‘Scandalous’ Solyndra Program Actually Earned Taxpayers A $5 Billion Profit

You really are showing what a fool you are.

I have not said anything different from what the report said.

I simply took the numbers and ran them like I would any venture analysis.

If you can show me where I am wrong instead of whining like a little kid, I'll be here.
Explain how any of that proves the tax payers didn't get a 5 billion return? The initial cost of Solydra's failure was a poultry 500 million.

Yes you are right! "poultry" i.e. chicken feed!
Think you meant paltry not "poultry"!
See it appears even understanding simple words is hard for people like you!
The issue is simple. Is $5 billion return over 22 years on a $32 billion project equal to 0.71% a year?
Do you understand? This is just another example of how Gruber was right in his "Stupidity of the American voter".
Do you understand simple math better then you understand the meaning of words?
Yes I meant paltry.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? So the fuck what if it is over 22 years? SO THE FUCK WHAT?

Do you understand that?

It works out to .71% per year return on investment (ROI) over 22 years.
In case decimals cause you problems... that is 7/10ths of one percent ROI.
The average interest rate on a savings account over past 22 years has been 4.35%
Interest Rates on Savings Accounts since 1960
Do you understand that putting money in a savings account generates nearly 4 times the return the return generated by projects like Solyndra?
Think how many wounded veterans would have better care with the same $32 billion?
Good god you cons are so desperate to find any negativity in regards to Obama. It's so pathetic. You come across like children. I mean hell we are talking about a 5 billion return here. That's it. I don't even think it's really all that great. You just have to tear it apart just so you can feel validated about hating Obama.

You also need to remember that the economy under Obama today is a stellar improvement over what it had become in early 2009. That all started with Bush in case you like to pretend that isn't true.

5 billion is 5 billion is 5 billion. I don't care what it comes down to per year lol. You need to get a life.

Got it.

5 Billion is only 5 Billion/8Trillon (0.0625 %) of the debt Obama has run up. Wow, all he needs is 1600 more investments like that. That would only take 54 Trillion dollars.

And he could do it over 100 fucking years if it were up to you.

This assumes that the asswipe who wrote the article understands that the SIMPLE interest (at 4%) on 32 billion dollars over 22 years is.....28 Billion. If we compound that interest (they don't say when the loans get paid back), it is much more than that.

Wall Streets going to enjoy all that extra money in the meantime.
Explain how any of that proves the tax payers didn't get a 5 billion return? The initial cost of Solydra's failure was a poultry 500 million.

Yes you are right! "poultry" i.e. chicken feed!
Think you meant paltry not "poultry"!
See it appears even understanding simple words is hard for people like you!
The issue is simple. Is $5 billion return over 22 years on a $32 billion project equal to 0.71% a year?
Do you understand? This is just another example of how Gruber was right in his "Stupidity of the American voter".
Do you understand simple math better then you understand the meaning of words?
Yes I meant paltry.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? So the fuck what if it is over 22 years? SO THE FUCK WHAT?

Do you understand that?

It works out to .71% per year return on investment (ROI) over 22 years.
In case decimals cause you problems... that is 7/10ths of one percent ROI.
The average interest rate on a savings account over past 22 years has been 4.35%
Interest Rates on Savings Accounts since 1960
Do you understand that putting money in a savings account generates nearly 4 times the return the return generated by projects like Solyndra?
Think how many wounded veterans would have better care with the same $32 billion?
Good god you cons are so desperate to find any negativity in regards to Obama. It's so pathetic. You come across like children. I mean hell we are talking about a 5 billion return here. That's it. I don't even think it's really all that great. You just have to tear it apart just so you can feel validated about hating Obama.

You also need to remember that the economy under Obama today is a stellar improvement over what it had become in early 2009. That all started with Bush in case you like to pretend that isn't true.

5 billion is 5 billion is 5 billion. I don't care what it comes down to per year lol. You need to get a life.

Got it.

5 Billion is only 5 Billion/8Trillon (0.0625 %) of the debt Obama has run up. Wow, all he needs is 1600 more investments like that. That would only take 54 Trillion dollars.

And he could do it over 100 fucking years if it were up to you.

This assumes that the asswipe who wrote the article understands that the SIMPLE interest (at 4%) on 32 billion dollars over 22 years is.....28 Billion. If we compound that interest (they don't say when the loans get paid back), it is much more than that.

Wall Streets going to enjoy all that extra money in the meantime.
I'm curious do you even know what exactly comprises Obama's contribution to our debt? I doubt it. You all like to think he accelerated entitlement spending even though he barely had a hand in it. Obama's contribution to the debt in terms of his policies are extending Bush's tax cuts and a crazy increase in defense spending. Two revenue sucking policies you cons have always loved.
In fact a good portion of the debt under Obama isn't even because of him.

Here's another fun fact: Reagan also greatly accelerated our national debt. However in terms of inflation, the actual dollar amount is much lower. That means Reagan's actual spending toll isn't much better than Obama's. The only reason Obama holds such a high spending record in terms of raw dollars is inflation. In terms of government spending, Reagan was no better.
Yes you are right! "poultry" i.e. chicken feed!
Think you meant paltry not "poultry"!
See it appears even understanding simple words is hard for people like you!
The issue is simple. Is $5 billion return over 22 years on a $32 billion project equal to 0.71% a year?
Do you understand? This is just another example of how Gruber was right in his "Stupidity of the American voter".
Do you understand simple math better then you understand the meaning of words?
Yes I meant paltry.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? So the fuck what if it is over 22 years? SO THE FUCK WHAT?

Do you understand that?

It works out to .71% per year return on investment (ROI) over 22 years.
In case decimals cause you problems... that is 7/10ths of one percent ROI.
The average interest rate on a savings account over past 22 years has been 4.35%
Interest Rates on Savings Accounts since 1960
Do you understand that putting money in a savings account generates nearly 4 times the return the return generated by projects like Solyndra?
Think how many wounded veterans would have better care with the same $32 billion?
Good god you cons are so desperate to find any negativity in regards to Obama. It's so pathetic. You come across like children. I mean hell we are talking about a 5 billion return here. That's it. I don't even think it's really all that great. You just have to tear it apart just so you can feel validated about hating Obama.

You also need to remember that the economy under Obama today is a stellar improvement over what it had become in early 2009. That all started with Bush in case you like to pretend that isn't true.

5 billion is 5 billion is 5 billion. I don't care what it comes down to per year lol. You need to get a life.

Got it.

5 Billion is only 5 Billion/8Trillon (0.0625 %) of the debt Obama has run up. Wow, all he needs is 1600 more investments like that. That would only take 54 Trillion dollars.

And he could do it over 100 fucking years if it were up to you.

This assumes that the asswipe who wrote the article understands that the SIMPLE interest (at 4%) on 32 billion dollars over 22 years is.....28 Billion. If we compound that interest (they don't say when the loans get paid back), it is much more than that.

Wall Streets going to enjoy all that extra money in the meantime.
I'm curious do you even know what exactly comprises Obama's contribution to our debt? I doubt it. You all like to think he accelerated entitlement spending even though he barely had a hand in it. Obama's contribution to the debt in terms of his policies are extending Bush's tax cuts and a crazy increase in defense spending. Two revenue sucking policies you cons have always loved.
In fact a good portion of the debt under Obama isn't even because of him.

Here's another fun fact: Reagan also greatly accelerated our national debt. However in terms of inflation, the actual dollar amount is much lower. That means Reagan's actual spending toll isn't much better than Obama's. The only reason Obama holds such a high spending record in terms of raw dollars is inflation. In terms of government spending, Reagan was no better.

Hey Billy, you dumb stupid ass fucking moron. You dumb fucking brainwashed piece of shit. You fucking morons love to bring up Reagan and how he spent.

You dumb ignorant fuck.

Reagan was in the middle of dealing with a recession from Carter where the home interest rates reached as high as 22%. He had to deal with unreal inflation.

PLUS (you poor ignorant ass)

He was still dealing with the cold war. There was indeed an arms race, and much to the hatred of everything liberal, Reagan made our nation's army into the worlds most powerful. He also built our space industry that also helped the USS collapse. Much, to the dismay of the fucking commie professors that teach you that socialism is a utopia.

It is not that money it spent, it is WHAT the money is spent on.

So, the debt has grown at a rate that is higher than any of the previous presidents combined. While doing that, he has shrunk our military and NASA is no longer even around. Our astronauts have to hitch rides with Russia.

He has emboldened our enemies and has alienated our allies. There is a new cold war with Russia, Israel's leaders cannot and will trust democrats, and terrorism is taking over the world.
Yes I meant paltry.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? So the fuck what if it is over 22 years? SO THE FUCK WHAT?

Do you understand that?

It works out to .71% per year return on investment (ROI) over 22 years.
In case decimals cause you problems... that is 7/10ths of one percent ROI.
The average interest rate on a savings account over past 22 years has been 4.35%
Interest Rates on Savings Accounts since 1960
Do you understand that putting money in a savings account generates nearly 4 times the return the return generated by projects like Solyndra?
Think how many wounded veterans would have better care with the same $32 billion?
Good god you cons are so desperate to find any negativity in regards to Obama. It's so pathetic. You come across like children. I mean hell we are talking about a 5 billion return here. That's it. I don't even think it's really all that great. You just have to tear it apart just so you can feel validated about hating Obama.

You also need to remember that the economy under Obama today is a stellar improvement over what it had become in early 2009. That all started with Bush in case you like to pretend that isn't true.

5 billion is 5 billion is 5 billion. I don't care what it comes down to per year lol. You need to get a life.

Got it.

5 Billion is only 5 Billion/8Trillon (0.0625 %) of the debt Obama has run up. Wow, all he needs is 1600 more investments like that. That would only take 54 Trillion dollars.

And he could do it over 100 fucking years if it were up to you.

This assumes that the asswipe who wrote the article understands that the SIMPLE interest (at 4%) on 32 billion dollars over 22 years is.....28 Billion. If we compound that interest (they don't say when the loans get paid back), it is much more than that.

Wall Streets going to enjoy all that extra money in the meantime.
I'm curious do you even know what exactly comprises Obama's contribution to our debt? I doubt it. You all like to think he accelerated entitlement spending even though he barely had a hand in it. Obama's contribution to the debt in terms of his policies are extending Bush's tax cuts and a crazy increase in defense spending. Two revenue sucking policies you cons have always loved.
In fact a good portion of the debt under Obama isn't even because of him.

Here's another fun fact: Reagan also greatly accelerated our national debt. However in terms of inflation, the actual dollar amount is much lower. That means Reagan's actual spending toll isn't much better than Obama's. The only reason Obama holds such a high spending record in terms of raw dollars is inflation. In terms of government spending, Reagan was no better.

Hey Billy, you dumb stupid ass fucking moron. You dumb fucking brainwashed piece of shit. You fucking morons love to bring up Reagan and how he spent.

You dumb ignorant fuck.

Reagan was in the middle of dealing with a recession from Carter where the home interest rates reached as high as 22%. He had to deal with unreal inflation.

PLUS (you poor ignorant ass)

He was still dealing with the cold war. There was indeed an arms race, and much to the hatred of everything liberal, Reagan made our nation's army into the worlds most powerful. He also built our space industry that also helped the USS collapse. Much, to the dismay of the fucking commie professors that teach you that socialism is a utopia.

It is not that money it spent, it is WHAT the money is spent on.

So, the debt has grown at a rate that is higher than any of the previous presidents combined. While doing that, he has shrunk our military and NASA is no longer even around. Our astronauts have to hitch rides with Russia.

He has emboldened our enemies and has alienated our allies. There is a new cold war with Russia, Israel's leaders cannot and will trust democrats, and terrorism is taking over the world.
Lol dude you have serious issues. I'm sure you were probably bullied in high school or something but lashing out anonymously at me on a message board will do nothing for your self esteem.

Oh so you are justifying Reagan's crazy spending because of the economy he inherited? Hmmmm interesting. Lol are you unaware of the fucking colossal mess Obama inherited from Bush? You're a hypocrite.

Oh and Obama is well respected everywhere in the world besides Muslim countries and Russia. Polls prove that.
The portfolio’s losses only amount to $780 million so far, and they aren’t expected to rise above $2 billion once everything is said and done

My god, the Liberals actually think that is a good thing.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
Yes you are right! "poultry" i.e. chicken feed!
Think you meant paltry not "poultry"!
See it appears even understanding simple words is hard for people like you!
The issue is simple. Is $5 billion return over 22 years on a $32 billion project equal to 0.71% a year?
Do you understand? This is just another example of how Gruber was right in his "Stupidity of the American voter".
Do you understand simple math better then you understand the meaning of words?
Yes I meant paltry.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? So the fuck what if it is over 22 years? SO THE FUCK WHAT?

Do you understand that?

It works out to .71% per year return on investment (ROI) over 22 years.
In case decimals cause you problems... that is 7/10ths of one percent ROI.
The average interest rate on a savings account over past 22 years has been 4.35%
Interest Rates on Savings Accounts since 1960
Do you understand that putting money in a savings account generates nearly 4 times the return the return generated by projects like Solyndra?
Think how many wounded veterans would have better care with the same $32 billion?
Good god you cons are so desperate to find any negativity in regards to Obama. It's so pathetic. You come across like children. I mean hell we are talking about a 5 billion return here. That's it. I don't even think it's really all that great. You just have to tear it apart just so you can feel validated about hating Obama.

You also need to remember that the economy under Obama today is a stellar improvement over what it had become in early 2009. That all started with Bush in case you like to pretend that isn't true.

5 billion is 5 billion is 5 billion. I don't care what it comes down to per year lol. You need to get a life.

Got it.

5 Billion is only 5 Billion/8Trillon (0.0625 %) of the debt Obama has run up. Wow, all he needs is 1600 more investments like that. That would only take 54 Trillion dollars.

And he could do it over 100 fucking years if it were up to you.

This assumes that the asswipe who wrote the article understands that the SIMPLE interest (at 4%) on 32 billion dollars over 22 years is.....28 Billion. If we compound that interest (they don't say when the loans get paid back), it is much more than that.

Wall Streets going to enjoy all that extra money in the meantime.
I'm curious do you even know what exactly comprises Obama's contribution to our debt? I doubt it. You all like to think he accelerated entitlement spending even though he barely had a hand in it. Obama's contribution to the debt in terms of his policies are extending Bush's tax cuts and a crazy increase in defense spending. Two revenue sucking policies you cons have always loved.
In fact a good portion of the debt under Obama isn't even because of him.

Here's another fun fact: Reagan also greatly accelerated our national debt. However in terms of inflation, the actual dollar amount is much lower. That means Reagan's actual spending toll isn't much better than Obama's. The only reason Obama holds such a high spending record in terms of raw dollars is inflation. In terms of government spending, Reagan was no better.

Hey Wilbur,

That isn't the subject of this thread. You've tried time and time again to deflect.

Why, give your pathetic understanding of finance and economics, would ever think to engage you in such a conversation.

You attack people for things they didn't say (because you are so ideologically wound up you can't help it).

Then you defend stupid positions with bared teeth.

You are one stupid moron.

Start another bullshit thread if you want to debate those contributions...otherwise, it is clear you are ADD, uneducated and trying to deflect. Motherfucker.
Yes I meant paltry.

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? So the fuck what if it is over 22 years? SO THE FUCK WHAT?

Do you understand that?

It works out to .71% per year return on investment (ROI) over 22 years.
In case decimals cause you problems... that is 7/10ths of one percent ROI.
The average interest rate on a savings account over past 22 years has been 4.35%
Interest Rates on Savings Accounts since 1960
Do you understand that putting money in a savings account generates nearly 4 times the return the return generated by projects like Solyndra?
Think how many wounded veterans would have better care with the same $32 billion?
Good god you cons are so desperate to find any negativity in regards to Obama. It's so pathetic. You come across like children. I mean hell we are talking about a 5 billion return here. That's it. I don't even think it's really all that great. You just have to tear it apart just so you can feel validated about hating Obama.

You also need to remember that the economy under Obama today is a stellar improvement over what it had become in early 2009. That all started with Bush in case you like to pretend that isn't true.

5 billion is 5 billion is 5 billion. I don't care what it comes down to per year lol. You need to get a life.

Got it.

5 Billion is only 5 Billion/8Trillon (0.0625 %) of the debt Obama has run up. Wow, all he needs is 1600 more investments like that. That would only take 54 Trillion dollars.

And he could do it over 100 fucking years if it were up to you.

This assumes that the asswipe who wrote the article understands that the SIMPLE interest (at 4%) on 32 billion dollars over 22 years is.....28 Billion. If we compound that interest (they don't say when the loans get paid back), it is much more than that.

Wall Streets going to enjoy all that extra money in the meantime.
I'm curious do you even know what exactly comprises Obama's contribution to our debt? I doubt it. You all like to think he accelerated entitlement spending even though he barely had a hand in it. Obama's contribution to the debt in terms of his policies are extending Bush's tax cuts and a crazy increase in defense spending. Two revenue sucking policies you cons have always loved.
In fact a good portion of the debt under Obama isn't even because of him.

Here's another fun fact: Reagan also greatly accelerated our national debt. However in terms of inflation, the actual dollar amount is much lower. That means Reagan's actual spending toll isn't much better than Obama's. The only reason Obama holds such a high spending record in terms of raw dollars is inflation. In terms of government spending, Reagan was no better.

Hey Wilbur,

That isn't the subject of this thread. You've tried time and time again to deflect.

Why, give your pathetic understanding of finance and economics, would ever think to engage you in such a conversation.

You attack people for things they didn't say (because you are so ideologically wound up you can't help it).

Then you defend stupid positions with bared teeth.

You are one stupid moron.

Start another bullshit thread if you want to debate those contributions...otherwise, it is clear you are ADD, uneducated and trying to deflect. Motherfucker.
Um you brought up Obama's debt, not me,
It works out to .71% per year return on investment (ROI) over 22 years.
In case decimals cause you problems... that is 7/10ths of one percent ROI.
The average interest rate on a savings account over past 22 years has been 4.35%
Interest Rates on Savings Accounts since 1960
Do you understand that putting money in a savings account generates nearly 4 times the return the return generated by projects like Solyndra?
Think how many wounded veterans would have better care with the same $32 billion?
Good god you cons are so desperate to find any negativity in regards to Obama. It's so pathetic. You come across like children. I mean hell we are talking about a 5 billion return here. That's it. I don't even think it's really all that great. You just have to tear it apart just so you can feel validated about hating Obama.

You also need to remember that the economy under Obama today is a stellar improvement over what it had become in early 2009. That all started with Bush in case you like to pretend that isn't true.

5 billion is 5 billion is 5 billion. I don't care what it comes down to per year lol. You need to get a life.

Got it.

5 Billion is only 5 Billion/8Trillon (0.0625 %) of the debt Obama has run up. Wow, all he needs is 1600 more investments like that. That would only take 54 Trillion dollars.

And he could do it over 100 fucking years if it were up to you.

This assumes that the asswipe who wrote the article understands that the SIMPLE interest (at 4%) on 32 billion dollars over 22 years is.....28 Billion. If we compound that interest (they don't say when the loans get paid back), it is much more than that.

Wall Streets going to enjoy all that extra money in the meantime.
I'm curious do you even know what exactly comprises Obama's contribution to our debt? I doubt it. You all like to think he accelerated entitlement spending even though he barely had a hand in it. Obama's contribution to the debt in terms of his policies are extending Bush's tax cuts and a crazy increase in defense spending. Two revenue sucking policies you cons have always loved.
In fact a good portion of the debt under Obama isn't even because of him.

Here's another fun fact: Reagan also greatly accelerated our national debt. However in terms of inflation, the actual dollar amount is much lower. That means Reagan's actual spending toll isn't much better than Obama's. The only reason Obama holds such a high spending record in terms of raw dollars is inflation. In terms of government spending, Reagan was no better.

Hey Wilbur,

That isn't the subject of this thread. You've tried time and time again to deflect.

Why, give your pathetic understanding of finance and economics, would ever think to engage you in such a conversation.

You attack people for things they didn't say (because you are so ideologically wound up you can't help it).

Then you defend stupid positions with bared teeth.

You are one stupid moron.

Start another bullshit thread if you want to debate those contributions...otherwise, it is clear you are ADD, uneducated and trying to deflect. Motherfucker.
Um you brought up Obama's debt, not me,

In the context of what your whopping 5 Billion meant (basically nothing).

Get it straight, dickweed.

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