Say Hello to BHAZ

What makes BLM, ANTIFA or anyone in the organizations Marxist? Why do you refuse to clarify your position on the matter of the thread topic???
Makes you lose sleep at night?

139.475 posts and not ONE of them relevant to anything. 139.475 posts and EVERY one a Troll comment. Next vacation, the FINAL one cannot come soon enough for you.
Your post is offtopic, it is yet another troll post.

There has been a TON of threads at this forum where members have posted the WORDS directly from Antifa and BLM where they say they are Marxist. YOU want to support Marxists, fine, that's your business, but either be ON TOPIC with EVERY POST you make and stop Trolling or GTFO.
If you can't support your allegations them it only weakens your position. All I have seen or heard is one person who believes themself to be a Marxist..Yet that doesn't make any unorganization or organization Marxist by one member admitting to belief in a philosophy. Character assassination also tends to prove a weak argument especially with used without supporting evidence.

There have been a TON of threads on this, use the Search function. I am not going to go over a TON of threads in this thread to illustrate what has ALREADY been posted.

That you refer to Antifa and BLM as "patriots" illustrates your support of them. Okay. So go out and join them with their rioting and looting ie. put your money where your mouth is.
I wish I could go out and join them yet I can't since I am old and partially crippled..I would have joined Washington in the revolution also...I would have fought for the North in the Civil War.These battles and wars were/are for justice. Thomas Jefferson agreed also on the need to have such acts to show the tyrants that we are willing to shed blood to keep them in line.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?

  • Self declaration as Marxists
  • Ideology of class warfare subversion
  • Disregard for patriotism
  • Disregard of individual liberty
  • Disregard for heritage
  • Animosity towards traditional morals

The struggle of class against class is a political struggle- George Washington took up arms to fight the same injustices served by the ruling elite....
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
Here ya go, out of their own mouths-
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
Here ya go, out of their own mouths-

Okay, so now two members are avoid Marxist existing by capitalistic means which proves they are not really Marxist.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

Yeah and guess what, the authorities came in and kicked them out. But if you're a BLM terrorist, you're allowed to do as you please.

Hopefully the crowd in BHAZ begin to distribute guns and then they can start shooting each other ala CHAZ and that way the rest of them can be rounded up and thrown into dungeons.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
Here ya go, out of their own mouths-

Okay, so now two members are avoid Marxist existing by capitalistic means which proves they are not really Marxist.

Oh, bull. You ignore facts put in front of you. Nothing new, though.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

Yeah and guess what, the authorities came in and kicked them out. But if you're a BLM terrorist, you're allowed to do as you please.

Hopefully the crowd in BHAZ begin to distribute guns and then they can start shooting each other ala CHAZ and that way the rest of them can be rounded up and thrown into dungeons.
They just got cleared out by MPD. :)
Dont you love how leftist do EVERYTHING they claim to hate about the right?

1. Steal property they didnt pay for

2. Build WALLS

3. Segregate

4. Pass out guns without background checks

5. Despite all that, they still depend on the AMERICAN TAXPAYER to provide them the basics of survival
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?

  • Self declaration as Marxists
  • Ideology of class warfare subversion
  • Disregard for patriotism
  • Disregard of individual liberty
  • Disregard for heritage
  • Animosity towards traditional morals

The struggle of class against class is a political struggle- George Washington took up arms to fight the same injustices served by the ruling elite....

You are likening George Washington to BLM? George Washington was not a thug or a criminal. BLM are thugs and criminals.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
Here ya go, out of their own mouths-

Okay, so now two members are avoid Marxist existing by capitalistic means which proves they are not really Marxist.

Oh, bull. You ignore facts put in front of you. Nothing new, though.

Many people claim to be a christians yet are not but they believe they are.
Dont you love how leftist do EVERYTHING they claim to hate about the right?

1. Steal property they didnt pay for

2. Build WALLS

3. Segregate

4. Pass out guns without background checks

5. Despite all that, they still depend on the AMERICAN TAXPAYER to provide them the basics of survival
Call for the police and fire dept to be defunded. First sign of the police and fire department.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?

  • Self declaration as Marxists
  • Ideology of class warfare subversion
  • Disregard for patriotism
  • Disregard of individual liberty
  • Disregard for heritage
  • Animosity towards traditional morals

The struggle of class against class is a political struggle- George Washington took up arms to fight the same injustices served by the ruling elite....

You are likening George Washington to BLM? George Washington was not a thug or a criminal. BLM are thugs and criminals.

George Washington was a thug and a terrorist to the British...He was a criminal and committed acts of treason and if caught would have been hanged which is below his station in life.
When will the govt. stop allowing the abuse of it citizenry in the US by police?
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?

  • Self declaration as Marxists
  • Ideology of class warfare subversion
  • Disregard for patriotism
  • Disregard of individual liberty
  • Disregard for heritage
  • Animosity towards traditional morals

The struggle of class against class is a political struggle- George Washington took up arms to fight the same injustices served by the ruling elite....

He didn't call his own people evil deplorables.
He didn't raise arms against America.

George Washington was a patriot.
I'm weary of ANIFTA, BLM, unhinged uneducated left loons.....and guess what? The silent majority is also

Grow up you immature assholes.

Sweet Jesus you really didn't think America wouldn't tire of it? Go ask your pathetic parents where they went wrong and then fix yourselves
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?
You have the Internet and need to ask such a question?
They want free everything.
Almost as bad as when those Marxist Bundy supporters took over a govt building several years ago.

They were not Marxists and that has ZERO to do with the OP Topic which is the feral Antifa and BLM crowd. Were the Bundy crowd also going on the rampage pulling down statues and monuments, attempting MASSIVE Shakedowns, rioting and looting and torching things? No and No.
What makes BLM ANTIFA or anyone Marxist? What Marxist reforms do they support/demand?

  • Self declaration as Marxists
  • Ideology of class warfare subversion
  • Disregard for patriotism
  • Disregard of individual liberty
  • Disregard for heritage
  • Animosity towards traditional morals

The struggle of class against class is a political struggle- George Washington took up arms to fight the same injustices served by the ruling elite....

Cool...That's the platform Trump ran on but he ran as a Republican because Democrats were already beyond being repulsive.
Say hello to BHAZ. So a mix of the feral Marxists Antifa and BLM have now taken over that St. John's Church in Washington DC not far from The White House and have declared it BHAZ - Black House Autonomous Zone.

Here's two articles with pictures that show all the demented action, again it's ALL about Gibs Me Dat, they DON'T want to get a job and work, the Welfare obviously is not paying them enough and so now it's ALL about Gibs Me Dat with Muh Reparations. They failed to also pull down a statue of President Andrew Jackson who was ANOTHER Democrat, weird that 90% of the statues they pull down are of Democrats, the logical step would be for The Democrat Party to commit suicide because their History was founded on Slavery and keeping Slavery legal.

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^^^^ They had NO problem with St. John's Church when Barack Obama and Co. were going into it.

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Drop a bomb right on the place. Have mercy. Problem solved.

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