Say hello to Joe Arpaio, the next SENATOR from Arizona

Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
You think he'll live that long? He's in his mid-80s.

He will likely live longer and then Nohn McCain.
Say hello to Bassman - a guy so stupid he thinks 85 year old convict who was voted out of office in total disgrace is going to run for Senate.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

If they could keep the human cockroaches from voting he'd definitely win. REAL American's love Big Joe.
He'll not follow the law just like he has before....
i thought he was 85 years old.
He is, it's not so much he knows he's breaking the law, it's just that he forgets what it was...
dont most brains expire by 75?...look at maxine waters and joe biden
For some it's like total burnout of the cerebrum cortex...
some so bad,,they still think either Bush or Lincoln is still president and think blacks are still picking cotton in Mississippi
Or that Frederick Douglass is still alive.
Say hello to Bassman - a guy so stupid he thinks 85 year old convict who was voted out of office in total disgrace is going to run for Senate.
Oh, he probably WILL run for office.....that's what ego-maniacs do.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
He's too old. If he won he would be 93 by the end of his first term.
He did his job AND Obama's job at the same time.

ANTIFA would punch so many old ladies! No, can't even mention such a thing.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

The man is 85 years old. He is not running for Senate, you retard
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 84 years old. Face it, the FACT is that Trump pardoned this guy and he could run for office and WIN, this would validate Trump to the fullest and guarantee him another term. Once again moderators should not be calling site users retards, so that when the user responds in kind they are banned again because you can't win an argument............................!
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
You think he'll live that long? He's in his mid-80s.
Ginsburg is 84, when she croaks Trump puts another justice on the court, then Thomas will retire so Trump can appoint again..........

The fact is that age aside, this guy can win, and an old vote counts the same as a young vote
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
He's 85.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
He's 85.

if hes too old for prison hes too old to be in the senate.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
He's 85.
Hillary Clinton has Parkinsons disease, wears a colostomy bag, and passed out while campaigning several times on camera, she also had spastic seizures on camera. That said there are clearly 90 year old people who can jog around Hillary.

People Arpaios age are running ironmans and marathons

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