Say Hello to BHAZ

Notice a common theme here?
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
If you have to ask that question, you arent equipped to even be in this discussion.
What makes BLM, ANTIFA or anyone in the organizations Marxist? Why do you refuse to clarify your position on the matter of the thread topic???
Makes you lose sleep at night?

139.475 posts and not ONE of them relevant to anything. 139.475 posts and EVERY one a Troll comment. Next vacation, the FINAL one cannot come soon enough for you.
Your post is offtopic, it is yet another troll post.

There has been a TON of threads at this forum where members have posted the WORDS directly from Antifa and BLM where they say they are Marxist. YOU want to support Marxists, fine, that's your business, but either be ON TOPIC with EVERY POST you make and stop Trolling or GTFO.
If you can't support your allegations them it only weakens your position. All I have seen or heard is one person who believes themself to be a Marxist..Yet that doesn't make any unorganization or organization Marxist by one member admitting to belief in a philosophy. Character assassination also tends to prove a weak argument especially with used without supporting evidence.
The allegations are easilly supported. In fact, its common knowledge. No one here signed up to be your teacher, so go do the research yourself.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
If you have to ask that question, you arent equipped to even be in this discussion.
This is a discussion board not a Godboi site where you make the rules. If you can't answer the question then don't reply with yer nonsense. These people taking over parts of the nation are just trying to assert what they think is their authority yet they are not armed well enough to stay in place.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
If you have to ask that question, you arent equipped to even be in this discussion.
This is a discussion board not a Godboi site where you make the rules. If you can't answer the question then don't reply with yer nonsense. These people taking over parts of the nation are just trying to assert what they think is their authority yet they are not armed well enough to stay in place.

Which is exactly why they want YOU unarmed and kneeling.

But the frog prefers not to see he's boiling.
Even when hit with a flamethrower.

Makes you lose sleep at night?

Thinking of all the benightedly unintelligent sheeple such of yourself does no cause me to lose sleep but it does get me scratching my head as to how you can be SO stupid as to think Mad Max is where we ought to be as a society.
Is that what you would have told the people who created a revolution to change what was happening to them and their ideas of freedom from suppression and total control, by abuses of a govt. and its agents? Is see BLM and ANTIFA doing the same.
I see you have now entered the territory of ridiculous satire
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
If you have to ask that question, you arent equipped to even be in this discussion.
This is a discussion board not a Godboi site where you make the rules. If you can't answer the question then don't reply with yer nonsense. These people taking over parts of the nation are just trying to assert what they think is their authority yet they are not armed well enough to stay in place.

Which is exactly why they want YOU unarmed and kneeling.

But the frog doesn't get he's boiling.
I hate to piss on their fire yet I refuse to kneel and I refuse to recognize any type of firearm limitations or laws...Can you try to play character assassin any better because you are doing a very good job. Which could indicate your association with the police state and their oppression. I applaud those who resist the enslavement of people by a govt. that is corrupt.
Makes you lose sleep at night?

Thinking of all the benightedly unintelligent sheeple such of yourself does no cause me to lose sleep but it does get me scratching my head as to how you can be SO stupid as to think Mad Max is where we ought to be as a society.
Is that what you would have told the people who created a revolution to change what was happening to them and their ideas of freedom from suppression and total control, by abuses of a govt. and its agents? Is see BLM and ANTIFA doing the same.
I see you have now entered the territory of ridiculous satire
That is exactly what King George said about those rebellious fanatics in the colonies.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
Here ya go, out of their own mouths-

Okay, so now two members are avoid Marxist existing by capitalistic means which proves they are not really Marxist.

Oh, bull. You ignore facts put in front of you. Nothing new, though.

Many people claim to be a christians yet are not but they believe they are.

Yes Christians just LOVE to be told by not ONLY Non-Christians but by those like you who deny the existence of even a God ALL about WHAT a Christian actually is :rolleyes-41:
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
If you have to ask that question, you arent equipped to even be in this discussion.
This is a discussion board not a Godboi site where you make the rules. If you can't answer the question then don't reply with yer nonsense. These people taking over parts of the nation are just trying to assert what they think is their authority yet they are not armed well enough to stay in place.

Which is exactly why they want YOU unarmed and kneeling.

But the frog doesn't get he's boiling.
I hate to piss on their fire yet I refuse to kneel and I refuse to recognize any type of firearm limitations or laws...Can you try to play character assassin any better because you are doing a very good job. Which could indicate your association with the police state and their oppression.

I'm associated with patriots,
or is that already a criminal offense?

Character assassination is the bread and butter of BLM.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
Here ya go, out of their own mouths-

Okay, so now two members are avoid Marxist existing by capitalistic means which proves they are not really Marxist.

Oh, bull. You ignore facts put in front of you. Nothing new, though.

Many people claim to be a christians yet are not but they believe they are.

Yes Christians just LOVE to be told by not ONLY Non-Christians but by those like you who deny the existence of even a God ALL about WHAT a Christian actually is :rolleyes-41:

I am a Christian thank you and even God and Jesus have both spoken about people who claim to be Christians committing sins they know are sins but doing it anyway. I was raised as a Baptist without the fire and brimstone sermons or the snake and poison consuming performers for Christ.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
If you have to ask that question, you arent equipped to even be in this discussion.
This is a discussion board not a Godboi site where you make the rules. If you can't answer the question then don't reply with yer nonsense. These people taking over parts of the nation are just trying to assert what they think is their authority yet they are not armed well enough to stay in place.

Which is exactly why they want YOU unarmed and kneeling.

But the frog doesn't get he's boiling.
I hate to piss on their fire yet I refuse to kneel and I refuse to recognize any type of firearm limitations or laws...Can you try to play character assassin any better because you are doing a very good job. Which could indicate your association with the police state and their oppression.

I'm associated with patriots,
or is that already a criminal offense?

Character assassination is the bread and butter of BLM.
I used to associate with the Redskins of Washington. I am sure that BLM used character assassinations also, so do you and others.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
Here ya go, out of their own mouths-

Okay, so now two members are avoid Marxist existing by capitalistic means which proves they are not really Marxist.

Oh, bull. You ignore facts put in front of you. Nothing new, though.

Many people claim to be a christians yet are not but they believe they are.

Yes Christians just LOVE to be told by not ONLY Non-Christians but by those like you who deny the existence of even a God ALL about WHAT a Christian actually is :rolleyes-41:

I am a Christian thank you and even God and Jesus have both spoken about people who claim to be Christians committing sins they know are sins but doing it anyway. I was raised as a Baptist without the fire and brimstone sermons or the snake and poison consuming performers for Christ.

Why would a Christian trash Jesus Christ by calling him "a Jew on a stick", NO Christian would refer to The Crucifixion in such vile terms. Yet you have with your "Jew on a stick" comments.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
Here ya go, out of their own mouths-

Okay, so now two members are avoid Marxist existing by capitalistic means which proves they are not really Marxist.

Oh, bull. You ignore facts put in front of you. Nothing new, though.

Many people claim to be a christians yet are not but they believe they are.

Yes Christians just LOVE to be told by not ONLY Non-Christians but by those like you who deny the existence of even a God ALL about WHAT a Christian actually is :rolleyes-41:

I am a Christian thank you and even God and Jesus have both spoken about people who claim to be Christians committing sins they know are sins but doing it anyway. I was raised as a Baptist without the fire and brimstone sermons or the snake and poison consuming performers for Christ.

Why would a Christian trash Jesus Christ by calling him "a Jew on a stick", NO Christian would refer to The Crucifixion in such vile terms. Yet you have with your "Jew on a stick" comments.

Because that is what he was.
Makes you lose sleep at night?

Thinking of all the benightedly unintelligent sheeple such of yourself does no cause me to lose sleep but it does get me scratching my head as to how you can be SO stupid as to think Mad Max is where we ought to be as a society.
Is that what you would have told the people who created a revolution to change what was happening to them and their ideas of freedom from suppression and total control, by abuses of a govt. and its agents? Is see BLM and ANTIFA doing the same.
I see you have now entered the territory of ridiculous satire
That is exactly what King George . said about those rebellious fanatics in the colonies.
I was not inviting you to double down on the stupidity,
you know.

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