SC con-federate flag gone

Bush92 mistakenly writes that, "BTW you only speak for the lunatic fringe far left," when his far right position makes everyone in center look like the fringe far left to him. We can say merrily to him, fuck off, loser.
Soggy writes, "Wow, so you just went merrily on your way not giving a fuck until nine people were senselessly murdered?" is Soggy trying to escape his own inner soggy.

You don't get it is your pathetic problem, no one else.

Hey, asshole, question is still pending... why now? If this is such an Earth shaking and important cause, where have you been?
Nine people died and loser Jake jumped on the flag bandwagon so he could feel important... Jake the phony, yep that's for sure.
The bill has come due, loser, and you have paid it.

The far right is finished in the GOP.
The bill has come due, loser, and you have paid it.

The far right is finished in the GOP.

I haven't paid anything dumbass, it doesn't matter, flag, no flag, I don't care. I don't live in SC. I just want to know why assholes like you always wait for somebody to die Jake, again why now? If this cause is sooooo important to humanity, why did you wait until nine people died??

Disgusting scumbag.
A flag shot and killed nine black folk!

Ah, "progress"
He was wrapped in the flag as he shot them right? I mean he at least waved it around as he proclaimed long live the south right? Or maybe he had a rebel decal etched in the murder weapon?

Can we ban illegal immigrants now? They've surely killed thousands more than the flag right?
The bill has come due, loser, and you have paid it.

The far right is finished in the GOP.

Conservatives don't want anything to do with the GOP.. it's infested with gutless, opportunistic left wing losers like you who try to politicize tragedies. Like I said, you're a disgusting, petty person.
The phonies include you.

Why did not the Dems do this in 1993 when they last had the lege in SC?

Why did our party wait until 2015 to do this?

Because Dylan Roof forced us to look into ourselves and our folks and our history.

You don't accept it is your problem.

Wow, so you just went merrily on your way not giving a fuck until nine people were senselessly murdered? Funny, when I heard about this, all I thought was, "who are these deranged fucks?"

You on the other hand start ranting about flags. Wow, just wow.. what a wonderful human being you are.
If it were 9 Whites murdered by a Black...caable news could give a fuck less.

Neither would Jake.. hell, how many inner city kids die every day... Jake and his ilk don't give a shit.. they don't do a damn thing. No, they choose to rant about flags and events that happened 150 years ago as if they even matter.
But stomping on the American flag and burning it are o.k. by leftist communist like Jakey Boy.
The phonies include you.

Why did not the Dems do this in 1993 when they last had the lege in SC?

Why did our party wait until 2015 to do this?

Because Dylan Roof forced us to look into ourselves and our folks and our history.

You don't accept it is your problem.

Wow, so you just went merrily on your way not giving a fuck until nine people were senselessly murdered? Funny, when I heard about this, all I thought was, "who are these deranged fucks?"

You on the other hand start ranting about flags. Wow, just wow.. what a wonderful human being you are.
If it were 9 Whites murdered by a Black...caable news could give a fuck less.

Neither would Jake.. hell, how many inner city kids die every day... Jake and his ilk don't give a shit.. they don't do a damn thing. No, they choose to rant about flags and events that happened 150 years ago as if they even matter.
But stomping on the American flag and burning it are o.k. by leftist communist like Jakey Boy.

You know, it pisses me off when people do that, but I'd never ban it. Jake on the other hand, would organize the rally. There's the difference.

OP, how many LIVES will that save?

That doesn't matter... it's all about them. Tomorrow Jake will get up, probably smoke a bowl and demand that his mother fix him breakfast, and then go play X-Box. Another 100 young, black inner city men will be dead, he won't even notice.
OP, how many LIVES will that save?

That doesn't matter... it's all about them. Tomorrow Jake will get up, probably smoke a bowl and demand that his mother fizx him breakfast, and then go play X-Box. Another 100 young, black inner city men will be dead, he won't even notice.

When the Obomanation doesn't notice, or give a fuck about dead blacks at the hands of other blacks, why the fuck would a follower of his, give a damn?
OP, how many LIVES will that save?

That doesn't matter... it's all about them. Tomorrow Jake will get up, probably smoke a bowl and demand that his mother fizx him breakfast, and then go play X-Box. Another 100 young, black inner city men will be dead, he won't even notice.

When the Obomanation doesn't notice, or give a fuck about dead blacks at the hands of other blacks, why the fuck would a follower of his, give a damn?

Yep, our idiot mayor, Mitch Landrieu is now going on about flags and statues, not a word about how we're at 100 murders, almost all black here in the city.

These people are reprehensible.
OP, how many LIVES will that save?

That doesn't matter... it's all about them. Tomorrow Jake will get up, probably smoke a bowl and demand that his mother fizx him breakfast, and then go play X-Box. Another 100 young, black inner city men will be dead, he won't even notice.

When the Obomanation doesn't notice, or give a fuck about dead blacks at the hands of other blacks, why the fuck would a follower of his, give a damn?

Yep, our idiot mayor, Mitch Landrieu is now going on about flags and statues, not a word about how we're at 100 murders, almost all black here in the city.

These people are reprehensible.

Problem is EVERY CITY should have a TRUMP to push REAL TOPICS, instead of bullshit flags and statues!
What a bunch of whiners. Go cry to your mommies, for heaven's sake. You defended the wrong. You got burned for it in such a way you can't put the genie back in the box.

All of America knows now what cretins you are.

Thank heavens.
What a bunch of whiners. Go cry to your mommies, for heaven's sake. You defended the wrong. You got burned for it in such a way you can't put the genie back in the box.

All of America knows now what cretins you are.

Thank heavens.

We never defended anything Jake, just denounced you and your kind for politicizing the deaths of people. Like I ask, why now? Where have you been on this issue before? You know, before nine people died?

Oh that's right... <<<<crickets>>>> You're a vile and disgusting human being.
The politicization came from the far right that want to continue to defend the rights of the Dylan Roofs to wave the flag.

No, you have outed yourselves.

America now realizes what a bunch of toids you are really.

Yeah, you hung your asses out and got them kicked out of the party.
The politicization came from the far right that want to continue to defend the rights of the Dylan Roofs to wave the flag.

No, you have outed yourselves.

America now realizes what a bunch of toids you are really.

Lying just can't help being a NeoCommie liar.... NO ONE on the right is defending Root in ANY WAY, He's a fucking murderer, America now knows how badly YOU LIE... Thanks again, Manchurian Republican for showing your true colors!

By defending the flag, you defend Roof.

America has seen the far right out itself.

The genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back.

It's over. No respect for the far right in the GOP.

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