SC con-federate flag gone


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2015
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

This is just a beginning. I hope other states will follow the suit. I hope that they truly have a change of heart. I don't like to brag about victory in such cases because it hurts some people. So I say, let's move on slowly one step at a time and eliminate all racism from our hearts.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

This is just a beginning. I hope other states will follow the suit. I hope that they truly have a change of heart. I don't like to brag about victory in such cases because it hurts some people. So I say, let's move on slowly one step at a time and eliminate all racism from our hearts.

Yes no need to gloat. They did the right thing, send Gov Haley and the legislature there a positive email. It is a positive step for SC. Good for them.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.

The flag was nothing but political correctness bullshit.
Depends on how you look at it.

What's the next thing idiots take umbrage at and how long will it take before political correctness sees that removed as well??
All done under a heavily Republican controlled S.C. Senate and House, and now the Republican governor will soon sign the bill.
PC = all the issues the far right hates being criticized for. Sux to be them.
Sure. If the Dems had control of the Senate and the House in SC, it would have come down twenty years ago. So, yes, it took the GOP twenty years to do the right thing.
Can't touch Confederate memorials on private land.

State memorials exist at the will of the people through their legislatures.
...I never thought I would see the day.
It doesn't affect me in the slightest, and I've never given the prospect a single minute's worth of thought until this recent dust-up.

The State of South Carolina led the Great Rebellion.

The People of the State of South Carolina elected their Legislature and Governor.

Those elected officials have decided to take it down, and are accountable to their Electorate.

If the People of South Carolina are content that this be so, then, so am I.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.
Knee jerk reaction of spineless career politicians. It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda eradicates cultural and historical heritage then pretend that the War of Secession has never existed. Just like Lenin's Cheka buried the late Tsar Nicholas II and his butchered family in an unmarked grave to eradicate even their memory from history, therefore there has never been Tsarism nor the Romanov family has ever existed. Leftists are not better than the Red Cheka was since they employ the same silencing tactics as totalitarians did and do.
They're already going after Confederate memorials. History eludes so many Americans.

Quite right. A lot of Southerners still think their worthless, inbred ancestors died for a noble cause.

Southerners should look at the Confederacy the way Germans look at the Third Reich - with a profound sense of shame and embarrassment.

Great idea. Attack other Americans with stereotypes in typical liberal idiot fashion. Compare the south to Nazis? How childish.
Knee jerk reaction of spineless career politicians. It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda eradicates cultural and historical heritage then pretend that the War of Secession has never existed. Just like Lenin's Cheka buried the late Tsar Nicholas II and his butchered family in an unmarked grave to eradicate even their memory from history, therefore there has never been Tsarism nor the Romanov family has ever existed. Leftists are not better than the Red Cheka was since they employ the same silencing tactics as totalitarians did and do.

I'm all for honoring the historical heritage.

A bunch of stupid white people fought a war so a bunch of rich people could keep owning black people. It deserves nothing but contempt, and it's about time we started treating it with contempt.

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