SC con-federate flag gone

Haley will sign the bill to remove the flag today at 4pm EST. The flag must then be removed within 24 hours.
************************'I think it be remove as soon as she sign the bill within min's
It's scheduled to come down tomorrow morning.

The rainbow flag offends me. I demand that it never be flown anywhere in the USA :asshole:
Of course you do.

Why are his "offended feelings" less valid than yours?
Good for South Carolina. It's the right move. But don't think the whining will end. Victimhood is very profitable these days. Everyone wants to claim to be a victim. They'll just move on to the next whining victim scam.

Some are already bitchin about getting rid of the U.S. Flag too. The usual suspect Race-Hustlers will come up with something new to divide the People. You can bet on that. It's what they do.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.
There is no reason to remove the memorials. But they must be in context. The Confederacy tried to destroy the United States. And were justly destroyed.

The saddest point in this whole thing, was that had someone had the common sense to use a hi-lift and tie that flag at half staff after the murders, none of this would have taken place. As it is, keeping that flag at full mast simply stated that that flag did not care about the deaths of black American Citizens.
All done under a heavily Republican controlled S.C. Senate and House, and now the Republican governor will soon sign the bill.
And note here that they are being praised for their efforts. Were the whole of the GOP to act as rationally on the other issues facing all of us, we could have two legitimate parties once again.
Good for South Carolina. It's the right move. But don't think the whining will end. Victimhood is very profitable these days. Everyone wants to claim to be a victim. They'll just move on to the next whining victim scam.

Some are already bitchin about getting rid of the U.S. Flag too. The usual suspect Race-Hustlers will come up with something new to divide the People. You can bet on that. It's what they do.

It was not the right move because it rewarded and empowered the Race-Hustlers.

Now, as you said, they will move on to the next made up issue, more powerful than before.
Good for South Carolina. It's the right move. But don't think the whining will end. Victimhood is very profitable these days. Everyone wants to claim to be a victim. They'll just move on to the next whining victim scam.

Some are already bitchin about getting rid of the U.S. Flag too. The usual suspect Race-Hustlers will come up with something new to divide the People. You can bet on that. It's what they do.

It was not the right move because it rewarded and empowered the Race-Hustlers.

Now, as you said, they will move on to the next made up issue, more powerful than before.

I still think it was a good move by South Carolina. But yes, they will move onto something new to divide the People. Most enjoy claiming to be victims these days. They see it as being profitable. The Race-Hustlers especially, fully exploit that.
"Heritage not Hate".

Um. That "heritage" is slavery, getting your asses kicked in a war, and Jim Crow. Nothing to brag about or be proud of, unless you're a retard.
Haley will sign the bill to remove the flag today at 4pm EST. The flag must then be removed within 24 hours.
************************'I think it be remove as soon as she sign the bill within min's
It's scheduled to come down tomorrow morning.

The rainbow flag offends me. I demand that it never be flown anywhere in the USA :asshole:
Over what government property is it being flown?
South Carolina did the right thing. So let's just give it some props and move on. The issue has been milked for all it's worth at this point.

Is there racism in America? Yes. All races have their racists. That's not going away anytime soon. But most people aren't hateful racists. America is not a 'Racist Country.' Time to move on.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.

You think racism is gone now? You are quite naïve. I said in the OP it is just another step.

Stop living in absolutes, either this or that. The world is far more complicated.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.
Knee jerk reaction of spineless career politicians. It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda eradicates cultural and historical heritage then pretend that the War of Secession has never existed. Just like Lenin's Cheka buried the late Tsar Nicholas II and his butchered family in an unmarked grave to eradicate even their memory from history, therefore there has never been Tsarism nor the Romanov family has ever existed. Leftists are not better than the Red Cheka was since they employ the same silencing tactics as totalitarians did and do.

Whiner whiney whine whine. You don't overreact much do you? LOL

The South lost, get over it. Most everyone else is moving on from being the losers to rejoining the rest of the nation.

But you sit at home and cling to your losers flag if that makes you feel better. South Carolina is moving on.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.
Knee jerk reaction of spineless career politicians. It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda eradicates cultural and historical heritage then pretend that the War of Secession has never existed. Just like Lenin's Cheka buried the late Tsar Nicholas II and his butchered family in an unmarked grave to eradicate even their memory from history, therefore there has never been Tsarism nor the Romanov family has ever existed. Leftists are not better than the Red Cheka was since they employ the same silencing tactics as totalitarians did and do.

Whiner whiney whine whine. You don't overreact much do you? LOL

The South lost, get over it. Most everyone else is moving on from being the losers to rejoining the rest of the nation.

But you sit at home and cling to your losers flag if that makes you feel better. South Carolina is moving on.

You're the ones whining over a piece of cloth, next week it will be a new target
How is that going to accomplish anything? Will it make you feel better when you look at a freaking flag pole while illegal aliens are murdering Americans after getting refuge in San Francisco after being deported five times? San Francisco is obviously promoting hatred fro U.S. citizens and defying federal law. Why not petition to remove the city flag?
There is no logical link between those vents. You are simply pissed, so I will simply say, step off.

You lost, this is over.
You mean you are no longer allowed to bastardize government, defcon. That's over. Correll, the lege elected to represent its electorate did its job, and you are whining?

Candycorn, your concerns are noted and dismissed. If we get these goobers corralled and the great center of American understands that, the GOP victory will make those of 2010 and 2014 look minor.

That is your worry. You should be. It's coming.

Why do you feel the need to minimize my complains with the term "whining"?

These representatives, were they elected on a platform of removing the flag?

Assuming they were not, and based on the poll you posted, it does not sound like they are representing their constituents wishes or interests.

THey seem to be caving to a mob.

This is worthy of criticism.
They are elected to represent the best interests of the citizens.

They have done so.

You have every right to disagree, but to suggest they are "caving to a mob" is simply inaccurate if not just silly.

HOw have they served the best interests of their constituents by removing a flag?
Corell, if you can't understand it, I can't explain it. :lol:
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.
Knee jerk reaction of spineless career politicians. It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda eradicates cultural and historical heritage then pretend that the War of Secession has never existed. Just like Lenin's Cheka buried the late Tsar Nicholas II and his butchered family in an unmarked grave to eradicate even their memory from history, therefore there has never been Tsarism nor the Romanov family has ever existed. Leftists are not better than the Red Cheka was since they employ the same silencing tactics as totalitarians did and do.

Whiner whiney whine whine. You don't overreact much do you? LOL

The South lost, get over it. Most everyone else is moving on from being the losers to rejoining the rest of the nation.

But you sit at home and cling to your losers flag if that makes you feel better. South Carolina is moving on.

You're the ones whining over a piece of cloth, next week it will be a new target

I notice not many object to the KKK burning crosses. I'm pretty sure that is an affront to the very god these losers claim to pray to. And they burn churches. But no great outcry. And the KKK proudly flies the con-federate flag.

You think this has any link to the shooting in Charlestown, at a church, a black church.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.

No, It didn't solve the problem, but it is a step in that direction. Good for them

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