SC con-federate flag gone

Whiner whiney whine whine. You don't overreact much do you? LOL
I am not whining that's what your kind does. Overreacting? I do not think so. What I wrote IS historical fact.
The South lost, get over it. Most everyone else is moving on from being the losers to rejoining the rest of the nation.
In my eyes those, who you call losers are honest, standing on principle and don't want to suppress freedom have character and backbone. Unlike you, who have no principles, sells out integrity, honesty and the principle of freedom just to be called "winner" and gain political power is a scumbag embracing the Red Cheka oppression.
But you sit at home and cling to your losers flag if that makes you feel better.
I have never had a Battle Flag (if you believe it or not, I don't give a rat's ass) and I am feeling quite well but somewhat saddened seeing freedoms eroding.
Yippee!! The Confederate flag that was flying above a Confederate memorial is gone. No more racism, right? Such a tragedy that nine people died and we remove a flag. Just sad. Now we can waste our time removing memorials.
Knee jerk reaction of spineless career politicians. It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda eradicates cultural and historical heritage then pretend that the War of Secession has never existed. Just like Lenin's Cheka buried the late Tsar Nicholas II and his butchered family in an unmarked grave to eradicate even their memory from history, therefore there has never been Tsarism nor the Romanov family has ever existed. Leftists are not better than the Red Cheka was since they employ the same silencing tactics as totalitarians did and do.

Whiner whiney whine whine. You don't overreact much do you? LOL

The South lost, get over it. Most everyone else is moving on from being the losers to rejoining the rest of the nation.

But you sit at home and cling to your losers flag if that makes you feel better. South Carolina is moving on.

You're the ones whining over a piece of cloth, next week it will be a new target

I notice not many object to the KKK burning crosses. I'm pretty sure that is an affront to the very god these losers claim to pray to. And they burn churches. But no great outcry. And the KKK proudly flies the con-federate flag.

You think this has any link to the shooting in Charlestown, at a church, a black church.

Good grief, I don't know anyone that supports KKK cross burning. You're just being stupid
"Good grief, I don't know anyone that supports KKK cross burning. You're just being stupid" is the stupidest statement of this thread but it is only slightly past noon.
defcon4 is whining when he writes "I am not whining".
It takes real argument from a person of character to piss me off slug. You do not posses the qualities of a person of character. Your victory dance over losing yet another small part of freedom says everything about you
Whiner whiney whine whine. You don't overreact much do you? LOL
I am not whining that's what your kind does. Overreacting? I do not think so. What I wrote IS historical fact.
The South lost, get over it. Most everyone else is moving on from being the losers to rejoining the rest of the nation.
In my eyes those, who you call losers are honest, standing on principle and don't want to suppress freedom have character and backbone. Unlike you, who have no principles, sells out integrity, honesty and the principle of freedom just to be called "winner" and gain political power is a scumbag embracing the Red Cheka oppression.
But you sit at home and cling to your losers flag if that makes you feel better.
I have never had a Battle Flag (if you believe it or not, I don't give a rat's ass) and I am feeling quite well but somewhat saddened seeing freedoms eroding.

Oh please Newman, you are trying to make a symbol of slavery noble. You can't, it is what it is. Go cry in a museum or in your home and stop with the sappy erosion of freedom nonsense. The whole south was just fine without that flag for a hundred years until the early 1960s when the civil rights movement started.

I didn't win, the south won, the country won, the idea that America means equal treatment and freedom for every living soul won.
defcon4 is whining when he writes "I am not whining".
It takes real argument from a person of character to piss me off slug. You do not posses the qualities of a person of character. Your victory dance over losing yet another small part of freedom says everything about you
You cannot piss anyone off, Newman. :lol: You lost on this issue. You should have lost on this issue. You have not the character to admit it. We, the decent folks in the GOP, are cleaning out the far right of the stable this fall and winter, as we get ready in the primaries to clear out our bad actors from the legislatures and Congress. The far right shit is being tossed out.

You haters can find a new home.
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Whiner whiney whine whine. You don't overreact much do you? LOL
I am not whining that's what your kind does. Overreacting? I do not think so. What I wrote IS historical fact.
The South lost, get over it. Most everyone else is moving on from being the losers to rejoining the rest of the nation.
In my eyes those, who you call losers are honest, standing on principle and don't want to suppress freedom have character and backbone. Unlike you, who have no principles, sells out integrity, honesty and the principle of freedom just to be called "winner" and gain political power is a scumbag embracing the Red Cheka oppression.
But you sit at home and cling to your losers flag if that makes you feel better.
I have never had a Battle Flag (if you believe it or not, I don't give a rat's ass) and I am feeling quite well but somewhat saddened seeing freedoms eroding.

Oh please Newman, you are trying to make a symbol of slavery noble. You can't, it is what it is. Go cry in a museum or in your home and stop with the sappy erosion of freedom nonsense. The whole south was just fine without that flag for a hundred years until the early 1960s when the civil rights movement started.

I didn't win, the south won, the country won, the idea that America means equal treatment and freedom for every living soul won.
Yeah, the 1960s. Miss. put the stars and bars in its flag back after Reconstruction. I think it's significance was in part symbolic to the Lost Cause, but also to the fact that with 90% of the population being African American, the whites were taking back power.

Of course now with about a third of the voters being African American, the white fear of African American dominance .... and retaliation ... is not longer an issue.
Haley will sign the bill to remove the flag today at 4pm EST. The flag must then be removed within 24 hours.
************************'I think it be remove as soon as she sign the bill within min's
It's scheduled to come down tomorrow morning.

The rainbow flag offends me. I demand that it never be flown anywhere in the USA :asshole:
Over what government property is it being flown?

is that monument not state property?
defcon4 is whining when he writes "I am not whining".
It takes real argument from a person of character to piss me off slug. You do not posses the qualities of a person of character. Your victory dance over losing yet another small part of freedom says everything about you
You cannot piss anyone off, kiddo. :lol: You lost on this issue. You should have lost on this issue. You have not the character to admit it. We, the decent folks in the GOP, are cleaning out the far right of the stable this fall and winter, as we get ready in the primaries to clear out our bad actors from the legislatures and Congress. The far right shit is being tossed out.

You haters can find a new home.

I agree with your post, but you are not "we decent folks of the GOP". You are a far left talking point repeating machine. Your claim to be a republican is BS.
Haley will sign the bill to remove the flag today at 4pm EST. The flag must then be removed within 24 hours.
************************'I think it be remove as soon as she sign the bill within min's
It's scheduled to come down tomorrow morning.

The rainbow flag offends me. I demand that it never be flown anywhere in the USA :asshole:
Of course you do.

I was joking to make a point, but its a valid point. Everyone is offended by something. Why does the govt get to decide which offences are punishable and which are not?
defcon4 is whining when he writes "I am not whining".
It takes real argument from a person of character to piss me off slug. You do not posses the qualities of a person of character. Your victory dance over losing yet another small part of freedom says everything about you
You cannot piss anyone off, kiddo. :lol: You lost on this issue. You should have lost on this issue. You have not the character to admit it. We, the decent folks in the GOP, are cleaning out the far right of the stable this fall and winter, as we get ready in the primaries to clear out our bad actors from the legislatures and Congress. The far right shit is being tossed out.

You haters can find a new home.

I agree with your post, but you are not "we decent folks of the GOP". You are a far left talking point repeating machine. Your claim to be a republican is BS.
My post is dead on. I am mainstream GOP; you are not. That is what you hate.
defcon4 is whining when he writes "I am not whining".
It takes real argument from a person of character to piss me off slug. You do not posses the qualities of a person of character. Your victory dance over losing yet another small part of freedom says everything about you
You cannot piss anyone off, kiddo. :lol: You lost on this issue. You should have lost on this issue. You have not the character to admit it. We, the decent folks in the GOP, are cleaning out the far right of the stable this fall and winter, as we get ready in the primaries to clear out our bad actors from the legislatures and Congress. The far right shit is being tossed out.

You haters can find a new home.

I agree with your post, but you are not "we decent folks of the GOP". You are a far left talking point repeating machine. Your claim to be a republican is BS.
My post is dead on. I am mainstream GOP; you are not. That is what you hate.

Yes you are, the kind we true conservatives hate.... just another fence straddler trying to be all things to all people. In other words, a gutless coward.
"Heritage not Hate".

Um. That "heritage" is slavery, getting your asses kicked in a war, and Jim Crow. Nothing to brag about or be proud of, unless you're a retard.

Actually, most of that is Democrat mantra... you know, the Democrats, the party of slavery.
Soggy is a hyper-sensitive whining poseur. A far right pussy who has been handed his head on a platter with the rest of the far right. We in the mainstream are cleaning you fat heads out through the rest of the year and the primaries next year. You are going to get on board or get out.

I said years ago that you folks would create the messes that would finish you off.

That time is here.
Soggy is whining. A far right pussy who has been handed his head on a platter with the rest of the far right. We in the mainstream are cleaning you fat heads out through the rest of the year and the primaries next year. You are going to get on board or get out.

I said years ago that you folks would create the messes that would finish you off.

That time is here.

I don't care.... that's my point. Leftist ninnies like you Jake get all caught up in pointless drivel. It's all about "look at how good I am , I care". When in fact, you don't give a shit and when you do this shit, it doesn't change anything. I don't have a confederate flag and frankly, when I see people displaying them, I just laugh... it looks stupid.

A flag is gone, big fucking deal... prediction: tomorrow will come and go and nothing has changed. Typical leftwing feel good bullshit.
Nonsense. The far right ninnies like Soggy call the mainstream leftists. For heaven's sakes, the boy would not know if a leftist kicked his ass. We don't care if you like it or not, Soggy. Those days are gone. Get on board or you go over board. The party is moving forward, and far as I am concerned without your ilk makes it all the better.

That you guys would hang yourselves over a Confederate flag in a public place is absolutely a mind fuck. Why?
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

Interestingly enough, I will point out that a flag didn't walk into that church and kill nine people. A person did. Perhaps we can ban white people too, you know, to cover all our bases...

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