SC con-federate flag gone

It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda

Dude, it's South-fucking Carolina. In case you didn't know, they're shoulder deep in conservative Republicans. The only progressive agenda is to move someplace where liberals won't get shot for driving a Prius.
Bush92 mistakenly writes that, "BTW you only speak for the lunatic fringe far left," when his far right position makes everyone in center look like the fringe far left to him. We can say merrily to him, fuck off, loser.
You shall see. The tectonic political plates are shifting in America. White people have been forced out of the Democratic Party. They have buyers remorse over Obama.
The mainstream whites in the GOP have remorse they have not kicked the asses of the far right social cons long ago.

Your side has imploded, Bush92. Your ilk are finished in the party in terms of influence.

Nikki Haley has said your ilk is finished, and she is right.
I agree and Haley may have a bright future nationally. She seems to be level headed, which in the Republican party is a rarity. As an independent I welcome Republican candidates that aren't tea bag mouth frothers.
So now one wonders if there will be violence at the taking down of the con-federate flag in South Carolina. The lawmakers received death threats and you can't put anything past these whackjobs.

Let's hope it is peaceful.
Whats so bigoted about honoring men who fought for a separate nation that seceded from the Union because they felt they had the right to so as states? I hate PC police like you and your perverse pleasure you take in destroying the United States and pushing us into an Orwellian state. There is nothing noble or righteous about what occurred yesterday in South Carolina. Only a grave danger to the Republic.

They fought so a few rich people could keep owning other human beings. That's what makes it bigoted.

It's like saying that flying the Swastika flag honors the men of the German Army who were fighting for their country.

What happened yesterday should have happened 150 years ago.
Whats so bigoted about honoring men who fought for a separate nation that seceded from the Union because they felt they had the right to so as states? I hate PC police like you and your perverse pleasure you take in destroying the United States and pushing us into an Orwellian state. There is nothing noble or righteous about what occurred yesterday in South Carolina. Only a grave danger to the Republic.

They fought so a few rich people could keep owning other human beings. That's what makes it bigoted.

It's like saying that flying the Swastika flag honors the men of the German Army who were fighting for their country.

What happened yesterday should have happened 150 years ago.
The unfortunate thing is the libs now own the blacks for free...using other people's money to buy their loyalty.
It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda

Dude, it's South-fucking Carolina. In case you didn't know, they're shoulder deep in conservative Republicans. The only progressive agenda is to move someplace where liberals won't get shot for driving a Prius.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)
The unfortunate thing is the libs now own the blacks for free...using other people's money to buy their loyalty.

Wow, really, guy?

You all keep ignoring most black folks have paying jobs. In fact, the percentage differences between adult whites that have jobs and adult blacks who have jobs is in the single digits.

or that the majority of people on welfare are in fact, white. and that's just welfare. if you throw in other "entitlements", white people get far more money from government than black folks do if you count Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment benefits.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)

Then why did you bring it up?

Haley gets no kudos from me because it took Roof killing nine people to actually get her to address this issue.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)

Then why did you bring it up?

Haley gets no kudos from me because it took Roof killing nine people to actually get her to address this issue.
No. It took the progressive PC movement to turn the killing into a crazy effort to eliminate American history.

Why stop at the Confederate flag? There are many other American symbols that should also be eliminated using the 'logic' of the progressive PC movement.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)

Then why did you bring it up?

Haley gets no kudos from me because it took Roof killing nine people to actually get her to address this issue.
No. It took the progressive PC movement to turn the killing into a crazy effort to eliminate American history.

Why stop at the Confederate flag? There are many other American symbols that should also be eliminated using the 'logic' of the progressive PC movement.

We are sloping toward totalitarianism.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)

Then why did you bring it up?

Haley gets no kudos from me because it took Roof killing nine people to actually get her to address this issue.
She was being politically expedient.
It is sad that the intolerant, racist so called progressive agenda

Dude, it's South-fucking Carolina. In case you didn't know, they're shoulder deep in conservative Republicans. The only progressive agenda is to move someplace where liberals won't get shot for driving a Prius.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)


It's South Carolina.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)

Then why did you bring it up?

Haley gets no kudos from me because it took Roof killing nine people to actually get her to address this issue.
.. to illustrate that she has no idea about Southern heritage, none of her ancestors were lost during 1861-1865 in the war
defcon4 is whining when he writes "I am not whining".
It takes real argument from a person of character to piss me off slug. You do not posses the qualities of a person of character. Your victory dance over losing yet another small part of freedom says everything about you
You cannot piss anyone off, kiddo. :lol: You lost on this issue. You should have lost on this issue. You have not the character to admit it. We, the decent folks in the GOP, are cleaning out the far right of the stable this fall and winter, as we get ready in the primaries to clear out our bad actors from the legislatures and Congress. The far right shit is being tossed out.

You haters can find a new home.

I agree with your post, but you are not "we decent folks of the GOP". You are a far left talking point repeating machine. Your claim to be a republican is BS.
My post is dead on. I am mainstream GOP; you are not. That is what you hate.

No, Jakey boy, you are not mainstream GOP by any strech of the imagination. You are a hyper liberal far left asshole and liar.

Mainstream GOP want constitutional government, smaller less intrusive federal government, and true individual freedom. You want marxist collectivism under a dictatorial left wing monarch.

If you would admit who and what you really are, you might have a shread of credibility, as it is you have none.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)

Then why did you bring it up?

Haley gets no kudos from me because it took Roof killing nine people to actually get her to address this issue.
No. It took the progressive PC movement to turn the killing into a crazy effort to eliminate American history.

Why stop at the Confederate flag? There are many other American symbols that should also be eliminated using the 'logic' of the progressive PC movement.

Washington DC should be renamed. After all, Washington had slaves, tear down the jefferson monument, rename washington state, take the 'south' out of south carolina and south dakota.

This fuckin PC bullshit has reached the point of being totally ridiculous.
Career politicians do not necessarily represent their constituents. You would have a point if the decision were made by referendum. On the other hand Haley has no Southern roots and cannot identify with Southern people's heritage. Her ancestors are from India (don't even think about starting some shit, I have no problem with her ancestry)

Then why did you bring it up?

Haley gets no kudos from me because it took Roof killing nine people to actually get her to address this issue.
No. It took the progressive PC movement to turn the killing into a crazy effort to eliminate American history.

Why stop at the Confederate flag? There are many other American symbols that should also be eliminated using the 'logic' of the progressive PC movement.

Washington DC should be renamed. After all, Washington had slaves, tear down the jefferson monument, rename washington state, take the 'south' out of south carolina and south dakota.

This fuckin PC bullshit has reached the point of being totally ridiculous.
…and also very dangerous to freedom

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