Scathing New SEAL Ad Blasts Obama for Literally ‘Bowing’ to Foreign Leaders

Most people respect the fact that different cultures are different. All you have to do is talk to them, and explain why your culture and religion makes doing certain things uncomfortable. The only people that have a problem with that are idiots and assholes.

You haven't travelled a lot, have you QW?

I'd really love to see you in Argentina, explaining in your no doubt non-existant Spanish that you do not want the hotel owner to kiss you when you check in.

Captain Pretentious strikes again! :rolleyes:
culturally ignorant people will never understand, but then again, they have never been in the position of a leader of a nation.
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What politician is "using" them?

The people who made the ad.

btw, So far you don't seem to have addressed any of the issues raised by posters on this thread. This being a discussion forum, I hope you'll step up and discuss.

The ad was made by Special Operations For America.. not Romney.

And I think the American president should bow to NO ONE... PERIOD! (Nor should he kiss their ring)

Well long have you been complaining about the bowing bit....because the President has been doing that for courtesy reasons for a long, long time.
Most people respect the fact that different cultures are different. All you have to do is talk to them, and explain why your culture and religion makes doing certain things uncomfortable. The only people that have a problem with that are idiots and assholes.

You haven't travelled a lot, have you QW?

I'd really love to see you in Argentina, explaining in your no doubt non-existant Spanish that you do not want the hotel owner to kiss you when you check in.

I have probably been to more countries that you, doesn't make me special.
Actually, all you have to do is talk with people. They respect that a lot more than idiotic Americans that attempt to mimic cultural behavior without understanding it.

I would be willing to bet that if Obama did just that, he would be chastised by the right.

Bowing to a Japanese person upon a first meeting is an "attempt" to mimic cultural behavior? I suppose the same can be said for them trying to shake your hand? Is it an "attempt" no matter what? Mind you: only crazy people deal in absolutes.

It's about being an educated world citizen, or an ambassador for America to other cultures, it is our "civic" duty when we travel abroad to show that we are capable of being mindful of the tradition that has rested on the foreign soil beneath our feet. These are often traditions the have been around 500-5000 years before the ink hit the paper on our constitution.

Don't like it? Do the rest of us a favor and stay home.

Educated world citizens do not bow while shaming hands. Want to try again, or do you prefer to admit that you don't know what you are talking about?
Yes.. It makes you the quintessential dumb-shit American... A veritable "Quantum Windbag", if you will.. :lol:

See, like it or not, we share this rock with other cultures. I travel the world (in business), often with the CEO and CDO of my company (Both of whom are very conservative), even they know that you have observe the traditions of a culture. It shows a level of honor and respect for the culture of the people you are meeting face to face with.

I am sure your mother taught you manners (just like mine did), how you treat a foreigner is a direct representation of what you were taught as a child by your parents, or the lack thereof.

As I said previously, faux pas happen, even on a Presidential level. This is a perverted "non-issue" at best.

Actually, all you have to do is talk with people. They respect that a lot more than idiotic Americans that attempt to mimic cultural behavior without understanding it.

Moron. :lol:


Point out where I defended Bush and you might have a point.
You haven't travelled a lot, have you QW?

Remember who gives you the freedom to travel a lot. :eusa_clap:

No head of state should bow to another. Obama was subservient, spin it all you want, it was bad, bad, bad.

But of course since you "travelled" (the correct spelling is traveled) a lot, you know better, you're sure about proper protocol for heads of state.

Protocol has been for Presidents to bow. It has never been an issue until Obama did it

Making shit up now?
The people who made the ad.

btw, So far you don't seem to have addressed any of the issues raised by posters on this thread. This being a discussion forum, I hope you'll step up and discuss.

The ad was made by Special Operations For America.. not Romney.

And I think the American president should bow to NO ONE... PERIOD! (Nor should he kiss their ring)

Well long have you been complaining about the bowing bit....because the President has been doing that for courtesy reasons for a long, long time.

Damn, the left is getting so desperate they are resorting to outright lies. Strange thing, the NYT jumped all over Clinton for almost bowing to the Emperor of Japan back in 1994 in violation of State Department protocol. In fact, according to Miss Manners, it is actually unmannerly for Americans to bow. I think we both will admit that she knows a lot more about protocol than both of us combined.

With the imperial visit last week, official Washington was clearly determined to show that it knew well what courtesies should be showered on the 175th inheritor of the most formal throne on earth.
Guests invited to a white-tie state dinner at the White House (a Clinton Administration first) were instructed to address the Emperor as "Your Majesty," not "Your Highness" or, worse, "King." And in what one Administration aide called "some emperor thing," an Army general was cautioned that he should not address the Emperor Akihito at all as he escorted him to the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.
But the "thou need not bow" commandment from the State Department's protocol office maintained a constancy of more than 200 years. Administration officials scurried to insist that the eager-to-please President had not really done the unthinkable.
"It was not a bow-bow, if you know what I mean," said Ambassador Molly Raiser, the chief of protocol.
White House officials described Mr. Clinton's tilt as something of an improvisation. Because Emperor Akihito broke with tradition in turn to raise his glass at the state dinner, some even said Mr. Clinton had managed something of a breakthrough.
"Presidents don't bow, and Emperors don't toast," one official said. "So this was a little bit like the cultures meeting each other halfway."
THE WORLD - THE WORLD - The President's Inclination - No, It Wasn't a Bow-Bow -

Feel free to admit you don't know what you are talking about, or try another lie.
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So you've been ripping on all presidents? We missed that. We only see you going unhinged about Obama.

Nixon bows to Mao

If you keep looking, you can find every damn president bowing all over. If a person only goes hysterical over Obama, it indicates such a person is not rational, is a mindless partisan shrieker, and that advanced ODS has destroyed their ability to reason.

Now, I will point out that the first Obama bow in Japan wasn't a proper Japanese bow. He screwed that one up. Jerky, too deep, hand position wrong. But he's gotten it right with later bows.
Bush sucked face with the KING OF THE NATION that financed 9/11, you cannot get lower than that.....wait, he also sent thousands of Americans to die, and be maimed, to "take out" The Man Who Threatened Poppy, and put al Qaeda on HOLD. Tough to choose LOWEST when it comes to Bush II.
So you've been ripping on all presidents? We missed that. We only see you going unhinged about Obama.

Nixon bows to Mao

If you keep looking, you can find every damn president bowing all over. If a person only goes hysterical over Obama, it indicates such a person is not rational, is a mindless partisan shrieker, and that advanced ODS has destroyed their ability to reason.

Now, I will point out that the first Obama bow in Japan wasn't a proper Japanese bow. He screwed that one up. Jerky, too deep, hand position wrong. But he's gotten it right with later bows.

How can a US President bow to a man who murdered millions of people?

Must be a Republican
So you've been ripping on all presidents? We missed that. We only see you going unhinged about Obama.

Nixon bows to Mao

If you keep looking, you can find every damn president bowing all over. If a person only goes hysterical over Obama, it indicates such a person is not rational, is a mindless partisan shrieker, and that advanced ODS has destroyed their ability to reason.

Now, I will point out that the first Obama bow in Japan wasn't a proper Japanese bow. He screwed that one up. Jerky, too deep, hand position wrong. But he's gotten it right with later bows.

So your defense is that Obama is channeling Nixon, not much of a defense.
So you've been ripping on all presidents? We missed that. We only see you going unhinged about Obama.

Nixon bows to Mao

If you keep looking, you can find every damn president bowing all over. If a person only goes hysterical over Obama, it indicates such a person is not rational, is a mindless partisan shrieker, and that advanced ODS has destroyed their ability to reason.

Now, I will point out that the first Obama bow in Japan wasn't a proper Japanese bow. He screwed that one up. Jerky, too deep, hand position wrong. But he's gotten it right with later bows.

the more I look the more it looks photo shopped.
"This thread only exists because Obama killed Osama,..."

Obama killed noone. Trying to get political milage from what the SEALs did is pretty stupid. They don't take insult well. Nor should they.
"This thread only exists because Obama killed Osama,..."

Obama killed noone. Trying to get political milage from what the SEALs did is pretty stupid. They don't take insult well. Nor should they.

By that measure......bin Laden killed no one either did he?

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