SC con-federate flag gone

Some on this board still have trouble that the far right conservatives are often still butts about race today.

It is a fact that age does impact the more modern approach of younger conservatives like Haley and Horne.

The Tea Party, despite older far right conservatives' assertions, is in tatters. As long as some of its elements keep supporting a 'lost cause' of putting the flag back, up it will continue to fail.

As long as the moderate leadership continues to cave to the lib mob, the party and this nation will continue to fail.
I found a copy of it on Breitbart, then a really crazy version on youngcons...

But the fleur de lis was just one symbol used for branding slaves. Other regions used to brand slaves with different symbols. I wouldn't be surprised that somewhere in the old south that the cross was used.

No doubt. Cripes we've had people calling for the removal of the Jefferson Memorial, old Nathan and his wife are going to be dug up, I wonder just how far the left wants to push this.

All the way, until Whites in this country are sanitized of their Evul culture and heritage.

Have you even heard a lib argue that White Americans have no culture of their own?
All the way, until Whites in this country are sanitized of their Evul culture and heritage.

Have you even heard a lib argue that White Americans have no culture of their own?

No, i've never heard that. I think that's the voices in your head.

They have medications for that now. Too bad Dylan Roof didn't get any of those.

search for White Culture was a bit of a slog, but I did find this for you, rude person.

Is there a White culture - Straight Dope Message Board
"Is there a "White" culture?
I have been attending an anti racism seminar for the past few days. Most of what is being said is a general rehash of what I've already learned from previous sessions. But today we talked a little bit about cultural racism, and in essence, what culture means. Not ground-breaking stuff. But the instructor said something that did give me pause. Most of what I've heard (and only somewhat agree with) is that there is no white culture; we're too far removed from our European ancestors to have maintained many of those traditions. What he said though, is that white culture is power and privilege. He is tying our history of institutional racism and race prejudice into what he calls our culture.
Thoughts? Is there such a thing as a white culture? If so, how would you define it?"


NOte the instructor was the one who was trying to spread this meme.

If you read the discussion there are others who generally agree with the idea.

More that don't thank God.

Ties in nicely with the topic.

Deny it exists. If it exists, it's bad.

YOu are comfortable with not having ANY historical figures to celebrate.

Consider how that impacts the teaching of our culture to our young if we are allowed to celebrate ANY historical figures?

The individual lemming might not know where the swarm in going, but it's footsteps lead it into the water just the same.
I found a copy of it on Breitbart, then a really crazy version on youngcons...

But the fleur de lis was just one symbol used for branding slaves. Other regions used to brand slaves with different symbols. I wouldn't be surprised that somewhere in the old south that the cross was used.

No doubt. Cripes we've had people calling for the removal of the Jefferson Memorial, old Nathan and his wife are going to be dug up, I wonder just how far the left wants to push this.

All the way, until Whites in this country are sanitized of their Evul culture and heritage.

Have you even heard a lib argue that White Americans have no culture of their own?

The depth of their bigotry is fully on display every time they broad brush every one of us as "white". As if we are all one. With no heritage. And no culture.

We come in a world of distinct ethnicities and in many different "shades".

How these morons can lump together an Irish caucasian with an Iranian caucasian with a Belgium caucasian is just astonishing and truly shows what fools they are.

Rabid bigots.
I found a copy of it on Breitbart, then a really crazy version on youngcons...

But the fleur de lis was just one symbol used for branding slaves. Other regions used to brand slaves with different symbols. I wouldn't be surprised that somewhere in the old south that the cross was used.

No doubt. Cripes we've had people calling for the removal of the Jefferson Memorial, old Nathan and his wife are going to be dug up, I wonder just how far the left wants to push this.

All the way, until Whites in this country are sanitized of their Evul culture and heritage.

Have you even heard a lib argue that White Americans have no culture of their own?

The depth of their bigotry is fully on display every time they broad brush every one of us as "white". As if we are all one. With no heritage. And no culture.

We come in a world of distinct ethnicities and in many different "shades".

How these morons can lump together an Irish caucasian with an Iranian caucasian with a Belgium caucasian is just astonishing and truly shows what fools they are.

Rabid bigots.

A point I have noticed with liberals, is they see "labels" as the end of thinking.

If someone is "labeled" a racist, for example, they will NEVER revisit that idea, no matter what.

Conservatives.understand that general labels are just the beginning of defining a person or thing.

Constantly I see cons refer to a group, for example children of single families, and the libs in question post a single example as though a specific example disproves a general statement.
All the way, until Whites in this country are sanitized of their Evul culture and heritage.

Have you even heard a lib argue that White Americans have no culture of their own?

No, i've never heard that. I think that's the voices in your head.

They have medications for that now. Too bad Dylan Roof didn't get any of those.

You've never read Guno's threads?


Come on he's the primo example of bigotry against whites on this board.
Ha, the camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, sister-fucking, racist rednecks are pretty entertaining. I'll give em that. This Confederate Flag thing sure has gotten em all worked up. Probably won't feel better till they hit the Walmart and get themselves some more Camo & Ammo. Shit's like crack to the loons.

What a buncha racist dumbasses. The Republican Party needs to start distancing itself from the redneck loons. They're only embarrassing their Party at this point. They're actually embarrassing the entire country too.

What is embarrassing is those of you who do not know the true history behind that Flag and think it's all about race.
It's embarrassing that the left want that history wiped out and think that it is about racism

We respect the Jews and their feelings about the Nazi Flag. We should do the same as far as the Confederate Flag goes for African Americans. It symbolizes similar horrific atrocities.
Even Walmart (White Trash Redneck Paradise) has announced it will no longer sell the redneck flag. A real kick in the nuts for their white Camo & Ammo sister-fucker racist customers. So even their beloved Walmart is calling em out for being ignorant racist assholes. I find that to be very funny.
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Perhaps cons can get their con-federate flags from Orange Julius. Their logo certainly fits.

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