SC con-federate flag gone

By defending the flag, you defend Roof.

America has seen the far right out itself.

The genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back.

It's over. No respect for the far right in the GOP.

Perhaps by your demented liberal thinking! You sound even more wacked out than Franco!
The far right by defending the flag has identified itself with Dylan Roof. Fact.
By defending the flag, you defend Roof.

America has seen the far right out itself.

The genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back.

It's over. No respect for the far right in the GOP.

Perhaps by your demented liberal thinking! You sound even more wacked out than Franco!
The far right by defending the flag has identified itself with Dylan Roof. Fact.

Only the demented and black racist enablers believe that... Thanks for playing!
All done under a heavily Republican controlled S.C. Senate and House, and now the Republican governor will soon sign the bill.
Its what happens when the minority bitch thinks she has shot at VP slot on next years ballot. Its alright a list is being made of the traitors and carpetbagging pieces of shit that voted for cultural genocide. Maybe we can raise an entire generation of kids who have NO CLUE who fought in the war for southern independence because them know that would be racissss. My flag is flying high and in the wind today,tomorrow and forever. Politicians come and go the south will live forever. If whatever GOP candidate there is chooses that traitor whore for his VP there goes chance at the presidency. We have LONG memories. We booted Barnes out of office. :) Proud day in Georgia's history!
Meh, who really cares? I don't live in SC and mine still flies over my property. I encourage anyone to try and take it down.
So, wipe out Margaret Mitchell and "Gone with the Wind".
Wipe out Mark Twain and "Huckleberry Finn".
Wipe out any and all inconvenient history that might offend people who always were and always will be incompetent and too stupid to make history of their own.
The whiners whine.

Flag is in the museums and private monuments.

That is sufficient.
By defending the flag, you defend Roof.

America has seen the far right out itself.

The genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back.

It's over. No respect for the far right in the GOP.

Perhaps by your demented liberal thinking! You sound even more wacked out than Franco!
The far right by defending the flag has identified itself with Dylan Roof. Fact.

Only the demented and black racist enablers believe that... Thanks for playing!
You are truly loopy.
By defending the flag, you defend Roof.

America has seen the far right out itself.

The genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back.

It's over. No respect for the far right in the GOP.

Perhaps by your demented liberal thinking! You sound even more wacked out than Franco!
The far right by defending the flag has identified itself with Dylan Roof. Fact.

Only the demented and black racist enablers believe that... Thanks for playing!
You are truly loopy.

And you are still a liar, not even having the balls to admit it!
They're already going after Confederate memorials. History eludes so many Americans.

Quite right. A lot of Southerners still think their worthless, inbred ancestors died for a noble cause.

Southerners should look at the Confederacy the way Germans look at the Third Reich - with a profound sense of shame and embarrassment.

They're already going after Confederate memorials. History eludes so many Americans.

Quite right. A lot of Southerners still think their worthless, inbred ancestors died for a noble cause.

Southerners should look at the Confederacy the way Germans look at the Third Reich - with a profound sense of shame and embarrassment.
Come on down south and talk shit to actual southerners instead of talking shit online. We could show you some real southerm hospitality you yankee piece of shit.
Great idea. Attack other Americans with stereotypes in typical liberal idiot fashion. Compare the south to Nazis? How childish.
He lives in shitcago he shits on everyone else to make himself fell better about the shithole he lives in.
I lived in the South for a very long time, and have been traveling this summer from Texas to Georgia.

The so called hard right racists down here are pussies. They remember what happened to them in seventies and eighties. They don't want a repeat.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

American - starting to live up to it's ideals.
Soggy is a hyper-sensitive whining poseur. A far right pussy who has been handed his head on a platter with the rest of the far right. We in the mainstream are cleaning you fat heads out through the rest of the year and the primaries next year. You are going to get on board or get out.

I said years ago that you folks would create the messes that would finish you off.

That time is here.

As an independent it would be good to see the Republican party jettison the 'never compromise our way or the highway tea party' and get back to some civility.

The founders created a Constitution bases on FORCED COMPROMISE.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

Interestingly enough, I will point out that a flag didn't walk into that church and kill nine people. A person did. Perhaps we can ban white people too, you know, to cover all our bases...

Or maybe if there is a German in the U.S. Congress who wants to fly the swastika over the U.S. Capitol building he should be allowed to because he won't be celebrating the Nazi's, he'll be celebrating the VW Bug and the Audobon, you know the positives associated with that flag. He's just interested in the 'heritage' of goodness from that era.
Nikki Haley and her folks in the SC lege found the exit out of the TP rabbit hole.
A hooray for South Carolina for doing the right thing, and for all the other southern states that have already taken their con-federate flags down. Its time to leave that long ago war and its bitterness in the past and stop aggrandizing hatred and slavery. Keep them in museums so children can learn of that dark part of southern history, and then walk outside and get an ice-cream in a united state and country. Its not the last step, but its another step down the right path.

I never thought I would see the day.

Interestingly enough, I will point out that a flag didn't walk into that church and kill nine people. A person did. Perhaps we can ban white people too, you know, to cover all our bases...

Or maybe if there is a German in the U.S. Congress who wants to fly the swastika over the U.S. Capitol building he should be allowed to because he won't be celebrating the Nazi's, he'll be celebrating the VW Bug and the Audobon, you know the positives associated with that flag. He's just interested in the 'heritage' of goodness from that era.

"I desire peace as much as you do; I deplore bloodshed as much as you do; but I feel that not one drop of the blood shed in this war is on my hands -- I can look up to my God and say this. I tried all in my power to avert this War. I saw it coming, for twelve years I worked night and day to prevent it, but I could not. The North was mad and blind; it would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came, and now it must go on till the last man of this generation falls in his tracks, and his children seize the musket and fight our battle, unless you acknowledge our right to self government. We are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for independence, and that, or extermination."

President Jefferson Davis, C.S.A.
Every tyrant that wanted to invade another country illegally blames that country for the war. The Russians still blame Poland for their invasion of that country, Adolph also blamed Poland for having to invade Poland.

A lot like conservatives like to blame this president for 'bad race relations'.

For the south its a mute point, its over they lost. 150 years ago. How many years do these racists want to keep that loss fresh?
Rather bizarre yes?
The fact is this: the far right the last ten years has become the most divisive body of Americans since the Civil War.

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