SC con-federate flag gone

All done under a heavily Republican controlled S.C. Senate and House, and now the Republican governor will soon sign the bill.

Gee, another defeat for Republicans....Do you guys walk around bent over?
I have never seen the flag issue as a partisan issue. Wasn't a repub legislature and repub governor deciding to take the flag down?
Maybe you did not read the post you replied to. Maybe if you read it again you realize that your answer to that post seems moronic.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.
What's with the retarded spelling? Lots of racism in the north too, especially big liberal cities.
It's a victory for the GOP, and a kick in the ass to those who claim to be its far right wing. Those far right folks are thugs, nothing more.

Not a victory for the GOP.

They did it because they had to do it. You can't claim a victory if you were forced to do something.
That's a lie. The governor called for it very early on. But why didn't the Democrats do it when they had the chance?
All done under a heavily Republican controlled S.C. Senate and House, and now the Republican governor will soon sign the bill.

Gee, another defeat for Republicans....Do you guys walk around bent over?
I have never seen the flag issue as a partisan issue. Wasn't a repub legislature and repub governor deciding to take the flag down?
Maybe you did not read the post you replied to. Maybe if you read it again you realize that your answer to that post seems moronic.

"Deciding to"? Yeah, thanks for the chuckle. They were forced to do it.

.It is particularly satisfying to see bigots and lowlifes forced to capitulate over and over and over again.
It's a victory for the GOP, and a kick in the ass to those who claim to be its far right wing. Those far right folks are thugs, nothing more.

Not a victory for the GOP.

They did it because they had to do it. You can't claim a victory if you were forced to do something.
That's a lie. The governor called for it very early on.

Was it before or after a gun nut mowed down a bunch of blacks...I forget.
I believe in states rights and a state has spoken. I think it was a knee jerk reaction. The Confederates States of America was a separate nation from 1861-65. This was a museum to that. We fly British flags in the United States to honor the dead who fought for that nation. I think the PC police have won another battle that pushes America closer to totalitarianism. Personally I don't want every American to get along like a bunch of mindless automatons. It is our cultural differences, and our ability under the Constitution to have healthy disagreements, that make America great. I watch the South Carolina House member who was a descendant of Jefferson Davis bawl and cry on the floor of that body when giving her speech to take down the confederate flag.It is those kinds of emotions that we do not need in American politics and she should be voted out of office.
All done under a heavily Republican controlled S.C. Senate and House, and now the Republican governor will soon sign the bill.

Gee, another defeat for Republicans....Do you guys walk around bent over?
I have never seen the flag issue as a partisan issue. Wasn't a repub legislature and repub governor deciding to take the flag down?
Maybe you did not read the post you replied to. Maybe if you read it again you realize that your answer to that post seems moronic.

"Deciding to"? Yeah, thanks for the chuckle. They were forced to do it.

.It is particularly satisfying to see bigots and lowlifes forced to capitulate over and over and over again.
Whats so bigoted about honoring men who fought for a separate nation that seceded from the Union because they felt they had the right to so as states? I hate PC police like you and your perverse pleasure you take in destroying the United States and pushing us into an Orwellian state. There is nothing noble or righteous about what occurred yesterday in South Carolina. Only a grave danger to the Republic.
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It's a victory for the GOP, and a kick in the ass to those who claim to be its far right wing. Those far right folks are thugs, nothing more.

Not a victory for the GOP.

They did it because they had to do it. You can't claim a victory if you were forced to do something.
That's a lie. The governor called for it very early on. But why didn't the Democrats do it when they had the chance?
Because it was their flag originally, not that I find any reason to persecute them for it. It is SC's historical heritage. Now, career politicians from both parties caved in to interest groups who are progressing in their quest to stifle freedom of expression and promoting cultural and historical cleansing.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

She is a descendant of Jefferson Davis
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It's a victory for the GOP, and a kick in the ass to those who claim to be its far right wing. Those far right folks are thugs, nothing more.

Not a victory for the GOP.

They did it because they had to do it. You can't claim a victory if you were forced to do something.
That's a lie. The governor called for it very early on. But why didn't the Democrats do it when they had the chance?
Because it was their flag originally, not that I find any reason to persecute them for it. It is SC's historical heritage. Now, career politicians from both parties caved in to interest groups who are progressing in their quest to stifle freedom of expression and promoting cultural and historical cleansing.
At least the Dims were smart enough to ditch their KKK outfits.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

She is the worst possible type of person to hold political office. Groveling, bumbling, slobbering fool. Knee jerk reactions are a danger to liberty.
All done under a heavily Republican controlled S.C. Senate and House, and now the Republican governor will soon sign the bill.

Gee, another defeat for Republicans....Do you guys walk around bent over?
I have never seen the flag issue as a partisan issue. Wasn't a repub legislature and repub governor deciding to take the flag down?
Maybe you did not read the post you replied to. Maybe if you read it again you realize that your answer to that post seems moronic.

"Deciding to"? Yeah, thanks for the chuckle. They were forced to do it.

.It is particularly satisfying to see bigots and lowlifes forced to capitulate over and over and over again.
Yes, they were. Coercion is your way of winning ideological disagreements as totalitarians did in Russia, Germany, China, Cambodia, Cuba. Now we are just a few steps away from being forced into indoctrination camps "rehabilitating" citizens who have different views from the ideology of political correctness. Your progressive agenda is advancing rapidly. When your book burning will take place?
It's a victory for the GOP, and a kick in the ass to those who claim to be its far right wing. Those far right folks are thugs, nothing more.

Not a victory for the GOP.

They did it because they had to do it. You can't claim a victory if you were forced to do something.
That's a lie. The governor called for it very early on. But why didn't the Democrats do it when they had the chance?
Because it was their flag originally, not that I find any reason to persecute them for it. It is SC's historical heritage. Now, career politicians from both parties caved in to interest groups who are progressing in their quest to stifle freedom of expression and promoting cultural and historical cleansing.
At least the Dims were smart enough to ditch their KKK outfits.
All done under a heavily Republican controlled S.C. Senate and House, and now the Republican governor will soon sign the bill.

Gee, another defeat for Republicans....Do you guys walk around bent over?
I have never seen the flag issue as a partisan issue. Wasn't a repub legislature and repub governor deciding to take the flag down?
Maybe you did not read the post you replied to. Maybe if you read it again you realize that your answer to that post seems moronic.

"Deciding to"? Yeah, thanks for the chuckle. They were forced to do it.

.It is particularly satisfying to see bigots and lowlifes forced to capitulate over and over and over again.
Yes, they were. Coercion is your way of winning ideological disagreements as totalitarians did in Russia, Germany, China, Cambodia, Cuba. Now we are just a few steps away from being forced into indoctrination camps "rehabilitating" citizens who have different views from the ideology of political correctness. Your progressive agenda is advancing rapidly. When your book burning will take place?
View attachment 44172

You're being coerced by public opinion. Your comparison is silly.
[She is the worst possible type of person to hold political office. Groveling, bumbling, slobbering fool. Knee jerk reactions are a danger to liberty.
Because she called your side out, in truth. Sux to be you.

We will no longer be coerced by your tantrums or your your veiled threats.

Understand this: we as a nation are through with your nonsense from the far right.
I believe in states rights and a state has spoken. I think it was a knee jerk reaction. The Confederates States of America was a separate nation from 1861-65. This was a museum to that. We fly British flags in the United States to honor the dead who fought for that nation. I think the PC police have won another battle that pushes America closer to totalitarianism. Personally I don't want every American to get along like a bunch of mindless automatons. It is our cultural differences, and our ability under the Constitution to have healthy disagreements, that make America great. I watch the South Carolina House member who was a descendant of Jefferson Davis bawl and cry on the floor of that body when giving her speech to take down the confederate flag.It is those kinds of emotions that we do not need in American politics and she should be voted out of office.
Yeah....I might cry if people found out I was the descendant of a major traitor too.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

She is the worst possible type of person to hold political office. Groveling, bumbling, slobbering fool. Knee jerk reactions are a danger to liberty.

Its all over for your ilk
Candycorn, yes, a victory for the sane GOP.

We have put the far right sexists, hetero nazis, racists, nativists, etc., on notice, that our party will no longer be coerced by these faux "Republicans".

I have no doubt that a massive Republican back lash to Trump will rise up and sweep out these haters before the primaries next year.
Candycorn, yes, a victory for the sane GOP.

We have put the far right sexists, hetero nazis, racists, nativists, etc., on notice, that our party will no longer be coerced by these faux "Republicans".

I have no doubt that a massive Republican back lash to Trump will rise up and sweep out these haters before the primaries next year.

It would have been if you did it on your own...a few years back or a few years from now. At this point, it is simply giving in to public sentiment.

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