Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ‘holy hell’ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.
joe scarborogh?....who the fuck cares what that useless piece of shit thinks....he was just as bad of a senator as he is a talking head...and as a musician?....holy
Trump has a horrible habit of attacking long time American instutions. The Justice Department, the FBI, the media, the election process and the judicial system. All of these autocratic style attacks, violate the oath he took, when he became President of the United States.
And Trumpster’s just absolutely love Trump’s autocratic distaste for the foundations for our country, established by the Founding Fathers.
At the same time, they claim to be this country’s true patriots. How naive.
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Trump has a horrible habit of attacking long time American instutions. The Justice Department, the FBI, the media, the election process and the judicial system. All of these autocratic style attacks, violate the oath he took, when he became President of the United States.
And Trumpster’s just absolutely Trump’s autocratic distaste for the foundations for our country, established by the Founding Fathers.
At the same time, they claim to be this country’s true patriots. How naive.
Every one of those institutions you mention deserve every ounce of scorn that's piled on them. Every damn one of them are bent out of shape crooked.
Trump has a horrible habit of attacking long time American instutions. The Justice Department, the FBI, the media, the election process and the judicial system. All of these autocratic style attacks, violate the oath he took, when he became President of the United States.
And Trumpster’s just absolutely Trump’s autocratic distaste for the foundations for our country, established by the Founding Fathers.
At the same time, they claim to be this country’s true patriots. How naive.
american institutions are not immune from criticism sure the Justice Dept and the FBI have fucked innocent people over during their existence for one shitty reason or another......
Nothing wrong with attacking them, they have been proven to be objectively biased.
Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised holy hell if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 12/23/17 05:24 QuotePM EST
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said Saturday that Democratic presidents, like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, would have faced swift backlash from GOP lawmakers if they criticized the FBI in the same vein as President Trump.

Scarborough's comments followed on the heels of a series of tweets from Trump targeting top FBI officials, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former Director James Comey.

In those tweets, Trump suggested that McCabe may have been compromised in his capacity at the agency by political influence, and that Comey was responsible for leaking information to the press.

The tweets were Trump's latest criticizing the nation's premier law enforcement agency. Earlier this month, he said the FBI's reputation was in "tatters" and that Americans had lost faith in the agency's ability to fairly and objectively conduct investigations.

Scarborough: Conservatives would have raised ‘holy hell’ if Obama attacked FBI like Trump
I know I would have attacked Obama or Clinton for the same shit. This is fucking bs and pure fascism what Trump is doing.

Yes you are right. If Obama did 1/1000 of what Trump has said or done, he'd be in impeachment right now.
Thanks Trumpsters for making my point.
Any entity that does it’s job and doesn’t bow to his wishes, Trump attacks, which is an attack on the Constitution, which he pledges to defend, when taking the oath.
Can any of you clowns name one president who attacked America’s institutions as much as Trump?
Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur when it comes to abusing this country’s foundations as described by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Thanks Trumpsters for making my point.
Any entity that does it’s job and doesn’t bow to his wishes, Trump attacks, which is an attack on the Constitution, which he pledges to defend, when taking the oath.
Can any of you clowns name one president who attacked America’s institutions as much as Trump?
Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur when it comes to abusing this country’s foundations as described by the Constitution of the United States of America.

If FBI did its job, why is Hillary still walking free?
Thanks Trumpsters for making my point.
Any entity that does it’s job and doesn’t bow to his wishes, Trump attacks, which is an attack on the Constitution, which he pledges to defend, when taking the oath.
Can any of you clowns name one president who attacked America’s institutions as much as Trump?
Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur when it comes to abusing this country’s foundations as described by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Trump is the first POTUS to make those institutions to sit up and heel. Those bastards have always acted as though they run things. Trump is merely reminding them that they are now answering to their masters: The People.
He’s probably right but the idea the the left would have gone after Obama or Clinton for doing the same thing is laughable.
Thanks Trumpsters for making my point.
Any entity that does it’s job and doesn’t bow to his wishes, Trump attacks, which is an attack on the Constitution, which he pledges to defend, when taking the oath.
Can any of you clowns name one president who attacked America’s institutions as much as Trump?
Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur when it comes to abusing this country’s foundations as described by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Trump is the first POTUS to make those institutions to sit up and heel. Those bastards have always acted as though they run things. Trump is merely reminding them that they are now answering to their masters: The People.

They were answering to the People. Trump is not 'the people'.
Thanks Trumpsters for making my point.
Any entity that does it’s job and doesn’t bow to his wishes, Trump attacks, which is an attack on the Constitution, which he pledges to defend, when taking the oath.
Can any of you clowns name one president who attacked America’s institutions as much as Trump?
Trump makes Nixon look like an amateur when it comes to abusing this country’s foundations as described by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Trump is the first POTUS to make those institutions to sit up and heel. Those bastards have always acted as though they run things. Trump is merely reminding them that they are now answering to their masters: The People.

And he's got them on the run.

McCabe is now gonna retire the first week of March and that lawyer
they have...Jim Baker...who is believed to have leaked the Dossier to
the press is now being reassigned.

They've got the goods on all of them.

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