth as latex litter, I don't see why it should be any skin off anyone's nose to outlaw it. Do a bunch of these folks own balloon stores or what?
in research - it varies. some towns DO prohibit it already, no laws needed. permission is simply not given to do it. like needing a permit for a rally or something, maybe you need a permit to release thousands of balloons into the sky.

i would think littering is littering whether you're doing it to chunk something out of your car or releasing the balloons. id need to ask someone who actually makes the laws why just calling it littering and giving a warning until people understand to stop.
Releasing thousands of balloons gives you 30 seconds of enjoyment and then they become someone else’s problem

One of your balloons lands in my tree and I have to spend months looking at it dangling from a branch

Can I call those who released it to come and take it down!

Wait for a wind storm or hard rain. It will come down by itself.
After months of looking at the god damned thing

Balloon releases are useless
Another dumb ones is the release of white doves

It is so beautiful to watch them fly off having no idea how to survive in the wild
Another dumb ones is the release of white doves

It is so beautiful to watch them fly off having no idea how to survive in the wild

that is just the thing, nobody cares if they suffer and die...god will just make more of them. We have plenty of them around. Fuck em if they cannot take a joke. Besides, god will just keep making more for us to kill...I guess that is why he makes them, so we have something to kill when we are having our fun
I ask again, is this any different than any other anti-littering law?

Oh please. Do you know how much "litter" balloons make? A cigarette butt is larger than a popped balloon.

It's not about littering, it's about pushing the leftist agenda of saving the environment.
"it's about pushing the leftist agenda of saving the environment"

The bastards!!!!!!

who gives a fuck about the environment, god can just make a new one! :113:

all that matters is that humans can have fun.
I ask again, is this any different than any other anti-littering law?

Oh please. Do you know how much "litter" balloons make? A cigarette butt is larger than a popped balloon.

It's not about littering, it's about pushing the leftist agenda of saving the environment.
"it's about pushing the leftist agenda of saving the environment"

The bastards!!!!!!

who gives a fuck about the environment, god can just make a new one! :113:

all that matters is that humans can have fun.
At least we're onto them and their scummy agenda.
I ask again, is this any different than any other anti-littering law?

Oh please. Do you know how much "litter" balloons make? A cigarette butt is larger than a popped balloon.

It's not about littering, it's about pushing the leftist agenda of saving the environment.
"it's about pushing the leftist agenda of saving the environment"

The bastards!!!!!!

who gives a fuck about the environment, god can just make a new one! :113:

all that matters is that humans can have fun.
Thé Earth is one, tough, son of a bitch piece of rock
There is nothing we can do to hurt it

We are the vulnerable ones
I ask again, is this any different than any other anti-littering law?

Oh please. Do you know how much "litter" balloons make? A cigarette butt is larger than a popped balloon.

It's not about littering, it's about pushing the leftist agenda of saving the environment.
"it's about pushing the leftist agenda of saving the environment"

The bastards!!!!!!

Yep, that's exactly what we say.
first - where does she say she hates the constitution? these flings into drama sure don't help rational conversations.

if litter, laws already cover it. enforce them.

and your not giving a crap isn't a blanket policy.
Iceberg, if releasing massive numbers of balloons was already covered in littering laws, people would not be doing it. That is why adding it to existing laws would make sense. I can see why. I have never been to an event that released massive numbers of balloons, but apparently in more civilized areas, it's common. And since all the balloons eventually break and fall to earth as latex litter, I don't see why it should be any skin off anyone's nose to outlaw it. Do a bunch of these folks own balloon stores or what?
in research - it varies. some towns DO prohibit it already, no laws needed. permission is simply not given to do it. like needing a permit for a rally or something, maybe you need a permit to release thousands of balloons into the sky.

i would think littering is littering whether you're doing it to chunk something out of your car or releasing the balloons. id need to ask someone who actually makes the laws why just calling it littering and giving a warning until people understand to stop.
Releasing thousands of balloons gives you 30 seconds of enjoyment and then they become someone else’s problem

One of your balloons lands in my tree and I have to spend months looking at it dangling from a branch

Can I call those who released it to come and take it down!

Wait for a wind storm or hard rain. It will come down by itself.
After months of looking at the god damned thing

Balloon releases are useless

So do tell, how many times have you had this frightful experience?
Why do people need to release balloons?

Let them go and someone else will pick them up for you

Nobody needs to release balloons like nobody needs to go fishing. It's just something you enjoy doing.

I enjoy saving my trash for a month and then dumping it in the forest...I should be allowed to do that...right?

So what enjoyment would you get out of that?

seems just as enjoyable as the 35 seconds of watching balloons float away...besides who are you to tell me what I find enjoyable? Since I like doing it then it should be ok for me to do...right?

My Lord, do you try to seek bad analogies or is it you can't find a good one yet?
Since they kill each other it is ok for us to just randomly kill them? It would be fine with you if someone went around shooting dogs and just leaving them where they lie? Since they kill each other we should not have any concern for what we do to animals?

Dogs have to be buried since their corpse would smell. Birds not so much.

Is it ok for humans to kill animals? Let me ask: when was the last time you had a chicken dinner? How about bacon and eggs in the morning? What about a steak or hamburger?

Actually I did, I was rather religious at the time. I was the Lay reader for my boot camp platoon.

Did they know you were such a hypocrite?
I will never be a leftist because I fundamentally disagree with their politics and worldview, but some of the comments on this thread make me embarrassed to call myself a conservative.
Dogs have to be buried since their corpse would smell. Birds not so much.

so bury them after I shoot them if the only thing you care about is the smell.

Is it ok for humans to kill animals? Let me ask: when was the last time you had a chicken dinner? How about bacon and eggs in the morning? What about a steak or hamburger?

As in all things in life, there are no absolutes. There are times when it is ok to kill an animal or a human being. Killing either one for your own enjoyment makes you a psychopath.

Did they know you were such a hypocrite?

Someone that claims to follow God but then advocates the needless killing of His creation just for their own enjoyment should never call anyone a hypocrite

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