Scalia and Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers as court takes case


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Forget about Kagan; if anybody should recuse themselves from the SC health care law case, it should be Thomas and Scalia. This isn't the first time these two have crossed ethical boundaries. Anybody interested in a fair process should be outraged.

Scalia and Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers as court takes case -

The day the Supreme Court gathered behind closed doors to consider the politically divisive question of whether it would hear a challenge to President Obama’s healthcare law, two of its justices, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, were feted at a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the high court.


Clement’s law firm, Bancroft PLLC, was one of almost two dozen firms that helped sponsor the annual dinner of the Federalist Society, a longstanding group dedicated to advocating conservative legal principles. Another firm that sponsored the dinner, Jones Day, represents one of the trade associations that challenged the law, the National Federation of Independent Business.

Another sponsor was pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc, which has an enormous financial stake in the outcome of the litigation. The dinner was held at a Washington hotel hours after the court's conference over the case. In attendance was, among others, Mitch McConnell, the Senate’s top Republican and an avowed opponent of the healthcare law.

The featured guests at the dinner? Scalia and Thomas.

It’s nothing new: The two justices have been attending Federalist Society events for years. And it’s nothing that runs afoul of ethics rules. In fact, justices are exempt from the Code of Conduct that governs the actions of lower federal judges.

If they were, they arguably fell under code’s Canon 4C, which states, “A judge may attend fund-raising events of law-related and other organizations although the judge may not be a speaker, a guest of honor, or featured on the program of such an event.“

Nevertheless, the sheer proximity of Scalia and Thomas to two of the law firms in the case, as well as to a company with a massive financial interest, was enough to alarm ethics-in-government activists.
Of course the two justices you disagree with most MUST be removed from hearing the case.

How about you try to win the case on its merits, not by making up some conflict of interest. I'm sure Ginsberg et al on the liberal side have attended dinners given by Supporters of Obamacare, amazing you seem just fine ignoring it.

Also, implying that, on a non real time message board, 25 min period with no response from someone who opposes your opinion means that said people HAVE no retort is the sign of a person unable to win debates using proper logic, instead resorting to cheap "gotcha" tricks.
Of course the two justices you disagree with most MUST be removed from hearing the case.

How about you try to win the case on its merits, not by making up some conflict of interest. I'm sure Ginsberg et al on the liberal side have attended dinners given by Supporters of Obamacare, amazing you seem just fine ignoring it.

Also, implying that, on a non real time message board, 25 min period with no response from someone who opposes your opinion means that said people HAVE no retort is the sign of a person unable to win debates using proper logic, instead resorting to cheap "gotcha" tricks.

Speaking of proper logic. Here I show proof that two conservative justices are dining with lawyers arguing against the health care law, and speaking at engagements sponsored by opponents of the law. Then you come in and start throwing out assumptions. Link it or shut up. Hack.
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Forget about Kagan; if anybody should recuse themselves from the SC health care law case, it should be Thomas and Scalia. This isn't the first time these two have crossed ethical boundaries. Anybody interested in a fair process should be outraged.

Scalia and Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers as court takes case -

The day the Supreme Court gathered behind closed doors to consider the politically divisive question of whether it would hear a challenge to President Obama’s healthcare law, two of its justices, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, were feted at a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the high court.


Clement’s law firm, Bancroft PLLC, was one of almost two dozen firms that helped sponsor the annual dinner of the Federalist Society, a longstanding group dedicated to advocating conservative legal principles. Another firm that sponsored the dinner, Jones Day, represents one of the trade associations that challenged the law, the National Federation of Independent Business.

Another sponsor was pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc, which has an enormous financial stake in the outcome of the litigation. The dinner was held at a Washington hotel hours after the court's conference over the case. In attendance was, among others, Mitch McConnell, the Senate’s top Republican and an avowed opponent of the healthcare law.

The featured guests at the dinner? Scalia and Thomas.

It’s nothing new: The two justices have been attending Federalist Society events for years. And it’s nothing that runs afoul of ethics rules. In fact, justices are exempt from the Code of Conduct that governs the actions of lower federal judges.

If they were, they arguably fell under code’s Canon 4C, which states, “A judge may attend fund-raising events of law-related and other organizations although the judge may not be a speaker, a guest of honor, or featured on the program of such an event.“

Nevertheless, the sheer proximity of Scalia and Thomas to two of the law firms in the case, as well as to a company with a massive financial interest, was enough to alarm ethics-in-government activists.
They should be investigated and their financial records subpoenaed to see if they have been paid off, and if so they should be impeached.
Agreed. Lifetime appointment, Schlifetime appointment. They may not be beholden to any ethics laws, but they are clearly crossing ethical boundaries. This stinks to high heaven.
Isn't Thomas' wife the one that was a teabagger leader who took lots of PAC money to go against Obama's health care bill?

He should DEFINITELY recuse himself.
Isn't Thomas' wife the one that was a teabagger leader who took lots of PAC money to go against Obama's health care bill?

He should DEFINITELY recuse himself.

Correct. She also gained financially from the Citizens United ruling last year.
I'm sure Ginsberg et al on the liberal side have attended dinners given by Supporters of Obamacare, amazing you seem just fine ignoring it.

Still no link to that imagined scenario in your head? :eusa_whistle:
SCOTUS is just a bigger version of any small town courthouse.

I can't count the time I've seen the "good old boy club" at a local restaurant.....judges, state attorneys, defenders, bailiffs.
It's going to happen.......
The Federalist Society?


They appeared at the Federalist Society??

When Obama loses in 2012 Im going to volunteer at a Suicide Prevention hotline and tell Liberal callers to go suck a howitzer.

The Federalist Society!?
The Federalist Society?


They appeared at the Federalist Society??

When Obama loses in 2012 Im going to volunteer at a Suicide Prevention hotline and tell Liberal callers to go suck a howitzer.

The Federalist Society!?

Yes, a conservative group. A dinner with a lawyer from the firm who will be arguing against the health care law. Understand?
I would be greatly surprised if any of the Justices recuse themselves.

I'm just hoping Obamacare lands in the rubbish heap where it belongs.
Forget about Kagan; if anybody should recuse themselves from the SC health care law case, it should be Thomas and Scalia. This isn't the first time these two have crossed ethical boundaries. Anybody interested in a fair process should be outraged.

Scalia and Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers as court takes case -

The day the Supreme Court gathered behind closed doors to consider the politically divisive question of whether it would hear a challenge to President Obama’s healthcare law, two of its justices, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, were feted at a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the high court.


Clement’s law firm, Bancroft PLLC, was one of almost two dozen firms that helped sponsor the annual dinner of the Federalist Society, a longstanding group dedicated to advocating conservative legal principles. Another firm that sponsored the dinner, Jones Day, represents one of the trade associations that challenged the law, the National Federation of Independent Business.

Another sponsor was pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc, which has an enormous financial stake in the outcome of the litigation. The dinner was held at a Washington hotel hours after the court's conference over the case. In attendance was, among others, Mitch McConnell, the Senate’s top Republican and an avowed opponent of the health care law.

The featured guests at the dinner? Scalia and Thomas.

It’s nothing new: The two justices have been attending Federalist Society events for years. And it’s nothing that runs afoul of ethics rules. In fact, justices are exempt from the Code of Conduct that governs the actions of lower federal judges.

If they were, they arguably fell under code’s Canon 4C, which states, “A judge may attend fund-raising events of law-related and other organizations although the judge may not be a speaker, a guest of honor, or featured on the program of such an event.“

Nevertheless, the sheer proximity of Scalia and Thomas to two of the law firms in the case, as well as to a company with a massive financial interest, was enough to alarm ethics-in-government activists.

Even though I'd like to see Obamacare tossed because of the mandate, I think it's 100% inappropriate that Scalia and Thomas were part of this clearly motivated event.
These people are supposed to representing the final law of the land.
This is another example of why is country is going down the tubes. Politicians can get legally bought ala "donations" and these are the prople make the laws. And then those who make the final determination of justice are exempt form any codes and they turn around and whore themselves.
I'm sure the Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves non-stop.
Another example of how this country is going away from democracy as it solidifies the future of plutocracy thanks to corruption of our justices and those who are supposed to be representing "We the People".
Of course the two justices you disagree with most MUST be removed from hearing the case.

How about you try to win the case on its merits, not by making up some conflict of interest. I'm sure Ginsberg et al on the liberal side have attended dinners given by Supporters of Obamacare, amazing you seem just fine ignoring it.

Also, implying that, on a non real time message board, 25 min period with no response from someone who opposes your opinion means that said people HAVE no retort is the sign of a person unable to win debates using proper logic, instead resorting to cheap "gotcha" tricks.

Speaking of proper logic. Here I show proof that two conservative justices are dining with lawyers arguing against the health care law, and speaking at engagements sponsored by opponents of the law. Then you come in and start throwing out assumptions. Link it or shut up. Hack.

Yet you show nothing about this influencing thier decsion, or impacting thier view on the law. Its guilt by association, and its against the two justices most likely to vote against the law being consitutional. Thier views on this are well known already, regardless of being fed a crappy piece of chicken and a slice of cheescake at a legal function.

No ethics law has been violated, they have no reason to recuse themselves.

Why should I do any research, we all know all of the justices attend events, functions hosted by various organizations that submit briefs to the court.

Look up each one at this site. They all travel and go to events and syposiums.

Again, the only reason you are SO CONCERNED about scalia and thomas is that you disagree with them politically.

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And for the hack comment, you can go fuck yourself with a tire iron.
Even though I'd like to see Obamacare tossed because of the mandate, I think it's 100% inappropriate that Scalia and Thomas were part of this clearly motivated event.
These people are supposed to representing the final law of the land.
This is another example of why is country is going down the tubes. Politicians can get legally bought ala "donations" and these are the prople make the laws. And then those who make the final determination of justice are exempt form any codes and they turn around and whore themselves.
I'm sure the Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves non-stop.
Another example of how this country is going away from democracy as it solidifies the future of plutocracy thanks to corruption of our justices and those who are supposed to be representing "We the People".

Exactly. This should be a non-partisan issue. I would be just as outraged if the tables were turned. Thanks for your honesty.
The Federalist Society?


They appeared at the Federalist Society??

When Obama loses in 2012 Im going to volunteer at a Suicide Prevention hotline and tell Liberal callers to go suck a howitzer.

The Federalist Society!?

Yes, a conservative group. A dinner with a lawyer from the firm who will be arguing against the health care law. Understand?

So when Liberal Justices Hang out with Pro Choice Activists, Why are you silent about it?
I would be greatly surprised if any of the Justices recuse themselves.

I'm just hoping Obamacare lands in the rubbish heap where it belongs.
The only one that should is Kagan, she has a clear conflict in that she helped shaped the law and the legal arguments in support of it. This whole childish hissy the left is having about Thomas is nothing but cover to allow kagan to not recuse herself in the classic "I know you are but what am I" argument.
Tell you what. I will show some outrage over this when liberals show outrage over Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Pelosi engaging in insider trading, Harry Reid's Coyote Springs bullshit, etc, etc, etc...
Of course the two justices you disagree with most MUST be removed from hearing the case.

How about you try to win the case on its merits, not by making up some conflict of interest. I'm sure Ginsberg et al on the liberal side have attended dinners given by Supporters of Obamacare, amazing you seem just fine ignoring it.

Also, implying that, on a non real time message board, 25 min period with no response from someone who opposes your opinion means that said people HAVE no retort is the sign of a person unable to win debates using proper logic, instead resorting to cheap "gotcha" tricks.

Speaking of proper logic. Here I show proof that two conservative justices are dining with lawyers arguing against the health care law, and speaking at engagements sponsored by opponents of the law. Then you come in and start throwing out assumptions. Link it or shut up. Hack.

Yet you show nothing about this influencing thier decsion, or impacting thier view on the law. Its guilt by association, and its against the two justices most likely to vote against the law being consitutional. Thier views on this are well known already, regardless of being fed a crappy piece of chicken and a slice of cheescake at a legal function.

No ethics law has been violated, they have no reason to recuse themselves.

How can I show how it influences their decision when they haven't made a decision? They may no be breaking any rules, but their is clearly a conflict of interest here. BTW, they did more than eat a crappy piece of cake, as you put it; they actually spoke at the event.

Why should I do any research, we all know all of the justices attend events, functions hosted by various organizations that submit briefs to the court.

Why? Because you made the charge, that's why. I have a link for this story. Where's your link? You said liberal justices do the same thing. Link it or shut up. HACK.

Again, the only reason you are SO CONCERNED about scalia and thomas is that you disagree with them politically.

So, now you can read my mind? Or is it because you're a partisan hack and can't imagine anybody being non-partisan on any issue? I would be just as outraged if the tables were turned. Prove me wrong. HACK.

And for the hack comment, you can go fuck yourself with a tire iron.

Go eat a bag of dicks. HACK.

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