SC con-federate flag gone

Sure. If the Dems had control of the Senate and the House in SC, it would have come down twenty years ago. So, yes, it took the GOP twenty years to do the right thing.

The Democrats were the ones who put it up in the state capital. Like I said before, history eludes most Americans.

And yet you ignore the republicans southern strategy to get the dixicrats to the republican party

Great idea. Attack other Americans with stereotypes in typical liberal idiot fashion. Compare the south to Nazis? How childish.

Not seeing a big difference. Both of them felt the need to take away rights from people they considered "Inferior".

Here's what you want to celebrate...

The Democrats were the ones who put it up in the state capital. Like I said before, history eludes most Americans.

And yet you ignore the republicans southern strategy to get the dixicrats to the republican party


Don't be mad because the Republicans took the south. Be happy that LBJ got you the black vote for 200 years.
Great idea. Attack other Americans with stereotypes in typical liberal idiot fashion. Compare the south to Nazis? How childish.

Not seeing a big difference. Both of them felt the need to take away rights from people they considered "Inferior".

Here's what you want to celebrate...


You only prove my point with your trolling posts and you don't even realize it. History eludes most Americans.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

The south is not ashamed of anything nor should they be

Great idea. Attack other Americans with stereotypes in typical liberal idiot fashion. Compare the south to Nazis? How childish.

Not seeing a big difference. Both of them felt the need to take away rights from people they considered "Inferior".

Here's what you want to celebrate...


Thankfully the white yahoo knuckle dragging confederate southerns are being marginalized even by those once on their side.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

This is just a beginning. I hope other states will follow the suit. I hope that they truly have a change of heart. I don't like to brag about victory in such cases because it hurts some people. So I say, let's move on slowly one step at a time and eliminate all racism from our hearts.

Great idea. Attack other Americans with stereotypes in typical liberal idiot fashion. Compare the south to Nazis? How childish.

Not seeing a big difference. Both of them felt the need to take away rights from people they considered "Inferior".

Here's what you want to celebrate...


Thankfully the white yahoo knuckle dragging confederate southerns are being marginalized even by those once on their side.

You're racist to the core

Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.
I believe the racist creep that killed those 9 innocent people was caught and will be tried. What else did you have in mind?
A lot of Southerners still think their worthless, inbred ancestors died for a noble cause.
You never cease to amaze me with your racist remarks and Übermensch leftist elitist mentality.
Navyvet does not get history; it eludes him. Geaux4it and defcon4 are simple bots of the far right. The Dems could and should have taken it down before 1994, the Pubs after that. Shameful that it took 20 years, very good that it has happened.

Thurmond's son saying unequivocally the time for the flag's retirement is now, which is always turning his back on his dad's legacy. I wonder what Thurmond's illegitimate black half sister has to say about it.

The last three week has clearly isolated the far right in America. Trump has brought the 20% of the far right into the sunlight, where truth will wither him and them.

What a good day for America. Now the GOP can reach toward the center with no regret and with no regard to the far right losers like defcon4. You are a loser, buddy, and that won't change.
Great idea. Attack other Americans with stereotypes in typical liberal idiot fashion. Compare the south to Nazis? How childish.

Not seeing a big difference. Both of them felt the need to take away rights from people they considered "Inferior".

Here's what you want to celebrate...


It is a shame their own kind betrayed them and sold them off


You only prove my point with your trolling posts and you don't even realize it. History eludes most Americans.

Guy, you don't have a fucking point.

If we taught history correctly, we'd let kids know how really, really horrible slavery was.

Then we'd point out how fucking stupid Jefferson Davis and Lee were because there was no possible way the Confederacy ever could have won the war.

What should have been done was what we did to Germany after WWII- We MADE them ashamed of their actions. We didn't let them say "Uncle Gustav died in a noble cause". THey MADE display of the Swastika illegal.

Instead, we let the assholes we should have hung in 1865 for treason rewrite history and we are still cleaning up the mess today.
After WWII their was de nazification. Now a little late , 150 years too late, we are finally seeing the start of de confederizing of the white south
And now the far right bot racism comes online: study Geaux, defcon4, and navyvet's posts.

You guys make it so easy for the Dems, so hard for our GOP.
And now the far right bot racism comes online: study Geaux, defcon4, and navyvet's posts.

You guys make it so easy for the Dems, so hard for our GOP.

You're a liar Fakey. You're as much a Republican as Obama is a Christian


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