SC con-federate flag gone

A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.
You're right. The South isn't ashamed. That was our mistake after the Civil War....coddling them.
I think that the flag should come down when flown over public property. If nothing it is a gesture. But this gloating and attacking private citizens who display the flag is counter productive. So much so I think that it never had anything to do with racism just the left once again inflicting forced compliance to their will. Is forcing into compliance really going to change hearts and minds? Certainly the forced compliance concerning gay marriage has not changed very many minds on what they think of gay marriage. And the victory laps and in your face attitude of the left wing probably cements more people against the left wing's forced compliance then it changes hearts and minds.

Yeah, some who fly the confederate battle flag act in ugly ways but not so nearly ugly as those wishing to force their wills on others as if that will help a thing.

Even though not a flag, changing the lighting at the WH is inappropriate and counter productive.
THey MADE display of the Swastika illegal.
How about the Hindu and Buddhist religions? Those deeply religious people cannot use their symbol of primordial swirling because you say so? For your information, they owned swastika a few millennia before Nazis highjacked the symbol.
Certainly the forced compliance concerning gay marriage has not changed very many minds on what they think of gay marriage.

Really? 65% now favor gay marriage. I'd say minds have been changed.

The thing is, making you guys confront why you stand for something is the best remedy. Pointing out that when you boil it down, people who fly the Confederate flag are racists...

That's all it was ever about.
How about the Hindu and Buddhist religions? Those deeply religious people cannot use their symbol of primordial swirling because you say so? For your information, they owned swastika a few millennia before Nazis highjacked the symbol.

Yes, they did. Completely irrelevent to the German law, where you can't be a member of the Nazi Party or fly a swastika flag.
How about the Hindu and Buddhist religions? Those deeply religious people cannot use their symbol of primordial swirling because you say so? For your information, they owned swastika a few millennia before Nazis highjacked the symbol.

Yes, they did. Completely irrelevent to the German law, where you can't be a member of the Nazi Party or fly a swastika flag.
Well, Germans do what they think is best for them. I am not in their country nor am I their nationality. I just pointed out how ignorant people are about the origin of the swastika and what it represents within a religion.
Certainly the forced compliance concerning gay marriage has not changed very many minds on what they think of gay marriage.

Really? 65% now favor gay marriage. I'd say minds have been changed.

The thing is, making you guys confront why you stand for something is the best remedy. Pointing out that when you boil it down, people who fly the Confederate flag are racists...

That's all it was ever about.

Funny, I never got to vote on the issue, the majority of state legislature did and it wasn't good for gay marriage. That is why ony 55 percent of the SCOTUS were in favor of forcing people into forced compliance.

BTW if it were 65 percent then that is how society should change and according to the gay marriage side it was so why force compliance? Just not so much fun if you can't force someone to your will?
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Funny, I never got to vote on the issue, the majority of state legislature did and it wasn't good for gay marriage. That is why ony 55 percent of the SCOTUS states were in favor of forcing people into forced compliance.

BTW if it were 65 percent then that is how society should change and according to the gay marriage side it was so why force compliance? Just not so much fun if you can't force someone to your will?

The majority did decades ago when we were all still terrified of AIDS and shit.

But when we had the actual conversation, the best you guys could come up with is "I think it's icky".

You lose.
Funny, I never got to vote on the issue, the majority of state legislature did and it wasn't good for gay marriage. That is why ony 55 percent of the SCOTUS states were in favor of forcing people into forced compliance.

BTW if it were 65 percent then that is how society should change and according to the gay marriage side it was so why force compliance? Just not so much fun if you can't force someone to your will?

The majority did decades ago when we were all still terrified of AIDS and shit.

But when we had the actual conversation, the best you guys could come up with is "I think it's icky".

You lose.

Yeppers, all you had to do is convince 5 old men and women with at least one being a gay advocate. Then it was nothing but forced compliance, the liberal's wet dream.
Great idea. Attack other Americans with stereotypes in typical liberal idiot fashion. Compare the south to Nazis? How childish.

Not seeing a big difference. Both of them felt the need to take away rights from people they considered "Inferior".

Here's what you want to celebrate...


i am betting a demorat slave owner done that or maybe it was a birth defect. :lmao:
The Dems could and should have taken it down before 1994, the Pubs after that. Shameful that it took 20 years, very good that it has happened.[/QUOTE]
..because that solved all the issues about crime, poverty, illegal aliens and ISIS just to name the major plagues affecting the country.
It is a shame their own kind betrayed them and sold them off

it is truly a shame, but the demorat scum are the ones to blame, if they had not put a price on them it would have never happened. :up:

Now, the Democrats are oppressing blacks in a different way by destroying cities and keeping them in poverty. Feed them government subsidies as a token of love


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