

Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Just some scenarios of this day and age and your initial gut reaction DUE to this day and age. My answers are in red.
You are white come upon two young black men stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?
hell no

You are black and come upon two young black men stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?
not applicable

You are black and come upon two young white guys stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?
not applicable

You are white and come upon two young asian men stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?

You are white and come upon two young hispanics stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?

You are white and come upon a middle aged black man and woman stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?

You are white and come upon two senior black men stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?

You are white and come upon a black man and white woman/Black woman and white man stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?

You come upon two senior/elderly hispanic men stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?

You are black and you see an elderly white man or woman with a cane, fall.
Do you help him/her?
not applicable

You are black/white/asian/hispanic and see a woman with a burqa on, fall.
Do you help him/her?

You are white and see and elderly black man or woman with a cane, fall.
Do you help him/her?

You are white and walking down the street not very populated. Behind you there is a group of 6 young black men walking in the same direction as you.
Do you walk faster or cross the street to put distance between you?
hell yes

You are black and walking down the street not very populated. Behind you there is a group of 6 young white men walking in the same direction as you.
Do you walk faster or cross the street to put distance between you?
not applicable

You are black or white or hispanic and walking down the street not very populated. Behind you are 6 young/middle aged men of any race walking in the same direction as you.
Do you walk faster or cross the street to put distance between you?
yes. caution is best, just in case.

You are black and walking down the street not very populated. IN FRONT of you walking in your direction are 6 young white men.
Do you walk faster or cross the street to put distance between you?
not applicable

You are white and walking down the street not very populated. IN FRONT of you walking in your direction are 6 middle aged black men.
Do you walk faster or cross the street to put distance between you?

You are a white woman and walking down the street not very populated and IN FRONT of you walking in your direction are 6 young black teen GIRLS.
Do you walk faster or cross the street to put distance between you?

You are a black woman and walking down the street not very populated and IN FRONT of you walking in your direction are 6 young white GIRLS.
Do you walk faster or cross the street to put distance between you?
not applicable

You are white/black/asian/hispanic/male/female and are walking down the street not very populated and walking towards you or behind you are 6 middle eastern men.
Do you walk faster or cross the street to put distance between you?
hell yes
So in essence..after reading my own answers...looks like I am leary of youngsters. I think I have cause to be.
  • Thanks
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You live in a very racist part of the country. lack trash white trash I avoid em but I look over the people as people and then classify them
I KNEW someone would come in and start with the racist crap.
It's common sense, bub.
Yeah, just leave two young african americans stuck in a ditch. Definitely not racist or anything.
I forgot to add:

You are a white woman that comes upon two young white men stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?
hell no
Did anyone read the news today of that young florida university white kid that looks normal in his pics, but went and murdered a 59 and 53 year old man and woman...folks he knew cuz his mom lived a couple of blocks away or some such...went to their house, stabbed the neighbor, killed the man and woman, and then commenced to eat the mans face off? Tazer did nothing. Cop dog chewing on the guy to stop him did nothing. It took 3 or more cops to get this guy off this other guys face he was chowing down on and was so evidently yummy. What a way to die, eh?

Todays world is not the same as back when I was younger. Everyone SHOULD be cautious now. Too many loonies.
Did anyone read the news today of that young florida university white kid that looks normal in his pics, but went and murdered a 59 and 53 year old man and woman...folks he knew cuz his mom lived a couple of blocks away or some such...went to their house, stabbed the neighbor, killed the man and woman, and then commenced to eat the mans face off? Tazer did nothing. Cop dog chewing on the guy to stop him did nothing. It took 3 or more cops to get this guy off this other guys face he was chowing down on and was so evidently yummy. What a way to die, eh?

Todays world is not the same as back when I was younger. Everyone SHOULD be cautious now. Too many loonies.
I think I saw that on FACEBOOK.
I forgot to add:

You are a white woman that comes upon two young white men stuck in a ditch or in mud.
Do you help them?
hell no
Not unless you want to end up being raped and robbed.
I doubt I would be raped, being an old lady. Robbed more likely.

Ah. The days of yesteryear....hitch hiking to 'Frisco and actually getting there unscathed, mingling with lots of folks at a jam concert without fear of a bomb somewhere..."if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with" mentality. Gone. Forever.

Stay safe, people. Use common sense.
And...why isn't anyone answering the scenario questions? Afraid someone will think badly of you if you answer honestly? And why should you care what internet message board people think, anyway? Or is it you are afraid of your own answers?

I thought of these scenarios after reading about that guy that helped those two black youngsters, and wound up being robbed and killed AFTER pulling their stuck car out of the ditch. Sad thing is...I probably would have stopped to help too. Until I read the story. Now? Not only hell no, its FUCK NO.
I KNEW someone would come in and start with the racist crap.
It's common sense, bub.
Yeah, just leave two young african americans stuck in a ditch. Definitely not racist or anything.
Never help a democrat.
Never help an islamic.
And that is NOT racist.
Well, my first thought seeing a woman or man fall..regardless of skin color or wearing a burqa or NOT asking their political stance. That's stupid. However, I will be aware of my surrounding to get that person to safety (say, middle of a crosswalk) and what is waiting on the other side. Common sense, people. Be kind, yes. But be very AWARE as well. The two young guys...stay in car, use cell to call someone to come help them. Maybe flag down a cop..who might approach just as cautiously nowadays too. But they have guns and tazers and can handle it better than a little old lady with a tow chain. And again, I wouldn't ask if they are dem or repub...the rescuers or the ones in the ditch.

Do you???

If you wind up in the hospital, do you ask your ER doc what his political persuasion is before you let him help you???? What about your banker? The mail man? The place you bought your car? If you take a bus, do you ask the driver? Jeez.

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