Say His Name: Alex Wise


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just another dead young American at the hands of an illegal alien.

The bodies pile up, and the pile will grow larger thanks to Biden's Horde of Illegals. The Horde is 8+ million now and counting in a little over 3 years.


Politicians and the media have engaged in 48 hours of indignant outrage and solemn mourning over the death of a political leader in a foreign country.

Not one of them have expressed an ounce of anger over the death of this American child.


Because this boy and his grieving family don’t matter to them.

All that matters is the pursuit of political power.

Navalny’s death can be weaponized to propagandize Ukraine funding and attacks on Donald Trump.

Alex’s death is an inconvenient byproduct of an open borders agenda so, he is to be ignored.

Just another dead young American at the hands of an illegal alien.

The bodies pile up, and the pile will grow larger thanks to Biden's Horde of Illegals. The Horde is 8+ million now and counting in a little over 3 years.

Politicians and the media have engaged in 48 hours of indignant outrage and solemn mourning over the death of a political leader in a foreign country.
Not one of them have expressed an ounce of anger over the death of this American child.
Because this boy and his grieving family don’t matter to them.
All that matters is the pursuit of political power.
Navalny’s death can be weaponized to propagandize Ukraine funding and attacks on Donald Trump.
Alex’s death is an inconvenient byproduct of an open borders agenda so, he is to be ignored.

:icon_rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes:
Just another dead young American at the hands of an illegal alien.

The bodies pile up, and the pile will grow larger thanks to Biden's Horde of Illegals. The Horde is 8+ million now and counting in a little over 3 years.

Politicians and the media have engaged in 48 hours of indignant outrage and solemn mourning over the death of a political leader in a foreign country.
Not one of them have expressed an ounce of anger over the death of this American child.
Because this boy and his grieving family don’t matter to them.
All that matters is the pursuit of political power.
Navalny’s death can be weaponized to propagandize Ukraine funding and attacks on Donald Trump.
Alex’s death is an inconvenient byproduct of an open borders agenda so, he is to be ignored.

Tragic story. I hope Texas court and prison in general population handles this particular problematic illegal alien.
Tragic story. I hope Texas court and prison in general population handles this particular problematic illegal alien.
you sure have a lot of empathy after the fact,,

to bad you dont have it before the act is comitted in hopes of preventing it,,
Just another dead young American at the hands of an illegal alien.

The bodies pile up, and the pile will grow larger thanks to Biden's Horde of Illegals. The Horde is 8+ million now and counting in a little over 3 years.

Politicians and the media have engaged in 48 hours of indignant outrage and solemn mourning over the death of a political leader in a foreign country.
Not one of them have expressed an ounce of anger over the death of this American child.
Because this boy and his grieving family don’t matter to them.
All that matters is the pursuit of political power.
Navalny’s death can be weaponized to propagandize Ukraine funding and attacks on Donald Trump.
Alex’s death is an inconvenient byproduct of an open borders agenda so, he is to be ignored.

Why do you guys think traffic accidents suddenly become more tragic because an undocumented alien was involved?

We have 56,000 traffic fatalities a year in this country, most of them don't involve undocumented immigrants.
Why do you guys think traffic accidents suddenly become more tragic because an undocumented alien was involved?

We have 56,000 traffic fatalities a year in this country, most of them don't involve undocumented immigrants.
its an absolute fact this one wouldnt have happened if this illegal was sent back to where he belongs,,

your deflection would change that,,
Just another dead young American at the hands of an illegal alien.

The bodies pile up, and the pile will grow larger thanks to Biden's Horde of Illegals. The Horde is 8+ million now and counting in a little over 3 years.

Politicians and the media have engaged in 48 hours of indignant outrage and solemn mourning over the death of a political leader in a foreign country.
Not one of them have expressed an ounce of anger over the death of this American child.
Because this boy and his grieving family don’t matter to them.
All that matters is the pursuit of political power.
Navalny’s death can be weaponized to propagandize Ukraine funding and attacks on Donald Trump.
Alex’s death is an inconvenient byproduct of an open borders agenda so, he is to be ignored.

Republicans should stop blocking the border bill
are you telling me that this kid would have been killed by someone else if the illegal diudnt do it??

Well, he was in the street where he didn't belong.

This is a tragic accident, to be sure, but it's not a conspiracy.

Also, since he's been deported five times, I'm not sure your "deport them all" plan is working all that well.
Well, he was in the street where he didn't belong.

This is a tragic accident, to be sure, but it's not a conspiracy.

Also, since he's been deported five times, I'm not sure your "deport them all" plan is working all that well.
its yours to prove not mine,,

fact remains he would be alive right now if that illegal wasnt allowed to be here,,

maybe I should use your logic next time theres a mass shooting,,

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