Scared Of A Stare: Ex-Deputy Eddie Duran Justified Fatally Shooting Roger Fortson Over U.S. Airman’s ‘Look Of Aggression’

So you don't have the training or experience.

Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night? Maybe you should sign up and show them how it's done since you are so much more knowledgeable than the experts who encounter this every single day.
You think the experts shoot people everyday for no reason other than they have a gun in their home? You think this officer was trained correctly when he shoots first and then asks the suspect to drop their weapon. You can’t be serious in thinking that was proper training.
He was holding a gun in his hand and that represents a threat
The only threat was the police officer who decided to become judge Jurry and executioner over someone exercising their right. Yea cops like that are a threat to us all
The only threat was the police officer who decided to become judge Jurry and executioner over someone exercising their right. Yea cops like that are a threat to us all
You’re being totally irrational

There was no reason to confront the deputy with a gun unless he was prepared to use it

And that makes the airman a threat
You’re being totally irrational

There was no reason to confront the deputy with a gun unless he was prepared to use it

And that makes the airman a threat
You don’t need a reason to exercise your rights, that’s not how they work. There was no reason to shoot the airman before asking him to drop his weapon except poor training. You are defending the guy who fucked this up from the start.

The police are often shot when answering a domestic disturbance call

Its a high risk situation

Cop needs to hang. This was cold-blooded murder, nothing more and nothing less. Anything short of public crucifixion is not harsh enough.

Cop needs to hang. This was cold-blooded murder, nothing more and nothing less. Anything short of public crucifixion is not harsh enough.
It was the address the deputy was given

And it was described as a disturbance which could lead to almost anything
So by your logic every police officer with a gun is a potential threat?

Absolutely yes!

What's your premise pussy? That we should care about those 503 or that 503 over a decade of domestic calls is reasons enough to let cops shoot people in their own homes?

He's a copsucker.

Thats so stupid

You would be one of the first to call the cops for protection if in danger


i never new person to open a door to a cop with a gun. i guess black people do it because of the way the treat each other.

Actually, MANY people do in rural areas in the middle of the night. (It's actually MUCH more of a thing in rural areas.)
You are just stubbornly chanting the same line

And its bullshit

There was no good reason to open the door holding a gun
Exercising your rights is a great reason. There is no reason for a cop to shoot someone who wasn’t threatening them. I see you have backed away from your original claim of it being a domestic disturbance you’re getting closer to the truth now just admit the officer was wrong and you’ll be on the right side of the case
There was a reason

The black guy acted foolishly by holding a gun

No, the cop was a psycho. I wonder if he had an orgasm when he fired.

Is that a legal reason? Is holding a gun inside your own home reason enough for me to be allowed to shoot you? :dunno:

No, but he would defend a cop murdering YOU in cold blood to the end.

Or the officer could have received better training so he doesn’t execute someone in their own home exercising their rights. There is no way to paint this that isn’t the officers fault. He was the piece of the puzzle that was broke

I figure he just wanted to watch a man die.

Are you a person OK with the State shooting you in your own home for no legal reason?

Yes. He is a copsucker. He will excuse ANY action by cops, no matter how egregious.

Fucking LEO was fired and word is out on him ( He can get a gig as a Kubota Tractor Salesman ) oh and they yanked his LEOSA Carry Permit and his county yanked his State Permit too

He should have already been nailed to a cross.

I depend on the police to keep the vermin at bay

And I support them because its not an easy job

There was no logical reason for the airman to open the door with a gun in his hand

That was really stupid

I depend on the police to keep the vermin at bay

And I support them because its not an easy job

There was no logical reason for the airman to open the door with a gun in his hand

That was really stupid
Just stop.

Look, I get it: you are a copsucker. There is NOTHING you will not excuse if a cop does it. You will excuse literally ANYTHING done by a cop, because it was done by a cop. I suspect you would find a way to excuse child molestation.
Just stop.

Look, I get it: you are a copsucker. There is NOTHING you will not excuse if a cop does it. You will excuse literally ANYTHING done by a cop, because it was done by a cop. I suspect you would find a way to excuse child molestation.
He would tell you there was no reason to open the door wearing that outfit unless you wanted the cop to sexually assault you.

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