Say hello to Joe Arpaio, the next SENATOR from Arizona

Arpaio is a convicted criminal
Naw, too bad for you but Trump is taking care of that! Cleaning his record as he should. Nope Joe will run and win!!!!!!
Moron... pardons don't erase convictions.

Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

it would be so nice if you were mat all moral.
Arpaio is a convicted criminal
Naw, too bad for you but Trump is taking care of that! Cleaning his record as he should. Nope Joe will run and win!!!!!!
Moron... pardons don't erase convictions.

I suppose it's a good thing that isn't what I said now isn't it? What part of cleaning his record was hard for you you comprehend? You see in legal terms it's call "expunging", but I didn't want to stress you too much by using a big word, but it looks like I did anyway. Darn.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

Go, Joe, Go (fuck yourself).....LOL

Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

Go, Joe, Go (fuck yourself).....LOL


Nice post from the retard who voted for Hillary and smashed cars and burned colleges when she got her ass kicked.

You need a new approach
Nice post from the retard who voted for Hillary and smashed cars and burned colleges when she got her ass kicked.

Joe Arpaio cost taxpayers nearly $70 million in racial-profiling case

But think, Arizonans, what Arpaio could cost you as senator........LOL
There are approximately 3.7 million unlawful immigrant households in the U.S. These households impose a net fiscal burden of around $54.5 billion per year.

The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer

Arpaio is an American Hero, Just like Ed Snowden
Arpaio is a convicted criminal
Naw, too bad for you but Trump is taking care of that! Cleaning his record as he should. Nope Joe will run and win!!!!!!
You apparently don't know that one doesn't pardon an innocent person...they pardon a convicted person. Arpaio is a convicted felon who have been pardoned by the small-handed orange cheeto.
Arpaio is a convicted criminal
Naw, too bad for you but Trump is taking care of that! Cleaning his record as he should. Nope Joe will run and win!!!!!!
Moron... pardons don't erase convictions.

I suppose it's a good thing that isn't what I said now isn't it? What part of cleaning his record was hard for you you comprehend? You see in legal terms it's call "expunging", but I didn't want to stress you too much by using a big word, but it looks like I did anyway. Darn.
A pardon doesn't expunge anything.....I guess your corner of the law and order business doesn't cover that kind of stuff.
He'll not follow the law just like he has before....
sure he followed the law. what law did he break?
The ones that got him convicted of criminal contempt...Get it? Are you catching on yet? Is this too deep???
from a corrupt federal judge that violated the law put in place by congress? that judge? hahahahahaahaha, name the law he broke. you can't. and that's so fking funny.
Why do I need to name it, I know it, but evidently you don't...You do know how one gets a contempt of court or a failure to repair? By not following a judge's orders....Sheriff Joe never had the authority to detain or arrest anyone on federal immigration laws....So he was ordered to stop profiling and making illegal detainments of people suspected of being in the nation illegally...Yeah, it's a drag but pigs are always wanting us to comply, but resisted the same call to comply...

Failure to repair?


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