Say hello to Joe Arpaio, the next SENATOR from Arizona

Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
He's 85.
Hillary Clinton has Parkinsons disease, wears a colostomy bag, and passed out while campaigning several times on camera, she also had spastic seizures on camera. That said there are clearly 90 year old people who can jog around Hillary.

People Arpaios age are running ironmans and marathons

Aging Wonder: Lew Hollander's Record Finish
I'm not gong to respond to such a joke of a post.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
Maybe once he's a Senator, he and The Donald can break into the Sooper Sekrit Valt and finally find that Kenyan birth certificate they've been looking for.
Hey, Arpaio will only be nearly 87 years old when he's sworn in in 2019. I'm sure he'll be totally lucid.

"Can you speak up, Rubio? I can't hear you. You damn spics are always muttering."
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
Maybe once he's a Senator, he and The Donald can break into the Sooper Sekrit Valt and finally find that Kenyan birth certificate they've been looking for.
they only have the one from Kenyan.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

The man is 85 years old. He is not running for Senate, you retard
Why don't you stop calling people retards whom you disagree with?
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

The man is 85 years old. He is not running for Senate, you retard
Why don't you stop calling people retards whom you disagree with?
Hey, I've worked very hard to bring "retard" back into the lexicon!
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
He's 85.
Hillary Clinton has Parkinsons disease, wears a colostomy bag, and passed out while campaigning several times on camera, she also had spastic seizures on camera. That said there are clearly 90 year old people who can jog around Hillary.

People Arpaios age are running ironmans and marathons

Aging Wonder: Lew Hollander's Record Finish
I'm not gong to respond to such a joke of a post.
Actually you did respond and with that response that you claim was not a response demonstrated possible senility.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

The man is 85 years old. He is not running for Senate, you retard
Why don't you stop calling people retards whom you disagree with?
I am not a site moderator, am I............................
He'll not follow the law just like he has before....
sure he followed the law. what law did he break?
The ones that got him convicted of criminal contempt...Get it? Are you catching on yet? Is this too deep???
from a corrupt federal judge that violated the law put in place by congress? that judge? hahahahahaahaha, name the law he broke. you can't. and that's so fking funny.
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go
Maybe once he's a Senator, he and The Donald can break into the Sooper Sekrit Valt and finally find that Kenyan birth certificate they've been looking for.
Or lay a few bricks on a WALL...................................
Kelli Ward is going to take Flake's seat. Arpaio can take McCain's. He's very popular in Arizona. If it had not been for George Soros pouring dark money into that sheriff's race, he would have won reelection. In the entire state Arpaio is enormously popular.
Hispanics make up about 25% of Arizona's population.

How popular is Outlaw Joe with them?
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

The man is 85 years old. He is not running for Senate, you retard
Why don't you stop calling people retards whom you disagree with?
I am not a site moderator, am I............................
You are lost, we can see that...
He'll not follow the law just like he has before....
sure he followed the law. what law did he break?
The ones that got him convicted of criminal contempt...Get it? Are you catching on yet? Is this too deep???
from a corrupt federal judge that violated the law put in place by congress? that judge? hahahahahaahaha, name the law he broke. you can't. and that's so fking funny.
Why do I need to name it, I know it, but evidently you don't...You do know how one gets a contempt of court or a failure to repair? By not following a judge's orders....Sheriff Joe never had the authority to detain or arrest anyone on federal immigration laws....So he was ordered to stop profiling and making illegal detainments of people suspected of being in the nation illegally...Yeah, it's a drag but pigs are always wanting us to comply, but resisted the same call to comply...
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

The man is 85 years old. He is not running for Senate, you retard
Why don't you stop calling people retards whom you disagree with?
I am not a site moderator, am I............................
You are lost, we can see that...
And you said that Trump would never be President, we remember your ignorance
He'll not follow the law just like he has before....
sure he followed the law. what law did he break?
The ones that got him convicted of criminal contempt...Get it? Are you catching on yet? Is this too deep???
from a corrupt federal judge that violated the law put in place by congress? that judge? hahahahahaahaha, name the law he broke. you can't. and that's so fking funny.
A little short sighted are we..
Could Sheriff Joe Be the Next Arizona Senator?

Should Arpaio run, he might actually have a chance at beating Flake. Really, so might anybody. Flake, a vocal Trump critic who has nevertheless voted with him more than 93 percent of the time, is at 18 percent approval overall and at 22 percent approval among voters who went for Trump in November. Flake’s vulnerability has already brought him a formidable challenge from the right in state senator and onetime Alex Jones guest Kelli Ward, who had a 14 point lead over Flake in a recent primary poll. That lead is the product of a Trumpian and Trump-endorsed campaign—she’s attacked Flake as pro-amnesty and, just days ago, backed Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

Go Joe Go

The man is 85 years old. He is not running for Senate, you retard
Why don't you stop calling people retards whom you disagree with?
I am not a site moderator, am I............................
You are lost, we can see that...
And you said that Trump would never be President, we remember your ignorance
When did I say that?

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